
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 42

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 42

Dyoden was startled, his eyes widening.

Though Kreion had occasionally appeared, never had his appearance been this vivid.

“Is it because you absorbed Akaruk’s sword?”

–Right! But…


–My durability has greatly decreased.

“Because I overexerted?”

–More so because my time is nearly at its end. Defying the laws of nature to transfer my soul into the sword has taken its toll.


–Friend! We have little time left. We really must conclude now.

“I know.”

Dyoden nodded gravely.

The dwindling time wasn’t solely Kreion’s concern; he too sensed his time was nearly up.

At over 130 years old, if he were a regular human, he’d have long returned to the earth.

He survived until now because he was Awakened, but in reality, he was festering inside.

Fighting against numerous enemies had made him stronger, but on the other hand, it also gradually damaged him from within.

Yet, Dyoden had never once regretted his life.

He lived solely for vengeance, and his actions aligned with that purpose, allowing him to grow strong enough to prepare for the confrontation with the dragon.

“Haeltoon isn’t far. Maybe that bastard is still watching.”

–A plausible tale from a deceitful lot.

“We need to move before he anticipates us.”

–Speed is life.


–Now, the end is truly near.

Kreion’s eyes, speaking of ‘the end,’ turned toward Zeon.

Zeon remained with closed eyes, lost in his own world.

–Meeting that child was fortunate. It’s thanks to him that we were able to cross the barrier and reach here.”

“He’s quite a useful idiot.”

–Your profanity remains. He’s not that much of a novice, you know.

“Once an idiot, always an idiot. Just like me.”

–You still blame yourself? It’s not your fault that I ended up like this.

“It’s all my fault. If I had been stronger, my wife and daughter wouldn’t have died, and your soul wouldn’t be sealed in the sword.”

Dyoden’s face held a grim light.

A hundred years had passed, yet the memories remained as vivid as yesterday.

Him, his wife and daughter were excited about their long-awaited trip.

With an old friend who was their older brother and maternal uncle.

New York, where his wife and daughter so desired to visit.

The Statue of Liberty, Central Park, Broadway, Times Square—seeing what they longed for filled them with joy.

The happiness in his wife and daughter’s laughter was unparalleled.

The joy of sharing a drink with his one and only friend. At that time, it felt like he had the whole world.

But their joy didn’t last.

A colossal dragon tore through the Manhattan sky, turning it into chaos, claiming more than half the lives.

His wife and daughter also lost their lives at that time.

He still could not forget the sight of his wife and daughter dying horribly right before his eyes.

His only friend, Kreion, was also fatally wounded.

Just before his last breath, Kreion Awakened, but Dyoden still couldn’t save him.

Using his abilities, Kreion sealed his soul into Dyoden’s sword, allowing him to survive.

If it weren’t for Kreion, Dyoden might’ve already taken his life long ago, being unable to forgive himself.

On the contrary, Kreion was also able to continue his hellish existence by relying on Dyoden.

But now, their end was imminent.

The life of the old man and the sword had now reached its limit, and the end was clearly visible as if one could grasp it with their hand.

“Before I die, I should take at least one dragon as a companion on my way to the underworld. So, seeing them in the afterlife won’t be so disappointing.”

Haeltoon isn’t the mastermind here, but that doesn’t absolve responsibility.

After all, he was one of the culprits who instigated Krasias to terraform Earth.

And that was the moment.


The sands swirling around Zeon began to coalesce into one with an eerie sound.

Kreion spoke,

–Looks like he has grasped a new skill.

Around Zeon, numerous sand beads formed, orbiting him like satellites.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The spinning sand beads shot forth at a frightening speed, piercing the sandstone wall, creating dime-sized holes that crumbled.

It seemed as if a claymore mine had exploded.

Hence, the new skill was named “Claymore.”

It detonated tightly packed sand like metal balls, just as a Claymore would.

If confined to a forward range, it amplified its explosive power, becoming a potent single-target skill. When unleashed widely, its explosive force weakened, yet it became an area-of-effect attack.

The skill aptly suited the name Claymore.

Though not perfected, the concept was grasped.

With potential for further development, and if done well, it seemed capable of defeating most Awakened with one blow.

Zeon opened his eyes and rose from his seat, but it was after Kreion had concealed himself.

Zeon asked Dyoden.

“You think it’ll be useful?”

“It’s still far from enough.”


“But you did well, to some extent.”

“Oh! What’s with the change? You’re not used to it? Just call me an idiot.”

