
Surviving as a Barbarian in a Fantasy World - Chapter 151 - Divine Power (2)

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 151: Divine Power (2)

“Why do you ask?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Rakza quickly came to his senses, shook his head, and began to explain.

“For instance, several hundred years ago, there was an incident where four demons descended at once.”

A grand summoning achieved by the Dark Magician’s group, the Cradle of Darkness, at the cost of numerous sacrifices, defying divine revelation.

Each of the four demons that descended then was on par with Rubitra, who descended this time.

Four demons that could each annihilate a religious order by themselves.

The entire continent was in a state of emergency.

Numerous orders sent messages to prepare a response.

Even the powerful empire felt the crisis and prepared to respond.

But the demons couldn’t do anything and were futilely banished back from where they came.

Rakza said,

“I heard that the Tower Master, who happened to be nearby at the time, handled all four demons on the spot.”


Ketal’s eyes sparkled.

“If it’s the Tower Master, you mean the current Tower Master?”

“Yes. The eternal master of the lone tower. It’s that person. An incredibly ancient hero.”

“He alone took down four demons on Rubitra’s level?”

“The records have been cross-verified, so it’s not a lie.”

“That’s impressive.”

Ketal sincerely admired.

Taking down four demons of Rubitra’s level alone.

It was an impossible task without having extraordinary power.

Moreover, the Tower Master was a magician.

Unlike believers, magicians didn’t have superiority over evil and were generally disadvantaged compared to warriors in group battles.

Despite this, the Tower Master achieved victory.

It was a feat that required overwhelming power.

‘Indeed, they seem strong.’

Although he had seen a glimpse of that power in his battle with Nano, it was only a fragment. Knowing this, he felt regretful anew.

‘I should have asked for a proper spar.’

One of the strongest in the world.

He was curious about the level of power such a hero possessed.

Feeling regretful, Ketal clicked his tongue.

After hearing the story, a question arose.

Ketal asked,

“I understand that a hero-level strong person can overwhelm a demon on Rubitra’s level. But why were humans being toyed with on this land until the gods helped them?”

Before the Divine-Demon War, the land belonged to the demons.

Until the gods intervened, humans were mere playthings for demons.

“Wasn’t there a hero-level strong person at that time?”

“That’s not the case.”

Rakza shook his head.

“Rubitra is indeed among the top-tier named demons. The strongest that can descend to this land by ordinary means. But demons have those above them.”

Rakza continued,

“There are demons with hierarchies above their names.”

“Hierarchy? Come to think of it, Rubitra mentioned something like that before being banished.”

Rubitra had said that it was impossible for them and that a hierarchical demon would have to come to face Ketal.

The tone was clear that there was someone definitely superior to them.

Rakza nodded.

“There are demons with hierarchies among them.”

Not just named ones, but those permitted to have their own territory within the narrow realms of hell.

Demons directly given ranks by the great Demon King.

Throughout the long history of hell, only an extremely few of them existed.

They possessed powerful strength and a noble rank.

“We don’t know much about hierarchical demons either.”

Their immense power made it exceedingly difficult for them to descend to this land.

They were demons recorded only in the far-off past, during the Divine-Demon War.

But one thing was certain: their power surpassed human understanding.

“There are records from the distant past of heroes losing their lives to them.”


Ketal’s face showed interest.

“If this place had been taken, those demons might have descended too.”

“…That’s possible.”

The demon invasion was accelerating.

They aimed to reclaim this land according to the Demon King’s will.

If this place had turned into a sanctuary of evil, it wasn’t impossible that a powerful evil would have descended as their headquarters.

Thinking of it like that was extremely terrifying.

Rakza once again expressed his gratitude to Ketal.

“Thank you. It’s all thanks to you, Ketal.”

“I enjoyed it too, so it’s fine.”

Ketal smiled broadly.

After that, they exchanged stories about minor events that happened in the sanctuary while Rakza was being treated.

Rakza suddenly remembered and asked,

“By the way, how was your conversation with Kalosia? You must have been very nervous.”

“It was somewhat interesting. I had a good time.”

“Somewhat… interesting, you say.”

Rakza made an awkward expression.

To say a conversation with a god was somewhat interesting.

He didn’t know how to react.

“Then, it seems we’ve finished our talks appropriately, so let’s get to the main point.”

Ketal’s eyes gleamed.

“What is this holy artifact, and how do I use it?”

Ketal had obtained a jet-black bracelet with Kalosia’s permission.

It was a holy artifact that allowed one to handle divine power.

Shadrenes had advised Ketal to ask Rakza about how to use it.

It was time to get to the main point.

Rakza began to explain slowly.

“That bracelet is one of the holy artifacts Kalosia left us before leaving this world. Each artifact has its own ability.”

A garment had the holy effect of protecting the body from all evil and disease.

A robe had the holy effect of concealing and hiding one’s body.

A dagger had the holy effect of nullifying the opponent’s attack.

“And the bracelet’s effect is divine power itself.”

A long time ago, there was someone who deeply believed in Kalosia.

However, due to their naturally frail body, they couldn’t receive divine power.

Feeling pity, Kalosia granted them the bracelet out of mercy.

That bracelet was given to Ketal.

It was still hard to understand how a holy artifact was given to a non-believer, but since it was an act of a god, Rakza had no choice but to accept it.

Ketal spoke.

“So, this bracelet allows me to handle divine power.”


“Oh, ohhh.”

Ketal inadvertently let out a sound.

He had obtained the mysteries of this world.

