
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 212

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


Chapter 212

"It's going to be another scorching day."

Eloy grumbled as she emerged from the shelter.

Even though it was still early morning, the sun was already blazing fiercely.

Just being exposed to the sunlight felt like her skin was burning.

As an Awakened, she could handle it with only mild discomfort, but an ordinary person would dry up and die within an hour.

"It's true! Today is even hotter."


Brielle and Levin, who followed Eloy out, squinted against the intense sunlight.

Zeon, the last to leave the shelter, looked up at the sky.

The glaring sun made him squint instinctively.

As he pulled the hood of his robe over his head, he spoke.

"Be careful not to get heatstroke."

"Don't worry. I've got this. Hehe!"

Brielle patted her robe made from desert monster leather and laughed. Levin and Eloy looked at her with envy.

With a wave of Zeon's hand, the shelter they had stayed in the night before collapsed back into flat ground.

"Let's go!"


Levin immediately turned into a ghostly form and followed Zeon.

‘I need to get stronger.’

Following Zeon around made him realize one thing for sure.

In the desert, being kind and righteous meant nothing.

What truly mattered was strength.

Only those strong enough to survive the harsh environment and the onslaught of giant monsters had the right to talk about justice.

Like Zeon.

Levin still didn't know what Zeon's idea of justice was. But whatever it was, hardly anyone in the desert could challenge it.

Thus, Zeon's will was justice.

Levin wanted to be like Zeon.

Someone who could assert his own justice with strength.

That's why he voluntarily turned into a ghostly form even without being told to.

Ghost form was a skill that consumed an enormous amount of mana.

Maintaining it drained mana continuously.

With Levin's current ability, he couldn't sustain it for even an hour.

After an hour, the ghost form would dissipate, leaving him in a state of exhaustion.

He would be so drained that he could barely lift a finger.


As his ghost form dissipated, Levin fell to the ground.


"Sigh! This burden."

Eloy clicked her tongue and loaded Levin onto a Bactrian Camel. This time, she walked on the sand.

Brielle watched Levin, who was lying like a sack on the camel, with curious eyes.

Seeing her gaze, Levin felt a sense of crisis.


"Want to try this?"

Brielle pulled a transparent bottle from her sleeve and shook it in front of Levin's eyes.

"What… is that?"

His voice trembled involuntarily.

Brielle responded nonchalantly.

"Something good for you."

"Is it really good?"

"Trust me. I made it as a test using ingredients I found in the Steel Fortress."

"As a test? So, I'm the first to try it?"

"Yes! Don't worry. Trust me?"

"Of course I trust you."

"Then, let's give it a try."

Brielle smiled and poured the liquid from the bottle into Levin's mouth.

Too weak to resist, Levin drank every drop.

The moment he finished the liquid, a fiery pain surged from his lower abdomen.


Levin's eyes widened in sudden agony.

Brielle looked into his face and spoke.

"It'll hurt a bit at first."

‘Damn! Is this a bit?’

The pain was so intense it felt like his insides were being torn apart.

The pain was so severe he couldn't even scream.

Eloy frowned at Levin, who was trembling on the camel, and asked.

"What did you give him, kid? You're not trying to poison him because you don't like him, are you?"

"Who's poisoning him?"

"Then what did you give him?"

"A mana amplifier!"


"Are your ears blocked? It's a potion that amplifies mana."

"Damn it! That's impossible. There's no such thing as a mana amplifier."

"This is why half-breeds are useless. You always think with human values."

"Are you saying pure, or High Elves are different?"

"Of course they are."

Brielle stared straight at Eloy.

Though she had been captured and forced to make drugs by humans, her mind was still filled with the secrets of High Elves.

The greatest mission of High Elves was to pass down traditions.

To preserve and pass on the countless secrets and techniques accumulated since Kurayan to future generations.

Old high elves would teach young high elves everything they knew, ensuring the knowledge was remembered.

Brielle had gone through that process.

Though she had been captured by humans before completing her training, she remembered much of the High Elves' secrets.

Among them was the secret of mana amplification.

The problem was that the ingredients were only available in Kurayan.

The ecosystems of Earth and Kurayan were vastly different, leading to different ingredients.

That's why Brielle searched for Earth ingredients with similar effects.

In the Steel Fortress's warehouse, she found items similar to Kurayan's mana amplification potion ingredients.

She tasted each ingredient, tested them on herself, and determined the exact effects and dosages. It was a difficult process, but she finally created the mana amplification potion Levin had just consumed.

Though she told Levin it was a trial, it was actually the culmination of all her efforts.

‘If this truly amplifies mana, making a mana recovery potion will be easy.’

Mana amplification potions couldn't be released carelessly. They were too dangerous. But mana recovery potions were different.

With them, she could dominate Neo Seoul's potion market.

Many had researched it, but Neo Seoul had yet to produce a proper mana potion.

