
Surviving as a Barbarian in a Fantasy World - Chapter 126 - The Knight of the High Elf (4)

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Chapter 126: The Knight of the High Elf (4)

Ketal endured the demonic powers and the attacks of the spirits with just his simple, ordinary body.

It was an impossible feat.

There was only one possible explanation: if his very body itself was imbued with mystic power.

If his body itself had its own unique quality, it was conceivable.

‘But is that even possible?’

Could a body itself possess such a unique quality?

Even with the knowledge of the High Elves, it was an impossible concept.

But without that explanation, Ketal’s power couldn’t be understood.

‘I don’t know.’

One thing was certain: he was incredibly strong.

Arkamis watched Ketal with curious eyes.

He had defeated a high-level spirit with a single blow.

It was something even top-tier superhumans couldn’t do.

‘At least top-tier superhuman level.’

Perhaps even hero level.

But that was beyond Arkamis’s understanding, as the hero level was a realm beyond her comprehension.

“What will you do now?”

“Oh, right.”

Arkamis snapped out of her thoughts at Ketal’s question.

“Well… I should go back. It’s not just my personal issue.”

From the start, she decided to return to the sanctum because evil forces were targeting her.

It had nothing to do with alchemy.

Thanks to Ketal, she could study alchemy without any problems, so it made even more sense to return to the sanctum.

“I can return without any burden. Thank you.”

“I owe you a lot too. Think of it as my way of repaying you.”

Ketal laughed heartily.

Arkamis’s face showed a hint of regret.

“Then… I guess this is goodbye.”

Arkamis would return to the Elf Sanctum.

Ketal would head to Kalosia’s Holy Sanctuary.

Their destinations were completely different.

They wouldn’t see each other for a while.

“Will you visit the Elf Sanctum later?”

“Of course.”

“You must. Promise me.”

Arkamis repeatedly asked for reassurance.

Ketal smiled and nodded.

Arkamis started packing her belongings.

Thanks to Ketal’s help, she could pack quickly.

“Help me, Parco.”


Parco hesitantly waved his hand, gently gathering the items, unlike before when he tried to destroy the place.

“I should say a final goodbye to Milena before I go….”

Arkamis looked around the empty house with a sentimental expression before turning to Ketal.


“What is it?”

After hesitating for a moment, she smiled brightly.

“Thank you. Besides giving me the catalyst, thank you for everything. I had a really good time.”

That was Arkamis’s true sentiment.

“You’re the first person I’ve befriended outside.”

“Milena would be sad to hear that.”

“It’s true, so what can I do? I really had a great time. You must visit later, okay?”

“I understand.”

“You must, promise?”

“I promise.”

Ketal laughed cheerfully.

As the conversation was wrapping up, Ketal suddenly turned to Parco as if remembering something.


Parco shuddered like a mouse struck by lightning under Ketal’s gaze.

“W-what is it?”

“It’s just a simple request.”

Ketal spoke calmly.

“There will probably be many in the sanctum who don’t like Arkamis learning alchemy. If any of them try to suppress her, please.”

His calm eyes turned to Parco, who shrank even more.

“If I find out there’s trouble when I visit later, I’ll be very disappointed. Please.”

“Yes, yes. I understand….”

Parco nodded hastily.

The next day, Arkamis told Milena she was leaving.

Milena was initially shocked but soon understood after hearing the circumstances.

Though she was saddened, she canceled the contract without much fuss.

Afterward, Arkamis departed.

Left alone in Arkamis’s house, Ketal murmured.

“It’s a pity.”

Arkamis was the person with whom he had the longest relationship since coming out into the world.

* * *

Saying goodbye was a bit bittersweet.

But farewells are inevitable.

They would meet again someday, and checking if she had achieved her goals would be a pleasure.

Now, it was time to seek new encounters and new places.

Ketal began to walk.

* * *

Ketal went to an inn in the capital.

The receptionist screamed at the sight of Ketal, but after a brief conversation, he managed to calm her down.

Upon explaining the situation and entering the room, he found Heize and Naplas waiting there.

Naplas muttered with a slightly surprised look.

“You really came. Honestly, I half-expected you would disappear without a word.”

Two days is short but enough time for someone to change their mind.

Naplas had secretly thought Ketal wouldn’t show up since promises without enforcement are often meaningless.

“Isn’t it natural to keep a promise once made?”

Ketal spoke as if it were obvious.

Naplas was moved by his words.

“…Indeed. There are many who cannot keep such obvious promises.”

His face was full of admiration for Ketal.

Heize’s face twisted awkwardly.

Naplas spoke respectfully.

“Once again, I express my gratitude. Praise and thanks for your heroic choice.”

Everything was ready.

It was time to move to Kalosia’s Holy Sanctuary.

Ketal asked.

“Where is it located?”

Naplas spread a map on the table.


He pointed to a spot with his fingertip.

Ketal, gauging the location and distance, murmured.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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“It’s not that far.”

