
The Grand Duke is Obsessed with the Fake Villainess - Chapter 16 - Selina's Choice

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[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Starfall]


Chapter 16 - Selina's Choice

After Eric left, the emperor relaxed his stern expression and spoke to Selina.

"I gather you've heard the gist of the matter from Count Arsene?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Thanks to him, I was able to avoid making a spectacle of myself in front of you."

"I knew you'd handle it better than Count Arsene. He was so shocked he could barely eat in my presence."

The emperor laughed at the recollection, but Selina maintained her composure and asked,

"What did you want to tell me in private, Your Majesty? It seems the Crown Prince has no intention of accepting this marriage."

"The Crown Prince's opinion is irrelevant in this matter. I merely informed him out of courtesy."

'The opinions of those involved don't matter at all? And he says this so brazenly in front of me. I suppose my opinion is irrelevant too.'

Selina tried not to let her true feelings show.

Pleased with her calm demeanor, the emperor smiled benevolently.

"If you don't harbor any unrealistic dreams after marrying Eric, I will help you solidify your position in the imperial family. As you know, life in the Imperial Palace is not easy. Keep your promises to me, and I, as the Emperor, will lend you my support."

"I am deeply grateful, Your Majesty. However, my dream is not to ascend to a high position. I am well aware of my own limitations."

"Yes, that's why I favor you and your father. You always have a good grasp of your position and know how to stay in your place."

"My desire is to become the Head of our family's trading company. Anything higher than that is beyond my capabilities."

"Who's stopping you from becoming the Head of your family's trading company?"

A look of surprise flashed across Selina's face, momentarily breaking her composure.

'His greed knows no bounds.'

Selina lowered her head to avoid revealing her thoughts.

"Everything in this empire ultimately belongs to the imperial family. Your family's trading company is no exception. If you wish, I can put it in your hands. I'll instruct Count Arsene to offer the company as your dowry."

The thought of her father's reaction to the Emperor's order made her dizzy.

'As I thought... my choice was right.'

"That won't be necessary, Your Majesty. It might be more appropriate to establish a new trading company under the imperial family's name."

"That's a good idea too. It doesn't matter how you acquire it, as long as you get what you want. Selina, you're starting to show the makings of a fine daughter-in-law. I recognized your potential when you excelled at the academy."

'He talks a good game, but he'll never give me the position of Empress, no matter what he claims.'

Selina scoffed inwardly.

"Since Ruth is away escorting the Crown Prince, have someone else deliver what you’ve prepared to Lady Arsene."

The emperor ordered a servant, who was like a father figure to Ruth, and the servant handed Selina a scroll.

"This is a prenuptial agreement prepared by His Majesty himself for Lady Arsene."

[The contracting party, Selina Arsene, upon entering the Sephia imperial family, promises the following:

One, Selina Arsene will marry the legitimate heir to the Sephia imperial throne, Crown Prince Eric Constantinus Gable.

One, this marriage will be maintained for at least ten years, no matter what.

One, 80% of the income earned by Selina Arsene during the marriage will be donated to the imperial family.

One, if Crown Prince Eric Constantinus Gable ascends to the throne and Selina Arsene bears him a son, the custody of the child will be transferred to the Empress, allowing him to be raised as the legitimate heir.

One, as the first wife of Crown Prince Eric Constantinus Gable, when Selina Arsene ascends to the position of Imperial Consort...]

'I have to give up my child, my earnings, and to top it off my husband is Eric? This is hell! And there's already an Empress. He wants me to sign this contract?'

The emperor gestured to the servant to hurry and get her signature.

"Your Majesty, do you know the most important lesson my father taught me among the many useful things I learned from him?"

"What is it?"

"Never sign a contract without careful consideration."

Selina's words wiped the smile off the Emperor's face.

"Even if I tell you that you can't leave this room unless you sign that contract?"

Selina let out a chuckle at the Emperor's question.

"...Just tell me one thing, Your Majesty."

"What do you want to know?"

"Why me? There are plenty of others who could marry Eric. Why are you choosing me, especially when my reputation in society is at its worst?"

"You're aware of your terrible reputation. I'm making this offer out of pity for your poor father. Now stop talking and sign the contract."

Just then, there was a commotion outside, and someone entered the room where the Emperor and Selina were.

"Your Grace, you can't..."

"Lady Arsene!"

Ruth had briefly left to escort Crown Prince Eric to the Crown Prince's Palace, and some servants had gone to call the guards, so there weren't many people to stop Janus.

The servants, who were not trained for combat, were easily pushed aside and scattered like paper dolls in front of the renowned general, who always emerged victorious from the battlefield.