“You’re making a fuss. Just because I praised you a bit doesn’t mean you’re not an idiot.”

“That’s better. Hehe!”

Zeon chuckled.




[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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The two lingered in the Valley of Death for a while.

During this time, Zeon honed his newly acquired skill, while Dyoden spent time meditating.

Though Dyoden didn’t explicitly speak, Zeon could tell that he was preparing for the final battle.

Zeon didn’t disturb Dyoden and spent time alone.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dime-sized holes were pierced in the sandstone.

It was the aftermath of Claymore.

Now, he could fairly naturally unleash the new skill.

Each time the skill was used, a chunk of mana disappeared, but it was unavoidable.

The stronger the skill, the more mana it consumed—this was natural.

Even with the increase in mana upon reaching C-rank, it was still insufficient.

Thankfully, there was Elura’s Tear. Without it, calculating the remaining mana each time he used the skill would render him unable to fight properly.

When Zeon attempted to use Claymore once again.


Suddenly, an intense pressure and immense coercion were felt.

Startled, Zeon turned around to find Dyoden standing there.


“Now it’s pretty usable.”


“But it’s still lacking. You know that, right?”


“At that level, it won’t be of much help.”


“You need to become stronger.”


Zeon wore a puzzled expression.

Zeon was so busy running that he was out of breath.

Of all the Awakened who have appeared on Earth, Zeon may be the only one to have advanced in rank so quickly.

He never relaxed or took a break while following Dyoden.

Thanks to that, he was able to reach C-rank. Yet, even that didn’t impress Dyoden.

Pulling out Kreion, Dyoden said.



“Survive from my hands. Then you will become stronger than you are now.”

“What? Are you insane!”

It was only then that Zeon realized the meaning of Dyoden’s words.


Dyoden swung Kreion.

In an instant, an immense pressure engulfed Zeon.

Without further thought, Zeon instinctively conjured a sand barrier.


However, the sand barrier couldn’t stop Dyoden’s strike.

The sturdy sand barrier disintegrated instantly, revealing Zeon, whom Dyoden aimed Kreion at again.


Zeon quickly stepped back with Sand Strides.

Dyoden charged towards Zeon.

A tremendous pressure and aura, unlike anything Zeon had felt before, bore down on him.

Dyoden’s gaze and aura seemed to constrict his entire body.


Kreion again lashed out towards Zeon.

Even a graze would cause severe injuries; a direct hit could mean death.

It was an attack that allowed no leniency.

To survive, Zeon had to struggle.

“Aaaah! Claymore.”

Zeon unleashed his newly acquired skill. Sand coalesced into beads, transforming into countless bullets aimed at Dyoden.


However, all the sand bullets were intercepted by the colossal Kreion.

“Damn it!”

He never imagined that Claymore, a supposedly perfect single-target attack skill, would crumble so effortlessly.

Even if facing Dyoden, he had anticipated at least some astonishment, but it seemed he had underestimated him.

Or he had overestimated himself.

Perhaps both.


Under Dyoden’s sword strike, the massive sand parted on both sides.

It was astonishing; no sword skill was used.

Zeon felt chills run through his body.

He knew Dyoden was more than a monster, but experiencing it firsthand surpassed imagination.

Each simple strike held more power than the skills of most Awakened.

He didn’t refrain from using skills because he lacked them; he refrained because there was no need to deploy them.

Zeon gave his all to counter Dyoden.

From Sand Blasters to Sand Missiles and Claymore, he employed all his single-target skills.

Yet, none made a significant impact on Dyoden.

Dyoden asked.

“Is that all you’ve got?”


Kreion soared as if it would cleave him in an instant.

Zeon narrowly evaded Dyoden’s attack.

A chill ran down his spine.

The immense power contained within Kreion was felt intensely.

Dyoden was serious.

He believed Zeon’s growth was lacking and aimed to forcefully elevate him to the level he desired.

He was genuinely attacking Zeon.

If he couldn’t reach the level Dyoden desired, he’d die.

Dyoden was someone who would follow through.

A shiver ran through Zeon’s whole body.

He surged with determination.

He knew he wasn’t yet at a level to face Dyoden head-on. But that didn’t mean he’d sit back and let Dyoden’s sword strike him.

He’d endure somehow, find a way, and counterattack.

That was the secret to survival he had learned while following Dyoden.

Raising his sand manipulation, he yelled defiantly.

“Alright! Let’s do this. You old dog!”

“Bring it on, you idiot!”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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