
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 163

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 163

The journey to the Mana Stone Mine was incredibly peaceful.

Ten buggies and twenty transport vehicles sped across the desert in unison.

Most monsters were too intimidated by the sheer sight of the convoy to even think of approaching.


In the distance, the howl of an Alpha Fire Wolf echoed.

There must have been a massive pack, easily numbering in the hundreds.

Fire Wolves were known for their aggressiveness and tenacity. They were fiercely protective of their territory and would not tolerate any intruders.

However, even this formidable pack of Fire Wolves didn’t dare to approach the convoy heading to the Mana Stone Mine.

The creatures knew better.

Attacking the Pegasus Raid Force would result in complete annihilation.

Even the most instinct-driven and less intelligent monsters felt fear in the presence of the Pegasus Raid Force.

At least on the road to the Mana Stone Mine, there were no monsters daring enough to challenge the Pegasus Raid Force.

Thanks to this, the Raid Force arrived at the Mana Stone Mine without incident.

“Is this the third time?”

Zeon muttered as he disembarked from the buggy.

Having visited the Mana Stone Mine three times, it now felt almost familiar to him.

“Is this the Mana Stone Mine?”

“It’s huge.”

Brielle and Levin were awestruck by the imposing sight of the mine.

Other mercenaries who joined the raid were equally overwhelmed.

Unless they were as experienced as the Pegasus Raid Force members, everyone was usually taken aback by the grandeur of the Mana Stone Mine.

The gates opened, and the thirty vehicles entered the mine one by one.

It was common for dungeon raiding parties to stop by the Mana Stone Mine, but it was rare to see such a large group.

Even the resident Awakeneds of the mine were surprised.

At that moment, someone emerged from the mine to greet Lee Ji-ryeong.

“Welcome. We’ve been expecting you.”

It was Cha Jin-cheol from the West District.

Lee Ji-ryeong frowned as Cha Jin-cheol approached.

“What about the troops?”

“All seventy are in the quarters.”


“Too few for your liking? Don’t worry. They’re all elite, at least C-rank or higher. They won’t be a burden on the Pegasus Raid Force.”

“You better keep that promise.”

“Don’t worry. But…”

Cha Jin-cheol paused and glanced around.

His eyes lit up when they landed on Zeon.

He recognized Zeon’s face from the White Bear Caravan auction but hadn’t known Zeon’s true value at the time.

Cha Jin-cheol walked briskly towards Zeon and spoke.

“It’s been a while.”


“I’m looking forward to this dungeon raid.”

“Is that so?”

“You haven’t officially joined the Pegasus Raid Force, have you?”

“I’m participating as a mercenary for now.”

“Smart move. Let’s talk more later.”

Cha Jin-cheol smiled.

His participation in this dungeon raid was primarily because of Zeon.

If Zeon had officially joined the Pegasus Raid Force, it would have complicated things. But since that wasn’t the case, Cha Jin-cheol saw an opportunity to recruit him to the West District.

Then Zeon asked an unexpected question.

“Is that item on your belt from the White Bear Caravan auction?”

“Yes, it is. It’s the Warden’s Lasso.”

Cha Jin-cheol had won several items at the White Bear Caravan auction. Most were stored in the West District’s warehouse, but he kept the Warden’s Lasso.

Kim Hyun-soo, the ruler of the West District, had given it to Cha Jin-cheol as a reward for his efforts.

“I carry it around because it seems useful in emergencies.”

“I see.”

“If you like it, I can give it to you.”

“No, thank you.”

“If you ever change your mind, let me know. The West District is always ready to open its treasure vault for someone with your talents.”

“I appreciate the offer, but I don’t wish to belong to any faction yet.”

“You’re young and naive. There’s a limit to what you can achieve alone. Talented individuals like you need the protection of a powerful faction to grow. If you join the West District, we will fully support you.”

Cha Jin-cheol spoke rapidly, clearly intent on recruiting Zeon.

His true goal was to bring Zeon into the West District.

The dungeon raid was secondary.

“That’s enough.”

Just as he was about to press further, a female voice interrupted.

“How dare you!”

Cha Jin-cheol glared at the woman who had interrupted him.

She was a beautiful woman with long, wavy blonde hair.

Her sapphire blue eyes sparkled, and she had a refreshing smile.

“Who are you to interrupt our conversation?”

“My name is Mandy Systein. I’m the supervisor dispatched from the City Hall.”

“The supervisor? A brat like you…”

“Regardless of my age, you should watch your words. I do hold a position, after all.”

Mandy’s calm yet firm response left Cha Jin-cheol speechless.

He wanted to lash out at the bold young woman but held back due to her rank.

The City Hall supervisors were not to be trifled with. If anything happened to a supervisor, the City Hall would demand accountability.

The consequences would be severe, making it unwise to antagonize them.

