
The Grand Duke is Obsessed with the Fake Villainess - Chapter 10 - Selina's Letter

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[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Starfall]


Chapter 10: Selina’s Letter

Count Arsene felt a surge of satisfaction as he watched the Patel family leave with sour expressions. However, he was also worried.

Turning to his daughter, he asked, “Selina, how exactly do you plan to fix this? If you had such a quick solution, why didn’t you use it sooner? Your reputation is now…”

“In shambles, Father. Utterly in shambles.”

As if waiting for the others to leave, Flora appeared with her two sons.

‘She must have thought I was in trouble and brought Brandon and Sebastian to gloat. It’s so obvious.’

Selina saw Brandon standing behind Flora, smirking as if he was enjoying her predicament.

He was now a tall young man, unlike the small child she remembered. And although he didn’t resemble Count Arsene, he was still quite handsome.

This suggested that Brandon’s deceased father must have also been a handsome man.

‘If only he knew how to be content.’

If he had been satisfied with the grace shown by the family and lived quietly, Selina wouldn’t have been determined to send them away.

Selina smiled leisurely, causing Flora’s face to harden.

Unaware of this, Brandon pushed his mother’s restraining hand away and stepped forward.

“Count, no, Father. Now that the relationship with the Patel family, who were supposed to share the family’s important matters, has fallen apart, I think we need to question the Acting Head’s capabilities.”

“I think it’s a bit early to make that decision.”

Brandon glared at Selina, who replied nonchalantly.

“You, disgrace to the family, how dare you interfere! Do you still think you’re the Acting Head of this family?”


Selina always tried not to provoke Count Arsene in front of everyone.

Very occasionally, she would call Brandon “Brother” like now.

Of course, she did it knowing how much Brandon hated it, just to spite him.

Today, she addressed Brandon, who was looking at her with disgust.

“Before worrying about my marriage, you should worry about your own, Brother. Considering our ages, shouldn’t your engagement come first? You should start looking for a suitable family for a long-lasting relationship with ours.”

Flora clutched her handkerchief behind them.

‘That little wench!’

Selina’s words were undeniably true.

Brandon was 19 years old, two years older than Selina.

Compared to Selina, who had been engaged since she was 14 due to the family’s wishes,

Brandon’s situation was indeed different. He was even older than the average engagement age for Sephian nobles.

Naturally, Brandon was not considered a good prospect among the Sephian aristocracy.

Even Flora, who had risen from commoner status by marrying a wealthy noble, was often looked down upon in social circles, leading Brandon to avoid social gatherings.

Since he didn’t attend events where he could present himself, no noble ladies fell for him based on his looks.

This was why Flora and Brandon coveted the position of Acting Head even more.

They were convinced that if Selina became the Head before Sebastian, Count Arsene’s only son, they would be kicked out of the house.

While they boasted in front of Selina that Brandon would be the next Head, Flora knew deep down that they had no legitimate claim.

However, she believed that if Brandon became the Acting Head and married into a powerful family, they could stay by Sebastian’s side more confidently and help him become the Head.

Contrary to Flora’s thoughts, Brandon firmly believed that he was the rightful heir.

Despite being the stepson of Count Arsene, he was the eldest son officially listed in the family registry and thus, in his mind, the next Head.

“Surely Brandon is of age, so we should start looking for a suitable match for him.”

Count Arsene looked at Flora with a troubled expression.

“Count, Brandon prefers to find a partner on his own. He will soon find a good match and inform you, so please don’t worry too much.”

‘I can see right through her.’

Selina laughed inwardly, mocking Flora’s words.

‘She’s just waiting for the Acting Head position. She’ll probably grow old and die alone.’

“More importantly, since the relationship with the Patel family has been severed like this, I believe someone should take responsibility.”

Flora concluded, glaring at Selina.

“As the lady of the house, you should know. Yes, Selina broke off her engagement with the Patel family today. But she has agreed to get engaged to someone who can benefit the family and restore her reputation within three months, so let’s trust and wait.”

Count Arsene’s words left Flora speechless, clutching her handkerchief in frustration.

‘How can she possibly restore her reputation in three months? If it were that easy, I wouldn’t have been looked down upon in social circles all this time.’

She barely managed to calm her boiling anger, believing that Selina would ultimately fail.

* * *

“What is it?”

“A letter has arrived for His Grace, the Grand Duke.”

Janus, who was in the office with Philip, looked up at the butler’s words in disbelief.

Everyone knew that the Grand Duke’s mansion in the capital was empty more often than not, so it was rare for letters to arrive.

“Who sent it?”

“How many times have I told you to burn it if it’s from the Imperial Palace!”

“Master, I’ve been using the imperial letters as kindling. There are two letters today, one from the Princess of Furon and the other…”

“The other?”

“Well… From Selina of the Count Arsene family…”

Before the butler could finish his sentence, he dodged two large men who lunged at him, placed the letters on the table, and quickly retreated behind the door.

“There was a message to deliver it directly to His Grace, so please read it yourself.”

Ignoring the butler’s words from behind the door, Janus stared at the letters with excitement.


“Janus, a woman’s heart is truly unpredictable. Didn’t you say she clearly rejected your proposal and looked displeased?”

Janus silently looked at the letters on the table and carefully smelled them.

“That’s right. This scent. It’s faint, but it lingers. It seems she wrote it herself.”

Seeing Janus carefully sniffing the lettere again, Philip said joyfully,

“Perhaps she’s your soulmate, and fell in love with you at first sight. That’s it, I can finally breathe a sigh of relief.”

The thought of his only child not finding their soulmate and possibly dying young made him feel sick to his stomach.

What did the power of a dragon matter anyway? Was it worth losing his wife and child?

For Philip, whose only dream was to protect and live for his family, there was nothing more horrifying.

‘Honey, Christa. It seems our child can finally live in peace.’

As Philip quietly shed tears of joy, Janus carefully opened the envelope with a letter opener and unfolded the letter.

[To my dearest Janus Minerva Justia, Grand Duke of Sephia]

The moment he read the first line written in neat handwriting, Janus gasped, carefully put the letter down, and took a deep breath.

“What’s wrong, son?”

“The handwriting is so beautiful that I momentarily lost my breath.”

Philip looked at his son and quietly nodded.

‘Yes, that’s how I felt when I received my first letter from Christa.’

Janus’s eyes trembled as if an earthquake had struck after reading the letter for a moment.

Curious about what it said, Philip asked, “May I see the letter for a moment?”

“If possible, please wear gloves while handling it.”

At the polite request, Philip fumbled for his gloves and carefully unfolded the letter.

His eyes widened as he looked back and forth between Janus and the letter.

Janus asked, “I didn’t misread it, did I?”

“No, son.”

[I hope this sudden letter hasn’t surprised you too much.

If it’s alright with you, I would like to invite you to the cafe I run, Tea N, tomorrow at 3 PM.]

“She wants to meet tomorrow.”



[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Starfall]


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Chapter 11 - Engagement Contract
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Chapter 10 - Selina's Letter
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