
Sand Mage of the Burnt Desert - Chapter 209

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


Chapter 209

Zeon and his group walked across the sand.

Zeon naturally used his Sand Strides, gliding effortlessly over the terrain, while Levin moved in his ghostly form.

Levin had a simple reason for maintaining his ghostly form: by continuously using his main skill, he aimed to extend its duration and raise his skill level.

Constant use of such a skill consumes a significant amount of mana. However, much like a vessel needs to be emptied to be refilled, repetitive use of mana can increase its capacity and improve mana recovery.

Aware of this, Levin deliberately avoided riding the camels, choosing instead to travel in his ghostly form.

Meanwhile, Brielle and Eloy rode comfortably on the Bactrian Camels.

Brielle was engrossed in her alchemy research even while riding, and Eloy was busy tending to her Mad Gumiho, ensuring it was always battle-ready.

Though the Mad Gumiho was a dungeon item, it would deteriorate if not properly maintained.

For Eloy, the Mad Gumiho was practically an extension of her own body, and she meticulously maintained it to keep it in peak condition.

"Phew! It's unbearably hot. I just can't get used to this heat."

After finishing grooming the Mad Gumiho, Eloy wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Sweat poured down her face like rain.

Riding the camels made travel more comfortable, but nothing could be done about the intense heat.

On the other hand, Brielle didn't seem bothered by the heat, thanks to her robe made from the hide of a Sand Angler.

The robe completely blocked the desert heat, keeping her cool and allowing her to focus on her alchemy.

"Hmm, I just need to combine a few more materials..."

"Hey, kid! What are you mumbling about over there?"

"Shut up. If you're bored, get off the camel and go swing your spear."

"Why don't you tell me about it? Who knows, maybe I can help."


Brielle pretended to gag, but Eloy wasn't offended.

The High Elf and the Half-Elf, who once seemed like oil and water, had grown quite close during their journey.

Though they still bickered over minor things, their relationship had vastly improved compared to before, when they barely acknowledged each other.

Eloy scooted closer and wrapped an arm around Brielle.

"It's not that hot, kiddo."

"Your body heat is making it worse."

"Hot? What's hot about it?"

Eloy hugged Brielle tightly.

Brielle struggled to escape but couldn't break free.

Eventually, Brielle looked to Zeon with pleading eyes, hoping he would rescue her.

But at that moment, Zeon was staring into the distance.

Sensing the unusual atmosphere, Eloy released Brielle and asked.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you see that?"

"See what?"

Eloy squinted in the direction Zeon indicated.

Far off in the distance, something was circling in the sky.

Eloy's expression twisted in recognition.

"Damn it! Is that a Wyvern?"

"It appears so."

"Why are they here?"

In the distance, a group of Wyverns circled in the air.

For some reason, they remained in one spot, circling repeatedly.

Wyverns were known as the tyrants of the sky.

These B-rank monsters were highly dangerous and notoriously aggressive, unable to tolerate any other creatures in their airspace, even if they were fellow monsters.

Especially territorial, Wyverns would attack any intruders without mercy.

Eloy looked around and said.

"Could this be a Wyvern's territory?"

"Considering their behavior, it seems likely."

"Should we turn back?"

"It's too late for that."

The Wyverns in the distance had already noticed Zeon's group and were flying toward them.

"Damn it!"

"Of all things, why Wyverns?"

Eloy and Levin readied for battle, their faces tense.

Zeon, however, remained calm, staring intently at the approaching Wyverns.

The Wyvern group quickly closed the distance.

With each flap of their wings, they covered hundreds of meters.

In the lead was an exceptionally large Wyvern, twice the size of the others, with wings that seemed to blot out the sky.

Most striking was the faint red aura that shimmered around its massive body.

Brielle shouted.

"That's a force field! It's at least A-rank!"

It was common knowledge that B-rank monsters and above had force fields. An A-rank monster's force field was much more distinct and powerful, like the one surrounding the lead Wyvern.

Encountering a monster with a force field in the desert was tantamount to a death sentence.

Even A-rank Awakeneds struggled to handle force-field-bearing monsters alone.

Moreover, Wyverns could fly freely through the sky, maneuvering in three dimensions.

Most Awakeneds couldn't keep up with their aerial agility and would be torn apart.

"Shit! Why did it have to be Wyverns?"

"Damn it!"

Eloy and Levin braced themselves for battle, while Zeon remained motionless.


The Wyverns roared as they approached.

Eloy and the others felt their bodies freeze.

