
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 156

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 156

Xiao Lun’s forehead was deeply furrowed, adding more wrinkles to his already weathered face.

“So, you’re telling me he refused my offer?”

“I’m sorry. My abilities were lacking…”

Pan Cheong-cheon, confined to a wheelchair, trailed off.

His limbs were broken, rendering him unable to walk on his own.

Xiao Lun looked at Pan Cheong-cheon with a disdainful expression.

He had tolerated Pan Cheong-cheon’s arrogance because of his abilities, but now he had returned, battered and useless.

Though his limbs weren’t severed, he would regain his former abilities after treatment.

The real problem was that Xiao Lun’s trust in Pan Cheong-cheon had waned.

“He really controls sand?”

“Yes. I saw him manipulate sand freely.”

“So, he is truly a Sand Mage. What should we do?”

Tap, tap!

Xiao Lun tapped his fingers on the table.

“Does this mean there’s no way to reconcile with him?”

Zeon had annihilated the Crocodiles supplying their drugs, and even Tajik had lost his life.

Now, Pan Cheong-cheon had returned, crippled.

They had made a mistake from the start, leading to a series of failures.

To fix their relationship, they would need to start from the beginning, but that wasn’t possible now.

“So, we have no choice but to be enemies.”

“Underestimating Zeon would be a mistake. He threatened that if we antagonized him, he would ally with other districts.”



“Did you just listen to his threats?”

“I had no choice. If he joins forces with others, we are in danger.”

“It sounds to me like you were begging for your life.”

“That’s not it. I was thinking of you, Master Xiao Lun…”

“Disappointing, Cheong-cheon! If he threatened you, you should have fought back to the death. Instead, you crawled back, tail between your legs. What is that if not begging for your life?”

Xiao Lun’s voice was icy cold.

Pan Cheong-cheon hurriedly got out of his wheelchair and knelt.

Despite the excruciating pain from his unhealed bones, he didn’t hesitate.

“Please forgive me, Master Xiao Lun!”

“Cheong-cheon, Cheong-cheon! You pitiful thing. If you are a fighting dog, you should die fighting. Instead, you came back, tarnishing my honor.”


At that moment, a fierce light flashed from Xiao Lun’s eyes.

Pan Cheong-cheon’s face filled with terror.

“No, please!”

Instinctively, he tried to avoid Xiao Lun’s gaze, but it was too late.


His body began to turn to stone.

From the tips of his toes, the stone transformation crept up his legs.

Pan Cheong-cheon, watching his body turn to stone, pleaded.

“No! Please, forgive me… Master Xiao Lun!”

“I can forgive failure, but not disgrace to my honor.”

“Even though I served you like a dog…”

“Yes, your loyalty will be remembered.”


Pan Cheong-cheon let out one last scream as he fully turned to stone.

A living, breathing man had become a statue.

This was Xiao Lun’s awakened ability, Petrifying Eyes.

He could turn anything he looked at into stone, a truly terrifying power.

Those who knew him from the old days called him Basilisk.

However, his Petrifying Eyes didn’t work on those with higher awakening rank or protective skills. But such individuals were rare.

Using it also came with significant aftereffects, so he couldn’t use it frequently.

Xiao Lun coldly looked at the stone statue that was Pan Cheong-cheon.

Once turned to stone, there was no reversing it.

Xiao Lun casually waved his hand.


With a thunderous sound, the statue shattered.

“Clean this up.”

“Yes, sir!”

Immediately, servants appeared and began cleaning up Pan Cheong-cheon’s remains.

Left alone, Xiao Lun gazed out the window.

In the distance, the City Hall’s tall building stood out.

“Surely, he won’t ally with Jin Geum-ho…”

* * *

Several days had passed since Zeon’s clash with Pan Cheong-cheon.

During this time, Xiao Lun and the South District had shown no signs of movement.

Thanks to this, Zeon could rest peacefully.

Early in the morning, as Zeon put on his robe, Brielle asked.

“Where are you going?”

“Out for a bit.”

“Where to?”

“I’m planning to go into Neo Seoul.”

“Neo Seoul?”

“Want to come?”

“No, thanks! It’s too complicated and not my thing.”

Brielle shook her head.

Neo Seoul was a city where everything was controlled.

From the moment you stepped inside, everything was monitored and recorded.

Brielle hated that atmosphere.

For an elf who loved freedom, Neo Seoul’s cold and rigid environment was intimidating.

Zeon smiled understandingly.

“Then I’ll go alone.”

“When will you be back?”

“I’ll stay for a few days, but it won’t be too long.”

“Alright! Take care.”


Zeon waved and stepped outside.

He headed straight for Neo Seoul’s entrance.

Awakeneds were guarding the gate.

As Zeon approached, they became alert.

“Stop and identify yourself.”

They were ready to attack if needed.

Zeon presented the pass he received from Seo Tae-ran.

“I was invited by the City Hall.”

“The City Hall?”

An Awakened guard inspected Zeon’s pass.

The pass bore the Mayor’s seal.

