
Damn Necromancer - Chapter 119

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[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]


Chapter 119: Vampire’s Castle (1)

Marco, the branch manager of the Malay Merchant Group, was currently in shock.

‘Is this really right?’

An enormous number of manufactured goods were piled up before his eyes.

Like a magic wand, every time he provided materials, they returned as thousands of finished products.

And all of that within a day.

[Receiving manufactured goods from ‘Kim Minwoo’!]

[Paying 1,302,500 points!]

Two thousand on the first day.

Four thousand on the second day.

He had purchased nearly six thousand manufactured goods, and over two million points had vanished in a flash.

It was a number of points that could make even a large merchant group stagger.

It was no wonder that cold sweat was running down Marco’s forehead.

“W-we’ve received the goods this time as well.”

At those words, Kim Minwoo smiled faintly.

“I’ve received the payment. However, the amount of materials you’re supplying this time seems a bit small?”

“W-well… we’ve already used up all the materials available in this city. We’ve sent people to nearby cities to gather materials, so if you could wait just one more day…”

“You’ll be giving us a more generous amount this time, right?”

“Of course. We plan to sweep up everything, so you don’t have to worry at all.”

Five nearby cities.

If they brought all the materials from those places, they could produce at least 30,000 items.

“Will you be able to pay the points?”

“Haha. We may look like this, but we’re a large merchant group. We can definitely afford it.”

Marco replied boldly.

Of course, if Kim Minwoo produced 30,000 items, they would have to pay an enormous amount of points.

‘Even if we have to eat and vomit, this deal must be done.’

The merchant’s mind, driven by profit, began to spin rapidly.

30% of the items Kim Minwoo creates are magic rank.

If 30,000 items are produced?

That means 9,000 magic rank items and 21,000 normal rank items.

The merchant group could earn about 20 points per normal rank item and 80 points per magic rank item.

‘Even if we only take 10% of the profit…’

The profit would be 1.14 million points.

Considering the increased influence of the merchant group, the impact couldn’t be simply evaluated as 1 million points.

If they successfully completed this deal and circulated the goods…

‘The position of general manager won’t just be a dream anymore.’

It would be an achievement worthy of aiming not just for the branch manager position, which manages a single city, but for the general manager position.

Naturally, Marco had long since bet everything. For example, taking out a full loan using all the buildings the merchant group owned in the city as collateral.

This was the only way to pay the transaction price, which exceeded 10 million points, in a short period.

‘It’s exceeding my authority, but…’

In the end, wouldn’t it be okay as long as he earned enough to repay it?

If he failed, he would be a gambler, but if he succeeded, he would be a hero.

‘Anyway, it’s incredible…’

Just 10% of the profit is 1.14 million points.

Then what about nine times that?

10.26 million points.

If he really produced 30,000 items, a mercenary with more points than most nobles might be born.

* * *

‘Well, it’s not bad.’

Even though he had the ability to make things, he was short on materials.

He had planned to stop production at some point anyway.

The reason was simple.

[Hidden condition for VIP Shop opening achieved!]

[Currently holding over 1 million points!]

[You can open the VIP Shop.]

[If you find hidden conditions, you might be able to open even higher-level shops.]

This message appeared before his eyes after completing this transaction.

‘VIP Shop.’

They said something special would happen if you collected a certain amount of points.

It was definitely true.

‘Although the conditions are extreme.’

1 million points?

Most people wouldn’t be able to collect that much.

‘The Day 2 rankings…’

Second place had 530,000 points.

Third place had 360,000 points.

There were only two participants who could possibly achieve such scores.

Park Siwoo and Seo Yerim.

‘If they do well, these two might also barely make it.’

Anyway, since he had met the opening conditions, it was time to check out the items.

The moment he thought about opening the shop in his mind…

[VIP Shop opened!]

[Shop sales assistant is visiting!]

Along with the message, something appeared out of thin air with a ‘poof.’

A small teddy bear.

A very familiar sight.

“Fancy seeing you here again? Nice to meet you, buddy.”


The teddy bear’s eyes widened.

―C-Could it be that you’ve collected a million points…?

“Yeah, that’s me. You’re an overseer, and you don’t even know that?”

―It’s not that I lack ability, but the structure itself doesn’t allow for intervention. It’s a structure that can’t even be observed.

Popo, protesting as if wronged, bowed his head.

―A-Anyway, nice to meet you.

“Likewise. You’re a sales assistant here, right?”

―Y-Yes, that’s right.

“What do you sell here?”

―One moment, please.

[Sales list is opened!]