They had fallen prey to the Wyverns' fear-inducing presence.

Even Brielle was paralyzed.


Unable to move, they watched as the Wyverns closed in.

Just as the Wyverns were about to attack, Zeon's body lifted into the air, carried by a column of sand.

In an instant, Zeon was at eye level with the Wyverns.

The Wyverns abruptly halted their attack.



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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Their eyes widened in fear as they saw Zeon.

Even the leader, enveloped in its force field, froze in mid-air, its eyes wide with terror.

Zeon, floating in the air, spoke calmly.

"It's been a while. You've grown a lot."

The Wyvern let out a plaintive cry, looking around as if searching for an escape. But then it resigned itself and approached Zeon, looking like a frightened puppy.

Zeon patted the leader's head and said.

"This isn't your usual nesting ground, is it?"


The Wyvern cried out in response.

Zeon couldn't understand its exact words but could guess its meaning.

"Are you running away from something?"


The Wyvern cried again.

"I see."

Zeon nodded.

He had first encountered the massive Wyvern four years ago when it was still a B-rank monster and not yet a leader.

At that time, it had been gravely injured, attacked by another Wyvern, and on the brink of death.

For some reason, Zeon had felt sorry for it and healed it.

Thanks to Zeon's treatment, the Wyvern survived and eventually left.

A year later, Zeon encountered the Wyvern again, but it attacked him, having seemingly forgotten about him.

That was when Zeon realized there was no point in showing mercy to monsters.

With instincts overriding intellect, monsters had no concept of repaying kindness.

So, Zeon attacked it, intending to kill it.

The B-rank Wyvern was no match for Zeon and was soon on the brink of death again.

However, during the fight, the Wyvern evolved into an A-rank monster in its desperate struggle to survive.

Even as an A-rank, it couldn't escape Zeon's grasp and was beaten to within an inch of its life.

Only when it was utterly defeated did it finally submit to Zeon, pathetically begging for its life.

Feeling a pang of sympathy, Zeon spared it once more.

The Wyvern fled as soon as it got the chance.

Zeon thought that was the end of their encounters, but their paths crossed again when Eloy's alter ego, Mandy, was captured by a Cyclops.

The Wyvern had become the leader of a group.

The undisputed ruler of the sky. But despite its newfound status, it still feared Zeon deeply.

Recognizing Zeon, the Wyvern had fled once again.

Zeon thought that was truly the last time he would see it, but fate had brought them together once more in the desert.

The leader Wyvern didn't dare flee this time, avoiding Zeon's gaze in terror.

Zeon asked.

"What chased you out of your territory?"

Wyverns rarely left their territories, so something significant must have driven it away.

The Wyvern let out a mournful cry, but Zeon couldn't understand it.

Sighing, Zeon said.

"It doesn't matter. You must have had your reasons for abandoning your nest. Just don't attack humans here."

The Wyvern seemed to understand and nodded.

Zeon patted its neck and said.

"Now go."

The Wyvern flew away, and the rest of the group followed.

Levin and Eloy watched in shock, their mouths agape.


"Did that really just happen? The Wyverns ran away?"

It was beyond their comprehension.

Brielle, unfazed, muttered.

It's Zeon."

"But still..."

"He's the sole Sand Mage in this land."

Brielle's eyes showed unwavering faith in Zeon.

Eloy, though momentarily exasperated by Brielle's near-fanatical belief, couldn't argue with what she'd just witnessed.

The supposed tyrants of the sky had fled in fear.

She couldn't fathom how terrifying Zeon must be to make them run.

"Ugh, whatever. Let's not talk about it."

Eloy said, throwing up her hands.

Zeon didn't immediately descend but instead flew to where the Wyverns had been circling.

Riding a whirlwind of sand, he looked like a bird in flight.

The others, watching in awe, quickly followed his path.

After a while, they reached their destination, where Zeon was already waiting.

"What is this?"

"Oh my God!"

"Damn it!"

They were met with a gruesome sight.

Scattered remains of broken wagons, numerous Bactrian Camel carcasses, human corpses, and Large-Horned Hyenas feasting on the dead.

The Wyverns had been drawn to the area by the smell of the carcasses and corpses.

The hyenas growled menacingly at the newcomers, baring their teeth.

At that moment, countless sand snakes erupted, attacking the hyenas.

Zeon had unleashed his skill Viper.

Yelping in pain, the hyenas fell, and the survivors fled in terror.

Zeon looked grimly at the bodies.

"These are desert nomads. They've all been killed by orcs."



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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