Janus walked straight towards Selina, as if he saw nothing else, and covered her ears.

Then he shouted,


* * *

"How long will it take for him to wake up from this sleep?"

"About two or three hours."

Selina asked, poking the sleeping Emperor's cheek curiously.

"What about after he wakes up? Will he remember what happened right before he fell asleep?"

Janus hesitated for a moment before answering.

'I promised to tell her everything from now on, without hiding anything.'

That's what Janus had promised Selina when she visited the Grand Duke's mansion late last night.

"I've only used this power on the battlefield. After putting the enemy to sleep like this, I made sure they couldn't fight back... I killed them."

Janus said this with a hardened expression.

'That's how he won the war and came back. How terrible it must have been for him at such a young age.'

Selina looked at Janus with pity for a moment, then continued to ask questions, checking to see if anyone else was still awake.

Selina, who had just encountered the power of the dragon for the first time, had many questions.

Janus answered all of Selina's questions without showing any signs of annoyance.

"Does your power affect everything you say?"

"I can speak without using my power. But sometimes it comes out unintentionally."

"That's why you usually don't talk much."

Selina nodded and asked,

"This power doesn't work on me, right?"

"No. I explained the reason yesterday, but..."

"Because I'm your mate."

Selina said with a sweet smile.

"But why did you cover my ears?"

Selina had been checking on the scattered people, but Janus was suddenly beside her again.

"I wouldn't want your delicate ears to be harmed by my unsightly scream."

Janus said, gently tucking a strand of hair behind Selina's ear.

'Rumors are unreliable, after all. I had no idea His Grace was so kind.'

Selina snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the commotion of the Imperial Guards approaching.

"My Lady, we must leave now."

"Just a moment. I need to take this with me."

Selina picked up the prenuptial agreement the emperor had asked her to sign and said leisurely,

"It would be a shame to leave it behind after His Majesty went through the trouble of preparing it. I'm sure I'll find a good use for it."

Selina tucked the contract into her dress and was about to leave with Janus when he said, "My Lady, I just remembered something I need to do."

Janus went back to the Emperor and whispered something in his ear.

"Will your command work on someone who's asleep?"

"We'll see."

Janus returned to Selina's side and took her hand firmly in his.

She smiled at him and said, "Then please get us out of here safely. I trust you, Your Grace."

"Don't worry. This way, My Lady."

The two of them ran hand in hand down the palace corridor.

Selina's heart pounded as they ran, the sound of approaching soldiers and Ruth's urgent cries fading behind them.

It was a familiar path, but one she had never run through before.

Yet, she felt no fear as she escaped.

It was because of the strong and reliable man protecting her by her side.

As they passed through the palace gates, Selina and Janus locked eyes and burst into laughter.



[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Starfall]

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41 Chapters

Chapter 41: Debutante Partner
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Chapter 40: Someone Else? Who?
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Chapter 36: The Revived Grand Competition
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Chapter 35: Prestigious Beauty Pageant
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Chapter 34: Selina's Tears
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Chapter 33: The Audacious And The Inadequate
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Chapter 32: His Majesty's Order
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Chapter 31: Let Her Out
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Chapter 30: The Grand Duke's Plan (3)
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Chapter 29: The Grand Duke's Plan (2)
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Chapter 28 : The Grand Duke's Plan (1)
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Chapter 27: The Worst Possible Future
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Chapter 26
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Chapter 25
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Chapter 24
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Chapter 23 - Land of the Dragon
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Chapter 22 - In The Vacant Capital
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Chapter 21 - A Wedding For Two
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Chapter 20 - So, The First Kiss...
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Chapter 19 - That Little Girl From Back In The Day
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Chapter 18 - At The Lakeside
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Chapter 17 - I'll Be Back After Marriage
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Chapter 16 - Selina's Choice
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Chapter 15 - An Unexpected Visit
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Chapter 14 - The Engagement Proposals From The Imperial And The Grand Duke’s Families
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Chapter 13 - The Right Marriage Partner
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Chapter 12 - You have no intention of getting married, do you?
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Chapter 11 - Engagement Contract
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Chapter 10 - Selina's Letter
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Chapter 9 - The Broken Engagement Is Separate, The Trade Is Separate
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Chapter 8 - On The Verge Of A Broken Engagement
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Chapter 7 - The Scent Of Her
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Chapter 5 - Shall I Send The Proposal?
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Chapter 4 - Say You Were With Me
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Chapter 3 - Who Were You With?
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Chapter 2 - I Want To Break Off The Engagement
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Chapter 1 - This Is An Imperial Order. Become A Villainess
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