
I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women - Chapter 56 - Disturbing Rumor (2)

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


Chapter 56 - Disturbing Rumor (2)

"Look at this! It's even in the newspaper! I was shocked when I saw it...!"

I’m more shocked by your appearance, Sylvia.

She had stuck a fork in her greasy hair, as if it were a hairpin.

Does she really spend her time like this when she’s alone on her days off?

Keeping a bit of distance from Sylvia, who looked like she could use a bath, I took the newspaper from her.

‘Count Vermont, has he really fallen for commoner slaves? Scandal erupts as it’s revealed they are just 13 and 14 years old...’

[The Evil God 'Kali' screams in horror!]

What in the world?

Fallen for them?

If that were true, I’d be preparing for an engagement ceremony by now and asking the protagonist to officiate.

If I could have charmed Charlotte and Julia, I would have done it ages ago.

"Wh-What is this? You may be someone who extorts and intimidates people on a daily basis, but you’re not a piece of trash who sees children like that, are you?!"

"I think I know where this rumor started."

"Do you really? Where?"

Sylvia looked at me with wide, confused eyes.

She genuinely didn’t know.

How could she not realize after hearing the maids gossip?

It seems Sylvia is being ostracized among the staff.

That’s something I didn’t need to know.

"Tell the head maid to gather all the maids in the dining hall."

"Yes, right away."

"And while I don’t expect you to be fully dressed on your days off, at least take the fork out of your hair. By the way, it suits you. I'm not saying it because it looks bad."


Sylvia’s hand shot up to her head, where she touched the fork, her face flushing with embarrassment.

She must have forgotten it was there.

"T-This is...! Ah! Never mind!!!"

She quickly fled, practically screaming as she ran off.

It’s clear that she strictly separates work from leisure.

At first, I didn’t even recognize her as the same person.

"My Lord, all the maids, including the head maid, have been gathered in the dining hall."

Sylvia returned a bit later, looking much more composed, though her face was still quite red.

"And about that fork... It’s not like I usually do that. My hairpin broke, so I had no choice..."

"It’s fine. If you’d told me, I could have bought you a new one. Has the pay cut been tough?"

"It’s not because I don’t have money!!!"

"Alright, alright. Just let me know next time."


Leaving the flustered Sylvia behind, I entered the dining hall where all the maids were lined up, looking stiff with fear.

It had been a while since I’d seen them so nervous.

"If you thought I wouldn’t hear the rumors circulating within the mansion, you were sorely mistaken."


"I don’t care what you say about me behind my back as long as you do your job properly. But when rumors that should stay within these walls start spreading outside, that’s a different story."

I slapped the newspaper down on the table.

The maids glanced at the headline, their faces paling as they read the scandalous claims.

Mixing me up with Charlotte and Julia, spinning their wild fantasies, they’ve crossed a line this time.

This is something I cannot overlook.

"Rumors may seem like wildfires that spread randomly, but if you investigate thoroughly, the source isn’t hard to find. It’s just tedious. Should I go through the trouble of finding the culprit myself, or would it be better for them to confess right now?"


"If you choose the latter, I might let you off with a light punishment... but if it’s the former, I’ll add on a charge of insolence."

As far-fetched as the rumor is, the fact remains that someone within the mansion spread baseless stories to outsiders.

Of course, someone else must have taken it to the press, but the root of the rumor is the first priority.

As I looked over the maids, they all seemed on the verge of tears, lips trembling.

"No one? Really? Then..."

"Excuse me, my Lord. I deeply apologize for this disgraceful incident. However, I must assure you that the maids I’ve trained would never breach security by discussing what happens within the mansion. If any of them did make such a mistake, they would certainly confess. I stake my honor on it."

The head maid stepped forward, bowing her head.

Her strict reputation was well-known.

I’d often seen her sternly reprimanding the maids, shouting at them when necessary.

If she was willing to stake her honor, I had to give her the benefit of the doubt.

'The fact that no maid has come forward suggests that the culprit isn’t among them.'

If there were a guilty maid here, she would have confessed when the head maid made her pledge, rather than endanger her life as well as that of the head maid, who had shared meals with them.

Feigning continued anger, I secretly eased my suspicion toward the maids.

