
Damn Necromancer - Chapter 239

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[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]


Chapter 239: Looting

[Amazing Achievement!]

[A total of 10 Baal's Spirit Orbs have been created!]

[Pioneering a new realm of alchemy!]

[Acquired the title, 'You've Got Talent!']

[Acquired the title, 'Master of Dexterity!']

[The probability of discovering new recipes has slightly increased!]

Choi Yuna stared blankly at the message that appeared before her eyes.

After Kim Minwoo handed her the recipe.

It was she who consulted with Iris, who was in charge of assistant work, about making potions.

No wonder! A mere consumable spirit orb possessed the absurd rank of Ancient+!

A spirit orb, not even equipment, having such a rank?

It meant it was unimaginably rare. The potions released on Earth so far proved it.

At best, they were Rare or Unique, and very occasionally, Legend might appear.

Ancient rank?


So she recited the recipe for 'Baal's Spirit Orb' to Iris.

— Wait a minute. Baal?


— You don't mean, that Baal?

"Do you know something?"

— Of course, I do, you idiot! Don't tell me you don't know Baal?

She could see Iris in a state of extreme excitement.


Certainly, just hearing the name made it seem like a formidable monster. There were even rumors about it on Earth.

The story of the 72 demons.

But rumors were just rumors.

Even if there were demon-type monsters, there were no stories of witnessing such grand monsters like the 72 demons.

The highest-level demon discovered in gates so far was known to be a Balrog. A super high-ranking demon starting from level 700.

On the other hand, Iris's explanation was different.

— To think humans' perspective is this narrow. This Earth is truly a remote backwater, huh?

"What are you talking about? Explain it so I can understand."

— I'll summarize it simply. Baal is far, far superior to those Balrogs. In terms of rank? If Baal were the president, a Balrog would at best be a presidential bodyguard.

"... A bodyguard?"

— Yeah. Not even a prime minister or a minister. Just bodyguard A, B, C, that level. Baal's level alone would easily exceed 10,000.

"Level... exceeding 10,000? Is that possible?"

— Why wouldn't it be? Ha! Don't tell me, the structure on Earth makes it hard to even surpass level 2,000? That's why your perspective is so narrow. Earth isn't the whole world, it's like a rural village tucked away in a corner.

"... Really?"

— Really! Gates are, how should I put it! Yeah. Roughly, they serve the purpose of connecting rural villages. So you humans have no idea how vast the world truly is.

Choi Yuna scratched her cheek.

It had already been over two months since that witch joined as an assistant. Choi Yuna had grasped some basic information about her.

That she came from another dimension.

That she was an apprentice witch from the Eastern Witches' Coven. That she then became a subordinate of Merhen, Kim Minwoo's summon.

And also, that the scope of the 'world' the witch spoke of was incredibly vast.

However, even so, it was hard to believe the story that the monster Baal was a crazy monster with a level exceeding 10,000. In other words, didn't it mean that Kim Minwoo had caught such a monster?

"Does that make sense? Minwoo's level, no matter how high you estimate it, wouldn't be 1,000, would it?"

—That's why that human is a monster. At level 500, he caught me, a full-fledged witch, and a dragon. But, I never imagined Baal. Is that really an Ancient+ rank?

"I told you it is."

—If a mere spirit orb has that rank, it must be the Baal I know. But, if that's true, it's a bit strange....

"What's strange?"

—I'm not completely without connections, you know? I was quite the social butterfly in the Eastern Witches' Coven. Even now, I occasionally contact my colleagues.

"...Really? I'm a bit envious. I don't have any friends."

—That's because you work all day! Anyway! My friends would tell me whenever there was important news. But Baal is dead and there's no word? This is very strange.

"Maybe they didn't know he was dead."

—No. If an entity like Baal dies, the Witches' Coven can't not know. Because... the demon realm is a profitable market. Witches are merchants. So it'll reach their ears one way or another.

"What if the Witches' Coven knows but is controlling the information?"

—That's impossible. If Baal died, there would definitely be upheaval in the demon realm. It's not just a change in power. Baal is the supreme Demon Lord supporting the demon realm. The demon realm would immediately shake and be in chaos, you know? How could they not know? Wait a minute.

