
Damn Necromancer - Chapter 208

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[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]


Chapter 208: Saviour (1)

Gates are treasure troves.

But the shadows are as deep as the dazzling lights.

‘Explosions occur quite frequently.’

The reasons were varied.

Lack of manpower to manage them.

Complacency about safety.

Failure to conquer them.

Or, rarely, they could explode for no particular reason.

The Yongin City Gate explosion that Siwoo experienced was just such a case.

That’s why Awakened and soldiers were stationed around the gates.

In any case…

‘This wasn’t supposed to happen…’

A gate exploded in Japan.

Minwoo checked the news.

For the past week, news from Japan had been hitting the world.

The gist was simple.

Japan was a relatively strong Awakened nation, and there were quite a few guilds that could hold their own.

The Sumire Guild, ranked 10th in Japan, was one of them.
[TL/N: Just so u guys know the guild name is not wrong here!! The raw 스미레 (Sumire) and 사쿠라 (Sakura) were different in 208 n 207 respectively.]

They were one of the guilds recognized as a one of top 1.5 percentile in power in the world, entering S-rank gates like it was nothing.

As usual, they attempted to conquer the S-rank gate ‘Blazing Volcano’ located in Hokkaido.

“And they failed spectacularly. The gate exploded three days after entering…”

Did they touch something they shouldn’t have inside?

The explosion of a gate meant nothing less than the annihilation of the raid team that entered.

[Japanese Prime Minister, Hokkaido is fine. It’s just a passing breeze. He expresses confidence that it will be resolved soon…]

Prime Minister Masato, who was confident when the incident first occurred.

Looking at the photos circulating on the internet, his face was becoming more haggard by the day.

Now, a week later, Masato’s face was practically a skeleton.

The 10th ranked Sumire Guild was wiped out.

Afterward, the top guilds joined forces to attempt a raid on the Spirit King that escaped, but they suffered immense damage.

‘Is the Fire Spirit King that strong?’

Minwoo also knew about the Fire Spirit King. He had experience raiding Japanese gates when he played the game in the past.

Recalling his memories, no matter how much he thought about it, the Fire Spirit King wasn’t a monster strong enough to kill the top Japanese guilds.

‘Well, I guess that’s why…’

That’s why the World Gate Association designated it as a special alert monster.

Even more surprising was the fact that Japan was still refusing international aid.

They were particularly resistant to help from Korea.

To the extent that…

[Prime Minister Masato enraged at the news of possible Korean support!]

[‘Korea is Japan’s younger brother. No older brother wants help from his younger brother,’ he said…]

To say such things in an official setting…

“Hyung, what should we do?”

Minwoo saw his guild members looking at him with bright eyes.

They had also been watching the news of the explosion from Japan on their smartphones.

“What do you mean, what should we do? They told us not to help. Mind your own business.”

“Is that really okay?”

“Of course. Should we just go? We’ll be lucky if we don’t get yelled at for stealing monsters.”

“He’s right. You know their attitude. That damn older brother complex.”

Yerim said with a chuckle.

The relationship between Japan and Korea in the game was far more delicate than in reality.

This was because there was a clear indicator of national power: the Awakened.

Japan was a so-called Awakened powerhouse.

Whereas Korea?

They were an Awakened weakling.

For Japan, pushing the “reliable older brother, unreliable younger brother” narrative, receiving help from Korea would be unimaginable.

That’s why they were so resistant, even with the news of Hokkaido burning.

“Well… other Awakened powerhouses solve their own problems, so it would be a bit awkward if they were the only ones receiving help.”

“That’s right, Siah. Germany always solves their explosions on their own.”

Siah nodded.

Usually, when a gate exploded, it was common to solve it on their own.

Receiving help would make them look weak.

Especially if they were an Awakened superpower.

It was a stupid reason, but sadly, this was the reality. Another reason was the issue of rewards.

“So just do your own thing. If they’re desperate, they’ll call for help.”

…That was the plan.

Until Minwoo saw the video uploaded on NewTube…


Maybe he had to go to Japan himself?


Even though Japan was desperately trying to block information, videos related to the raid were already spreading everywhere.

This was because all sorts of media outlets had flocked to the scene when the first raid was attempted.

It was a team composed of elites from the top 10 Japanese guilds. It was a luxurious force, too much for just hunting an S-rank boss.

The number alone was a whopping two hundred.

Considering that an average of thirty people entered an S-rank gate, this was almost seven times the usual force.