“If there are no major issues during the journey, we should arrive within a month. Evil entities will appear as we approach the sanctuary, but the sanctuary will send help, so it shouldn’t be a major problem.”

“Got it.”

Ketal nodded.

After packing up the map, Naplas looked at Ketal with a worried expression and asked.

“…But are you sure that’s all the luggage you need?”

Heize and Naplas had prepared quite thick and large backpacks filled with dried food and spare clothes.

Given it was a month’s journey, it was only natural to prepare a lot.

But Ketal had no luggage and was bare-handed.

Ketal shook the leather pouch hanging from his waist in response to their worried looks.

“It’s fine. I have this.”

“…An artifact?”

“It’s the size of a small room. I’ve stocked it with all necessary supplies.”


Naplas’s eyes widened.

“Where did you get such an artifact?”

“I received it as a reward for helping out.”


When he defeated the lich, the lord of the Barkan territory gave it to him as a token of gratitude.

It was a very convenient artifact that he used frequently.

Naplas couldn’t believe it.

“A reward of such an artifact?”

“Is it that valuable?”

“Do you even need to ask?”

If a small pouch contained the space of a room, it was an incredibly precious artifact.

It wouldn’t be surprising to find it in the kingdom’s treasury.

Ketal was surprised after hearing the explanation.

“It’s worth that much?”

He had accepted it gratefully but hadn’t known its actual value.

He felt happy anew.

“Who gave you such an artifact?”

“The lord of the territory I was staying in. He said he got it from some wandering merchants or something.”

“Ah, them.”

Understanding dawned on Naplas’s face.

“That makes sense then.”

“You seem to know them.”

“They are famous. It’s impossible not to know.”

Mysterious beings adorned with strange ornaments.

The wandering merchants.

They appear suddenly, offer a deal, and if you fulfill it, they give you items.

All of their items were of significant value.

They provided rare artifacts and materials, which were impossible to obtain otherwise, for a very small price.

People dream of encountering them even in their dreams.

Ketal’s face showed interest.

“Do they take money as payment?”

“Not always. Sometimes it’s a barter, other times they give you a quest. The more difficult it is, the greater the reward.”


“All adventurers dream of meeting them at least once. I’ve traveled quite a while but never met them.”

“Is that so?”

Ketal laughed.

Indeed, this world was very fascinating.

“Anyway… then there’s no problem. Let’s depart immediately.”


“It’s going to be a long journey. Please take care of us.”

Naplas extended his hand.

Ketal shook it with a smile.

They stepped outside.

Ketal looked back as they left the capital of the Denian Kingdom.

The second city he had settled in since coming out into the world.

And the first capital.

It was time to say goodbye.

Now, it was time to head to the Holy Sanctuary where a living god resided.

Ketal walked forward with a joyful step.

* * *

They proceeded towards Kalosia’s Holy Sanctuary.

Naplas kept talking to Ketal the whole time.

“Many people have a poor opinion of our church, but it’s actually a very family-like and good church if you get to know it. Of course, their perceptions aren’t completely wrong, but… all those things are in the past and have been resolved.”

Naplas was trying to convert Ketal to a follower of Calrosia.

He spoke all kinds of good things about Kalosia’s church, and Ketal listened with a smile.

That attitude made Naplas even more enthusiastic.

Normally, people would get tired of it, but Ketal listened with genuine interest.

“I heard you were a companion of Heize, so you must know. She’s a really kind person. Even though it must be hard for her, she diligently sends money to the sanctuary. She’s truly a model follower.”

“I know. She’s a very kind woman.”

“Ah, haha….”

Heize, suddenly the subject of conversation, let out a dry laugh.

After walking for some time, they started to feel hungry.

As Heize and Naplas took out some dried food, Ketal pulled out a pot.

“Wait a moment. I’ll cook something for you.”


Naplas’s eyes widened.

A barbarian who knew how to cook?

Contrary to his doubts, Ketal skillfully prepared a meal and handed it to them.

After taking a spoonful, Naplas’s eyes widened even more.


“Thank you.”

Ketal grinned.

“I never thought you could cook.”

“I enjoy eating good food. I’m quite skilled, actually. My tribe members enjoyed my cooking too.”

Hearing this, Naplas’s eyes gleamed.

“…You must have lived in a community for a long time. Don’t you have any issues living closely with others?”

“Not really. If I did, I couldn’t have stayed in the capital.”

“Now that I think about it, that’s true. You must have been ostracized as a barbarian, but you managed well. You’ll have no trouble fitting in with strangers.”

Naplas said insinuatingly.

“Don’t worry too much. Kalosia’s followers don’t ostracize others. You’ll fit in just fine.”

“Is that so?”

‘But why is he suddenly saying this?’

Ketal was slightly puzzled.

It was a bit out of the blue.

Naplas quickly continued, as if noticing Ketal’s expression.

“No, no. I was just curious. Don’t mind it.”

Naplas smiled and changed the subject.

Meanwhile, Heize’s expression darkened.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (4)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (3)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 0 - Prologue
Aug 2, 2024