Iris, who said so, took out a crystal ball. Then, as she touched it, the crystal ball started to hum.

—Yes, yes. It's me, Iris. Is there any news from the demon realm? None? Nothing at all? You're not hiding anything from me, are you? Absolutely not? Then...

Iris, swallowing her saliva, asked.

—How's Lord Baal doing these days?

Soon, her brows furrowed.

—Wait a minute. I'll call you back later. Something urgent came up. Yes, love you!

She hurriedly put away the extinguished crystal ball and looked at Choi Yuna with a serious face.

"Was the person you just contacted your boyfriend?"

—Oh my god! It's not like that! It's Nyunpia, a female friend! In your human terms, a bestie! That's not important! About Baal.

"Yes. What about Baal?"

—...He's alive and well, apparently.


—He's alive, they say. It's certain. It's not old information either. Just two days ago, they said Baal went on an inspection tour of his territory. They wouldn't be able to fake that kind of presence...

Then, with a serious face, Iris said.

—What is this? If we got the recipe, he must be dead.

"No, we don't have to think that way. Maybe a hidden monster named Baal directly handed over the recipe?"

—As expected, Yuna, you're an idiot. Do you think that makes sense?

"Why wouldn't it?"

—If you had a recipe that required your teeth, hair, or bones to make the supreme spirit orb, would you just leave it be?

"Uh... if it's the supreme spirit orb, couldn't you leave it alone? If your own body materials are included, it's like copying the spirit orb."

—...Really, they say stupidity is innovative... Sigh. I'll summarize it simply. First, making the spirit orb that way only harms Baal. It uses his own power to regenerate. Second, even if he makes the spirit orb that way, it has no effect on Baal himself."

"What if he made it to give to his subordinates?"

—Lastly, third, Baal is not a philanthropist. He's a cruel demon. No demon would sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others. Not even the dumbest demon, the Gremlin!"

"...Just the conclusion."

—Master's master must have killed Baal, but strangely Baal is alive. That's my conclusion. It's a very strange situation. Is this even possible?

Iris, who said so, muttered to herself.

—Could it be that we've traveled back in time? Killed Baal in the past? That's impossible. Then there's no way it wouldn't affect the present Baal. Unless there's a space where time is distorted... But even a god couldn't create such a space. What is this?

As if facing an unsolvable puzzle, Iris's eyes grew increasingly cloudy.

'Here we go again.'

Choi Yuna sighed.

It wasn't uncommon for researchers to get lost in their own thoughts, but she could guarantee that no one did it as frequently and repeatedly as this witch.

Anyway, she had gained important information.

That the monster Baal was incomparably stronger than a Balrog, and that Kim Minwoo was a monster who had defeated it.

Therefore, the recipe was originally precious, but knowing this information now, it was unimaginably valuable.


She couldn't make any mistakes.

This was an elixir she might never be able to obtain again. Well, maybe not, since Baal was alive, but still.

It was an extremely precious recipe, and with the current ingredients, she couldn't even make 20 of them.



[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

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Thus, Choi Yuna spent the most passionate and careful six days of her life...

And the result was the message she saw before her eyes.

'I did it! I did it! I really did it!'

She had heard that Kim Minwoo was leaving to conquer a gate tomorrow.

So she wanted to supply him with Baal's Spirit Orbs before that.

Preferably 10 of them.

The reason was simple.

Consuming 5 of them permanently activated the special effect 'Baal's Resilience'.

And the highlight, consuming 10 of them, randomly generated one of Baal's skills. It was a crazy effect.

Fortunately, she was able to meet the deadline, just barely.

'This will make him a bit safer.'

Kim Minwoo had to stay alive. He was a recipe provider like rain in a drought.

Of course, he was like a disaster to most alchemists...

But that wasn't Choi Yuna's concern.

She hurriedly went up to the first floor and said to Kim Minwoo, who was watching TV in the living room.

"Minwoo! I finished it! I finished it! All 10 of them!"

"Oh, really?"

"Yes! No failures at all! I did well, right?"


Kim Minwoo let out an exclamation of admiration.

* * *

It was an Ancient+ rank spirit orb, after all.

