
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 159

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 159

Zeon didn’t head back to the slums immediately. Instead, he wandered through Neo Seoul.

Though he had visited Neo Seoul before, his previous trips had been strictly for gathering information to deal with Tajik. This time, he had the leisure to take in his surroundings.

Zeon strolled slowly through the streets.

Nominally, Neo Seoul was divided into four districts—North, South, East, and West—with the City Hall at its center. However, there were no clear boundaries between these districts, allowing him to explore freely.

Thanks to this, Zeon could roam Neo Seoul at will.

Neo Seoul was a world apart from the slums.

While the slums seemed stuck somewhere between the past and the present, Neo Seoul had clearly leaped beyond modern civilization.

“Incredible! To create such a civilization in just a hundred years!”

Jin Geum-ho was truly a man worthy of respect.

Without him, the creation of such a city would have been impossible.

Because of Jin Geum-ho’s reconstruction of Neo Seoul, a staggering twenty million people were able to escape the threat of the monsters.

With an expression of admiration, Zeon took in the miraculous city forged by one man’s determination and willpower.

Just then,


“It’s Zeon.”

Hearing children’s voices, Zeon turned his head.

As soon as he saw their faces, his brow furrowed.

The faces were identical, as if stamped from a mold—twin sisters.

They were Eun Su-jin and Eun Su-yeong.

“What are you two doing here?”

“We should be asking you that!”

“Why are you here? Shouldn’t you be in the slums?”

The twins strode toward Zeon.

Sensing no hostility, Zeon answered calmly.

“The Mayor called for me.”

“What? Does that mean you’re joining City Hall?”

“Are you joining the Numbers? That means we’ll be family.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

“Why not?”

Zeon smirked and replied.

“It’s too clean here.”

“What do you mean?”

“There’s no sand.”

“Oh! Right, you’re a Sand Mage.”

Although his reasoning was trivial, the twins quickly understood.

They had already known Zeon was a Sand Mage. Given that a sandless environment is the worst for a Sand Mage, they accepted his explanation without further question.

At that moment, another voice joined in.

“So this is where everyone disappeared to.”

An old man, leaning on a cane, approached the trio.

It was Old Man Go, another member of the Numbers.

Seeing Zeon’s face, Old Man Go’s expression turned complicated.

Having fought alongside him against Balrog, he knew well how formidable Zeon was.

“What brings you here?”

“He said the Mayor called for him.”

“The Mayor?”

Old Man Go looked at Zeon with a puzzled expression.

Being a Numbers member himself, he knew Jin Geum-ho better than anyone.

The Mayor was not one to casually invite just anyone into his office. Such invitations were extended only when there was significant value or a specific purpose.

“Did he offer you a position?”

“No, he didn’t.”


“We just had a few casual conversations.”


The old man’s already wrinkled face furrowed further.

‘The Mayor summoned him just for meaningless chat? Even a dog wouldn’t believe that.’

There must have been some discreet conversation.

However, probing further was impossible.

Jin Geum-ho also gave individual missions to the Numbers members. No one ever knew what tasks others were assigned.

While the twin sisters were an exception because Old Man Go acted as their guardian, sharing missions, the circumstances of other Numbers members were unknown.

Likewise, it was probable that the Mayor had made some offer to Zeon.

Whether Zeon had accepted the offer, only time would tell.

“Since we’ve met, how about having a meal together? I’d like to treat you to a good restaurant for all your help.”

“Sounds good. I don’t have any other plans.”

“Then let’s go.”

Old Man Go smiled warmly.

The twin sisters clung to Zeon, chattering away.

“When did you awaken, Zeon?”

“What’s your rank?”

“How long will you stay in the slums?”

“Do you have any friends?”

“Where are you staying?”

Their barrage of questions made Zeon’s ears feel like they were about to bleed.

With a gentle expression, Old Man Go said,

“They’re a bit noisy, aren’t they? But it means they like you.”

“It’s a bit annoying.”

“Bear with it. I’ve lived with them for years.”


Zeon chuckled.

Not long ago, they were wary of each other, but now they were chatting like old friends. The sudden change was amusing.

The twins noticed and exclaimed.

“Oh, he’s laughing!”

“Zeon can laugh too.”

“He’s handsome.”

“Really handsome.”

Their voices were almost overwhelming for Zeon.

Still, he thought this was not a bad reunion after all.

Better this than clashing swords, he mused.

Old Man Go led them to a luxurious restaurant at the top of a thirty-story building.

The place was bustling with well-dressed patrons.

Among them were a few Awakeneds in heavy armor, engrossed in their own conversations, indifferent to the stares of others.

In a world dominated by the Awakened, no one questioned their attire.

“We’ll sit over there.”

Old Man Go guided Zeon to an empty window seat. But the moment they sat down, a manager approached hastily.

“Excuse me, sir, but that table is already reserved.”

“Cancel that reservation.”


“How about now? Still won’t cancel?”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Old Man Go flashed his ID to the hesitant manager.

The manager’s face turned pale upon seeing it.

The ID bore the Mayor’s seal, indicating Old Man Go’s status as a high-ranking city official.

In Neo Seoul, an ID with the Mayor’s seal was practically a free pass. It granted unrestricted access to any facility.

