
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 160

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 160

Old Man Go, with his friendly demeanor that made him seem like a neighborly grandfather, was in reality an Awakened.

And not just any Awakened, but a high-ranking member of the Execution Squad directly under the Mayor.

Given his extraordinary abilities, the missions he undertook were often of unimaginable danger. He constantly put his life on the line.

Because of this, the Execution Squad’s Awakened members were granted numerous privileges. One of these was the immunity from prosecution for killing someone in Neo Seoul. Essentially, they had a license to kill.

While Old Man Go was extremely kind to his friends, he was ruthless towards those he considered enemies.

The twin sisters were no different.

Whenever Old Man Go took action, the twins would follow, and they too would mercilessly deal with anyone they deemed an adversary.

Unfortunately for the Brotherhood of Darkness, they were the targets this time.

Despite heading off to kill people, the twin sisters laughed gleefully, and Old Man Go neither scolded nor stopped them. For them, this was just another day.

Zeon shook his head slightly.

‘Their humanity is eroding.’

Perhaps it was inevitable.

In this world, humanity and morality no longer held sway.

The strong ruled, and the logic of power governed all rules.

Old Man Go and the twin sisters were among the powerful, and sadly, the Brotherhood of Darkness were the weak ones.

Old Man Go turned to Zeon and asked,

“How about it? Care to join us and watch?”

“No, thanks.”

“Why not? Come with us.”

Even the twin sisters pleaded for Zeon to come along, but he remained resolute.

He had no taste for the grotesque pastime of watching people being killed right in front of him.

“I have things to do.”

“What things?”

“Can’t it wait until tomorrow? Cleaning out criminals is such a joy.”

“Yeah! Killing criminals isn’t a crime.”

The twin sisters chattered on, almost spitting in their enthusiasm.

Watching these young girls talk about killing people as casually as breaking toys left Zeon feeling deeply disturbed.

He wasn’t sure if they were born monsters or if they had become ones, but they certainly weren’t normal.

Sensing Zeon’s discomfort, Old Man Go raised his hand to quiet the twins.

“That’s enough. No matter what you say, he won’t listen.”



The twins pouted in annoyance.

Old Man Go stood up and bid Zeon farewell.

“Well, I suppose that’s that. Until next time, then.”

“Yes, goodbye.”

Zeon parted ways with the trio.

After leaving the restaurant, Zeon didn’t immediately head back to the slums.

He still had things to take care of.

Entering a deserted alley, Zeon touched his earring and spoke.

“Hello, can you hear me?”

— Gasp! Is that you, Master?

A startled voice came from the earring.

Are you Kim Kyung-soo?

— Yes, it’s me, Master.

The voice from the earring belonged to Kim Kyung-soo.

He was the leader of the party that had attacked Zeon in the Vampire Bat dungeon when Zeon was trying to level up Levin.

Kim Kyung-soo had sworn loyalty to Zeon using the Pact Scroll, and now he responded nervously to Zeon’s voice.

“Where are you right now?”

— I-I’m at home.

“You’re in Central District, Block 13, right?”

— Yes, that’s correct.

“Come out. I’m nearby.”

— What? You’re in Neo Seoul?


— I’ll be right out. Should I bring anyone else?

“No, come alone.”

— Understood.

After the call ended, it wasn’t long before Kim Kyung-soo arrived, panting.

He must have come straight from home, dressed in casual clothes.


“You came quickly.”

“Of course, it’s an honor to be summoned by you.”

Fear was evident in Kim Kyung-soo’s eyes as he looked at Zeon.

It wasn’t just the fear of the binding power of the Pact Scroll.

The recent rumors about Zeon also played a part.

Hearing about a Sand Mage who defeated the Balrog was unbelievable, but Kim Kyung-soo knew it had to be Zeon.

The Zeon they had once foolishly tried to rob of the buggy was a powerhouse strong enough to take down the monstrous Balrog single-handedly.

Surviving after crossing such a person felt nothing short of a miracle.

Zeon asked casually,

“How have you been?”

“Good, thanks to Master… But what brings you to Neo Seoul?”

“The Mayor called for me.”

“Gasp! You mean Jin Geum-ho?”

Kim Kyung-soo was taken aback.

He knew well that the Mayor, Jin Geum-ho, did not meet just anyone.

‘The Mayor recognizes Master too? Well, given that he’s a rare Sand Mage, it makes sense.’

