
Surviving as a Barbarian in a Fantasy World - Chapter 196: The Queen of the High Elves (4)

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[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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Chapter 196: The Queen of the High Elves (4)

"It's done."

"Is it over?"


Karin nodded.

Ketal succeeded in perfectly containing his aura.

"Arkamis, how is it?"

"...I can't feel anything at all."

Arkamis looked at Ketal with amazement.

The overwhelming presence she used to feel from Ketal had completely vanished.

No matter how much she examined him, she could only sense the level of a third-rate mystic.

There was no sense of intimidation or presence.

On the surface, he just looked like an oversized third-rate barbarian.

Of course, that in itself felt a bit off... but at least the instinctive sense of threat was no longer there.

"Oh, really?"

Ketal's face brightened.

"Then I'll leave for a bit."

"Go ahead and enjoy yourself."

Ketal descended from the top of the World Tree to the land where the elves lived.

Elves were living there, taking walks, children playing, leading their daily lives just like anywhere else.

Until now, Ketal's approach would often shatter that daily life.

But not anymore.

As Ketal walked among them, the elves didn't react much.

They were startled, but they didn't run away or avoid him.

Instead, some even greeted him first.

"Hello, nice to meet you?"

"Ah... nice to meet you."

Ketal nodded and accepted the greeting.

He continued to walk among the elves, and they no longer rejected him.


Ketal was moved.

Tears welled up in his eyes.

Until now, the elves had always rejected him.

Some even attacked him outright.

His first encounter with an elf had started with an attack.

It felt like a rejection, as if to say, "You don't belong here."

It was a very sad thing for Ketal, who wanted to live in a fantasy world.

But not anymore.

The elves no longer rejected him.

It was immensely moving.

He felt like his existence had become more aligned with the fantasy world.

Having fully savored the moment, Ketal returned to the top of the World Tree.

Arkamis greeted him with a smile.

"How was it?"

"It was moving. Truly. Thank you so much, Karin. I will never forget this favor."

"Ah, yes. You're welcome."

Ketal sincerely thanked Karin.

Although slightly flustered by his pure emotion, she accepted it calmly.

She was beginning to understand what kind of person Ketal was.

Ketal was honest with his emotions and acted according to his heart, like an adventurer.

In a way, he was very pure.

Considering that people who reached a certain level often ended up broken in some way, it was unusual.

'...Or is it?'

Had he remained pure and yet become broken?

Karin wondered slightly.

Whatever the case, Ketal had achieved his goal.

He toured the sacred land of the elves.

The elves didn't avoid him, allowing him to enjoy the daily life in the sacred land to the fullest.

Ketal was very happy.

He recorded every bit of their daily life in his notebook.

'Maybe I should buy another notebook soon.'

The notebook he had been jotting down in was about halfway filled.

Ketal decided to buy a slightly bigger notebook next time.

Ketal enjoyed the sacred land of the elves to his heart's content.

And soon, he realized one thing.

'There are a lot of spirits here.'

Spirits, which had been suppressed by Ketal's presence, were now appearing.

The spirits wandered around the sacred land, playing with the elves.

There were so many of them that they painted the sky of the sacred land.

Ketal was captivated by the beautiful sight.

Late at night, Ketal returned home and asked Arkamis about the spirits.

Arkamis replied,

"Because the World Tree is here. This place is the closest to the spirit world in the Middle Earth."

It was the only place where spirits could stay on the ground without any special contracts.

It was natural to see many spirits.

"The elves of the sacred land grow up and live with spirits from childhood."

Being beings of nature, the elves' affinity increased as they spent their childhood with spirits.

Therefore, it was very easy for them to make contracts with spirits.

"Simply put, I'm probably the only elf in the sacred land who hasn't made a contract with a spirit."

Arkamis could also make a contract with a high-level spirit if she wanted to, though she chose not to.

"A spirit mage... huh."

Ketal murmured.

The spirits floating leisurely in beautiful forms.

They came in a variety of appearances, most of them cute and beautiful.

The sight of green and blue spirits drifting gracefully in the air was truly a spectacle.

To be honest, it was very attractive.

He loved fantasy.

Naturally, he had read many fantasy novels.

As a child, he had borrowed books not just from the local rental shop but from across the entire region.

And in many of the fantasy novels he read as a child, the protagonist was often a spirit mage.

Having had such a childhood, it was only natural that he wanted to make a contract with a spirit himself.

"Can I make a contract with a spirit too?"


Arkamis paused.

After a moment of contemplation, she spoke cautiously.

"...It might be difficult."

Spirit contracts weren't something just anyone could do.

While elves could easily make contracts, humans couldn't even attempt it without innate talent.

Human spirit mages were rarer than magicians.

"Is that so..."

Ketal's face fell.

Seeing his disappointment, Arkamis's heart sank.

'No, that won't do!'

She wanted to make Ketal part of her family.

Her goal was to build a deep relationship with him and have children.



[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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If Ketal felt disappointed and regretful here, it would greatly diminish the chances of her achieving her goal.

Feeling pressed, she quickly exclaimed.

"But it's not entirely impossible! There's a more special way to attempt a contract with a spirit! You might be able to do it!"

"Oh! Really?"

Ketal's face brightened.

Arkamis nodded quickly.

"Normally, it would be impossible... but who am I? I'm a high elf! A high elf!"

