
I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women - Chapter 54 - Perfect Plan

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


Chapter 54 - Perfect Plan

The warm morning sunlight filtered through the window, gently waking Julia as it touched her skin.

She stretched, slowly coming to her senses.

"Yaaawn...! Huh!?"


Startled by the strange sensation in her mouth, Julia quickly turned to her side.

She saw Aslan hastily withdrawing his hand, avoiding her gaze.

The thing in her mouth had been none other than Aslan’s finger.


"What do you think you’re doing...!"

"You’re awake. You sure wake up in a bad mood."

"Ugh! You’re treating me like a toy!"

Despite Julia’s irritation, Aslan remained focused on his work, not even sparing her a glance.

Now that she thought about it, he had been like this since last night.

Julia got up from the sofa and walked behind him.

His broad back obscured her view of the desk.

After straining on her tiptoes for a while, she finally gave up and pressed herself against his side.

Only then able to see what he was working on.

"What are you doing? ...Hmph?"

"It’s called a financial statement. It details all the economic activities, like the taxes collected and the businesses run by the House of Vermont. It’s something that should be done every month... but it’s been neglected for over ten years, so now it’s hard to even figure out how much debt we have or how much is owed. I’m working through it all to get everything back in order."

"Hmm. So it takes a long time because you’re doing ten years' worth all at once. It’s like when you don’t do your homework regularly and it piles up, making it much harder later."




Without warning, Aslan grabbed Julia by the waist and lifted her onto his lap, making her squeal in surprise.

"What are you doing without even asking...!"

"You wanted to see what I was doing, didn’t you? I’m just helping you see better."

"That’s not the point! You’re treating me like a child again!"

"Should I treat a child like a lady instead?"


I am a lady!

Unable to move while sitting on Aslan’s lap, Julia puffed out her cheeks in frustration, signaling her anger.

Yet, Aslan remained unfazed.

"This might be something you’ll have to do in the future, so pay attention."

"Isn’t this something a secretary should do? ...Hmph?"

"Sylvia, despite being a guard, handles this kind of work as well."

"Sylvia’s a guard? Not a secretary!?"

Julia’s eyes widened in surprise.

So she’s officially a guard... Aslan just makes her do all sorts of things.

If being a guard is that demanding, how much work would being a secretary involve?

Yeah, I definitely can’t become Aslan’s secretary.

Julia quietly resolved to never take on that role.

"I’m not going to be a secretary. How long would it take to save up 10 billion larks with just a small salary? ...Hmph."

"Then what?"

"I’m going to make a name for myself as a Spirit Mage. They say I’m already famous in the Arient territory because of Earthy. I’ll become known nationwide, get lots of jobs, and make tons of money! ...Hmph!"

"That’s a good mindset."

[The Evil God 'Kali' smiles approvingly.]

Yes, that’s the spirit.

Aslan, pleased, took in the scent of Julia’s nape as she declared her ambitions with a clenched fist.

He planned to leave the dull secretary work to Sylvia, while giving the more glamorous and profitable tasks to Charlotte and Julia.

"I want to get down now... Huh?"

As Julia reached down to adjust her clothes, she froze.

A sense of panic washed over her, as if she had forgotten something important.

‘Ah! The rosary!’

Julia suddenly remembered the item she had borrowed from Sylvia and frantically searched her chest.

But it was gone.

It wasn’t anywhere.

She was sure she had worn it to bed, which meant...

It must have slipped off while she was sleeping!?

"You!? Did you... undress me while I was asleep!?"


Julia blushed furiously and shrank back.

While Aslan closed his eyes, exhausted by her overactive imagination.


‘Is she really part of the Vermon family?’

‘Why? Do you think she isn’t?’

‘Yes. It’s hard to believe we share the same blood.’

‘Then do you think it would be better to remove her? Tell me, Aslan, what do you think?’




Gasping for breath, Irene rolled off the bed, hitting the floor.

Cold sweat covered her body, and her hands and feet trembled.

She had just experienced a horrible nightmare.

