
Surviving as a Barbarian in a Fantasy World - Chapter 72 - The Alchemist (1)

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]


Chapter 72 – The Alchemist (1)


Ketal’s eyes widened.

“Is that really true?”

“Those in the know are aware of the story.”

Milena explained.

A notice was posted in the Empire.

A notice seeking strong individuals to join the Empire.

If a superhuman level warrior would join the Empire, their wish would be granted.

However, naturally, no superhuman responded to the notice.

Superhuman warriors did not just appear out of nowhere.

Even in the Kingdom, they were rare, receiving special treatment.

They had no reason to join the Empire.

Recruiting strong individuals was common among many groups, and there was nothing special about the Empire in that regard.

The notice was essentially meaningless.

Then, one day, an alchemist appeared.

The alchemist told the Empire that she could create a superhuman warrior.

In exchange, she asked for one favor.

From the Empire’s perspective, it must have seemed like nonsense.

Superhuman strength is the result of a talented individual dedicating their life.

It wasn’t something that could be created by someone else.

It wouldn’t have been strange if they had chased the alchemist away as a madman, but the Emperor, perhaps on a whim, decided to support her.

And so the Emperor said,

“Make my son a superhuman.”

“Did he really put his own son on the experimental table?”

“You could see it that way. The Empire is… hard to understand.”

Milena said with a peculiar expression.

The Empire, the most powerful group on the continent, was shrouded in many mysteries.

It didn’t seem like it belonged to the human realm.

“Do you also avoid dealing with the Empire?”

“The Empire does not trade with any external groups. They handle everything internally.”


Ketal’s face showed astonishment.

“Is that even possible?”

The larger a group, the more resources it needs.

In human history, no group has ever functioned without external intervention.

But the Empire, a massive group, functioning perfectly with internal resources alone?

It was hard to believe.

“That’s why merchants like me are always curious. We want to know what’s inside that allows them to be completely self-sufficient, but no outsiders are allowed in, so we can’t find out.”

Milena also had a puzzled look.

“To get back to the story, the alchemist stayed in the Empire and conducted various experiments. In just a year, the prince became a superhuman.”

The alchemist succeeded.

She made an ordinary human into a superhuman.

Ketal’s eyes sparkled.


“It’s no lie. If it were, the Empire would have come to arrest me.”

The alchemist’s name spread across the continent.

The alchemist’s name was Arkamis.

And Arkamis was here now.


Ketal remembered Cain mentioning that there was someone who had become a superhuman through alchemy.

It seemed that this was the Empire’s prince.

“But why did she come here? She would have been better treated if she stayed in the Empire.”

“Well, I asked about that too, but she didn’t answer. I also don’t know what she requested from the Empire.”

Milena shrugged.

“It’s not bad news for us. We have a contract with her and are making various requests.”

An alchemist who created a superhuman warrior.

Just having a contract with such a person raised the family’s prestige.

It was worth the substantial cost.

“Alchemy… huh.”

Ketal’s eyes were filled with deep interest.

‘An alchemist who made an ordinary person into a superhuman warrior.’

In other words, she enlightened someone to the mysteries of the world.

Ketal spoke up.

“I have a favor to ask.”

“Please, go ahead.”

“Can I meet the alchemist?”


Milena was momentarily flustered.

She knew he was interested, but didn’t expect him to actually want to meet the alchemist. She stammered as she asked.

“May I ask why?”

“I have a request for the alchemist.”

“A request…?”

“Is it impossible?”

“No, it’s not that.”

Milena said with a slightly reluctant expression.

“I’m just not sure if it will be okay.”

“Is the alchemist’s personality very eccentric?”

“Not really. More like awkward.”

“In that case, please arrange a meeting. If you’re worried about me being rude, I’ll behave as politely as possible.”

“That’s not the issue…”

From her perspective, Ketal was extremely polite and respectful.

She couldn’t imagine him being rude to anyone.

Milena was worried about something else.

After a brief hesitation, Milena nodded.

“Alright. I’ll guide you.”

“Oh, thank you!”

“But there’s something I need to explain first.”

“What is it?”

Milena explained, and Ketal’s eyes widened.

* * *

Milena led Ketal as they walked.

The two of them left the capital and headed towards a forest right outside the outer walls.

It was a dense forest, seldom visited by people.

As Milena struggled to push through the underbrush, Ketal stepped forward.

With a light gesture, he broke and snapped the branches in their way.

“Thank you.”

“Is she staying in the forest?”

“She said it’s convenient here. It’s a real hassle for me to come and go, though.”

Milena continued to advance through the forest.

In the middle of the forest, there it was.

It was a house made of wood.

But it wasn’t an ordinary house.