Even with the help of the recipe, making her body move automatically.

The failure rate was by no means low. Especially for an Earth alchemist, not a witch.

Nevertheless, he had entrusted it to Choi Yuna to nurture her in the long run.

She had produced even better results than entrusting it to a witch.

Zero failures?

Even the Grand Witch Ananke...

'No, a Grand Witch would have definitely succeeded...'

Still, it was definitely an overwhelming achievement, beyond expectations.

He received the spirit orbs from her.

[Baal's Spirit Orb]

[Rank: Ancient+]

[A spirit orb made from Baal's bones, teeth, hair, and the materials of super high-ranking demons. Special effects are granted when consuming multiple orbs.]

[Effect 1. Upon consumption, increases all stats by 50. A maximum of ten orbs can be consumed.]

[Effect 2. When 5 orbs are consumed, the special effect - 'Baal's Resilience' is permanently activated.]

[Effect 3. When all 10 orbs are consumed, one of Baal's skills is randomly generated.]

A total of ten of these crimson spirit orbs.

‘I haven't even eaten them yet, but I already feel full…’

"Wow! They're pretty!"

Naye, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the spirit orbs with sparkling eyes.

"They look delicious! So much!"

"Naye, you can't eat them. You haven't awakened yet."

"Aww. When will I awaken? I want to be an awesome Awakened like you, brother..."



Originally, Naye was a non-awakened character.

This was the result of playing as Kim Minwoo hundreds, no, thousands of times.

She was a special character whose awakening conditions even countless users couldn't figure out.


That didn't mean she couldn't awaken. Everyone in the world had awakening conditions, and Naye wouldn't be an exception.

Moreover, crucially.

'Alex, that sly little guy, said it.'

That he saw a vision of the future.

In that vision, Naye was incredibly strong. Monsters all around exploded with a single kick from her.

'There were signs.'

Kids liked meat, but in Naye's case, she liked it a lot, a lot.

He guaranteed it.

If he banned meat, there would be a sea of tears for a month, no, a whole year.


'Her strength is also beyond imagination.'

Even in an unawakened state.

'What could Naye's awakening condition be?'

He didn't know.

He'd have to figure that out gradually.

"Naye, you'll awaken someday too. To prepare for that time, you need to study hard, make good friends, and all that, okay?"


"What about boys?"

"Except for you and dad, they're all wolves! I have to be careful!"

"That's right. Be careful of that blonde-haired friend too."

"Yes, yes!"

She was a very smart little sister.

After gently stroking Naye's head.

He went into his room.

To consume the spirit orbs.

'I hope I get a good draw.'

July 31st.

Just one day until the Demon Realm masquerade where the demon lords gather. There was very unfortunate news.

The nuclear bomb had been used, the dice of fate only rolled misfortune, and both the necklace's resurrection and the ring's miracle functions had been exhausted.

Now all he could rely on was the Death Emperor's Crown, his own skills and guts, and lastly, the skill from this spirit orb.

"Baal, bro. I'm counting on you."

You're the number one demon lord in the demon realm, right?

You must be overflowing with good skills.

With faith, he swallowed the spirit orb.


[Consuming Baal's Spirit Orb!]

[All stats increased by 50...]


[A total of five Baal's Spirit Orbs have been consumed!]


[Special Situation!]

['Baal' is currently alive!]


[Calculation complete.]

[Spirit Orbs can be crafted after killing 'Baal' and obtaining the recipe.]

[However, as the target 'Baal' is currently alive, this is a completely contradictory situation.]

[Analysis results confirm that 'Kim Minwoo' himself has entered a special temporal distortion, a 'Fragment'.]


['Steal' the abilities of the currently living Baal!]

[Ownership of 'Baal's Resilience' has been transferred to the target, 'Kim Minwoo'!]

[Baal has lost his resilience!]


[Baal will instinctively become aware of the one who stole his ability!]


He had thought he would simply gain Baal's ability as well.


"This is too good."

To promote Vulcan, he had to kick out the existing old-timers who were occupying the position.

And those old-timers had become weaker?

It was the best news.

Kim Minwoo's face brightened.

Moreover, he hadn't even eaten all 10 yet.



[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

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