
Damn Necromancer - Chapter 132

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[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]


Chapter 132: A Guild Battle

Liang Xiaojun’s attempt to break the record failed.

The humiliation he suffered in the starting battle.

President Li Zemin’s mood has been extremely uncomfortable lately.

He was so uncomfortable that he even played the export control card.

If that bastard Kim Minwoo didn’t make a direct apology gesture, he was thinking of instantly strangling Korea’s neck.

But that attempt was completely blocked.

Intense pressure from the United States and its allies.

China could control exports, but if they did, China would suffer much greater losses.

So he was barely holding back…

“A Guild Battle? Huh, what’s this again…”

Seeing the newspaper, he crumpled it up in an unpleasant manner.

The Nine Dragon Guild.

It’s the top elite guild in China, nurtured by the Communist Party with all resources.

It was known to be a part of the top guilds out there.

Of course, it’s in the middle ranks among the top guilds, but that’s certainly not a low level.

‘But how dare they…’

Ones who were barely at mid level at best dared to issue a challenge?

And they are practically no different from Kim Minwoo’s underlings?

How insignificant does China look to them, for an individual to act so arrogantly?

Gritting his teeth, the President made a call.

Soon after, the Nine Dragon Guildmaster, practically his subordinate, visited his office.

“You summoned me, President?”

“You’ve heard the news too, right?”

“Of course.”

“What should we do?”

“Normally, we shouldn’t accept it. If we engage with an opponent below our level, it would only hurt our dignity.”

“I agree. But if we ignore it, all sorts of nonsense could come out.”

President Li looked at the Nine Dragon Guildmaster.

“If we ignore them, they might keep barking without knowing their place.”


“And the more we’re seen as avoiding a lower-tier opponent, the more public opinion will turn against us.”

“We could send a 2nd-tier guild or another top guild instead.”

“Not 2nd-tier. You should know roughly about the effects of the Highest Rank Potions.”

The Nine Dragon Guildmaster nodded.

No matter how tight the security from the US and allies, China was still a formidable nation in its own right.

Through thorough analysis, they had estimated the effects of the Highest Rank Potions.

Roughly increasing all stats by around 150.

That was no small effect.

There was a possibility of a crushing defeat if they sent out a 2nd-tier guild.

On top of that, they specifically requested the Guild Battle format.

Ten fighters from each side would come out and fight until one side was completely annihilated.

“…Nam Cheolmin, that bastard was quite skilled with the bow.”

The only weakness of the Nine Dragon Guild.

While their average level was high, they lacked any truly world-class elite talents.

How many could pass all the criteria of talent, skill, background, and loyalty?

That’s why they were evaluated as a middle-tier top guild.

“President. That may be so. But it’s not one-on-one, it’s ten-on-ten. The side with the higher average will definitely win. And my skills, even considering the Highest Rank Potion, are no less than Nam Cheolmin’s.”

“…I know your skills well. That’s why I wonder why they’re so brazenly charging at us…”

Top guilds aren’t top guilds for no reason.

The average level, equipment, stats, and cohesion of members.

Countless factors had to exceed a certain threshold to be recognized as a top guild.

The President thought the same.

He too had been an A-rank Awakened in the past.

So he knew well that it wouldn’t be solved by just taking some Highest Rank Potions.

Then why were they charging in?

“…Could it be that they think we’ll refuse the Guild Battle?”

“Since we won’t accept the fight anyway, they want to bark while they can?”

“Yes. If we ignore them, they’ll keep barking then retreat. Or if we send another top guild, they’ll insult the Nine Dragon Guild as cowards and flee…”

“You make a fair point.”

The President tapped his fingers on the desk, a habit when he was deep in thought.

Soon after, he asked with a glint in his eyes.

“Are you confident you can win decisively?”

“I’m certain. Even considering the Highest Rank Potions, it would be 8:2 at best.”

He and Nam Cheolmin would be even.

Even if he lost, there were other guild members like the Vice Guild master. With their overwhelming average level, victory was assured.

“Then let’s escalate this. Let’s properly crush those bastards while we’re at it.”

“As you wish, President.”

The Nine Dragon Guildmaster’s eyes glistened along with the President’s.

* * *

Ilsung, the #1 conglomerate in Korea.

Despite the name, their guild’s level was just mediocre.

Always ranked 5th.

There were already talks that the Money Talks Guild was overtaking them and Ilsung was getting pummeled…

―What? They’re challenging the Nine Dragon Guild? Is this for real?

―Is that the extent of the Highest Rank Potions?

―No one knows the exact effects though, right?

―Right. Both the takers and suppliers keep it confidential?

―Right lol, It’s just known that it’s way better than the regular rank.

―Obviously lol Since they made it, the US hasn’t dropped from #1 in the Ranker Wars lol

―Is the effect good enough for a 2.5-tier guild to beg a top guild?

―Even so, that’s going too far; it’s not some legendary potion lol

―Haven’t broadcasting stations tried analyzing the effects?