If Brielle released mana recovery potions, Awakeneds could expand their activities, tackle dungeons, and hunt monsters more frequently.

This would significantly increase Zeon's influence in Neo Seoul. Though he lived in the slums to avoid trouble, once his abilities were known, many would seek him out.

To be free from such people, he needed power.

Not just the power of a Sand Mage, but authority in Neo Seoul.

Brielle believed the mana potions would provide that power.

For now, the mana amplification potion was the priority.

Levin, the excellent test subject, was trembling in pain.


Levin screamed, his eyes bloodshot.

Eloy watched him with concern.

"Isn't he going to die from this?"

"Absolutely not..."

Brielle answered firmly.

This was a potion given to Levin, the closest person to her.

She wouldn't have let him take it if there were any side effects.

The current pain was just a step toward success.

Suddenly, Levin's expression changed.

Color returned to his face, and a smile appeared on his lips.

Moments ago, his body felt like it was exploding, but after the intense pain passed, he felt relaxed and energized.

The change didn't stop there.

‘My total mana has increased. By about thirty percent.’

Thirty percent might not seem like much, but it was a significant increase in total mana.

Normally, mana wouldn't increase without leveling up. Increasing total mana without leveling up was unheard of in the Awakened world.

But the impossible had become reality.

Levin was the first beneficiary.

Although he had to endure hellish pain, it was worth it.

Levin opened his eyes and smiled widely.

"This is amazing. My mana increased by thirty percent."

"See? I knew it."

"Can I take another one?"

"Sorry, but the effect only works once. Taking it again won't have such dramatic results."

"Really? That's a shame."

Levin clicked his tongue.

He had suspected as much, so he wasn't too disappointed.

If such a groundbreaking potion increased mana every time it was taken, Awakeneds would become endlessly powerful.

Brielle explained further.

"You're lucky. It'll take a long time and effort to find the same ingredients again."

"You mean?"

"It'll take a long time to make another mana amplification potion. Who knows when the next one will be."

"I see."

"So, enjoy the moment, idiot!"


Despite being called an idiot, Levin didn't look offended. Instead, he was eager to test his abilities.

Levin leaped off the camel and turned into his ghost form.

Maintaining it didn't feel burdensome.

Thanks to his increased mana.


Levin celebrated with an uppercut in the air.

Seeing him, Brielle also smiled.

‘Success. With the mana amplification potion a success, making regular mana potions will be easy.’

The confidence that came with success made her happy.

Eloy cautiously asked Brielle.

"Do you have another one?"

"What do you think?"

"Damn it! I should've taken it."

"Who would give it to you? Idiot!"

"You're such an unlikable kid. Tch!"

Feeling regretful, Eloy didn't say anything harsher.

She looked at Levin in ghost form with envy.


* * *

"Will this damn sandstorm ever stop?"

"Phew! Stop complaining. It's hard enough as it is."

A group was traveling through the desert in buggies.

Rattle! Rattle!

The four buggies struggled through the sand, looking ready to stop at any moment.

In the lead buggy were a middle-aged man with a claymore at his waist, a woman with striking blue hair, a cold-looking man, and a huge man built like a mountain.

The man with the claymore was Jang Yong-beom.

This was Jang Yong-beom's party.

The members, named Giselle, Aiden, and Mountain, were well-known powerful Awakeneds in Neo Seoul.

Following Jang Yong-beom's buggy was another buggy with a party of Awakeneds.

They were all from parties in Neo Seoul assigned the same mission.

Recently, several Pathfinder teams sent west of Neo Seoul had not returned.

Pathfinder teams, tasked with pioneering missions, consisted of experienced Awakeneds who could handle most dangers without batting an eye.

The disappearance of several Pathfinder teams was a serious issue.

Thus, Neo Seoul commissioned several parties to investigate.

Jang Yong-beom initially wanted to refuse the mission.

He sensed danger.

But this time, he couldn't refuse.

Neo Seoul had practically forced them to take the mission.

"Everyone, be careful. This mission feels different."

"Isn't it just another hunt for Dyoden? Though we failed last time."

Aiden responded with a smirk.

Giselle, looking out the window, spoke.

"Could there be something as dangerous as him in this desert? You're worrying too much."

"Who knows? The desert is vast. There might be another dangerous and terrifying entity like him."

"Come on! There's no way there's another person like that..."

Giselle was denying Jang Yong-beom's words when suddenly.


A loud explosion erupted from the buggy following behind.

"Damn it! What now?"

"Check it out!"

Jang Yong-beom's party stopped their buggy and turned to look back.

A large spear was embedded in the rear buggy.

Someone had thrown the spear to attack the buggy.

"Damn it! John's dead."

Awakeneds jumped out of the attacked buggy, shouting.

At that moment.

Creatures resembling pigs emerged from the sand dunes.

An Orc scouting party.

Jang Yong-beom glared at the Orcs and muttered.

"Are they the ones who wiped out the Pathfinder teams?"



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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