But due to the peculiarity of his body, he hadn’t been able to handle it properly.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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In reality, this was his first opportunity to handle the mysteries of the world.

His heart pounded unknowingly.

Ketal suppressed his excitement and asked.

“How do I handle it?”

“Divinity is the power granted to us by the great god.”

Therefore, to use that power, one must first offer a prayer to the god.

Since non-believers couldn’t obtain divine power, it usually wasn’t an issue.

But for Ketal, it was a problem.

“I have to pray?”

Ketal muttered, feeling troubled.

Rakza, realizing it late, exclaimed.

“Come to think of it, you’re not a believer, Ketal.”

Ketal wasn’t a follower of Kalosia.

It wasn’t feasible to offer a prayer without sincere faith.

“Isn’t there another way?”

“I’m not sure since it’s my first time encountering such a situation.”

Rakza, flustered, asked.

“Is there anyone else you believe in? Since Kalosia granted permission, it doesn’t necessarily have to be Kalosia.”

“Someone I believe in. Not really.”

After a moment of contemplation, Ketal frowned.

“…There is one suitable figure.”

Ketal quietly raised his fist.

He whispered softly.



As he uttered that name, divinity imbued Ketal’s fist.

Ketal let out a gasp of wonder.


Golden energy materialized above Ketal’s fist.

It gently enveloped his fist.

Although it had no temperature or form, a strange warmth was felt.

Just looking at it would bring peace to most people.

Divine power of the god.

It was manifested in Ketal’s hand.

“Oh, ohhh.”

Ketal barely suppressed his trembling body.

The great mystery of fantasy was being embodied in his hand.

He was genuinely moved.

“…You really can handle it.”

Rakza murmured with a strange expression.

Divine power, which should only be bestowed upon a believer, was in the hand of a barbarian.

It was a scene that would be dismissed as nonsense if told to others.

Even for Rakza, who was witnessing it with his own eyes, it was a bizarre sight.

He asked curiously.

“Who is Blutka? Is it the god you believe in, Ketal? I’ve never heard of them.”

“He is our ancestor.”



The one who first set foot in the white snowfields.

A continental being who led his tribe and tried to establish a base in the white snowfields.

His name was Blutka.

Rakza murmured as if understanding.

“He must be the first ruler of your tribe.”

“I don’t know the details. I wasn’t really sincere, but it seems that as long as the form of prayer is there, it’s enough. I was annoyed by the constant shouting of the tribesmen, but I didn’t expect it to be useful like this.”

“It seems you don’t particularly like your ancestor.”

“How could I? He’s the one who led us into a terrible place.”

Ketal grimaced.

Rakza nodded, as if he understood.

“Indeed. I’ve heard that the north has a harsh climate. It must have been very tough.”

Most of the barbarians of this world are settled in the north.

Rakza vaguely assumed that Ketal was also from there.

The north was extremely cold, and it was said that life was hard to sustain there.

Having lived there, he must have gone through a lot.

“You must have had a tough time.”

Rakza spoke, implying the hardships Ketal endured in the north.

Ketal nodded.

“Yes, I went through a lot of hardships.”

Ketal spoke, recalling memories of the white snowfields.

Though the words were the same, the emotions contained within were vastly different.

“So, how do I handle this now?”

“It’s not too difficult.”

Just as Rakza was about to explain how to use the divine power, he staggered.

Ketal asked in surprise.

“Are you alright?”

“Ah… I’m sorry. It seems my body hasn’t fully recovered yet.”

Rakza’s expression was very pale.

Ketal, understanding, put a hand on his shoulder.

“It’s not that urgent, so take your time. You should rest first.”

“I apologize… I’ll come see you tomorrow.”

“Alright. Get some good rest.”

Rakza left, staggering.

Ketal also returned to his quarters.

On the way back, he dealt with the many believers who approached him and then lay down on his bed.

“This is good.”

Ketal murmured.

He had obtained divine power and had conversed with a god.

Many of his questions were answered in the process.

It was a very satisfying journey.

‘But new questions have also arisen.’

Ketal narrowed his eyes.

Kalosia had referred to Ketal as a being from the “inside.”

And Kalosia mentioned that the beings from there knew him as their enemy.

It was as if speaking of an unchangeable truth, like a food chain established since the beginning.

‘When they say inside, do they mean the Forbidden Lands?’

Or was it referring only to the white snowfields?

‘In that case, is the outside the continent rather than the Forbidden Lands?’

Typically, special places like the Forbidden Lands would be referred to as the outside, but Kalosia called it the inside.

It was hard to grasp the exact meaning.

Ketal smiled.

‘This is how it should be.’

Mystery and fantasy.

And unknown information.

That’s what makes it a fantasy.

Ketal was satisfied.

And above all, there was something else that satisfied him.

Before leaving this world, Kalosia had said.

I have no particular feelings toward you.

I have no intention of intervening or stopping your actions.

But not everyone will be like that.

Ketal laughed.

He was immensely pleased.

He recalled Kalosia’s last words.

[There will be gods who will target you. Alien.]

“I wonder when they will come?”

Ketal murmured, as if in anticipation.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 16 - Barkan Territory (4)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 15 - Barkan Territory (3)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 14 - Barkan Territory (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 13 - Barkan Territory (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 12 - Dungeon Strategy (3)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11 - Dungeon Strategy (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10 - Dungeon Strategy (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9 - First Encounter (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8 - First Encounter (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7 - The Elf (3)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6 - The Elf (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5 - The Elf (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (4)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (3)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 0 - Prologue
Aug 2, 2024