
The Lowest-Ranked Hero Has Returned - Chapter 15 - Spring [Interlude]

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[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]


Chapter 15 - Spring [Interlude]

The day after my duel with Professor Lucas.

After finishing my morning classes, I sat on a bench along a quiet path, one rarely frequented by other cadets, and recalled the duel from yesterday.

‘He was strong.’

Just as I had expected.

Professor Lucas possessed a level of skill far beyond the mediocre cadets I had faced since my return.

‘But it wasn't a level I couldn't beat.’

To be honest.

A part of me even thought, "Is that all?" during the fight.

‘It’s a bit funny that I had such thoughts even after losing, though.’

But it couldn’t be helped.

The reason I lost the duel against Professor Lucas wasn't due to a lack of skill or experience—it was purely because of the overwhelming gap in our mana reserves.

‘Well, considering the circumstances, it’s impressive that I managed to hold my ground.’

After all, I was somewhat satisfied that I made Professor Lucas use his "blessing."

At least.

I could tell that the time I spent training alone in a world that had been destroyed wasn't in vain.

‘Although, most of the techniques I can’t fully utilize in my current state.’

Of course.

The swordsmanship, martial arts, and magic used by heroes are all based on the assumption that they are powered by mana.

Techniques without mana are mere imitations.

Like the fake food models displayed outside restaurants.

Even if it looks similar on the outside, techniques without proper mana cannot exert their full power, just like you can't compare a food model to real food.

‘And right now, there aren’t many techniques I can use to their full potential with my current mana.’

The one technique that stands out is "Sky Flip," which is specialized in using the opponent's power against them.

In fact, even that technique could be much more powerful if I had enough mana.

"In the end, it all comes down to mana."

Clicking my tongue, I sighed in frustration.

"Did I... do something wrong?"

A voice full of fear came from behind me.


Now that I think about it, he was still here.

I turned my head toward my "friend," who had been diligently massaging my shoulders while I was lost in thought on the bench.

"Seems like your strength has weakened since earlier?"

"I didn’t go softer..."

"Oh, so I'm just imagining things?"

"N-no! That’s not it!"

"Then what?"

"S-sorry! I’m at fault!"

Juliet, with a terrified expression, bowed deeply.

I burst out laughing and patted Juliet on the shoulder.

"Haha. I’m just kidding, man. It’s just a joke between friends, so why are you so scared?"


"By the way... It’s been almost a week now. Have you managed to get the money?"

At the mention of money, Juliet’s shoulders trembled slightly.

He spoke up with a tearful voice, as if the struggle to gather 1 million gold had been quite the ordeal.

"I-I think I can get it by tomorrow!"

"You think?"

"N-no! I will get it! Yes!"

"Alright, alright. Thanks, man. It must have been tough to gather 1 million gold."

"W-well... since it's a friend’s request."


Gathering 1 million gold in such a short time for a friend... it’s enough to make my eyes water with emotion.

"Isn’t friendship great?"

Helping each other out in times of need—that’s what friends are for.

Juliet’s eyes were also red, probably feeling the same way.

"Shall we grab some lunch now?"

"Y-yeah. Should I get the usual bread?"

"Sure. Today’s a special day, so let’s go with sausage bread."

"I’ll go get it right away!"

Juliet quickly turned around and dashed off to the store.

His quick movements conveyed the deep bond of friendship (?) between us.


As I leisurely waited on the bench for Juliet to return,


a clear alert sound rang out, and a hologram window popped up.

[If you’re free, would you like to have lunch together?]

It was a message from Iris.

Without a moment's hesitation, I replied.

[Sure. Where are you?]

[At the main building cafeteria.]

The main building cafeteria?

That’s where the children of prestigious noble families and conglomerates usually dine, isn’t it?

‘I’ve never been there before.’

In my previous life, I had never set foot in the main building cafeteria because the prices were so exorbitant.