“Tch! We’ll talk later.”

Cha Jin-cheol finally backed down.

“Are you the supervisor we were supposed to meet here?”.

“Yes, I ended up being assigned here. Please take care of me.”

Mandy bowed slightly to Zeon.

Such a gesture was something her other persona, Eloy, would never have done.

“Likewise, I look forward to working with you.”

“I’ve already arranged our quarters. Shall we?”

“Let’s go.”

At that moment, Brielle approached with a displeased expression.

“Long time no see, half-elf!”

“Cheeky elf, you came too.”


“Still just a junkie…”

The two elves snarled at each other as soon as they met.

“Come on, both of you, calm down…”

Levin said, sweating nervously as he tried to mediate.

Zeon chuckled as he watched them.

Despite their harsh words, he knew they would never actually fight.

Both had fully adapted to human society and understood that fighting would only lead to losses.

‘That Warden’s Lasso.’

Zeon thought, recalling the lasso on Cha Jin-cheol’s belt.

It was an item Damien had put up for auction.

There was something unsettling about it that bothered Zeon.

Although he couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason, just being in the same space with it made him feel uneasy.

Cha Jin-cheol owned such an item.

Zeon considered warning him but decided against it.

Judging by Cha Jin-cheol’s personality, he doubted a warning would be heeded.

‘Anyway, it seems to be securely sealed, so it should be fine.’

* * *



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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The peacefulness of the Mana Stone Mine was shattered by the arrival of the large group, making the night incredibly noisy.

“Hey there, handsome, come here.”

“Hey mister, let’s have some fun tonight.”


The prostitutes residing at the Mana Stone Mine came out to entice the Awakeneds.

Dressed in barely-there outfits, the sight of them made the Awakeneds’ eyes light up.

“Fuck! Let’s play a little bit.”

“We’ll be eating sand for days, let’s indulge while we can.”

“Oh my! You beast.”


The seduced Awakeneds embraced the prostitutes and went inside.

The bars were thrilled with the sudden influx of customers, and people roamed the streets drunk.

Lee Ji-ryeong and Cha Jin-cheol permitted their subordinates to indulge.

Once the dungeon raid began, they wouldn’t be able to satisfy their desires.

Even if they were strict at times, they believed in giving their subordinates a chance to unwind. This was why they allowed such behavior.

“Is the Mana Stone Mine always this noisy? I can’t sleep.”

Brielle grumbled. Mandy, who was nearby, replied.

“It’s just for tonight. Try to bear with it.”

“You seem used to this kind of situation?”

“I was born and raised in human society. You should get used to it too.”

“Why should I get used to it? I plan to leave Neo Seoul someday.”

“Good luck with that.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do you think your village will take you back? With that deep scent of drugs on you?”


“No matter how much you break the addiction, the scent ingrained in your body will never go away.”

Brielle bit her lip at Mandy’s words.

Elves had senses much keener than humans, including their sense of smell. They could easily distinguish even the faintest scent of drugs lingering on someone.

Ordinary elves might still accept her, but High Elves would not.

High Elves, who saw themselves as noble beings, would never accept a tainted member.

Brielle had been addicted to drugs.

The noble High Elves would never take her back.

She once thought that was the way it should be.

Purity was the identity of High Elves.

But living among humans, she began to understand.

She understood why humans could build such an overwhelming civilization under the same conditions.

Purity was not essential for survival.

What truly mattered was the will to survive and move forward.

In that aspect, High Elves were lacking.

It was almost impossible for the High Elves to accept a former drug addict like Brielle back into their fold.


Brielle sighed involuntarily, and Mandy thought to herself.

‘Maybe I shouldn’t have said anything?’

But someone had to tell her.

As a half-elf herself, Mandy knew better than anyone.

She understood the feelings of an outcast who didn’t completely belong anywhere.

However, such a state couldn’t last forever.

Eventually, a decision would have to be made.

To live as a human or as an elf.

Mandy chose to live as a human, which is why she predominantly existed as Mandy rather than Eloy.

It made adapting to human society easier.

‘Like I did, she will have to decide someday.’

Brielle suddenly stood up.

“I’m going out to get some air.”

Without waiting for a response, she left.

Mandy glanced at Zeon and Levin.

Levin got up immediately.

“I’ll go after her.”

He followed Brielle outside.

Left alone with Zeon, Mandy spoke cautiously.

“Did I say something wrong?”

“It might have been a bit early.”

“But it needed to be said. I don’t want her to make the same mistakes I did.”

“Looks like you had a tough time?”

“Being a half-elf sounds nice, but in reality, humans treat me as an outsider, and elves see me as a mongrel. I’ve lived in Neo Seoul all my life, but I am nothing. An outsider belonging to neither side.”

Her voice carried a hint of loneliness.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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