
Damn Necromancer - Chapter 161

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[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]


Chapter 161: Han Siah (2)

The connection between the Griff family and herself.

This was information that only a select few within the academy knew.

Yet, Kim Minwoo, an outsider, had suddenly brought up the topic.

Han Siah’s mind became a tangled mess.

Kim Minwoo, who was watching her, was also feeling overwhelmed.

‘Was she always this thin?’

In any case.

Kim Minwoo continued speaking.

“Are you going to continue living with your life mortgaged to the family head? You have no future if you return this time. You’ll be sucked dry without even a bone left.”


“I, and Korea, will help you. So that you can regain your freedom.”

Han Siah, who had been listening in silence, sighed. Laura had told her to keep her mouth shut and listen quietly, but that was no longer possible.

“…Cough! It doesn’t matter. Talent? Let them have it. It’s just a curse to me.”


A shackle that had bound her entire life.

She was sick of it.

She also loathed magic.

What was it anyway?

Why had it ruined her life like this? Was it worth that much?

Han Siah didn’t know.

She didn’t want to know either.

Enrolling in the academy and awakening her magic were all due to the family’s urging.

If it weren’t for that, she wouldn’t have even attempted this damn counseling session.

The words her mother had always told her since she was young came to mind.

—All Mom wants is for us to live happily together.

—Don’t go against the family. Compliance is the best course of action.

—Talent? What’s so important about that? Just give it up and live a normal life with Mom. Okay?

To Han Siah, her mother was her everything.

The only person who had loved her since she was young.

The person who had protected her from that horrible father.

The person who had brought her freedom, even if it was for a limited time of 10 years. What her mother wanted wasn’t for her to fight against the Griffs.

It was to live a normal and peaceful life.

That’s what she wanted.

Han Siah agreed with that too.

Confront the Griff family?

Their power was unfathomably deep. Moreover, the existence of her father was nothing short of trauma for her.

It was akin to a great fear that made her unable to even think of defying them.

That’s why she wasn’t very impressed by the talk of regaining her freedom.

That’s when it happened.

Kim Minwoo said with a sneer.

“Did I say something misleading?”


“About being sucked dry without even a bone left. That means you’re going to die.”


“Did you think you would just get your talent sucked out and that would be the end of it? Was that even a possible scenario in the first place?”

“Cough! Cough! I’m still alive. Even now.”

“Because they left half. To be precise, they had no choice but to leave half. That’s why you’re alive. Still. But… do you usually cough that often?”

“…It’s gotten a bit worse lately.”

Kim Minwoo frowned.

It was true that Han Siah’s physical condition wasn’t great to begin with. It was because she had been through all sorts of hardships since childhood, having her talent ripped away.

But even considering that…

‘It’s a bit severe.’

She was thinner than he expected.

Her physical condition didn’t look good either.

“Any checkups or anything?”

“…They said there wasn’t anything particularly wrong.”

“Anyway, it’s true that you’re dying. Your physical condition isn’t good right now either.”

“The family said it’s a side effect of that.”

“A side effect of having your talent extracted?”

Han Siah nodded.

“They said the balance was disrupted because they only took half. So, they said I’ll be normal if they take it all.”

At that moment.

Kim Minwoo snapped his fingers.

Merhen, who had come out into the counseling room, asked.

―Minwoo. What’s going on?

“This is Han Siah, a student at the academy. Could you take a look at her?”


Soon after, Merhen narrowed her eyes.

After staring intently at Han Siah for a moment, she tilted her head.

―Her talent was devoured? That’s why her soul is incomplete.

“Are you talking about her soul?”

―Right. It’s shaken. The foundation. Hold on.

Saying so, Merhen approached Han Siah.

―Can you manifest magic properly?

“Just, so-so…”

―It wouldn’t work well with such a crude soul. Would it? You’ve lost your identity?


―Yes. In other words… you’re not a mage anymore.


―You no longer have the foundation of a mage.

“But I can still manifest magic…?”

―Of course you can. You’re forcibly squeezing out what’s left.

“Wait a minute. You’re saying I’m not a mage?”

―That’s what I see. It’s true. You’ve been devoured too much. The foundation.