―The Awakened who took it hide their activities for a month or two. Makes analysis nearly impossible.

―Right. Heard they disrupt their stats in that period by leveling up or changing gear. So the exact estimates are unknown.

―Why hide it so much though?

―Does “strategic asset” sound like a joke? lol

―Right. There are many reasons like maintaining military advantage, using it as diplomatic leverage, preventing hostile nations, etc.

―True. So it’s a bit sloppy, but they do hide the potion effects that way. And people don’t really care about the topic, so media doesn’t cover it much either.

For the Highest Rank Potions, the takers were already decided.

Either they were already world rankers, or talents expected to become rankers.

The strong just get stronger by taking the top-tier Pills.

Honestly, from ordinary people to most Awakened, it wasn’t a topic of much interest.

For the regular rank, talented and skilled ones could at least try polishing their abilities. But the top rank was one of those special potions that money couldn’t buy no matter how rich.

Only an extremely small number of Awakened received that benefit.

There was some vague curiosity, but it was practically pie in the sky, so it was treated like idle gossip…

Yet Ilsung’s top guild managed to obtain it.

Ilsung’s S-rank Awakened?

Honestly, besides Nam Cheolmin, the others would be grateful for even regular rank, let alone top rank.

And even Nam Cheolmin was questionable as a talent worthy of the Highest Rank Potions.

Yet they all took it?

It was hard to gauge how much their power had increased.

―But the Nine Dragon has a weakness. High top guild average level, but not many truly elite Awakened.

―Right. Only hardcore party members lol That Liang Xiaojun guy? He’s SS potential but still a noob lol

―If Nam Cheolmin got stronger with the Pills, this is no joke right? It’s the Great War format too.

―At most they’ll take out two before getting cut down. Below the Vice Guildmaster line will probably get wrecked.

―Right. Did they just throw this out knowing a top guild wouldn’t accept a 2.5-tier challenge…?


[(Breaking!) China accepts the Great War! Venue is the Beijing Awakened Stadium! Date is tomorrow May 1st!]

[(Breaking!) The Nine Dragon Guildmaster declares he will show an unreachable 4D gap!]

The news broke out.

―They’re really accepting it??

―Seems pissed;

―Of course they picked the huge Beijing stadium; Looks like they want to utterly crush them…

―I don’t expect to win, but they’ll at least give us a 7:3 chance, right…?

The schedule for the match was set.

* * *

Kim Minwoo smiled as he watched the news.

“They accepted the match.”


“What’s the matter? Are you not confident?”

At those words, Nam Cheolmin shook his head.

During the past two weeks of training, he and his guild members had transformed beyond recognition.

Under normal circumstances, such a change would be impossible.

But it happened.

Every piece of advice he gave was instantly absorbed by their bodies.

It was nothing short of miraculous teaching.

‘This is truly an unbelievable ability.’

Nam Cheolmin, Kim Hwanyong, and even the eight S-rank Awakeners—all were astounded.

The value of this guidance would easily surpass tens of trillions of won.

The Chinese Nine Dragon Guild.

Their average level, skill, and equipment were all superior—a Chinese elite guild.

If they had fought with their original strength, it would have ended at best with an 8:2 or 9:1 ratio.

But now it was different.

The boost from the highest-rank potions.

Their skills had improved dramatically, almost as if they had been reborn.

‘Now, it’s possible.’

Nam Cheolmin’s eyes gleamed.

Unless the Nine Dragon Guild had an overwhelming monster like Isabella.

They were a guild with high averages, not high peaks.

“I’m more worried about being overconfident.”

“That’s the spirit. Let’s go. To China.”


Ilsung’s private jet soared into the sky.

When they arrived at the Chinese airport, they were greeted by U.S. and allied ambassadors. It wasn’t just the ambassadors; numerous broadcasters from various countries were also gathered.

This was a kind of contingency plan.

Depending on the outcome today, China could be turned upside down.

They might become so furious that they’d attempt something reckless.

But with ambassadors and broadcasters from various countries present?

‘They won’t be able to act rashly.’

If they tried anything reckless, it would be an international disaster. China also had high hopes for this match, so they readily agreed to the entourage.

‘And there’s that.’

Having a nuclear option was quite reassuring.

They wouldn’t use it unless absolutely necessary, but as a threat, nothing beat it.

When they entered the stadium in Beijing, a tremendous jeering erupted.

The stadium, fittingly for the vastness of the country, was enormous.

A stadium that could accommodate up to two million people. The stands were already packed with Chinese spectators.

Korea, which had been annoying them more and more lately.

And now, a mere mid-tier Korean guild dared to challenge the Nine Dragon Guild?

It was news that no Chinese person could ignore.

Naturally, all seats were sold out within a minute of reservations opening. The Korean side barely managed to get a few reservations, and their cheers were barely audible.

Thousands of cameras broadcast the event, their lenses gleaming like eyes.

It seemed that President Li and the higher-ups intended to publicly humiliate them.