Their average level was close to 700, and they had all consumed fire resistance potions and equipped themselves with fire resistance gear.

The Japanese government naturally thought they would succeed in the raid, so they didn’t stop the media from filming.

—There it is. The Fire Spirit King.

Two hundred people.

The leader of the Sakura Guild, who was in command, spoke on their behalf. The gigantic body of the Spirit King, which towered high into the sky, could be seen. It was about 20 meters tall.

The sight of the giant flames blazing was spectacular.

—Citizens, you can rest assured. The problem will be solved soon.

Despite this, there was no fear in the eyes of the Sakura Guild master.

When gates reached S-rank, the bosses tended to look terrifying.

The Fire Spirit King was no different. Moreover, the Blazing Volcano was one of the more popular main gates.

Naturally, the people gathered here, including the Sakura Guild master, had seen the Fire Spirit King before.

The Spirit King looked the same as usual.

That’s why they were careless.

And they must have thought:

The Sumire Guild’s failure was probably just an accident caused by carelessness.

Even though they were thinking the same thing.

—Then, I’ll solve it and come back. Let’s go!

The Sakura Guild master shouted confidently and moved.

That was his last will and testament.

—Aaack! Help me!

—Put out the fire, damn it!

—Block it! Block it!

The Spirit King opened its mouth wide.

Thousands of spirits poured out of its mouth like cockroaches, blazing with fire. The ranged units, including the mages, unleashed their area-of-effect skills, but they could only handle a hundred or two.

The small spirits surrounded the Awakened and burned them with an endless stream.

It was a one-sided massacre.


The video ended there.

After that, Japan’s control tightened, and videos related to Hokkaido were cut off.

‘It’s strong. Much stronger than I knew.’

The reason for the raid’s failure.

The Fire Spirit King was much stronger than Minwoo had known.

The flames were different.

They were fully equipped with fire resistance gear and potions.

Not only that, but the mages, priests, and paladins had also used all their attribute resistance skills. Under normal circumstances, there was no reason for the Awakened to be burned just because some small fry attacked them.

No, they shouldn’t have been burned.

But they were.



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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They burned brightly and fell.

Even the survivors were said to be hovering between life and death due to severe burns.

‘The number of summoned minions has also increased several times.’

One of the Fire Spirit King’s skills.

Fire Spirit Summoning.

Originally, only about five hundred should have appeared, but thousands of spirits poured out of its mouth.

‘The decisive factor… was the lack of unity.’

The raid team was formed overnight by gathering members from the top 10 guilds.

Would it be strange if they didn’t work together well?

As soon as things got a little tough, their formation fell apart. Many Awakened fled for their lives.

The fear that spread like a plague quickly broke their ranks. If they had fought to the death and retreated little by little, the casualties might have been less.


The boss doesn’t get stronger just because the gate explodes.

Did the Sumire Guild do something wrong inside that made the Fire Spirit King stronger?

Or was there a third variable?

Minwoo couldn’t know yet.

‘The reward would be good if I caught it.’

The problem was that Japan, whose first raid team had been wiped out, was grinding its teeth.

If he went there and hunted it, the chances of trouble were too high.

‘Well, they’ll figure it out on their own…’


“Huh? What’s wrong?”

Hayang pecked at Minwoo’s clothes with her beak, drawing his attention. Then she tapped her beak on the smartphone screen.

The video started playing again.

Amazingly, Hayang could be seen crying while pointing its beak at the timer bar.

“Skip ahead?”


While skipping through, Hayang flapped her wings at the scene where the Fire Spirit King stood tall like a mountain.




Hayang nodded vigorously.

It was very lively, like a bird seeing a worm…

Minwoo immediately caught on.

“…You want to eat it?”


“Your stomach? Aren’t you full?”

Hayang shook her head.

Well, come to think of it, Hayang had eaten the Abyss attribute, not the fire attribute.

Maybe, like how humans have separate stomachs for snacks and meals, Hayang had something similar.

‘If I feed the Spirit King to Hayang…’

It seemed like Minwoo could instantly turn the fire attribute, which was already close to 60%, into a profound attribute.

The Spirit King had become much stronger than Minwoo knew.

‘It’s strange that something like that appeared on Earth…’

It was a monster that slaughtered two hundred elites in an instant. It wasn’t at the level of an ordinary S-rank gate boss. That must be why Hayang’s appetite was piqued.

“Hmm… Hokkaido.”

First of all, it was now a no-entry zone. The airport had long since been destroyed by the Spirit King’s attack.

Going there and catching it was one thing.

