
The Grand Duke is Obsessed with the Fake Villainess - Chapter 34: Selina's Tears

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[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]

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Chapter 34: Selina's Tears

While rubbing his arm that had been dislocated thanks to Ruth, Brandon gritted his teeth and spoke to Selina in a voice only she could hear.

"You, just wait and see."

'He still doesn't understand his situation.'

Selina snorted inwardly and laughed.

Then, with a smile as if dealing with a high-ranking customer, she spoke to the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, I haven't been able to visit the palace due to personal circumstances. It's been so long since I received your summons, and I'm deeply honored to be in this audience chamber."

"Yes, I know why that happened without having to point it out."

Selina spoke to the Emperor, who was looking down at her coldly from the throne, with a slightly aggrieved tone.

"Your Majesty, shouldn't you listen to my side of the story regarding that matter? I tried to explain it to you first that day."

"All you had to do was sign as I ordered, but you kept making excuses..."

The Emperor stopped talking when he saw Brandon standing blankly next to Selina.

He almost blurted out how Janus and Selina had made the Emperor a puppet and escaped.

'Is that idiot cluelessly standing there? Should I tell Ruth to get rid of him?'

Selina, unfazed, continued with her prepared speech.

"Your Majesty, there's a reason why I couldn't sign that contract. It's mostly my fault for not explaining it properly at the time. I simply didn't know what to say."

The Emperor was choosing his words carefully, unsure of how much Brandon knew about the situation.

Knowing that Brandon and Flora had the talent to spread rumors and make Selina look like a villain, he had to be cautious.

'How much does that guy know? He seems unaware that the Grand Duke and Selina are mates, so let's assume he doesn't know that much. But, he could have investigated it on his own. All this time, that commoner has only been coming to the palace and acting like a pig, so it's hard to figure him out. Could that also be part of the plan? Did he know everything and still praise Janus in front of me?'

As the Emperor looked at Brandon with suspicion, Selina spoke up.

"Your Majesty, I understand there are many eyes watching, but in my current position, I can't afford to dismiss the Acting Head of the family."

At Selina's words, Brandon glared at her as if he wanted to kill her with his eyes.

'She just broke my arm in front of His Majesty, and now what?'

The Emperor clicked his tongue inwardly.

'She's openly asking me to give her back the position of Acting Head of the family. Let's see what she'll do if I don't.'

As if challenging her, the Emperor spoke.

"Yes, Brandon is currently the Acting Head of the Arsene family, so he has every right to be here. The matter we're discussing now is the family's important business that we couldn't conclude last time."

As things progressed in the desired direction, Selina smiled with satisfaction and said, "That's right. I need to explain why I couldn't sign the marriage contract with Crown Prince Eric, which Your Majesty personally bestowed upon me."

At those words, Brandon gasped.

'Marriage... contract? There was such a thing? Wait, does that mean Selina was supposed to be the Crown Princess... Was what mother overheard real then? Did the Imperial and Grand Duke’s families really...?'

Realizing that what he thought was impossible was actually true, Brandon was confused. But he quickly grasped the situation.

'Is the Arsene family really mine now?'

Selina could see right through Brandon's thoughts.

Clicking her tongue inwardly, Selina continued speaking without even glancing at Brandon.

"First of all, as a daughter of the Count’s family, I cannot sign a marriage contract before another lady who will become the future Empress."

"I can take care of that by talking to that lady. You just need to enter the Imperial family a little earlier, learn etiquette, and support Eric."

"Yes, I was confident that Your Majesty would handle such matters well. However, Your Majesty, there's another big issue that cannot be resolved immediately."

"What is it?"

"Recently... I've been caught up in a serious scandal that has made it difficult for me to even show my face in public," she said, her voice filled with shame.

"Hmm, I'm well aware of that incident. But I know the rumors aren't true. Haven't I watched you grow up since you were a child?"

The Emperor, who had contributed to spreading and embellishing the rumors started by Brandon and Flora, feigned ignorance.

Selina, fully aware of the Emperor's deception, continued with her prepared speech.

"Because the rumors weren't addressed in time, some people now call me 'Wicked Selina.' If someone with such a tarnished reputation were to enter the Imperial family, what would the people of the empire think of it? I couldn't dare bring such shame upon the Imperial family!"

As Selina raised her head, tears streamed down her cheeks like pearls.

Brandon, witnessing Selina's heartfelt performance beside him, stared with his mouth agape in disbelief.

'What is she doing?'

He couldn't close his mouth at the sight of Selina crying, something he had never seen before.

Even when the servants secretly tormented and insulted Selina, fearing retaliation from Count Arsene, Selina always maintained the same composure towards Brandon.

She always wore that signature smirk, as if saying, "You can't hurt me." Brandon had vowed to see her cry one day, but the shock of witnessing Selina's tears up close was beyond his imagination.

'She's... crying? Now? Why? Is she crying because she wants to join the Imperial family but can't due to her ruined reputation? Is that something to cry about?'

His mind went blank, but Brandon somehow managed to hold on to his sanity and think.

'For now, it's best for her to go to the palace. That way, I can inherit the family. Oh well, I don't know. It's in front of the Emperor, so let's just beg for now.'

Meanwhile, the Emperor, seeing Selina's tear-stained face, recalled someone he had met in the palace a long time ago.

'I see a resemblance to Countess Arsene. It seems that blood doesn't lie.'

Just then, Brandon's voice broke the Emperor's reverie.

"Your Majesty, although her reputation is tarnished, Selina is the only legitimate daughter of our Arsene family. In consideration of your friendship with her father, the Count, please accept Selina as the Crown Prince's consort. I earnestly beseech you."

Brandon spoke without realizing how presumptuous his words were.

'Ignorance is bliss, as they say. He dares to voice his opinion before His Majesty without being asked, and even recommends someone from his own family as the Crown Princess? He deserves to be beheaded on the spot.'

Ruth clenched his fists tightly.

In the Sephia Empire, there was a clear distinction between legitimate and illegitimate children among the nobility.

Even among nobles, illegitimate children couldn't express their opinions before the Emperor first.

If even nobles with mixed blood were treated that way in front of the Emperor, what about Brandon, who was born a commoner?

Selina scoffed inwardly.

'Typical of you. Even if I hadn't stepped in, your behavior would have gotten you killed several times over. It's a wonder you survived for three days in front of His Majesty.'

Still, as a member of the family, she couldn't let Brandon be executed for disrespecting the Emperor.

"Your Majesty, the Acting Head of the Arsene family has shown a lack of etiquette and has been disrespectful to Your Majesty. Please forgive him."

Selina wiped her tear-stained face with a handkerchief and bowed deeply.

The Emperor frowned and gestured to Selina, saying, "Raise your head. Brandon, the Acting Head of the Arsene family, is immediately stripped of his position. Drag him out and give him ten lashes."

Brandon was dragged away helplessly by the servants who appeared out of nowhere, unable to utter a single plea for forgiveness.

'I've regained one thing that was taken from me, and I've given Brandon a small punishment. Who told him to spread those rumors about me? Now, let's move on to the next goal.'

Selina finished her calculations quietly, her head bowed.



[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Starfall ]

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41 Chapters

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Chapter 36: The Revived Grand Competition
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Chapter 35: Prestigious Beauty Pageant
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Chapter 34: Selina's Tears
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Chapter 31: Let Her Out
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Chapter 26
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Chapter 25
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Chapter 24
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Chapter 13 - The Right Marriage Partner
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Chapter 12 - You have no intention of getting married, do you?
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Chapter 11 - Engagement Contract
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