
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 179

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 179


Fragments of the giant leech rained down like a torrential downpour.

The fragments were actually smaller leeches.

While a significant number were killed by the explosion, most remained alive.

Those wriggling on the ground quickly attempted to regroup around the main body. However, Zeon didn’t allow that.


Dozens of Sand Blasters penetrated the smaller leeches approaching the main body.

After isolating the main body, Zeon once again deployed the Sand Mixer.


The sand surrounding the main body spun ferociously.

The main body itself was a B-rank monster.

Its epidermis was vastly stronger than that of ordinary leeches.

Thanks to this, it could withstand the Sand Mixer for a short while. But it was only a matter of time.

After a while, the force field disintegrated entirely, and cracks appeared on its surface.

At this point, the main body grew desperate.


The main body emitted a high-pitched wail. In response, black shapes rained down from the sky.

The smaller leeches stationed in the nearby area flocked to the main body’s call.

They swarmed into the underground cavity through the hole where Zeon and the main body had fallen.

The cavity turned pitch black with the sheer number of smaller leeches.

To protect the main body, the smaller leeches formed a barrier in front of Zeon.

A writhing, massive wall.

They defended against Zeon’s attacks with their bodies.

Without hesitation, they sacrificed their lives to protect the main body.

This was the terrifying aspect of hive monsters.

They would unhesitatingly lay down their lives to protect the main or core entity.

All while being one.

One while being all.

That was the essence of a hive monster.

To safeguard itself, the main body summoned all the smaller leeches.

Zeon saw this and a cold smile crept onto his lips.

“So, you’re going for a sheer numbers attack? Too bad for you, I excel at that too.”


The sand around Zeon stirred and transformed into human-like figures.

He summoned the Sand Soldiers.

Over a hundred Sand Soldiers positioned themselves around Zeon.

Zeon commanded the Sand Soldiers.

“Break through.”

In an instant, the Sand Soldiers shot forward like bullets.

The Sand Soldiers and smaller leeches collided.

Boom! Bang!

With explosive sounds, the smaller leeches burst apart.

The Sand Soldiers were formidable.

While not as strong as Zeon, they were as powerful as most Awakened Martial Artists.

The Sand Soldiers shattered and destroyed the smaller leeches obstructing their path.

The Sand Soldiers took casualties as well.

More than ten smaller leeches attacked each Sand Soldier.

Despite the overwhelming numbers of the smaller leeches, Zeon remained calm.


As long as mana was supplied, the Sand Soldiers regenerated indefinitely.

The Sand Soldiers that had just collapsed due to the smaller leeches’ onslaught reformed and rose again, attacking and destroying the smaller leeches.

Boom! Bang!

The endlessly regenerating Sand Soldiers’ assault caused the smaller leeches to burst apart, clearing the path to the main body.

Zeon walked along the path cleared by the Sand Soldiers.


The main body let out a grotesque wail and retreated.

It felt extreme fear towards Zeon.

Neither the giant leech nor the smaller leeches’ sheer numbers could stop him.

With the surroundings entirely made of sand, there was nowhere to hide or escape.

Zeon was the perfect counter to the leeches.

“Where do you think you can hide now?”

Of course, the main body couldn’t answer.

No, it couldn’t.

It was desperately struggling to survive.


A black mist emanated from the main body.

It was the main body’s ultimate skill, the corrosive mist.

This terrifying skill released corrosive acid that could instantly dissolve most Awakeneds or monsters.

The corrosive mist quickly enveloped Zeon.

Seeing this, the main body trembled with joy.

It seemed like its plan was working.

The main body believed without a doubt that the corrosive mist would dissolve and eliminate Zeon.

But then.


A black mist also emanated from Zeon’s body.

Exion was released from his pores.

Exion swirled around Zeon’s body, pushing away the corrosive mist.

The corrosive acid that dissolved everything had no effect on Exion.

The corrosive mist was neutralized in an instant, leaving the main body defenseless.

Zeon stared intently at the main body.

His gaze was devoid of any emotion, causing the main body to flinch.

Zeon launched Exion at the main body.


Like a drill, Exion spun and pierced the main body.

A hole was blown through the main body’s torso.

That was its end.


With a scream, the main body collapsed.

As it died, the smaller leeches scattered, screeching in all directions.


Just as Zeon exhaled and began to unsummon the Sand Soldiers.


A figure wielding a giant scythe burst through the sand.

It was the Grim Reaper, who had kidnapped Cha Jin-cheol.


The Grim Reaper swung the giant scythe at the dead main body, causing it to shrivel and lose its luster.

The Grim Reaper had absorbed all the life force from the main body.

