
Damn Necromancer - Chapter 131

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[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]


Chapter 131: Apotheosis

“Oh…so I can’t even go out?”

“Hey, I’m not that bad of a guy. People need to get some sunlight.”

“I, I suppose so?”

“Don’t worry. Even though it’s underground, it gets plenty of sunlight.”


“The design was completely redone, so the facilities are decent, and security is very thorough. You can even go outside once every three months.”

“…What?! Once every three months?”

At that moment.

“Choi Yuna.”

“Yes, sir!”

Startled by Kim Minwoo’s sudden serious tone, she straightened her back.

“You have a rough idea of the value of this production method, right?”


“If word gets out that you’ve learned this, China will immediately send people after you. Can you protect yourself?”

“I…don’t think so.”

Even though her father is a guild master, that doesn’t mean much. Her physical strength is also not that great.

In the end, if a proper awakened being sets their mind to harming her, she would be helpless.

“The best option is to quietly live in a safe place where no one knows about you. Like a secure underground facility, for instance.”

“But where exactly is this place?”

“You’ll see. I’ll take you there.”

“But I haven’t even contacted my family yet…”

“I’m not saying you have to live there right now. We’re just going to take a look.”

Choi Yuna got into the car with him.

Soon after, they arrived at their destination.

“Isn’t this…Kim Minwoo’s house?”

“That’s right.”

An enormously large mansion.

So spacious that the courtyard was divided into separate sections and facilities. The inside was no different.

As they entered, his mother greeted them.

“Welcome. I’ve heard a lot about you from our Minwoo. You’re a renowned alchemist.”

“Ah, hello.”

Choi Yuna greeted her with a bewildered expression. Just after hearing the harsh story about being confined underground, she was now at the mansion, so her confusion was understandable.

After exchanging some pleasantries, they headed towards the underground area.


They passed through the 1st basement level.

The 2nd basement level.

And all the way down to the 3rd basement level with all sorts of facilities, until finally reaching the 4th basement where Choi Yuna exclaimed in amazement.

A spacious area filled with all kinds of alchemy tools and production facilities. The size was so vast that thousands could move around freely.

“How did you build such facilities underground…?”

“Money can make anything possible.”
[TL/N: Ain’t’ that the truth 😔]

If not, then it just means you didn’t spend enough.

With all kinds of materials flooding in through the Gates these days, it wasn’t too difficult to construct such underground facilities.

Making them at external facilities every time was extremely inconvenient, so they expanded the basement area.

Adding the production facilities was just a bonus.

Of course, the chairman covered all the costs and provided equipment at reasonable prices.

He had to do it because that was the least that he could do.

Since it’s the basement of the Ilsung mansion, top-notch security is a given. There’s no better place to produce things in secret.

“But who will be using this? Are you planning to bring in others besides me?”

“No, just you and me will use it. So, what’s your answer?”

“…If I accept, I’ll have to live only on this 4th basement level?”

“If you get bored, you can come up and have meals with us. Naye would probably like that too.”


“My younger sister. She’s very bright and kind.”


The conditions weren’t as strict as she had imagined.

Listening closely, it seemed she would be allowed to take walks in Ilsung’s vast courtyard.

“However, leaving the mansion will only be permitted once every three months, as I mentioned earlier. And you’ll be accompanied by bodyguards.”

“I’ll do it!”

Choi Yuna answered with her eyes tightly shut. Although seven years of being confined was a bit much, the reward was too sweet.

Not to mention, would Kim Minwoo stop at just obtaining that one recipe?

Once he obtains more, who would be the first person he thinks of?

‘Me, the alchemist!’

She would be the first to taste the sweetest nectar. Considering that, it was well worth investing that amount of time.

“Can you start today?”

“Yes! I’ll live here! So what should I do first?”

At that moment.

Rumble rumble.

Huge piles of materials were stacked next to Kim Minwoo.

Choi Yuna was briefly startled by the sheer scale, but then her eyes widened as she received the paper he handed her.

[Highest-Rank Potion Production Method]

[Ingredient List]

[1. 10mg of Colossus’ Spinal Fluid]

[2. Half a Teaspoon (3mg) of Demon’s Heart]

[3. 2.5 Strands of Medusa’s Hair]



[Production Method]

[First, pour 5mg of the spinal fluid and add one strand (8cm) of Medusa’s hair, then 2.73 seconds later add the King Chameleon’s salivary gland…]

‘This isn’t a recipe…’

When a recipe is obtained, a registration message usually appears.

Once registered, the body automatically moves to produce the item, like a skill book.