〈Tip 1. This shop can be used until the 2nd exam.〉

〈Tip 2. Only usable items for opened personnel are shown.〉

[1. Light Bomb (500,000 points)]

[2. Highest Rank Potion Recipe (1,000,000 points)]

[3. Potion (1,000,000 points)]

[4. Random Item Box (2,000,000 points)]

[5. Worn Key (5,000,000 points)]

[6. ???]

[7. ???]

[8. ???]


Kim Minwoo clicked his tongue after seeing the price tags. The cheapest item started at 500,000 points.

A vicious price range.


The items being sold were good.

Too good, in fact.

He roughly looked over the detailed descriptions of the items.

The Light Bomb was a high-performance bomb.

The Highest Rank Potion Recipe was literally a recipe with instructions for making it.

The Potion was an item that maximized recovery for 72 hours upon consumption. Roughly speaking, if you ate this, you wouldn’t die for about three days even if you sustained moderate injuries.

The Random Item Box was…

[Random Item Box]

[Rank: Unique]

[Level Restriction: 251 or higher]

[An item box containing equipment with a wear level restriction of 251 or higher.]

[Effect 1. Obtain random necromancer equipment upon use. (Excluding accessories)]

[Effect 2. Items of Legend~Ancient rank will appear.]

It was a very similar item to the equipment draw ticket sold in the Achievement Store.

The only difference was that the Achievement Store sold it for achievement points, while this shop used points.

‘Wouldn’t it be awesome if I got an Ancient rank?’

Ancient rank for 2 million points?

If it appeared, it was a guaranteed jackpot.

Ancient rank items were so rare that even Kim Minwoo, a veteran player with over ten years of experience, had only seen them about five times.

It was astonishing that they were openly selling such an item.

Lastly, he examined the Worn Key.

[Worn Key]

[Rank: Unique]

[A very worn key.]

[Effect 1. It might be able to open something.]



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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‘That’s quite straightforward.’

On the other hand, the price was a whopping 5 million points.

It meant that if you found a place to use this key, it would be a jackpot.

His interest was piqued.

‘All the items are good.’

This was true even when compared to the highest-rank Potion Recipe.

A recipe possessed only by Christine, the Witch of America, in the entire world.

The players of this game naturally coveted the recipe.

Once they knew the ingredients, they could somehow figure out how to make it.

‘But they couldn’t figure it out.’

The Witch’s tight lips were a problem, as was America’s ironclad security. Even after tens of thousands of trial and error, they couldn’t figure it out.

Even the hardcore players, known for their tenacity, shook their heads, saying it was impossible.

But that recipe was 1 million points.

It seemed expensive at first glance, but upon closer inspection, it felt a bit cheap.

He looked at Popo.

“What are the items with question marks?”

―You’ll see them when you meet the conditions.

Kim Minwoo nodded.

‘My current points are 2.13 million.’

It was a crossroads of whether to save points or not.

If he saved, he would have more options when the next shop opened.


Saving blindly wasn’t always the best course of action. Especially now, when he was thinking of conquering the Vampire’s Castle.

The castle was worth 500,000 points.

Actually, he wasn’t trying to conquer it for the points.

[Vampire’s Castle]

[Exterminate the vampire horde guarding the castle.]

[Time Limit: None]

[Difficulty: Highest]

[Reward: 500,000 points, ???]

[Remaining Attempts: 1/1]

‘There was a question mark among the rewards.’

They were offering something extra for 500,000 points.

But there was a chance that the reward with the question mark could be real.

A mission dozens of times more difficult than the Cyclops extermination, which rewarded 10,000 points.

Going in there bare-handed?


Hadn’t the Mercenary Guild kindly told him? From intermediate missions onwards, failure meant death.

Naturally, he had to prepare countermeasures.

Vampires typically had powerful regenerative abilities.

To defeat them, he needed a single, powerful blow rather than many small ones.

‘In that sense, the Random Item Box is out.’

It was a chance to get one Legend to Ancient rank equipment, but such equipment was more suitable for long-term use rather than short-term battles.

‘A Light Bomb would be much better.’

500,000 points for a single consumable bomb.

And light happened to be the natural enemy of vampires. They would love to be blown up by it.

He decided.

The best defense is a good offense.

Going the extreme damage route.

“I’ll buy something.”

―Yes. What would you like to purchase?

“Four Light Bombs.”

Popo blinked at those words, then opened his mouth wide and asked,

―Wow… You’ve already collected 2 million points?

“Yeah. Give me the goods.”

―Here you go.

[Paying 2,000,000 points!]

[4 Light Bombs have been added to your inventory!]

[Light Bomb]

[Rank: Unique]

[A bomb filled with light. It seems like it will sweep away everything around it when it explodes.]