"What a load of crap..."

She ran her hands through her disheveled hair, muttering curses under her breath.

Ever since she had overheard Aslan questioning whether she was truly part of the Vermont family, those kinds of thoughts had stuck with her, becoming a habit.

Irene had to struggle to calm her racing heart as she tried to push away the memories.

That day had changed Irene’s life forever.

The more she recalled it, the more her hatred for Count Vermont and Aslan grew.

Oh. That’s right, Aslan is the Count now.

"Hah. Hahaha..."

In the end, she couldn’t stop it.

She had tried everything to prevent Aslan from becoming the head of the house.

She had fought so hard.

But in the end, she couldn’t stop him, and he ascended to the title of Count in one fell swoop.

The fight had ended so quickly.

She had heard that the once degenerate Aslan had changed, and though it made her nervous, she still thought she had time.

She believed she could stall until the council meeting.

Who could have predicted that Aslan would host the Empress at a road completion ceremony, catching her attention and securing his title?

This was beyond anything Irene had anticipated.

‘My guess was wrong. A new Evil God? That couldn’t be it.’

At first, she thought it was because he had made a pact with a new Evil God.

But it was impossible to win the Empress's favor with the help of an Evil God.

The Empress could see into people’s souls.

If she had sensed the presence of an Evil God, she would have despised Aslan.

This meant that everything was purely due to Aslan’s own abilities.

How had the once dull and sinister Aslan managed to change so dramatically overnight?

Irene’s answer was simple.

Aslan had regained the brilliance he had shown in his youth.

There was no other explanation.

‘Wasn’t he just a useless wreck?’

After the death of the previous Count of Vermont, Aslan had locked himself away in the library.

He had lost not only his talent but also all his confidence, leaving only a twisted personality that obsessed over pointless dark magic.

But now, Aslan had come to his senses.

Had he also regained all the talents he had shown in the past?

Shuddering, Irene felt a chill run down her spine.

‘I have to stop him. I must stop him.’

If that demonic talent had returned, it wouldn’t be long before Aslan completed his father’s dark magic.

A future where the very essence of Evil Gods themselves would plague the world.

The dead would walk the streets, and the line between life and death, between this world and the underworld, would blur, leading to an apocalyptic end.

To prevent that future...

"I must bring him down."

She had to remove Aslan from his position as Count of Vermont.

But where should she start?

It was overwhelming. She couldn’t see a clear path forward.

Irene’s standing within the Vermont family had dwindled to almost nothing, and she had virtually no authority left.

The council members, who had once supported her, had long since turned their backs, congratulating the newly appointed Count instead.

She could no longer rely on anyone. It was up to her alone.

"Fine. I’ll fight dirty and underhanded, like the weakling I am."

Okay. I’ll admit it.

Aslan, you’re still a piece of trash who trembles in fear at the sight of me.

But I’ll acknowledge that the power dynamic has shifted.

So be ready.

From now on, I won’t confront you head-on.

I’ll target what makes you most uncomfortable and afraid.

Where should I start?

Hmm... Yes, that’s it.

A wicked smile spread across Irene’s face as a brilliant idea came to her.

"The kids you’re so protective of... Charlotte and Julia, right? Those precious little ones..."

Aslan’s two “pets,” Charlotte and Julia.

On the surface, it looked like he treated them carelessly, but anyone with a keen eye could see it.

Aslan cared deeply for both of them.

How could she make Aslan despair the most?

How could she strike the deepest fear into him?

The answer was simple.

"I’ll spread a rumor that you’re raising those children just to defile them!"

She would spread baseless rumors, dragging Aslan’s reputation into the dirt.

If she could convince people that Aslan was grooming the young commoner slaves to one day marry them, it would utterly destroy him.

The more Aslan tried to deny it, the worse the situation would get.

People love entertainment, not the truth.

Once his reputation was in shambles, removing Aslan from power would be easy.


Yes, this was it.

Irene couldn’t hold back her laughter.

It was a perfect plan.



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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