
Damn Necromancer - Chapter 244

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[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]


Chapter 244: Ballroom (5)

The conversation with Baal was brief. They quickly realized their goals were fundamentally at odds.

As the barrier dissipated, Minwoo gestured to Ahn Mo and Vulcan, who watched with curiosity.

Once everyone was gathered in the private chamber, he recounted his discussion with Baal.

—So, Baal possesses the treasure you seek?

"Indeed. He attempted to use it as bait."

—It must be quite extraordinary. To consider trading it for the power of a Demon God.

The Death Lord's legacy was undeniably significant. The message that surfaced after acquiring the crown confirmed this.

[* Upon discovering all legacies, the 'New Order' shall be restructured.]

The 'New Order', no less.

He didn't fully grasp its implications, but it certainly sounded momentous.

Truthfully, if not for the vow to elevate Vulcan to the top rank, he might have wavered.

Regardless, discovering that Baal held the Death Lord's legacy was a major breakthrough.


"It appears Baal feels uneasy about his connection to the Demon God."

"Hmph. Understandable. He merely stole the Demon God's power. The Demon God's Stone rightfully belongs to us Balrogs."

Vulcan, having reverted to human form, scoffed.

"Technically, didn't your ancestors receive it for being the top-ranked in the Demon Realm?"

Hadn't Vulcan mentioned this?

That one of their Balrog ancestors, once the highest-ranking Demon Lord, obtained the Demon God's Stone.

"No. It wasn't simply for achieving the top rank. Consider this, Master. If that were the case, why wouldn't other top-ranked Demon Lords possess something similar? Look at Baal, he's held that position for over a millennium."

"...You have a point."

"I've heard our ancestor, the ancient Demon Realm's supreme ruler, deeply revered the Demon God. Moved by his devotion, he bestowed the stone upon him."

"Out of curiosity, don't other Demon Lords revere the Demon God?"

"As a king, is it easy to genuinely believe in a god?"


Upon reflection, it did seem challenging.

Perhaps a degree of respect was feasible, but true faith appeared to be a demanding prerequisite. He glanced at Ahn Mo, who nodded in agreement.

—Precisely. The Demon God definitely exists, but his involvement in the Demon Realm is minimal. His most recent act was 700 years ago, when he personally declared the rules for the Ranking Battles. Naturally, all Demon Realm inhabitants revere him... but the depth of that reverence varies.

"Baal isn't devout?"

—Hmm. Wouldn't that be odd? He's reigned supreme for ages. However...

Ahn Mo stroked his chin, intrigued.

—His insecurity suggests a different story... Hmm... Perhaps His Majesty Baal harbors forbidden thoughts.

"Hmph! That scoundrel is certainly capable of such! He can't tolerate anyone above him."

Well, that likely applied to all Demon Lords...

In any case, the conclusion was clear.

'Baal is a goldmine.'

He was a treasure trove, in every sense.

Even his physical form held immense value.

It's an essential ingredient for ancient-rank potions.

Plus, he's hoarding the Death Lord's legacy.

This is a raid he can't miss.

"Hey, Ahn Mo."

—If my name is too long, could you perhaps call me Malius instead?

"No. This is easier to say."

—...Alright, I understand. What is it?

"When does the Ranking Battle start?"

—This ball marks its beginning. Once a certain number of Demon Lords gather... the specific rules will be announced here.

"What kind of rules?"

—The rules vary each time. So, it's difficult to say right now. However, there is one common aspect.

"What's the common aspect?"

—It's simple. The groups are divided into three.

Andromalius, having said that, brought a paper with the rankings of the 72 Demon Lords.

Showing the paper with the names listed from 1st to 72nd place, he said.

—From 1st to 24th. 25th to 48th. And 49th to 72nd. They are broadly divided into three groups. For convenience, let's call them Group 1, Group 2, and Group 3.


—The Ranking Battle for Group 3, where the lowest ranks are gathered, will be held first. Then, the lower rankings will be rearranged, right?

"That's right. But wait a minute."

Kim Minwoo raised his hand, interrupting Ahn Mo, and asked urgently.

"The Ranking Battle is held once every 100 years, right?"


"Does that mean we have to climb to 49th place, wait 100 years, and then participate in the Ranking Battle again?"

—Haha, no, that's not the case. If that were the structure, I wouldn't have accepted your proposal in the first place. Human lives are too short. There are always exceptions to the rules.

"What's the exception?"

—Don't you give an extra snack to a student who does well? The Ranking Battle is the same.

Andromalius, having said that, spoke with sparkling eyes.

—If we meet certain conditions, we can immediately join the Ranking Battle for Group 2. The same goes for Group 1, which will be held last.

"What are the conditions?"

—To be positioned at the top rank of each group. In other words... to jump straight to 49th place. That's it.


He understood.

"So, you're saying we need to be number one?"

—Yes. First place in Group 3. First place in Group 2. If we do this, we can immediately challenge the Ranking Battle for Group 1. Of course, it won't be easy...

"We have to do it. Absolutely."

"Yes, we have to. That's the meaning of the contract I made. If Minwoo fails to fulfill it and dies of old age, his soul will go to Hell. And let me tell you, Hell is very hot."