The manager knew well what refusing such an ID meant.

“From now on, this table is yours.”

“Set the table with the finest food. I’m here to treat my esteemed guests.”

“Of course, sir.”


Old Man Go sat down with a satisfied smile.

Despite his seemingly easy-going nature, he was one of the powerful figures at the pinnacle of Neo Seoul and knew how to wield and enjoy his power.

Old Man Go turned to Zeon.

“The veal steak here is simply extraordinary. Once you try it, you’ll keep coming back.”

“Is it real veal?”

“Of course. It’s on a whole different level from cultured meat.”

“Where do they raise cattle in Neo Seoul? Space is limited.”

“Humans have an amazing ability to find solutions no matter the situation. So don’t worry and enjoy your meal.”

Everyone who visits for the first time had the same thoughts as Zeon.

After the world turned to sand, animals that grazed on grass, like cows, faced extinction. With no grass, there was no way to raise them.

Even a city like Neo Seoul didn’t have the conditions to raise cattle. But somehow, they had found a way.

‘This world is truly mysterious. They actually raise real cows.’

Zeon couldn’t even begin to guess where in this glamorous city there might be space to raise cattle.

“This place is really delicious.”

“Once you taste it, you’ll want more.”

“I’m already salivating.”

“I can’t wait to eat.”

The twin sisters drummed on the table excitedly. Onlookers glanced at them but said nothing, recognizing that this group held significant status in Neo Seoul.

Shortly after, the veal steak Old Man Go ordered arrived.

Served on a pristine white plate, the veal steak looked so appetizing that just seeing it made Zeon’s mouth water.

Old Man Go asked Zeon,

“Would you like a glass of wine?”

“Do they have wine too?”

“Not just wine. Whatever drink you want, just ask. Anything is possible here.”

“Thank you for the offer, but I don’t drink.”

“Then I’ll have a glass.”

Old Man Go ordered a glass of wine from the manager.

Once the wine was served, the meal began.

The sound of knives cutting meat echoed around their table.

Zeon’s eyes widened at the first taste of the veal steak.

The flavor surpassed his expectations.

It was on a completely different level from the cultured meat raised in factories.

The tender texture and the juice within made him feel like he was in heaven.

“How is it? Good, right?”

“It’s delicious.”

Zeon answered honestly.

Old Man Go smiled with satisfaction as he sipped his wine.

“If you live in Neo Seoul, you can enjoy this kind of food every day.”

“Having it every day would be too much. I’d rather come occasionally.”

Zeon politely declined Old Man Go’s offer.

Food this good can make people arrogant.

If one gets used to such luxury, it’s hard to return to a simple life.

That wasn’t what Zeon wanted.

As delicious as this veal steak was, Zeon preferred the meals prepared by old man Klexi.

Nonetheless, Zeon decided to enjoy the moment.

He slowly chewed the meat, savoring the flavor.

The juice that filled his mouth delighted his tongue.

For this moment, even the twin sisters stopped their chatter and focused on the food.

Peace had finally arrived after a long time.

“Ah! The aroma is wonderful.”

Old Man Go enjoyed the scent as he sipped his wine.

As the four of them focused on their meal, a commotion arose at the entrance.

“What? Our table’s not available?”

“Do you want to die? Cancelling our reservation without permission?”

Two Awakeneds were causing a ruckus at the entrance.

They seemed to be the ones who had reserved the table where Zeon and the others were sitting.

The manager was sweating bullets trying to calm them down, but it was no use.

“Move! I’ll see the faces of the bastards who took our spot and crush them.”

“Damn lowlifes…”

The Awakeneds exuded a menacing aura as they approached Zeon’s table.

The manager, unable to stop them, anxiously watched as they reached the table.

These Awakeneds were clearly high-ranking, adorned with top-tier equipment.

“You’re the scum who took our table?”

“A geezer, a punk, and two brats. Who the hell are you?”

Old Man Go looked up at them and spoke.

“I apologize for taking your table. I’ll compensate you adequately, so please leave quietly.”

“What are you talking about, you crazy old man?”

“Do you know who you’re talking to?”

The Awakeneds glared and shouted.

“And who might you be?”

“Damn it! We’re from the Brotherhood of Darkness.”

“Brotherhood of Darkness? Never heard of it.”

Old Man Go tilted his head in confusion.

The twin sisters provided the answer.

“They’re a gang based on the border between the West and South districts.”

“Their main income comes from illegal gambling and brothels.”

A deep smile appeared on Old Man Go’s lips.

“Then there’s no need to feel sorry.”


“We were going to wipe you out anyway, so don’t be upset about dying a few days early.”

“You damn old man, what are you talking about…”

One of the Awakeneds, unable to stand it any longer, tried to punch Old Man Go. But he never got the chance.


With a flick of his fingers, Old Man Go erased the upper halves of their bodies as if they were wiped away by an eraser.

It was the end for them.

Blood spurted like a fountain from the remaining lower halves, causing the other diners to scream.



Ignoring the commotion, Old Man Go spoke.

“We’ll finish our meal later. Today, we need to clean up this Brotherhood of Darkness.”

It was a death sentence for the Brotherhood of Darkness.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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