“How much has been devoured?”

―More than 80%?

“That much?”

Kim Minwoo’s eyes widened.

He knew that Han Siah’s talent had been sucked out. But, usually, it was around 50%.

Only then did he understand why Han Siah was showing signs of frailty.

Having 50% left and having less than 20% left were completely different stories.

Nodding her head, Merhen added.

―Yes. They cleanly took only the core. I think they used a tool.

“A tool?”

―Otherwise, it means a mage on Earth did this. Even I would have a hard time cleaning it up this neatly. Maybe if I had more of my divine power back.

Lucas, that bastard’s talent couldn’t be that great, so did he get help from a tool?

It seemed plausible.

That’s when it happened.

Han Siah asked desperately.

“I have a question.”

―Go ahead.

“…If the rest of my talent is absorbed, will I die? Instead of living?”

―You know a tree, right? If you only leave the trunk, it will live. But if you pull out the roots too, do you think it will live?

“Is that what it’s like, pulling out the roots? They said I would be normal if they took it all…”

―Are you completely foolish? Even now, your soul is shaking.


―Can’t you tell by looking at your body’s condition?

Han Siah fell silent.

She couldn’t believe it.

No, she didn’t want to believe it.

From her early childhood, which she barely remembers, until now. She had endured, waiting for the day she could live freely with her mother.

But the result of that is death?





[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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“Cough! Lies!”

It didn’t make sense.

If that were true, wouldn’t it mean she had suffered for over 20 years just to die?

At that moment.

Kim Minwoo said.

“Did your mother say that? To give up your talent and live a normal life.”

Han Siah’s eyes narrowed.

“How far have you investigated me?”

“You rely on your mother a lot. I understand. She must have been the only person who loved you all this time.”

Han Siah abruptly stood up from her seat. Her mind was already close to overload. She couldn’t endure this topic any longer.

“I, I’ll go. The counseling is over.”

“But, you know. Is that love real?”

“Cough! Don’t insult my mom!”

Han Siah’s eyes were bloodshot.

She could endure anything else, but she couldn’t bear to have her mother insulted. But Kim Minwoo was crossing that line in an instant.

It was beyond rudeness; it was an outrage.

Shrugging his shoulders, Kim Minwoo continued speaking.

“Family Head Lucas. He has quite a few illegitimate children. Haven’t you ever thought about it? That itself could be a kind of transaction.”


“Giving birth to a child. And depending on the child’s talent, a reward goes to the mother or her family, that kind of transaction.”

“…Even if that were true, it doesn’t change the fact that my mother loves me.”

Han Siah’s eyes were glistening.

Since she was a child, even when she left the family, her mother was with her. She loved her.

No, she had to love her.

Denying that was no different from denying her own life.

“Do you know about syllogism? It’s a way of deducing something by using two already known premises.”

Then, Kim Minwoo uttered poisonous words.

“Han Siah will die if her talent is taken away any further. Her mother tells her to give up her talent. So, what conclusion can we draw from this?”

Han Siah’s hands trembled violently.

Her sharp mind had already reached that conclusion.

“…No way. My mother wouldn’t have known. She must have been deceived. By those devils.”

They must have said that if she gave up her talent, they would let her live happily. That they wouldn’t bind mother and daughter anymore.

The Griff family must have spewed those sweet words.

Her innocent mother must have fallen for it.

That’s where it stopped.

That’s all Han Siah could accept.

At that moment.

Kim Minwoo handed her a document.

“Take a look at this.”

Han Siah, who had been looking at him warily, snatched the document. It was filled with information about her mother, ‘Kim Haeun’.


It was written that she had studied abroad in Germany in her 20s, struggled in the theater scene, and incurred a large debt.

Then, she got connected to the Griff family and gave birth to her.

The ‘gifts’ that kept piling up in her bank account and the endless extravagance that resulted from it.

There were records of her frequenting all sorts of gambling dens until recently.

“The financial support is quite substantial, isn’t it?

“…It’s just the amount that should be received. It’s no different from child support. Do you think it costs pennies to attend this academy?”