One of the few noble and pure elves in the world, that was Arkamis.

"I'll talk to the queen about it tomorrow. It might be possible."

"Oh! As expected of Arkamis! You're the best! Thank you so much!"

Ketal beamed and thanked Arkamis.

She smiled broadly.

The next day.

Karin cast a cold glance at Arkamis, who had come to see her.

"...Arkamis. Are you kidding me?"


Arkamis shrank and kept her mouth shut.

She was completely different from the confident person who had spoken to Ketal.

"I know what you're talking about, but do you really think that's possible?"

"Still, can't we at least try? You never know. It might work, right? Come on, can't you do it for me?"


Karin, who had been about to say something, closed her mouth.

As she showed signs of contemplation, Arkamis waited anxiously.


After a moment, Karin nodded.

"It won't hurt to try and confirm it. Bring him here."

"Yay! As expected of the queen! I'll bring him right away!"

Arkamis quickly left.

Karin gave a wry smile.

Shortly after, Ketal came up with an expectant look on his face.

"Is it really possible?"

To be honest, he didn't have high hopes.

He thought it was impossible, but hearing there was a possibility made his expectations rise.

"First, let me explain how to make a contract with a spirit."

Karin explained slowly.

A person with sufficient affinity for nature performs a ritual to summon a spirit at the appropriate place.

A summoning circle is drawn in the spirit world.

Then, spirits sensing the energy of the summoning circle approach.

If a spirit among them likes the potential contractor, a contract can be made.

"It's a contract where the spirit has the choice."

"...Based on what you said, I feel like no spirit would want to contract with me."

"Probably not."

Although he had contained his presence, it didn't mean he had won the spirits' favor.

None of the spirits overflowing in the sacred land had approached Ketal.

'What's this?'

Didn't that mean it's impossible?

Just as disappointment reappeared on Ketal's face, Karin spoke.

"What I just explained is the typical method of contracting with a spirit. But there is another way to make a contract with a spirit."

"What is this other method?"

"By going directly to the spirit world."


Ketal's eyes widened.

Karin continued.

"Move your physical body directly into the spirit world and find a spirit that resonates with you. You can meet far more spirits this way than by drawing a summoning circle."

By moving around and conversing directly, the chances of making a contract were higher. Ketal's voice trembled.

"Is that possible?"

"Normally, no... but we have the World Tree here."

It was the place closest to the spirit world in Middle Earth.

The boundary was that faint.

"And I am here."

As an elf contracted with the Spirit King, she could open a passage to the spirit realm.

"It could be dangerous since you have to go directly to the spirit realm... are you okay with that?"

"Of course!"

Ketal nodded vigorously.

The spirit realm!

The thought of going there directly made his heart race.

He almost wanted to beg to be taken there.

His enthusiasm slightly flustered Karin.

"Alright then, let's prepare. However, there's one problem..."

It was that Ketal had very little mystic energy.

"Mystic energy will be continuously consumed while you stay in the spirit realm. With the current amount you have, it seems you'd only last a few minutes."

They needed to increase his mystic energy.

Ketal took out a blue gem from his subspace.

It was a catalyst he received as a reward from the mermaids.

"Can I use this?"

"...That is."

Karin was surprised.

The amount of mystic energy emanating from the blue gem was immense.

It was a catalyst even the High Elf Queen rarely saw.

"That should suffice."

"Then Arkamis, please."

"Got it."

With Arkamis's help, Ketal absorbed the mystic energy from the blue gem into his body.

As a result, Ketal's mystic energy increased significantly.

Comparatively, it was now at a second-rate level.

Arkamis was flabbergasted.

"After using such a catalyst, you're only at a second-rate level? Do you think you can use mystic energy now?"

"No, it still seems impossible."

"It's still not enough? Why is your mystic energy efficiency so bad?"

It was likely because the quality and quantity of mystic energy were far insufficient compared to the level of his body.

What kind of catalyst would be needed to enable that body to handle mystic energy?

"Do you need something like a dragon heart?"

"That level of catalyst seems necessary... but at the current level, it's enough for you to stay in the spirit realm."

"Come to think of it, Queen, don't you know some dragons?"

"Yes, I do."

Karin nodded.

As the High Elf Queen, she had lived a very long life.

Among her acquaintances were a few dragons.

"It's been a long time since I contacted them, but I know where they are."

"You know where they are?"

Ketal's eyes shone dangerously.

"...Karin, do you have any dragons you're on bad terms with?"


"Any dragons you want to kill or have a grudge against? I think it's not unusual to have at least one enemy after living such a long life."

"I do have enemies, but none of them are dragons."

"Is that so... that's a pity."

Ketal looked genuinely disappointed.

"If you ever have such a dragon in the future, feel free to tell me. You've given me a lot. That's the least I can do."

"Ah, understood."

Karin looked at Ketal with a complicated expression.

A suspicion crossed her mind momentarily.

'...Is he seriously thinking about killing a dragon to take its heart?'



[Translator - Night]

[Proofreader - Gun]

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Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 11 - Dungeon Strategy (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 10 - Dungeon Strategy (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 9 - First Encounter (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 8 - First Encounter (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 7 - The Elf (3)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 6 - The Elf (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 5 - The Elf (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 4 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (4)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 3 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (3)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 2 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (2)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 1 - The Barbarian of the White Snowfield (1)
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 0 - Prologue
Aug 2, 2024