Even though I had to spend 1 million gold on research tomorrow (though it wasn’t my money), I hesitated momentarily.

[Since you last prepared the meal during the outdoor training, let me treat you today.]

[I’m on my way.]

Ah, so sweet, kind, and even offering to buy me a meal.

‘Saintess, you’re the best!’

I dashed towards the main building cafeteria, where my lover from the previous life was waiting.

"...Oh, wait."

I feel like I’m forgetting something.

‘Oh well, it’s probably nothing.’

I quickened my pace, trying to clear my mind of lingering thoughts.

* * *

"Ah, over here, Dale!"

"This way."

As I entered the main dining hall, I saw Iris and Camilla waiting for me, having already secured a table.

"So this is the main dining hall, huh?"

"Is this your first time here?"


I sat down at the table where the two were seated and glanced around.

The restaurant had a luxurious interior, reminiscent of a hotel dining room.

A pleasant fragrance wafted from the candles placed on each table.

"It's been a while since I've come to the dining hall as well."

"Oh, come to think of it, you usually have meals prepared by a chef dispatched from the Holy Kingdom, right?"


So, they had skipped a professionally prepared meal just to have lunch with me?

"Hmph. It's rare for the Saint to suggest a meal like this, so consider it an honor."

"Oh, I'm truly honored to be invited to the Saintess's feast."

I stood up and exaggeratedly bowed, causing Iris to wave her hands in embarrassment.

"P-please don't do that! Camilla, you shouldn't say things like that either!"

"Haha. Thanks to you, it's nice to be able to visit a place like this."

"Do you usually use the dining hall in the annex, Dale?"

"No, I just grab something from the convenience store."

"The convenience store?"

Iris frowned at the mention of a convenience store.

"I've heard convenience store food isn't very healthy."

"But it's cheap and easy."


Iris, who had crossed her arms with a dissatisfied expression, spoke up.

"Then how about joining us for lunch from now on?"


Camilla looked shocked by Iris's sudden proposal.

"Well, that's..."

"What? It doesn't make much difference to have one more person."

"T-that's not the issue..."

"If that's not the issue, then what is?"

Camilla looked conflicted.

It wasn’t that preparing an extra portion of food was a problem, but rather the fact that the Saint of the Holy Kingdom was having lunch every day with some unknown male candidate that was the real concern.

"I appreciate the offer, but I'll eat lunch alone."

I gently shook my head.

Having lunch with Iris every day would certainly be appealing, but...

Not yet.

For now, I had too much to do.

So much, in fact, that even taking time to eat seemed like a luxury.

"Hmm... Oh, then how about this? We have practical combat training every Monday, so why don't we just have lunch together on Mondays?"

"If it's just once a week... that might be okay."

Even though I had a lot to do, there was no reason to refuse one meal a week.

"He's agreed, so?"

With Iris staring at her, Camilla hesitated before nodding reluctantly.

"Alright... I'll inform the chef."

She seemed to accept that there was no way to stop this plan and agreed with a complicated expression.

"Then it's settled for every Monday?"

"Got it."

"Yay! Sweet!"


"Ahem. I didn't say anything."

"But just now..."

"I said, I didn’t say anything."

"Uh... okay."

Sure, let's go with that.

"Shall we eat then?"

"Yes! Just follow me!"

Since the main dining hall was buffet-style, we had to serve ourselves.

With empty plates in hand, Iris and I headed towards the central section of the dining hall.

"Wow, what is all this?"

A line of dishes, each looking more appetizing than the next, filled the area.

"From here to there are Holy Kingdom dishes, over there are Imperial dishes, and on the opposite side are Republican dishes."

"They all look so good, I don't know where to start."

"Would you like me to recommend some Holy Kingdom dishes?"

"No, well... I'd rather not have Holy Kingdom dishes."

"W-why not?"

Why, indeed.

It was common knowledge across the continent that Holy Kingdom cuisine wasn't exactly known for its taste.