“But it doesn’t cost hundreds of billions either. Aren’t you curious? Whether she truly loves you, or if she loved the money.”

Han Siah’s hands trembled.

He kept prodding at her wounds.

It was so painful.

She didn’t want to hear it anymore.

But, like the devil’s whisper, the words kept piercing her ears.

Her eyes welled up with tears.

“Wh-why are you doing this to me… why…”

“Are you going to die believing only in your mother? It’s not that difficult to confirm. Hasn’t your life been hard enough?”

“Wh-what do you know…”

“At least I know one thing for sure. You don’t want to die meaninglessly like this.”

Han Siah fell silent.

She had lived a life of suffering.

She cursed her life.

Even so.

Kim Minwoo was right.

She didn’t want to die.

Even though her life was truly insignificant.

“Cough! How are you going to confirm it?”

“Your mother was very active in the theater world. She’s probably a very good actress. You won’t be able to know the truth just by asking.”

Having been gaslighted for a whopping 20 years, her skills were understandable.

Kim Minwoo, as a player, could simply ignore it and move on.

But Han Siah wasn’t, so it wasn’t strange for her to react like that.

To her, her mother was practically her whole life.

Han Siah remained silent.

He smiled at her.

“But you know, no matter how good an actor you are, you can’t deceive your senses. When that happens, your pulse quickens, your salivary glands dry up, your pupils dilate, things like that.”


“From now on, I’m going to cast a spell on you, Han Siah. A truth spell.”

Soon after, Merhen snapped her fingers.

―Whenever you want, you can amplify your senses. To the point where you can even see your pores opening. But don’t use it for too long. It’ll put a strain on you.

“You heard her, right? Go and confirm it. The real truth. Today’s counseling is over.”

Then, Kim Minwoo handed her a business card.

“Keep it in your inventory. You’ll need it someday.”

Han Siah’s heaviest shackle.

It was her mother.

‘The carrot and the stick.’

When everyone else treated her coldly with contempt.

Only her mother was different.

That was the carrot.

The learning that had continued since childhood eventually developed into dependence.

The person who pretended to give her love, the only love. That’s why she was the person Han Siah devoted her most blind love to.

‘Break that first.’

Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to save Han Siah.

* * *

After the counseling session.

She headed to Laura.

“How was it?”

“…Nothing much. Merhen? That summoned creature was a bit interesting.”

“Hmm. Is that so?”


Well, it made sense.

If Han Siah were a promising mage, things might be different, but she wasn’t really an attractive asset. Of course, nothing special would have happened.

“I, I miss Mom.”

“That’s true. Has it been a while?”

“It’s been three months.”

“Alright. Let’s go out.”

Laura readily nodded. Her mother was under the care of the Griffs.

She was one of the key tools to control Han Siah. It wasn’t difficult to show her off.

They just had to make an appointment.

Even though she was addicted to gambling, she was under the money line, so she would be back on time.

Thus, Laura and Han Siah bought a leave pass.

When they got into the car.

Laura casually asked.

“What’s up? You haven’t been going to see her lately.”

“…I was just a bit sick.”

Her illness had been getting worse lately. She didn’t want to show her mother her frail appearance.

That’s why she hadn’t visited.

But her longing remained the same.

When they arrived at the house.

Laura smiled and said.

“I’ll give you plenty of time today. Three hours. Is that enough?”


Han Siah nodded and headed towards the penthouse elevator.

As she got inside, she took a deep breath.

Her mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts. The conversation with Kim Minwoo and Merhen.

And the doubts about her mother.

Everything was tangled up, making her confused.

‘No way. My mother loves me. Definitely.’

Even though she thought so, doubts kept creeping into her mind. The words about giving up her talent. What was the true intention behind those words?

Han Siah’s heart pounded as the elevator stopped.

Soon, the door would open, and her mother would be there.

‘What if those words were true? If my mother deceived me…’

She hesitated but then shook her head. No, that couldn’t be.

Her mother was the only one who had been on her side.

That love must be real.

With trembling hands, she pressed the doorbell. Soon, the door would open, and she would meet her mother.


“My daughter, you’re here?”

Her mother, Kim Haeun, appeared.


Han Siah swallowed.



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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