Kim Kyung-soo once again realized how remarkable an Awakened Zeon was.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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“But why did you call me?”

“I have a favor to ask.”

“What is it…?”

“From now on, Mr. Kim Kyung-soo and his colleagues will monitor the situation in the South District.”


“If there are any abnormal movements in the South District, please report them to me.”

“Why are you asking…”

“You don’t need to know the reason.”


Kim Kyung-soo responded with an expression of resignation.

There was no room for choice anyway.

Bound by the pact, it was impossible to defy Zeon’s orders.

Although he had been trying to find a way to break the pact, it was in vain.

He realized that there was no way out unless Zeon released him.

The reason Zeon gave him such orders was simple.

‘Since I made Pan Cheong-cheon like that, it’s obvious there will be some reaction.’

Like all rulers, Xiao Lun couldn’t bear to be wounded in his pride.

Already having lost Tajik by Zeon’s hands, it was certain that there would be some movement now that Pan Cheong-cheon was also damaged.

That was why Zeon ordered Kim Kyung-soo to monitor the South District.

“Then, see you next time.”

“Are you leaving now?”

“Yes! I won’t be coming to Neo Seoul for a while. So, if you have anything to report, come to the slums.”

It was because the earring they put in his ear wouldn’t work if they were too far away.


Kim Kyung-soo replied with a stern expression.

Zeon glanced at him for a moment before leaving.

Kim Kyung-soo stood there blankly, watching Zeon’s departing figure.

“I’ve been trapped by such a person, I don’t know what my future holds.”

At least it wouldn’t be smooth sailing.

* * *


Zeon, who had left Neo Seoul, looked up at the sky.

Just passing through the main gate changed the air.

The air was a mix of sand, humid and hot, stimulating the skin.

People accustomed to the clean air of Neo Seoul, protected by magic circles and barriers, felt like they were suffocating the moment they breathed the outside air.

But to Zeon, the outside air felt fresher.

“Oh! It’s Zeon.”

At that moment, a voice was heard.


Just by hearing the voice, Zeon recognized the owner.

He turned his head to see Brielle and Levin waiting for him.

“When did you come out?”

“Just now. Brielle was pestering me to come and wait for hyung, saying you’d be out soon.”

“Is that so?”

Zeon looked at Brielle.

Brielle smiled with her characteristic hazy eyes.

“How did you know?”

“I just knew.”


“I just felt like it was about time for Zeon to come out.”

“I see.”

Zeon nodded.

Brielle was a High Elf.

It wasn’t unusual for her intuition to be highly developed.

Zeon smiled and said.

“Let’s go home.”


“Let’s go, hyung!”

The three of them walked shoulder to shoulder down the street.

Levin asked.

“How was Neo Seoul?”

“It was impressive.”

“Is the street clean?”

“It’s being maintained without a speck of dust.”

“Wow! Then people must be dressed nicely, right?”

“The attire was luxurious.”

“How was the food?”

“It was delicious.”

“What did you eat?”

“Veal steak.”

“Veal? Lab-grown meat?”

“No, real veal.”


Levin exclaimed in admiration.

Having been born and raised in the slums, Levin had always admired Neo Seoul.

He had always been curious about what was beyond that giant wall and what kind of life people led there.

Now that he had awakened, he could enter Neo Seoul at any time.

With his abilities, he would be welcomed in any area.

But the reason he didn’t go to Neo Seoul was that once he belonged somewhere, his personal revenge would become almost impossible.

The City Hall or each district never let their Awakeneds have leisure time.

They deploy their Awakeneds to conquer dungeons or expand their territories.

That’s why he never thought of belonging to any faction until he found and killed the murderer.

Levin asked.

“What does veal steak taste like?”

“It was very juicy and tender.”

“Did it melt in your mouth?”

“It did.”


Levin wiped the drool from his mouth with his sleeve.

Brielle looked at Levin with a disdainful expression.



“I said you’re a fool.”

“Even to your brother…!”

“If you’re my brother, act like one.”

“Isn’t this enough, what…!”

“What are you saying? It’s noisy.”



“Ugh! Seriously…!”

Zeon smiled as he watched the two of them argue all the way home.

Although it was noisy and chaotic, he felt at ease being with them.

Eating at Old Man Klexi’s restaurant with these brats would be much more enjoyable than eating in Neo Seoul.

Zeon put his hand on the shoulders of the two who were still arguing and said.

“I’m hungry. Stop fighting, let’s go to Old Man Klexi store.”





[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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