[Effect 1. Triggers a light explosion upon detonation.]

[Effect 2. Does not harm the user or allies.]

He became penniless in an instant.

‘Well, you have to spend money to make money.’

If there were any bombs left, he could just use them later.

The description didn’t say that they could only be used in the Point City, did it?

―If there’s anything else you’d like to buy…

“I’ve used up all my points. Oh, by the way, Popo.”


“Take a look at this.”

He showed him the photos of his guild members saved on his phone.

“Look familiar?”

―I recognize the woman, but…

“The other one is my guild member.”

―Ah, yes. But why are you showing this to me…?

“I’d like you to deliver a message later. If they open the shop, tell them not to buy the recipe.”

If he didn’t pass on the message, all three of them might end up buying the same recipe.

Since he had already established a connection with Popo, it wouldn’t be bad to have him act as a messenger.

Popo blinked and said,

―Um… That could be seen as interference…

“It doesn’t have to be verbal. If they try to buy it, you could just shake your head slightly. Can’t you even make a subtle gesture like that?”

―That might be possible to some extent. But in return… Hehe…

Popo rubbed his hands together.

It seemed like he wanted to establish a connection with him.

It wasn’t strange.

When they entered the testing ground last time, didn’t he have some kind of connection with the angel, who was his superior?

They had actually become sponsors.

There are things in the world that are understood without words.

Kim Minwoo nodded.

“Alright. I never forget a favor.”

A favor is returned twofold.

A grudge is returned a hundredfold.

That’s the truth of life.

This could be considered a small favor.

Popo’s eyes sparkled.

―Yes! I will faithfully carry out your request!

“Okay. Good work.”

―Yes. Then I’ll be going…

Popo’s figure, even more polite than before due to the connection, disappeared.

He summoned Cedric and Merhen.

“Get ready. We’re going hunting. Vampires. They’ll probably be quite strong.”


“Yeah. Vampires.”

―If the master says so, could they be pure-bloods?


At those words, Cedric’s eyes lit up.

―Then it won’t be boring.

Cedric seemed to be gathering his fighting spirit.

On the other hand, Merhen was slightly frowning.

“What’s wrong?”

―Just remembering old times.

At that moment, Cedric interjected.

―Are you thinking of Olivia?



―The Lord’s third Legion Commander. A vampire.

He suddenly gained information about the third Legion Commander.

Then the races of the four Legion Commanders…

‘Are they Skeleton, Banshee, Balrog, and Vampire?’

He looked at Merhen.

“Were you two close?”

―… We talked occasionally?

―Are you feeling guilty or something? It’s not like they’re vampires related to her.

―I just remembered her because you mentioned vampires.

It seemed like it wouldn’t hinder the hunt. He went to the Mercenary Guild and stood in front of the mission board. First, he took off the high-difficulty mission paper that offered 10,000 points.

A new mission paper regenerated on the board.

‘As long as I don’t tear it…’

In this way, he could collect multiple mission papers.

The structure allowed him to go somewhere far away and complete the missions.

If he did it here, the problem would be that thousands of skeletons would pop out when he returned, so he planned to find a suitable empty space to carry out the mission.

He gathered about a hundred high-difficulty mission papers.

No one looked at him strangely.

This was because other mercenaries occasionally attempted the same thing.

The moment he picked up the paper with ‘Vampire’s Castle’ written on it, the gazes of the receptionist and the mercenaries all turned towards him.

They looked dumbfounded, as if asking if he was out of his mind.

Ignoring their reactions, he put the mission paper into his inventory.

The vampire mission regenerated on the board. It seemed like the remaining attempts would only disappear after completely clearing this mission.

He left the Mercenary Guild.

When he arrived at the deserted smithy…


Kim Minwoo immediately tore a piece of paper.

The scenery changed instantly.

It had been broad daylight, but now a crescent moon hung in the sky.

A winding road.

A forest surrounded the area.

And up ahead, a massive fortress stood, exuding an eerie atmosphere.

[‘Vampire’s Castle’ mission begins!]

[Eliminate all vampires!]

[Remaining vampires: 100/100]

The vampire horde was probably nestled within that fortress.

He stretched out his hand.

Thousands of undead forces, from the giant Bone Golem to a horde of Dullahans, Specters, and Skeletons, emerged.

[The undead army is under the command of the Dullahan!]

[‘Chivalry’ effect applied!]

[All stats of commanded undead increased by 20%!]

Amplified buffs.

It wasn’t for nothing that they said a necromancer starts to pull their weight once they get a Dullahan.

An immortal army that knows no death.

They began their march towards the fortress.



[Translator – Prøks]

[Proofreader – Prøks]

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