
Surviving as a Barbarian in a Fantasy World - Chapter 70 - Milena Akasha (4)

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[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]


Chapter 70 – Milena Akasha (4)

The next day.

Milena, with a pale face, came to see Ketal.

“You’re awake. How’s the hangover?”


She was completely sober.

Whether that was fortunate or unfortunate, it was hard to tell, but she wasn’t the type to forget things just because she was drunk.

So, she remembered.

She remembered whining to Ketal for over two hours about how hard things were.

“…I’m sorry. I showed you such a shameful side of myself.”

She wasn’t usually like that.

She always moderated her drinking, and even when she occasionally drank too much, she never lost herself.

But in front of this barbarian, she could let everything out.

Maybe because she let herself go, she became a drunkard.

Ketal spoke nonchalantly.

“I’m used to drunkenness, so it’s no big deal. If you want, I can forget about it.”

“Th-that would be appreciated.”

Milena bowed her head deeply.

She then coughed, trying to regain her composure and straightened her posture.

Ketal couldn’t help but laugh at her attempt to pretend yesterday’s events never happened.

“What are your plans, Ketal? Do you have any specific goals?”

“I don’t have a clear goal, but if I had to say, it’s sightseeing.”


“The Kingdom of Denian is a strong nation, isn’t it? Am I wrong?”

“You’re right.”

Milena nodded.

The Kingdom of Denian was strong.

It was comparable to the combined strength of two or three average kingdoms.

Among the many countries in the world, the Kingdom of Denian was in the upper echelon.

“Then there must be a lot to see. I came to meet you, but I also want to look around.”

What in this place would bring him joy?

He was quite looking forward to it.

Hearing his words, Milena pondered for a moment before speaking.

“Have you decided where you’ll be staying?”

“Not really. I was thinking of going to a nearby inn.”

“In that case, how about staying at my residence?”


Ketal looked at Milena in surprise.

“I wouldn’t mind, but are you sure it’s okay?”


Milena nodded.

“Don’t feel obligated.”


Ketal was lightly touched.

When he had saved Milena, it was purely by chance.

He had gone out for a walk to get away from his tiresome kind for a while and happened upon Milena’s trade caravan.

He approached her to talk to someone from the outside world.

But for that action to come back to him in this way…

‘It’s like the magpie that repaid a favor.’

Anyway, it was a good thing for him too.

Staying at a noble’s residence was not an opportunity that came by easily.

“Then I’ll gratefully accept. Is listening to your complaints like last night enough of a price?”

At his playful remark, Milena’s face turned bright red.

“N-no! That won’t be necessary anymore.”

“I was joking. If you want anything from me, feel free to ask.”

“Really, it’s fine.”

Milena looked at Ketal.

When she first met him in the White Snowfield, she had such intentions.

A being with great power.

Someone who could understand the essence of things and make deductions.

She had wanted to lure him with the desire for material things and make him her ally.

But not anymore.

He didn’t look at her strangely.

He didn’t despise or criticize her actions.

He just gave her a neutral, indifferent gaze.

That made Milena feel very comfortable.

Just having Ketal by her side brought her peace of mind.

“Please stay as long as you like. If you ever want to leave, just let me know.”

Milena hesitated after saying that.

Seeing her fumbling, Ketal chuckled.

“Go ahead and say it.”

“Well… I might be contradicting myself, but if it’s alright, could you sometimes be my conversation partner?”

“Of course.”

Ketal nodded.

“I’ll gladly do it.”

* * *

Ketal decided to stay at the Akasha family’s residence for the time being.

Milena told him to rest comfortably and went to her office.

She looked at her desk with a gloomy face.

There was a stack of documents piled as high as her torso.

“I didn’t look at them last night, and now they’ve piled up again.”

With a weary expression, she sat down in her chair.

She reached for a document and began to review its contents with practiced ease.

[Young Lord Aimak Pandula, the 23rd heir of the Pandula family, inquires about repayment. He asks if the repayment period can be extended. I cannot make this decision, so I am passing it on to you, Lady Milena.]

Milena sighed after reading the content.

Most of the documents were like this.

The Akasha family did not lend money to just anyone.

Borrowers needed to have corresponding honor, reputation, or collateral to receive a loan.

Therefore, the debtors were often nobles or people of similar status.

When they made requests, the staff working under her couldn’t properly handle them. Despite the debt, the debtors were still nobles.

Only the head of the Akasha family, a fellow noble, could deal with them.

As a result, all these matters ended up on her desk.

From people refusing to repay and standing their ground, to cases of violence when collecting debts.

‘I wish this part could be resolved.’

But it wouldn’t be resolved.

The debtors were nobles, after all.