They aren’t the ones responsible.

They may have indulged in some malicious gossip, but it seems it stayed within the staff.

'So who could it be?'

If the person who spread the rumor and the one who leaked it to the press are the same, then the investigation just got easier.

"Whoever spread such a ridiculous rumor must be insane! The Lord would never think of raising children to make them his wives!"

"Oh, y-yes... That’s right..."

[The Evil God 'Kali' questions your sincerity.]

Shut up, Sylvia.

You’re going to get me caught by Kali.

I’m not saying I’ve never thought about it...

Just sometimes.

How nice it would be if things turned out that way.

Everyone fantasizes like that sometimes, right? Like imagining seducing the Empress or something.

I’m not wrong here, you self-righteous prudes.

"I’ll start investigating immediately! I’ll clear your name, my Lord...!"

"No, that won’t be necessary."

"Why not?"

"Someone else will handle the investigation."

"My Lord! A royal messenger has arrived! The Empress has sent a message!"

At that moment, the doors burst open, and the news I’d been expecting arrived.

I had anticipated this, but not so soon.

I quickly left the dining hall and went to greet the messenger waiting outside.

"Welcome to the House of Vermont. I apologize for the delay. Please, come to the reception room..."

"That won’t be necessary. The Empress values efficiency over formality, so I’ll deliver the message quickly."


Like Empress, like messenger.

Not even bothering with formalities, just delivering the message and leaving.

At this point, it’s more than practicality—it’s just laziness.

How did this person become the Empress? It’s a mystery.

"Ahem, ahem."

The messenger cleared his throat and unrolled a scroll.

"Aslan Vermont."


Suddenly, his deep voice shifted to a higher pitch.

So much so that for a moment, it felt as if the Empress himself was speaking.

"I’ve heard some disturbing rumors about you. They say that the Count of Vermont looks at children with lustful eyes. This isn’t true, is it?"

"No, it’s not true."

"Good. Keep up the good work. ...That’s the Empress’s message."


Did she already know what I would say? I guess it’s only natural. There’s no way I’d say, ‘Yes, it’s true.’

The scroll had the message written clearly: ‘...This isn’t true, is it? (Pause for 3 seconds) Good. Keep up the good work.’

"That’s all. The Empress will identify the source of the rumor and inform you. After that, you’re free to handle it as you see fit."


With that, the messenger briskly left, leaving me with a straightforward but rather unsettling message.

"It seems the Empress has great faith in you."

"So it appears."

For now, I can relax.

The most worrying thing was the Empress’s suspicion, but it seems I still have her trust.

My sincere efforts during our previous meeting must have paid off.

The only problem is what this trust is for.

The Empress mentioned that she had a task for me in the future... What could it be?

A shiver ran down my spine as I felt a sudden dread.

"We’ve weathered the storm. Now we just wait for the Empress to uncover the source of the rumor."

I sighed and tossed the newspaper to the ground.

To be honest, it’s pretty obvious who’s behind this.

If it wasn’t a maid, there’s only one suspect left.

The one who benefits from this situation.

'Irene Vermont.'

She’s always hated me and wanted to bring me down—Aslan’s sister.

She must have spread this malicious rumor to ruin my reputation.

The Empress likely realized this even before starting his investigation, which is why she left the punishment in my hands.

A kind of courtesy, letting me handle family matters privately.

'What should I do about Irene...'

This situation is frustrating.

Why does she hate me so much?

And why is she so obsessed with dark magic?

Before I became head of the house, I had to bow and scrape before Irene, but things are different now.

Maybe it’s time I called her in for a heart-to-heart talk.

"Julia! What does this word say? I’ve never seen it before."

"It says 'scandal.'"

"Then, when you read it all, it says this? ‘Count Vermont, has he really fallen for commoner slaves? Scandal erupts as it’s revealed they are just 13 and 14 years old!’"


"What does 'fallen for' mean? To look into someone’s eyes? Heehee, I don’t get it!"

Startled by the innocent voice, I turned around to see Charlotte and Julia lying on the ground, staring at the discarded newspaper.

Charlotte was smiling brightly after reading the headline, while Julia looked up at me with eyes full of betrayal.




[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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