But the problem was how to deal with Japan’s reaction.

Both Japan and other countries had laws regarding gates.

Simply put, the byproducts of a gate belonged to the country where it occurred.

There were exceptions in special cases (foreigners entering a gate with the country’s consent or international aid), but Japan was openly refusing aid.

The Fire Spirit King had been strengthened, so there was no telling what rewards might drop, and if they did, there was a high chance of ownership disputes.

Moreover, Japan might even use the media against Minwoo.

For example…

—We were going to catch the Fire Spirit King and get sweet rewards to become stronger, but you ruined it!


—You stole Japan’s property!

‘It’s far-fetched, but they could do it if they wanted to.’

Even though two hundred people failed, there were still plenty of Awakened in Japan.

That meant they had the capacity to mobilize even more. If it really didn’t work out, they could ask for international aid.

Then the Spirit King would be subjugated.

No one can withstand overwhelming numbers.

Prime Minister Masato was probably holding out because the worst hadn’t happened yet.

Minwoo had to hunt the Spirit King before it got to that point.

‘It would be best to hunt it without anyone knowing…’

But the monster was the focus of attention across Japan. It would be foolish to think they wouldn’t notice if he tried to snatch it away.

They would be using satellites, aerial reconnaissance, and Awakened skills to closely monitor the Spirit King 24 hours a day. Minwoo had to operate under the assumption that if he hunted it, he would definitely get caught.

‘It’s also difficult to just send Hayang to eat the attribute.’

Hayang’s invisibility would be lifted during the absorption process. In other words, from Japan’s perspective, they would witness a bird flying around and the Fire Spirit King weakening in real-time.

‘And it would become common knowledge that the bird is mine.’

Hayang had been revealing herself from time to time. Those who were quick-witted would probably figure out that it was Minwoo’s divine beast.

And most importantly…

‘If it’s weakened, I should be the one to catch it.’

If Minwoo hid and sent only Hayang, he would end up setting the table for Japan to reap the rewards.

Absorbing attributes didn’t kill the monster.

The Abyss Lord was a prime example.

Although Hayang weakened it, Minwoo and his guild members, along with Leluya, were the ones who hunted it down.

‘If we’re going to get caught anyway, it’s better to prepare first.’

Minwoo made a phone call.

—Oh, Minwoo! What’s up?

A friendly voice answered.

President Lee Kanghoon of South Korea.

It was his voice.

“Mr. President. I have some questions.”

—Go ahead.

“About Hokkaido. Is the damage severe?”

The Japanese government was desperately trying to hide information.

The president of a neighboring country would be the one to know the exact situation.

—It’s considerable. It’s no exaggeration to say that 1/3 of it has burned down. Many civilians have probably died as well.

“And yet they refuse to accept aid?”

—…Yes. Masato, that man, has a very strong sense of pride. That’s probably why.

“He’s crazy. Sacrificing so much for pride.”

—Haha. That’s true. It’s just a matter of accepting help. From the perspective of a president of a weak nation, it’s an incomprehensible move. Anyway, what’s the matter?

“Ah, about that. I want to catch the Spirit King.”

—…That monster?

“Yes. It’s a monster I really need. So I’m thinking of going to Hokkaido.”

—Oh… Hmm. Yes, if you need it, you should catch it. Helping you isn’t difficult, but…

“I have my own means. I’m not going in without a plan. So, it’ll be hard to enter the country legally, right?”

—Japan’s eyes are bloodshot right now. They’ve been humiliated, so they’ll definitely try to resolve it themselves. They won’t give foreign Awakened a chance to take it. Especially not Guild Master Kim Minwoo…

That’s why Minwoo called.

To get information about Hokkaido.

And to get some help in the upcoming public opinion battle.

“You’ll help me, right? Mr. President.”

—Of course. We’re not strangers, are we? We’re both Korean. Korea is always on Guild Master Kim’s side. So do what you want.

“Thank you. Then, let’s wage a public opinion war.”

—A public opinion war…?

“My NewTube subscribers have reached 130 million. If I start a live stream, many people will probably watch it.”

—Aha. You’re going to show the situation in Hokkaido through that?

“Exactly. If I reveal the scale of the damage that the Japanese side is hiding and broadcast the capture of the Spirit King live…”

—International opinion will turn in our favor. The Prime Minister will be in a difficult position. He’ll be legally bound… and we’ll have something to say.


Then at least Minwoo would have something to say after taking the Spirit King. As the savior of Hokkaido.

It was time to move according to plan.



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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