
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 46

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 46

Zeon wrinkled his nose.

“Is this a chimera?”

When it was alive, he didn’t notice, but from the dead chimera, there was a strange smell. It resembled the faint, pungent odor of a dead insect.

Zeon squatted down to examine the chimera closely.

Certainly, its muscles were different from those of a typical human.

The outer part was made of chitinous material like an insect, and the internal tendons were incredibly elastic and strong, almost like twisted steel wires.

What was most alien was the internal organs.

Unlike human organs, they were simple and not as complex.

It felt like they were arranged for maximum efficiency using the same amount of energy.

Zeon probed the internals with his hands.

In the past, he might have shuddered at the gruesome feeling, but after experiencing much more gruesome things on his way here, he could handle it with indifference.

Were the internal organs also transplanted from a monster? This is horrifying!”

Zeon exclaimed as he tilted his head slightly in disgust.

At this point, it would be more accurate to say that it was an entirely new life form.

Zeon’s gaze suddenly focused on the chimera’s heart.

A stone embedded in the heart emitted a strong mana.

“Magic Stone? So, they used Magic Stones as fuel?”

It made him realize the immense power of dragons.

Even in Neo Seoul, research on Magic Stones was active, but no one dared to use them as fuel for a living organism.

“This is insane.”

Zeon stood up, shaking his head slightly.

Dyoden spoke up.

“These crossbreeds are something else. Dragons are like controllers of magic, and for them, using magic is as natural as breathing. If their magic is a storm, then the magic humans use is just a slight breeze.”


“Now do you understand? The opponent we’re about to face is an incredibly formidable one. The chance of dying is several times higher than the chance of surviving.”

“Don’t tell me to turn back because of fear. My decision is firm.”

Zeon interrupted Dyoden. Then, Dyoden snorted and opened his subspace.

“Take this.”

He pulled out a small vial from the subspace and tossed it to Zeon.

“What’s this?”

“If you really think you’re going to die, drink it. It’ll heal almost any injury in an instant.”

“So, is this like an elixir?”

Zeon widened his eyes.

Elixirs were legendary potions that alchemists in the field aspired to create. They could instantly cure any ailment and even grant immortality.

Indeed, alchemists in Neo Seoul were actively researching elixirs.

Dyoden snorted.

“Hmph! There’s no way a real elixir exists. It’s an Awakening potion created by a mad alchemist. It’s made using the blood of powerful monsters, which have excellent regenerative and healing abilities.”

“Monster blood? Is it safe to drink?”

“That’s why I’m saying, if you think you’re going to die, drink it. Might as well experience some adventure if you’re going to die anyway. Thanks to the awakening properties, it’s better than a healing potion in overcoming pain.”

“Got it.”

Zeon put the vial into his subspace with a solemn expression.

The showdown with the dragon was imminent, and the mighty Dyoden’s attention to his well-being was evidence of how tense the situation was.

Dyoden gripped Kreion tightly, gazing at the dark night sky.

As if the dragon was there.


Zeon and Dyoden stayed until the oasis disappeared, devouring all the Sand Angler meat.

The Sand Angler’s meat was a fantastic source of nutrients.

Facing the once-in-a-lifetime battle ahead, it was more than enough to optimize their physical condition.

Dyoden spoke.

“Let’s go now.”


Zeon answered, pulling the hood of his robe low.

Having rested well and eaten heartily, his body was in top condition.

His senses were sharp, and vitality flowed through his entire body.

It was the first time his body felt so good.

Dyoden walked into the headwind of the sandstorm, taking long strides. His hair fluttered like a lion’s mane.

Zeon extended his Sand Strides, following Dyoden.

The scorching sun heated the sand, radiating intense heat, but it couldn’t impede the progress of Zeon and Dyoden.

What greeted them after several days of walking in the desert were pillars rising in the middle of the desert.

Dozens of hexagonal pillars standing alone in the middle of the desert looked suspicious to anyone.

Zeon stepped forward, asserting his dominance.

His senses extended in all directions through the fine sand particles.

There was nothing around.

‘Then it must be underground.’

Zeon concentrated his senses underground.

One hundred meters, two hundred meters…

His senses delved endlessly into the ground.

Zeon’s sensory range reached up to five hundred meters underground. However, even then, there was nothing.

Zeon released his dominance and spoke.

“Seems like it’s deeper than five hundred meters underground.”

“Probably. Like lizard hatchlings, he must’ve dug deep to hide. Cowards, that’s what they are.”

“Cowards? I’m not sure about that.”

“If they had real courage, instead of manipulating the other races to move Krasias, they would have moved him themselves. They can’t say a word in front of the strong and only act tough in front of the weak. If that’s not cowardly, what is?”

It was a strangely persuasive statement.

Zeon nodded, considering that it might be true.

The two arrived in front of the pillars.

Each pillar was as thick as several people combined.