“Are you Zeon by any chance?”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“My apologies. Please proceed.”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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The guards had already received instructions to let Zeon through.

Zeon took back his pass and entered Neo Seoul.

The guards at the gate whispered among themselves as they watched his back.

“That guy’s a Sand Mage?”

“Damn! That bum from the slums hit the jackpot with a powerful awakened ability.”

“Shh! Quiet. He might hear you.”

“Why, am I wrong?”

“No, but…”

“Hah! I’m envious. If I had an ability like that, I’d have women flocking to me.”

“Yeah, right! Not with that face. You’d still have no luck.”

“What did you say? You bastard!”

The guards started arguing among themselves, but Zeon paid them no mind and continued walking.

After about ten minutes, a car pulled up in front of him with a screech.

It was a vehicle powered by Mana Stones.

A woman in a red jacket and skirt stepped out of the car.

Zeon recognized her immediately.

‘Seo Tae-ran!’

She was Jin Geum-ho’s secretary.

Zeon was slightly surprised by her appearance.

It had only been ten minutes since he passed through the main gate. It was astonishing that Seo Tae-ran had already come to meet him.

“Nice to see you.”

“How did you get here so quickly?”

“The pass sends a signal to the City Hall as soon as it passes the gate.”

Seo Tae-ran answered as if it were no big deal.

Zeon didn’t know how the signal was transmitted, but it was clear that the City Hall tracked the movements of those with passes.

‘So this is what they call the Big Brother?’

It wasn’t that Jin Geum-ho and the City Hall were unaware of the movements of districts and Awakeneds. They were undoubtedly tracking them meticulously.

Zeon found this realization unsettling.

Nobody questioned or resisted this surveillance system. It had been in place since the early days of Neo Seoul, so everyone took it for granted.

No other colony, at least none that Zeon had visited, had such a system. This might be Jin Geum-ho’s greatest weapon.

Zeon boarded the car, which started smoothly.

The cars used in the desert were noisy, designed to handle rough terrain with little regard for comfort or convenience.

In contrast, the cars in Neo Seoul prioritized quiet operation.

“Nice car.”

“You could ride in one like this if you move to Neo Seoul.”

“I’m not really interested in cars…”

“True, you wouldn’t need one. You can travel anywhere freely as long as there’s sand.”

“But without sand, I have to walk, like in Neo Seoul.”

The streets of Neo Seoul were pristine.

Not a grain of sand or a pebble was in sight.

This was thanks to the protective magic circles and barriers that shielded the city.

No sand could pass through these barriers, ensuring the air remained clean.

This was the most significant benefit for the residents of Neo Seoul. In the slums, people constantly breathed dusty, polluted air.

It was a stark contrast, two worlds within the same space.

In this advanced city devoid of sand, Zeon felt out of place.

“Is there a reason to use sand in Neo Seoul? There are so many convenient alternatives.”

“I just feel empty without it.”

“You’ll get used to it.”

Zeon didn’t respond further. Her words weren’t worth replying to.

Telling a Sand Mage to live without sand was like taking away a beast’s fangs and claws.

Seo Tae-ran didn’t press the matter.

If Zeon were someone who could be easily persuaded, he would have already joined another faction.

‘He’s like a lone wolf. He’d rather be the leader of his own pack than follow someone else.’

Seo Tae-ran had thoroughly investigated Zeon.

While she couldn’t uncover what he did in the desert for the past eight years, she had detailed information about his early years and his return to Neo Seoul.

She understood his temperament and personality better than anyone.

Approaching different individuals required different strategies.

Unlike Dongdaemun or the South District, where forceful coercion was the norm, Zeon wouldn’t be swayed by such tactics.

‘An intellectual approach is needed for someone like him.’

She wouldn’t have invested this much effort if he were just another Awakened.

There were an overwhelming number of people from the Martial Arts category, Magic category, Hexer category, and Mechanized category. But a Sand Mage like Zeon was unique.

Not only was his ability rare, but it was also exceptionally powerful.

The City Hall had to secure him.

While Seo Tae-ran was deep in thought, the car arrived at the City Hall.

Zeon stepped out and looked up at the massive building.

Seeing it up close was different from seeing it from a distance.

It felt like a colossal giant towering over him.

From the top, he felt an intense gaze.

Seo Tae-ran didn’t need to explain; Zeon knew whose gaze it was.

‘Jin Geum-ho!’

From the highest point in the City Hall, Jin Geum-ho was watching him.

Chills ran down Zeon’s spine, and he clenched his fists.

His body responded to Jin Geum-ho’s gaze.

It was a first for Zeon.

Not even when facing Leviathan had he felt this way.

The City Hall itself seemed like an extension of Jin Geum-ho’s body.


Zeon took a deep breath.

The immense pressure that had been weighing down on him lessened slightly.

Zeon spoke to Seo Tae-ran.

“Let’s go up.”


Seo Tae-ran’s eyes widened.

Few had sensed Jin Geum-ho’s gaze, and even fewer had regained their composure as quickly as Zeon.

‘He’s more formidable than I anticipated?’



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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