‘Thank you.’

They were tightening their own noose, and it couldn’t have been better.

As the two guilds’ Awakeners took the stage in the colossal stadium, the numbers were ten on each side.

A Chinese host asked questions to both sides.

“We’ll show you clearly what the power of a great nation is.”

The Nine Dragon Guild was brimming with confidence.

Nam Cheolmin responded boldly as well.

“We’ll show you the true power of the highest ranking potions we’ve consumed.”


The boos followed like a macro.

The two guilds prepared for the match.

[The match between Ilsung Guild and Nine Dragon Guild is about to begin!]

A system message popped up.

The condition was a Barrier battle.

A standard condition.

Nam Cheolmin stepped onto the ring first. The Nine Dragon Guild leader followed, looking eager.

[The first match will begin in 5 seconds!]


The Nine Dragon Guild leader drew his sword.

The Ilsung Guild had been stagnant for years, while the Nine Dragon Guild had continued to rise.

This gap couldn’t be bridged in a short time just because they wanted to.

With all his stats at least around 150, there was no way he’d stand a chance.

‘Nam Cheolmin. Today, I will defeat you properly.’

Getting all excited just because he took some potion, running straight into the fray. These Korean guys will clearly understand what the gap in class means today.

[The match begins!]

The moment the system message sounded, the Nine Dragon Guild leader charged like lightning. Nam Cheolmin slid back as if he were gliding.

‘As expected, an illusion.’

China had thoroughly analyzed Ilsung Guild’s capabilities through their strategy analysis team. Naturally, this information was passed on to the Nine Dragon Guild as well.

They had received everything: subtle movements, habits, weaknesses, and strategies to exploit them.

Just because someone’s stats went up a bit doesn’t mean their behavior changes.

The Nine Dragon Guild leader’s eyes glinted as he swiftly closed the distance.

He saw Nam Cheolmin hastily drawing his bowstring.

‘Too late.’

The speed of swinging a sword at his head to break the Barrier was much faster than the time it took for him to aim and shoot the arrow.

‘It’s over!’

[Hong Tao uses Death Sentence (S)!]

Death Sentence, one of the swordsman’s bound skills. The sword infused with its power thrust towards Nam Cheolmin’s head.

An absolutely unavoidable, perfect, and beautiful trajectory.

The moment it hit, it would be an instant kill.

At that moment, Nam Cheolmin’s movements became incredibly fast, like riding the wind.

By a hair’s breadth, the blade grazed past his hair.


Hong Tao ‘s eyes widened in shock.

It was a trajectory that should have been impossible to dodge…

‘…He dodged?’

His face turned pale. The bowstring was already drawn at close range. This too was an unavoidable trajectory.

Before he could even utilize another skill.


The arrow, fired at point-blank range, pierced his heart in an instant.

[Barrier has been broken.]

[You are out.]

Hong Tao was instantly pushed out of the ring.

Nam Cheolmin was indeed an excellent archer.

But no one thought he could surpass the Nine Dragon Guild leader’s prowess.

Seven out of ten expected Hong Tao to win.

Even the remaining three, who thought Nam Cheolmin might win by luck, believed he would do so with his Barrier nearly depleted.

But then…

[Remaining Barrier Percentage: 100%]

He had essentially won with full health.

Everyone’s eyes widened at the unexpected result, including the international broadcasters.

‘What’s going on?’

‘Is that really the effect of the highest-rank potions?’

The Chinese were just as shocked.


‘Full health?’

‘Is this real?’

The strongest Awakener from the Nine Dragon Guild had been taken out without even scratching the opponent’s Barrier.

That meant no matter who went next, they would inevitably lose!

This was a team battle.

As long as you weren’t out, you could keep fighting.

‘Could this…’

‘Could we be wiped out if we’re unlucky?’

Just as their hearts began to race with a different kind of anxiety, Nam Cheolmin, after storing his bow in his inventory, smiled and said,

“I forfeit.”


The Chinese host tilted his head in confusion.

Why suddenly forfeit?

But it wasn’t long before the realization dawned.

‘Wait, hold on. Is this…’

They had a feeling they knew what the Koreans were planning.

If Nam Cheolmin performed a clean sweep, they could just chalk it up to him being exceptionally strong…

[Current Score: 1:1]

[The next match begins.]

The second round.

The vice guild masters of each guild took the stage.

If the previous match had been estimated at a 7:3 chance of winning, this one was even more skewed.


Barring any surprises, it was a match China was supposed to win.

But then…


After a fierce battle of 40 exchanges, the Nine Dragon vice leader was out.

Ilsung’s vice leader, Kim Hwanyong, smiled as he looked around at the audience and said,

“I, too, forfeit.”





On the surface, the score was tied, but all nine points had been won by forfeits.


[The match has concluded.]

[Ilsung Guild has won!]

Even the final match that sealed the victory followed the same pattern.

The stadium was filled with an eerie silence, witnessing what felt like a nightmarish scene.



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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