Ketal couldn’t help but exclaim.


The house was covered in vegetation.

Trees grew on the roof, and vines wrapped around the walls.

It looked like it was part of nature itself.

Milena grumbled.

“We spent a lot of money to build this house, and within a year, it turned into this.”

Ketal liked it.

It looked like a typical witch’s house from a fantasy.

As they approached the door, the smell of herbs and the sound of bubbling liquids filled the air.

Milena looked at Ketal.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“I’d appreciate it if you could wait here for a moment. I’ll talk to her first and then introduce you.”


Ketal moved to the side of the door without a word.

Milena knocked lightly on the door.

“…Who is it?”

“It’s me, Arkamis.”


Small footsteps approached, and the door opened.


A woman appeared.

Her brown hair reached down to her waist, swaying as she moved.

Her half-closed eyes revealed golden irises, giving her a sleepy look.

Milena held her breath for a moment.

Even though she had seen her often, she never got used to it.

Her beauty was inhuman.

And in truth, she wasn’t human.

The woman’s ears were pointed, not round.

She was an elf.

The woman smiled gently.

“Hello, Milena.”

“Hello, Arkamis. …You’re still wearing rags, I see.”

Arkamis was dressed very lightly.

It was more like a rag draped over her than actual clothing.

“I gave you clothes.”

“They got ruined with all the chemicals.”

“And so you’re wearing those rags…”

“What does it matter? I’m here alone.”

Arkamis yawned.

“So, employer, what’s the matter? I properly made what you asked for last time, didn’t I?”

“Made it properly, you say?”

Milena let out a dry laugh.

“I asked you to make a shield that could deflect anything.”

“And I did. I made sure the handle wouldn’t deflect.”

“Yes, it was a cursed item that once grabbed, you couldn’t let go of.”

When Milena asked Arkamis to make equipment, she specifically requested the handle to be securely fixed.

Arkamis followed that request.

The handle was securely fixed, never coming loose.

It just attached itself to anything that touched it.

If she hadn’t worn gloves during the test, her skin would have been torn off.

Arkamis spoke lightly.

“You didn’t specify anything about letting go, did you?”


Milena glared silently at Arkamis, who flinched slightly.


She quickly apologized.

Milena sighed.

“I didn’t do it on purpose. I was working through the night and made a mistake because I was tired. I really didn’t do it on purpose.”

“I understand. Just be careful next time.”

“I promise I won’t do it again.”

Arkamis vowed.

Milena looked at her with a peculiar expression.

Seeing Milena’s scrutiny, Arkamis cautiously asked.

“So, what’s the matter?”

“There’s someone who wants to meet you.”

“A visitor?”

Interest sparkled in Arkamis’s eyes.

“Someone wants to see me?”

“Yes, it seems they became interested after hearing about what you did in the Empire.”

“Oh, oh!”

Arkamis’s face showed unmistakable joy and pride.

“It was a great achievement. So, they admire me and want to meet me?”

“Admire… isn’t quite the right word.”

“Well, a lot of people are interested in me. Even before I signed a contract with you, I had people from everywhere asking me to come to them. It was really annoying.”

Arkamis muttered to herself, seemingly oblivious to Milena’s words, with a face full of pride. Milena sighed softly.

‘This person is the kingdom’s best alchemist.’

If not for her achievements, she might have thought she was just a braggart stealing someone else’s glory.

“So, where are they?”

Arkamis looked around expectantly.

“He’s right next to us. But, well, he’s quite a unique person, so you might be surprised.”

“Milena, who do you think I am?”

Arkamis gave a confident smile.

“I’m someone who has dealt with the Emperor of the Empire. Do you think I’d be surprised by meeting anyone?”


Milena trailed off.

One thing she had realized over the past year with Arkamis was that much of her attitude and words were mostly bravado.

It was hard to believe this alchemist, who had even dealt with the Empire, could show such direct and varied emotions.

In a positive light, she was candid; in a negative light, she was childlike.

‘But still.’

She was the alchemist who had dealt with the Empire.

Her achievements and skills were undeniable.

Considering her confidence, Milena thought it should be fine for her to meet Ketal.

She turned her head.

“Ketal, I think it’s okay for you to come out now.”


Ketal stepped forward.

He stood at the door, looking down at Arkamis with interest.

“Nice to meet you. I am Ketal.”


Arkamis didn’t respond.

She just stared blankly at Ketal, mouth slightly open.

With no response, Ketal tilted his head.

“Can you hear me?”

“Ah, ah.”

A small voice escaped her lips.

Slowly, an emotion began to form in Arkamis’s eyes.

Milena sighed.

“As expected.”

No sooner had she finished speaking than a scream erupted.

Birds scattered into the sky.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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