But this is just a simple note scribbled with a pen on paper.

“Um, about the recipe…”

“You’ll have to find and register that yourself, right? I’ve written down the recipe for you.”

“But, that will take an incredibly long time…”

Simply following the written instructions doesn’t automatically register the recipe.

Even a small mistake in the process or a slight time discrepancy can cause registration failure.

And attempting to produce the supposed most difficult highest-rank potion without the recipe on hand could take ages of trial and error.

Of course, having the production method is far better than being completely clueless, but…

‘Could it be… that’s why he gave me the production method instead of the recipe?’

She thought he was just using mixed terminology since he’s from another profession.

‘…Was that not the case?’

Then, Kim Minwoo shrugged and spoke.

“There are plenty of materials there, so use as much as needed. It’s fine if you fail to register. I’ll provide you with an unlimited supply.”


“By the way, if you can’t register it, there will be no walks. But my mother will bring you meals on time, so don’t skip them. You can get sunlight through that room over there. That’s all.”

“Oh…wait a moment…”

In an instant, Kim Minwoo got into the elevator and went up, leaving Choi Yuna staring blankly at the empty space.

‘Huh? What?’

If walks are prohibited, then…

Was she trapped in here now?

* * *

Choi Yuna is an alchemist with talent in the top ranks of Korea. The only thing lacking for her was recipes.

In other words, if she had plenty of good recipes…

‘She would be no less than the witch.’

The reason witches have such high reputations is because they possess highest-rank potion recipes and receive powerful support from the awakened superpower, the United States.

For example, if a good recipe surfaced, they would monopolize it for the witch.

‘It’s not like their reputations are without some inflated sense.’

If Choi Yuna is cultivated properly, she may deflate the witch’s inflated reputation too.

It would take the skeletons’ alchemy quite some time to reach the highest ranks.

For now, it seemed fitting to have the skeletons mass-produce while leaving high-grade items to Choi Yuna.

‘Since I’ve confined her…’

Considering her quickly improving skills, she may show results within 2 days if she works hard to earn walking privileges.

‘Now then…’

It’s time to set up bigger plans.

Kim Minwoo’s eyes gleamed.

Selling highest-rank potions at 10 times the price.

No proper nation would purchase potions at such inflated prices, no matter how good they are.

‘But China is a bit different.’

The flow of funds? Up to the leadership’s whims.

So the conclusion is simple.

‘I just need to make the top brass unable to refuse buying them.’

It’s about time to get to work.

At the Ilsung mansion’s training hall, Seo Yerim and Park Siwoo had already gathered.

It wasn’t just those two.

The entire 1st Team of the Ilsung Guild had also assembled.

This was for the training that Nam Cheolmin had requested previously.

Kim Minwoo approached them while summoning Merhen and Cedric.



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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“Hello everyone.”

At those words, the Ilsung Guild members respectfully bowed their heads, clearly intending to show proper courtesy to their trainers.

‘They seem mentally prepared.’

Perhaps due to the shock of their previous defeat, they all had sharp gazes, as if trying to grasp any extra bit of knowledge.

This would make things easier for the instructors.

Soon after, Kim Minwoo spoke.

“Though the Money Talks Guild has grown, we at Ilsung have no intention of abandoning you. In fact, we plan to invest even more heavily.”

“…Invest heavily?”

“Is that true?”

The awakened ones asked with brightened expressions.

Kim Minwoo, an awakened being representing Ilsung’s leadership – his words carried the weight of Ilsung’s response.

No wonder they looked so delighted.

With a wide smile, he answered.

“Indeed. For those who show exceptional progress in training, we plan to supply even highest-rank potions.”

“Hi-Highest-rank potions, you say?”

“Yes. Enough to fully maximize your stats.”


The awakened ones swallowed hard.

Highest-rank potions – mere rumors circulated about their tremendous effects, but the reality was known to only a minority.

It was an extremely rare item whose existence was tightly controlled, so very few awakened ones had ever seen it in reality.

Even those who did see and consume it seemed to have made some unspoken pact to keep their mouths shut, only letting slip that the effects were very good.

But everyone knew that much – that after the witch obtained the recipe, the U.S. won almost every competition hands down.

According to Kim Minwoo, a single highest-rank potion costs 800 million won in raw materials.

At an average of just 200 potions each, that’s 16 billion won per person.

An investment of 16 billion won per person?

The exact number of beneficiaries was uncertain, but one thing was clear – his statement about making large investments was no lie.

For Kim Minwoo, it wasn’t a huge burden either.

