
I Kidnapped the Hero’s Women - Chapter 10 - Anonymous Benefactor (1)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 10 – Anonymous Benefactor (1)

“Is it because of mister?”

“It’s not because of that man! And why do you call him ‘mister’? It’s annoying.”

“Because he’s a mister…”

“Don’t call him that in front of me. It irritates me.”

Julia snapped irritably, shoveling food into her mouth as if to relieve stress.

Charlotte observed her face for a moment, tilting her head first one way and then the other.

‘Why is she so prickly only to him?’

Of course, Julia being prickly was nothing new.

She often argued with the other orphanage kids and sometimes even got into fights, thanks to her impulsive nature.

Since she started suffering from insomnia, it had gotten much worse.

Julia’s nickname became “Mad Dog” because she seemed to lash out at everyone and everything.

But this was different from her usual “Mad Dog” behavior.

In the past, Julia only got angry on behalf of Charlotte or Yuri, rarely for herself.

But now, she seemed to be getting riled up over simple friction with one person.

It was strange.

Normally, once Julia decided someone was trash, she completely ignored them, not wasting any more energy on anger.

But with Aslan, she called him a scum every day while always finding new complaints about him.

It was an odd irony.

“Why do you dislike him so much? He’s been very kind.”

“Don’t you feel anything off? Do you really think he’s just being nice?”

Charlotte’s eyes asked, ‘If not, then what?’

Julia pounded her chest in frustration.

Ah, what am I going to do with you, you innocent thing.

“He’s definitely kind. The head of the orphanage barely fed us and made us sleep in cold and hot places. Compared to the head, the man who gives us delicious food and lets us sleep in warm, cozy rooms is a good person.”

“You’re being naive! He’s pretending to be nice to deceive you!”


“Yes. Obviously. For the infamous Vermont family to treat a slave like this, there must be some hidden agenda.”

“I… I don’t know, Julia.”

“What don’t you understand!?”

Charlotte’s confusion made Julia even more frustrated.

Even though Charlotte was slow, she wasn’t stupid. Julia had never felt this exasperated with her before.

“Let’s say you’re right, Julia. Even if he has some evil scheme, I like it here now.”


“Compared to the head of the orphanage, who said she loved us but treated us terribly, I prefer the ‘mister’ who may speak harshly but treats us well. Did you prefer the orphanage?”

“No, but…”

Julia trailed off.

It was a mix of yes and no.

The orphanage had been more painful and difficult, but there she knew exactly who her enemies were.

Here, she wasn’t sure if Aslan was an enemy or not.

Her heart insisted he was a villain, but she had no proof.

For someone like Julia, who had always relied on her hatred as a pillar of strength, this uncertainty was mentally exhausting.

Wanting to hate but unable to, it was frustrating.

“I’m not wrong. My eyes can’t be wrong. Aslan is a bad person. He has to be…”

“Don’t cry. Just tell me.”

“I’m not crying!”

As Julia’s voice started to waver, Charlotte hugged her with a smile.

Julia, always so full of worries.

So what if Aslan was a good person or a bad person? It didn’t change the delicious food or the warm bed she had now.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find proof that Aslan is evil…”

“Okay, I’ll wait, Detective.”

“Stop teasing me!!!”


“I miss Yuri…”

“Me too.”

Julia put down her food bowl and lay down, sobbing.

Yuri had always been so strong and dependable.

If he were here, Julia wouldn’t be having these doubts.

He would know what to do.

“I really miss Yuri. How do you think he’s doing now?”

“Hmm, he’s Yuri. He’s probably doing well wherever he is.”

“Right? He has to be…”

Julia’s expression darkened.

Yuri probably thought they were being tortured as test subjects right now.

“I hope he’s not pushing herself too hard for our sake…”

We’re okay.

At least ‘for now’.

Julia wished she could somehow let Yuri know they were alright.


In the Imperial Capital.

Barefoot, a child walked silently through an alleyway that did not match the neat, polished streets where well-dressed men and women passed by.

“What?! When did my bag disappear?”

“Driver! What are you talking about!”

“I swear, the bag was right here a moment ago…”

“That bag has my brand new suit in it!”

Unseen, the barefoot child had already slipped away, clutching the large bag to his chest.

Though not familiar, he handled it with practiced skill.

The heavy sense of guilt that settled over him dissipated quickly as he checked the bag’s contents.

“Perfect. This will do.”

A well-tailored suit and shoes. Both were slightly big but better than nothing.

He couldn’t very well take the entrance exam for the Imperial Magic Academy looking like a beggar.

He needed formal attire, anything that fit the part.

“I’d rush in now if I had the strength…”

Grinding his teeth, Yuri thought of Charlotte and Julia back at the Vermont mansion.

They must be eagerly waiting for him. He wanted to run to them now, but his current strength wouldn’t even get him past the mansion’s gates.

He had to bide his time, no matter how much it pained him.

He had to use his anger to grow stronger.

He had to learn magic, gain power.

“I need to become strong enough to defeat Aslan Vermont!”

The Imperial Magic Academy’s Combat Magic Department was like a military academy. It trained future magic officers, with the Empire covering all tuition fees.

If he could get in, he could learn magic for free.

He just had to get accepted.

Resolving himself, Yuri stepped into the bustling Imperial Magic Academy.

“I’m here to take the entrance exam for the Combat Magic Department.”

“Sure. Come this way. What’s your name?”


“Last name?”

“Yuri Brussel.”

“Alright. Yuri Brussel. Please present your citizen card.”

“My citizen card?”

“Yes, or your passport. Combat Magic Department applicants must prove Imperial citizenship.”


Yuri’s eyes widened in shock.

A citizen card?

Of course, it made sense. They couldn’t have just anyone taking the exam for future military officers.


In that moment, his dreams shattered.

He had come so far, only to be blocked by this.

Denied because he was an orphan.

Despair and inferiority washed over him as he retraced his steps.

‘Guess I’ll have to join an underground organization…’

There was a backup plan.

The Empire’s capital, as dazzling as its front was, had a dark underbelly.

Joining an underground group would mean learning combat magic quickly, but at a cost.

‘I don’t like it, but…’

They wouldn’t teach him for free. They’d use him, trap him, and ensure he couldn’t leave.

It was a clear future, but he had no choice.

Saving Charlotte and Julia was more important.

I can ruin myself, but not them…

Just as Yuri bit his lip in resignation, a voice called out.

“Yuri, right?”


“It’s you, isn’t it? Small, pretty boy with a delicate face. Just as I heard.”

“…Who are you?”

“I’m the headmaster of this academy. An anonymous benefactor has chosen to sponsor you. We’ll cover all your tuition, so you can attend without worry.”


Yuri’s eyes widened.

An anonymous benefactor? What did that mean?

Someone knew him and wanted to pay his way?

It was too sudden and unbelievable.

“Can I choose my department?”

“No, the benefactor already decided. You’ll be in the Magical Arts Department.”


What was this benign-sounding department?



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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