She slowly started to organize the documents.

As she managed to reduce the stack to half its original size, the door opened.

“Oh, Miss!”

It was a guard.

His impolite entry without knocking made Milena frown.

She intended to reprimand him, but her thoughts changed when she saw his expression.

The guard was pale.

Even paler than when she had personally delivered a punishment.

The guard spoke, and Milena’s face turned just as white.

“Th-the Sword of Denian has arrived!”

* * *



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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In the reception room, Milena bowed stiffly.

A man sat on the sofa opposite her.

This man had stood behind Ketal when he met the King of Denian, Barbosa.

He had threatened Ketal but was baffled when Ketal brushed it off without concern.

Despite Milena bowing, the man didn’t rise.

He merely nodded slightly, still lounging against the sofa.

Though his attitude was rude for dealing with a noble, Milena did not question it.

Not just her, but no noble in the Kingdom of Denian would dare challenge his demeanor.

The man spoke.

“No need to be so formal. I’m here unofficially today.”

“Is that so.”

Milena forced a smile. A dry laugh escaped her. Her mind was racing.

‘W-what is this about?’

The man before her was Swordmaster Maximus, the Sword of Denian.

The kingdom’s strongest warrior, a great swordmaster.

His strength transcended human limits.

If Maximus decided to destroy her family, they couldn’t resist.

He had the power to annihilate an entire territory single-handedly.

Why was such a person here?

Milena swallowed hard.

“What brings you here?”

Maximus was directly under the king’s command.

His presence implied a royal order.

She couldn’t fathom why he would come personally, leaving her in confusion.

Maximus began to speak.

“A barbarian has come here. Is that correct?”

“Huh? Y-yes, that’s correct.”

Milena was startled.

How did he know about Ketal’s arrival?

Was he here to demand Ketal be expelled because he was a barbarian?

It was possible.

Barbarians were generally unwelcome.

As her thoughts reached that point, Milena’s expression darkened.

“You seem to misunderstand. That’s not the case.”

Maximus looked reluctant but continued slowly.

“Treat that barbarian well. That’s an order from His Majesty.”


Milena’s mind went blank at the unexpected command.

She repeated Maximus’s words in her mind.

‘Treat Mr. Ketal well?’

An order from the King of Denian.

“…May I ask why?”

“I don’t know either. Why should we treat such a barbarian well?”

Maximus clicked his tongue.

“But it’s His Majesty’s order. It must be obeyed.”


Milena was further surprised by Maximus’s statement.

Even the kingdom’s sword didn’t know?

It meant that no one, except perhaps King Barbosa himself, knew.

“I will comply with the order.”

Milena nodded.

She had intended to treat Ketal well anyway, so her actions wouldn’t change.

After watching her for a moment, Maximus asked.

“How did you come to know this barbarian?”

“Oh, I-I met him while trading in the past. He helped me back then.”

“…A barbarian helping someone?”

Maximus raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“He’s not a typical one. Well, fine. Just treat him well. In return, I’ll give you a reward. You can use my name.”


Milena’s eyes widened.

Maximus spoke nonchalantly.

“I have a rough idea. You’re having trouble with those idiot nobles, right?”

“Oh, you know.”

“Even if the country supports you, those fools won’t listen easily. So use my name. Won’t that make things easier?”

“It would, but…”

Using Maximus’s name meant that his personal authority would back her actions.

She could leverage his personal clout.

That would indeed make things easier.

While the country acknowledged her, it didn’t put pressure on each individual noble.

It merely signified that her actions wouldn’t be restricted.

But with Maximus’s involvement, it was a different story.

It meant he was personally supporting her.

Nobles feared Maximus.

Using his name would mean she wouldn’t need to intervene personally.

The nobles would back off on their own, afraid of him.

His name carried that much weight.

Which made it all the more puzzling.

Treating Ketal well was important enough to warrant using Maximus’s name.

Apparently, that was the sole purpose of his visit, as Maximus left immediately after.

The Sword of Denian had personally come just to deliver that message.

Milena sat in a daze for a moment before mumbling to herself.

“…What on earth has he been up to?”

* * *

Later that day, Milena sought out Ketal quite early.


“Hmm? Finished already? That was quick.”

“It ended sooner than expected. Um… Ketal, can I ask you something?”

“Do you have something you’re curious about?”

“You said you used to work as a mercenary, right?”

Ketal nodded.

They had talked about various things while drinking the previous night, including what Ketal did after leaving the White Snowfield.

“I worked as a mercenary in a place called Barkan Territory. They were good people.”

“…What exactly did you do there?”

Milena asked cautiously.



[Translator – Night]

[Proofreader – Gun]

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