‘It’s not even my money anyway.’

Highest-rank potions – unlike others, Kim Minwoo knew their detailed effects very well.

They raised total stats by 600 points.

Consuming 600 potions would max out an awakened one’s stats completely.

Just the raw material cost to feed one awakened being was around 480 billion won.

‘But the U.S. will provide all those materials.’

That was one of the conditions for not selling highest-rank potions to other countries.

Of course, they wouldn’t provide unlimited supplies either.

They had agreed to supply enough materials for around 200 people per year.

‘They have to do it.’

From the U.S. perspective, it was better to prevent leaks and provide materials than lose all trust of their ally and start a ruinous competition.

Calculated monetarily, that’s around 96 trillion won.

A small price to pay to preserve their hegemony, no?

Of course, there were additional conditions beyond just material supplies.

That was merely the first condition of several.

In any case, since they would be receiving plentiful materials, Kim Minwoo planned to share those benefits with the Ilsung Guild as well.

‘That investment will return tenfold.’

“Then let’s begin the lessons.”

The format was the same as the 2nd exam’s separation by roles.

As they were dividing into roles, Kim Minwoo called out to Guild Master Nam Cheolmin, who was approaching Seo Yerim.

“Guild Master Nam.”


“Come join me.”


“You’ll have a lot to learn from me as well.”

Nam Cheolmin tilted his head in confusion, but soon approached him.

“Vice Guild Master, come over here too.”

In total, Kim Minwoo called over ten people – the top S-rank line from the 1st Team.

Unsheathing his sword, he said.

“Let’s begin the lesson. All of you can attack me together.”

“…Aren’t you going to summon undead?”


Park Siwoo finished off the vice guild master in ten moves.

Moreover, he is better with a sword and has much higher stats than that guy.

He can win even without undead.

Still, with the skilled Nam Cheolmin present, it might take about 5 minutes.

At those words, they hesitated as if their pride was wounded, but only briefly.

“…Here we go!”

The entire 1st Team of Ilsung charged at him.

The result came in less than 5 minutes – all the Ilsung members were struck down, their sword hilts hitting their foreheads.

If not for Nam Cheolmin putting up a bit of resistance, it would have ended in less than 2 minutes.

Kim Minwoo gathered the guild members.

“First, Guild Master Nam.”


Seeming stunned by the unexpectedly futile result, Nam Cheolmin answered weakly.

“You mix in evasion skills like the Mirage Step, right? Like this.”

“…You know the Mirage Step too?”

“I do.”

Kim Minwoo had been playing this game for 15 years.

It was safe to say he was familiar with almost every skill.

“Doing it like that is subpar though, try it like this – like riding the wind.”

Kim Minwoo demonstrated with smooth body movements.

Past his initial confusion, Nam Cheolmin activated a skill and mimicked the movements.

At that moment:

[Title Effect ‘The Greatest Mentor’ has activated!]
[TL/N: Ultimate Master -> The Greatest Mentor]

[Imparting teachings!]

[Target’s learning effect greatly increased!]

With the message, Nam Cheolmin’s movements visibly improved.

It was a title he gained thanks to the Sword Saint.

‘Indeed, the effects are good.’

It kept triggering whenever he sparred with Siwoo from time to time.

This time was no different.


“Much better, right?”

“But how is this…”

Nam Cheolmin stared at himself with wide, stunned eyes.

It must be pretty shocking for a necromancer to coach an archer’s skills.

Kim Minwoo shrugged.

Having played this game, he had faced world-rank archers more than once or twice.

With experience against awakened experts utilizing all sorts of techniques, giving pointers to an archer like Nam Cheolmin wasn’t difficult.

“And when you draw the bow, there were a few bad habits…”

Advice began pouring out instantly.

* * *

The uproar over China’s export controls had subsided for a time.

After about 2 weeks, the situation gradually calmed down.

China, which had been frothing at the mouth to bite Korea, suddenly went quiet.

It seemed April would end without any further incidents, but…

[(Breaking News!) Ilsung Guild Issues Challenge to Nine Dragon Guild!]

[(Breaking News!) Confident for Good Reason? Ilsung Guild Feeds Highest-Rank Potions to All S-Rank Awakened of 1st Team!]

[(Breaking News!) Guild Master Nam Cheolmin Declares He’ll Fiercely Show His Transformation! Through the Guild Battle, They’ll Crush the Nine Dragon Guild and Be Recognized as a top tier guild worldwide!…]

The sudden massive news set ablaze communities in both Korea and China.



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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