The hexagonal pillars were engraved with unreadable symbols.

Zeon touched one of the pillars, murmuring.

“I can’t understand what’s written…”


The moment Zeon touched the pillar, it emitted a bright light.


Surprised, Zeon withdrew his hand, but the burst of light completely swallowed him.

After a moment, in the place where the light disappeared, Zeon was nowhere to be seen.

Dyoden, without showing any surprise, mumbled.

“Seems like the pillars work as some kind of teleportation device.”

He touched the pillar that Zeon had touched, but the expected burst of light did not occur.

“Can each pillar only teleport one creature?”

Dyoden touched another pillar.

Instantly, a bright burst of light engulfed him.

* * *



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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When Zeon opened his eyes, the environment had completely changed.

It was an incredibly vast cave, spacious enough for a giant monster to walk around freely.

The rock walls were shimmering as if gold veins ran through them.

As expected from a Golden Dragon, it was clearly a lair created inside the bedrock where a gold vein passed through.

“What’s the use of all this?”

Despite seeing a tremendous amount of gold, Zeon wasn’t particularly greedy.

Gold didn’t hold much value in the current world.

“Did Dyoden get transported to a different place?”

Zeon looked around, but there was no sign of Dyoden anywhere.

If Dyoden had touched the pillar, the high probability was that he had been transported elsewhere.

“I guess I’ll have to move on my own until I find him.”

Separated from Dyoden, Zeon hesitantly entered what he assumed was the lair of a dragon.

Even though he had faced numerous monsters before, confronting a dragon was a different league. It was natural to be afraid.

Zeon forced a calm expression.

He couldn’t stay still out of fear forever.

Even if there was a dragon at the end of this cave, he had to face it. Only then could he meet Dyoden.

Zeon proceeded cautiously.

This environment was disadvantageous for him.

Being inside a vein meant there was almost no sand.

Fortunately, he had Exion, which was a relief.

Zeon remained prepared to emit Exion at any moment as he moved forward.

It felt like he had gone deep into the cave, yet nothing had happened so far. Still, Zeon did not let his guard down.

Based on experience, trouble often arose when one least expected it.

His expectation didn’t miss the mark.


From the opposite side of the cave, a faint hissing sound reached his ears.

Just hearing it made all the hairs on his body stand on end, and his spine shivered with an unpleasant sensation.

“What’s this?”

Zeon released Exion and scanned the front.

Instantly, piercing through the darkness, the source of the sound revealed itself.

They were chimeras.

There were two-headed serpents, as well as those with four heads.

Some had wings on their backs, while others had two or four legs.

Apart from the commonality of having snake heads, everything else was different.

Their forms, textures, colors, and sizes varied.


It was evident that these were not ordinary monsters but chimeras created by Haeltoon.


Upon seeing Zeon, the chimeras roared fiercely and charged even more aggressively.

Facing the approaching chimeras, Zeon unleashed Exion.


His entire body was surrounded by Exion.

In that state, Zeon rushed towards the chimeras.

There was no fear on his face.


Exion, rotating fiercely around him, shredded the charging chimeras.



The screams of the chimeras being torn apart echoed through the cave.

Flesh burst open, and blood splattered in all directions.


The ground beneath the disintegrated chimeras melted, as if their blood contained corrosive venom.

While Zeon’s entire body was also covered in the chimeras’ blood, the robe and armor provided by Dyoden minimized the damage.


Even at that moment, the chimeras were relentlessly being torn apart by Exion.

The cave quickly filled with the disintegrated remains of the chimeras. Still, more chimeras continued to emerge from somewhere, attacking Zeon.

Zeon crushed each chimera one by one as he advanced.

Then it happened.


Suddenly, the cave was filled with bright light, and a lightning bolt struck Zeon.



With a loud explosion, Zeon’s body was forcefully pushed backward.

In that moment, wisps of white smoke emanated from Zeon’s entire body.

Fortunately, Exion had shielded him, minimizing the damage. If he had taken a direct hit without Exion, his body might have exploded.


Amidst the disoriented chimeras, an unusually large snake appeared.

On the head of the large snake were horns.

Sparks were emanating from the horns.

The lightning strike was the result of its skill.

‘A special monster?’

Among monsters, some occasionally possessed skills.

It seemed like the large snake that had just appeared was skilled in lightning-based abilities.


At that moment, another lightning bolt erupted from the horns of the large snake.

Zeon dodged the lightning, flying backward.


The place where he was standing exploded and the floor caved in.

While he managed to avoid the lightning, the force caused Exion to momentarily lose control and scatter.

Taking advantage of Zeon’s vulnerability, the chimeras rushed at him.

Zeon, with his gauntlet-clad fists, struck the lead chimera.


With a thunderous sound, the chimera’s head exploded.

Zeon shouted as he frantically attacked the chimeras.

“Don’t underestimate me, damn snake bastards!”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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