"Don't worry. I won't be going to Hell."

If they fail to ascend in this Ranking Battle, it won't just be Hell that's the problem.

The immediate aftermath will be the issue.

Without the Ranking Battle, their status as representatives will disappear, and if that happens, they'll have no way to stop Baal's schemes.

In other words, the chances of game over before even meeting the Outer Gods will become very high.

'Absolutely not.'

They've come too far to let that happen.

"So, what kind of events have been held so far?"

—There's been a variety. But for the lower ranks... it's usually focused on power struggles.

"Power struggles?"

—Yes. Simply put, there might be a kill-or-be-killed tournament.

"Didn't you say the Ranking Battles were rules created by the Demon Gods to avoid bloodshed?"

—Haha. That's between the Demon Lords. What does it matter if a few representatives die? That's their purpose, after all.

He roughly understood.



[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

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"One more question. You said it's divided into three groups. Are the events different for each group?"

—Yes, they are. Generally, the higher you go, the more complex the events become, and the goals become more diverse. Politics, management, leadership... all sorts of things come up.

"Okay. I guess you need those things to rule the Demon Realm. But what does a representative being good at those things have to do with their Demon Lord?"

—It matters. Because there's a preparation period. I mentioned earlier that this ball marks the beginning, right? Today, the events for the three groups' Ranking Battles will be revealed. And a month later, the Group 3 exam will be held first.

"And during that time, the representatives and Demon Lords prepare together?"

—Yes. And it doesn't just end with discussions. Representatives can receive the powers of their Demon Lords.

Receive powers?

Wait a minute.

My gaze naturally turned to Vulcan.

"Hey. What's your power?"

“The power of fire. To put it simply, I become attuned to flames."

"...Oh, really? That seems quite useful."

"Right? We Balrogs were quite famous for our flames, Master."

‘Oh dear.’

He clicked his tongue inwardly.

Attuned to flames?

How is that useful?

It might be somewhat helpful in the lower Ranking Battles, but...

'In the higher Ranking Battles... I'm not so sure.'

Controlling fire doesn't seem particularly relevant to management, leadership, or politics.

Ahn Mo's power seemed more practical. Treasure hunting is a skill that can be utilized anywhere, isn't it?

—There's no need to worry too much. He only has one power because he's a newly ascended Demon Lord... As his rank rises, his powers will also diversify and strengthen.

"...I suppose so?"

"Yes, most likely..."

"Oh, by the way. Do you think Vulcan can be summoned?"

—Well... having a Demon Lord as a summon is a first... We'll have to see. However, the Demon Gods are not to be underestimated. They won't tolerate anything that disrupts the Ranking Battles. Probably.

He nodded.


Summoning Vulcan in the Ranking Battles?

Him, who's already a Demon Lord and has been significantly strengthened?

That definitely didn't seem to align with the spirit of the Ranking Battles.

Considering that, it wouldn't be surprising if the Demon God intervened directly, as Ahn Mo suggested.

'Fortunately, I have three Legion Commanders.'

Even if Vulcan is out, there are still two more. That makes it feasible.

"I understand."

—Yes. But, by any chance, are you not planning to recruit more representatives?

"How many can participate?"

—Up to five. Of course, you can participate with fewer than that. There are advantages to doing so.

"What are the advantages?"

—I mentioned that representatives can share the Demon Lord's power, right?


—If five people participate, they each receive 20% of the power. If one person participates, they get 100%.

There were definitely advantages to that.

It meant choosing between focusing all the power on one person or diversifying it among several.

"How are points calculated?"

—If you're alone, you'll receive five times the total points.

"Then there's no need to increase the number."

Currently, there were two representatives for Demon Lord Vulcan (72nd place, the lowest rank):

Ahn Mo and Kim Minwoo himself.

—Minwoo, do you play games? Mobile games, for example.

"...You know about those too?"

—I told you, I've been observing you. While doing so, I also learned about Earth's culture. It's never bad to expand your knowledge.

"So, why are you asking about mobile games?"

—Isn't it said that in those games, having a wide pool of characters is the best? The Ranking Battles are similar. We don't know what events will come up, and there are usually representatives specialized in each one.

"But you said the power gets divided if there are more people?"

—To be precise, it gets divided when you participate. The Demon Lord can choose the event and the total number of participants. If they choose five people then, the power is divided among all of them. If they choose one person, it's not divided.

"So, it's like a reserve pool?"

—Exactly. So, if you wish, I can find some talented individuals. It wouldn't hurt to have three more ready.

"You seem to have some people in mind?"

—Well, even if I was the lowest rank. I have to be good at something. Of course, I don't know if they'll accept the offer...

"I'm happy as long as they work hard."

It's not like they'll lose anything by having them ready.

Just then.

Knock, knock.

A demon knocked on the door of the private room and said cautiously.

—All the Demon Lords have gathered. The banquet will begin soon.


He got up.

"Let's go."

He was curious to see what kind of events would be announced.

Vulcan and Ahn Mo.

He left the private room with his two companions.



[Translator - Prøks]

[Proofreader - Prøks]

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