"There are tasty Holy Kingdom dishes too!"

"Better than instant ramen?"


Iris trailed off, quickly turning her head away.

How could traditional dishes be worse than factory-made instant food?

What kind of place is the Holy Kingdom, anyway?

"Anyway! Since you mentioned you usually eat unhealthy convenience store food, today you should have something nutritious!"

"That's harsh."

As Iris dragged me around, piling food onto my plate, I noticed something.


A group of female candidates had gathered in one corner of the buffet section.

Thinking it might be a popular dish, I turned to look, only to see...


Surrounded by the female candidates was not a popular dish, but a young man with golden hair that shone as brilliantly as the sun.

Golden hair and golden eyes.

Skin as white as snow and a naturally emanating noble aura.

An androgynous appearance that could easily be mistaken for a woman's.

He was Yuren Helios, my mentor who taught me the Sun Sword in my previous life, and my inseparable friend.

“Ah, Yuren, are you going to eat in the style of the Holy Nation today?”

“Is there any food you particularly like? Our family recently hired a famous chef from the Republic….”

“We've obtained some premium wine recently. How about a glass with your meal?”


Yuren ignored the female cadets surrounding him, not even glancing at them, as he silently placed food on his plate.

“Hm? Oh, Helios family heir, right? Dale, do you know him?”


Do I know him?

I swallowed a bitter smile and shook my head.

“I've only heard his name.”

Not yet.

It’s not yet time to meet you.

The day I stand before you must be when I can be more confident in myself.

‘Man, that guy sure is popular.’

Unlike Juliet, who was hanging out with the newly admitted freshmen, the female cadets surrounding Yuren exuded an air of nobility at first glance.

‘Well, I guess….’

He's good-looking, from a powerful family, and his grades are top-notch—never missing the top spot in the comprehensive cadet evaluations since admission.

It's only natural that he'd be popular.


“Hm? Oh, sorry.”

“What are you thinking about so deeply?”

“Ah… well, I was just thinking he's as handsome as the rumors say.”


Iris turned her head slightly toward Yuren and then cleared her throat before speaking.

“He's handsome, but he's not really my type.”


“Yes. I’m not particularly fond of people who look like they were sculpted by the gods.”

It’s quite ironic hearing that from Iris, who looks like she was sculpted by the gods herself.

“Then what kind of appearance is your type?”

“I prefer someone who looks more lively, like a weed growing on the street… someone with a more natural appearance. If I had to give an example….”

Iris shyly covered her cheek with her soft pink hair and glanced at me.

“Someone like you, Dale.”


So, what you're saying is.

“You think I look like a weed?”


“This could be controversial, you know?”

“That’s not what I meant!”

“To think I'd hear someone say I look like a weed.”

“You jerk! That’s not what I meant!”

Iris, flustered and shouting, made me burst into laughter.

“Just go eat already!”

Following Iris, who was huffing in annoyance as she headed to the table, I turned my head slightly to look at Yuren.

‘Iris, Yuren.’

And though I haven’t met them yet, Berald and Senior Sophia, who must be somewhere in the school.

‘I’ve really come back, haven’t I?’

For some reason, even though it’s been over a week since I returned, the thought suddenly struck me again.

It was a March afternoon.

The long winter had ended.

Spring was arriving.

* * *

“Huff, huff! Huff!”

The place where Dale had left.

A young man with sweaty blond hair came running, his hands full of bread.

“D-Dale! I brought the sausage bread you asked for!”

Juliet looked around, calling out for Dale, but there was no reply.

“…Maybe he went to the restroom?”

Cautiously sitting on the bench with his hands full of bread, Juliet waited for Dale to return.


After 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours passed.

Juliet, whose stomach was growling, finally ate the cold sausage bread while waiting for Dale.

“Hng… Hnggg.”

The sausage bread, soaked with tears, tasted like the bitterness of life.



[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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