Zeon frowned at the sudden development.


The Grim Reaper glanced at Zeon briefly before passing through the wall and disappearing. In the direction it vanished stood an ancient fortress.

It was unclear why the Grim Reaper absorbed the main body’s life force, but it was evident it wasn’t for a benevolent reason.

Zeon swung his hand towards the wall where the Grim Reaper had disappeared.


The sand flew and created a large hole in the wall.

Beyond the hole was a dark passageway.

Entering the passage, Zeon muttered to himself.

“I need to hurry.”

* * *



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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“Shit! This place is massive.”

“The atmosphere is crazy.”

The Pegasus Raid Force and the Awakeneds looked at the enormous fortress before them with expressions of awe and dread.

Thanks to Zeon, they had crossed the quicksand and reached the fortress with relative ease.

Up close, the fortress was truly colossal.

One had to crane their neck until it almost broke to see the top.

Clouds hung ominously over the fortress, making it appear even darker against the already black structure.

“This place looks like something’s going to pop out any second.”

Lee Ji-ryeong muttered, glaring at the fortress.

“Whatever comes out, it doesn’t matter. As long as it’s not sand…”


“Exactly! As long as it’s not sand, nothing can stop us.”

At the words of Bronson, the leader of the Raid Team, the Awakeneds burst into laughter.

Just then.


Suddenly, hands began to emerge from the ground.

Not just a few—hundreds of arms burst through the surface.

“What the hell?”

“Watch your step.”

Someone shouted as the Awakeneds quickly retreated.

The owners of the arms broke through the ground, revealing themselves.

They were soldiers with rotting flesh and exposed bones.

Lee Ji-ryeong immediately recognized their nature.

“Undead. Be on guard, everyone.”


“You mean living corpses?”

“Shit! That’s disgusting.”

The eyes of the Awakeneds wavered.

They had conquered many dungeons, but this was their first encounter with undead.

Seeing the dead rise and move was utterly horrifying.

“Undead after the Grim Reaper? What the hell is this dungeon?”

“This is no time for theories. Prepare for battle. If we die here, we might end up like them.”


The Awakeneds shuddered at the mere thought.

Dying was scary enough, but becoming an undead, bound to the dungeon, was a fate worse than death.

At that moment, Bronson, the leader of the Raid Team, stepped forward and shouted.

“What’s the fuss over a bunch of corpses? Form up and sweep them away. Prepare for the prime formation.”

“Yes, sir!”

At Bronson’s command, the Awakeneds moved with precision.

The Pegasus Raid Force regularly practiced various formations for dungeon raids.

The prime formation was their most traditional strategy.

Awakeneds with martial arts abilities would block the enemy at the front, while the mages provided concentrated bombardment from the rear.

This overwhelming firepower was their preferred tactic.

“We’ll help too.”

The Awakeneds from the West District said as they stepped forward.

Normally, they would conserve their strength, but they moved to rescue Cha Jin-cheol.

Time was not on their side.

The longer it took, the slimmer their chances of saving Cha Jin-cheol.

This was not the time to hold back or conserve power.

The Mechanized Awakeneds stood beside the Martial Arts Awakeneds.


With mechanical noises, the metal components hidden in their skin became visible.


At that moment, the undead soldiers charged with ghastly cries.

“Come on! You disgusting corpses.”

“Don’t let a single one get through.”

The Martial Arts Awakeneds roared back, swinging their weapons.

Boom! Crack!

The undead and the Awakeneds clashed.

Under Bronson’s lead, the Martial Arts Awakeneds displayed overwhelming might against the undead.



Bones cracked and limbs were severed.

While the Martial Artists and Mechanized Awakeneds held back the undead, the mages unleashed their attacks.

“Aaaahh! Magic Arrow.”

“Fire Wall.”

“Wind Cutter.”

Boom! Bang!

Numerous spells bombarded the undead soldiers.

Explosions of flame and storms of blade-like winds tore through the undead ranks.

It was a display of absolute power.

“We’ve got this.”

“Piece of cake.”

The Martial Artists and Mechanized Awakeneds smiled triumphantly.

They had feared the undead, but they were easily overpowering them with their overwhelming firepower.

More than half of the undead had already been destroyed.

Finishing off the rest seemed like just a matter of time.

That’s when the battlefield changed.


A sinister red aura erupted from the fortress, sweeping across the battlefield. The fallen undead began to rise again.

“What the hell?”

“They’re reviving.”

Lee Ji-ryeong shouted.

“We need to find and destroy the core to stop their revival.”


Only then did the Awakeneds realize,

That a never-ending battle awaited them.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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