
The Grand Duke is Obsessed with the Fake Villainess - Chapter 17 - I'll Be Back After Marriage

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[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Starfall]


Chapter 17 - I'll Be Back After Marriage

"This can't be happening! How could this happen?!"

In the Crown Prince's Palace, Eric paced restlessly, lamenting his current situation.

"I clearly told Father when we were young that Selina and I were not meant to be. How could he make such a decision? Why Selina, of all people? I love Lady Hazel!"

He slammed his fist on the desk several times, scattering the precious letters from Lady Hazel.

"How could he even think of pairing me with that nagging shrew when I have Lady Hazel, with her beautiful handwriting? And why didn't she protest vehemently? How could she just stand there and do nothing?"

"Please calm down, Your Highness."

"Calm down, Sam? This is about marriage! Marriage to Selina Arsene! Would you want to do it?"

"It's not all bad, Your Highness. Count Arsene's family, although a Count's family, is quite wealthy. As the only daughter of the family, Lady Selina's dowry will not be small."

Eric let out a scoff and said to Sam in a mocking tone,"Money? Yes, they have a lot of money. But her stepmother won't let her easily take all that money with her when she gets married."

He shook his head and wailed as if he were about to cry.

"She has always been a heartless woman, only interested in preserving the family line. She probably didn't even try to stop this. Even I could see it from afar. She's the type who would go to any lengths to achieve her goals, even if it means acting like a true villainess. Why would she want to marry me?"

Sam nodded in agreement as Eric punched the air in frustration.

"Yes, I understand your reluctance. But she's only doing what you ordered her to. If His Majesty has made this decision, you have no choice but to obey. And think about it, Your Highness. The more allies, the better."

"What are you talking about?"

"His Majesty currently has five consorts, including the Empress. You can have up to four."

Eric waved his hand dismissively, "I don't need that many."

"You never know. Even if Lady Arsene becomes your consort, she can't become Empress because she's from a Count’s family. And even if Lady Hazel, who is from a Baron’s family, becomes your consort, can she become the Empress?"

Eric's eyes gleamed sharply.

"I will make her the Empress."

"Yes, but it won't be easy with the intentions of both Their Majesties. Eventually, a noble lady of higher status who can become the Empress in the future will become your consort. In that case, wouldn't Lady Hazel need an ally to secure her position?"

"...What if Selina doesn't help?"

"You can make her help."


"These days, people sign prenuptial agreements."

"Sam! You're amazing! How did you know about that? Samuel Hines, you're truly brilliant."

Eric patted Sam's shoulder in praise. He instructed a maid to tidy up the messy desk and began to ponder over the terms of the prenuptial agreement.

* * *

Selina and Janus, having safely escaped the palace, headed straight to Count Arsene's residence.


"Selina, was everything resolved?"

"For now. Have you prepared everything I asked for?"

"Yes, your luggage is all packed."

"If His Majesty summons you, please delay as much as possible. I'll be back after marriage."

"Your Grace."

Janus stopped Count Arsene, who was about to kneel before him.

"Please don't do this."

"Thank you for willingly joining me on this adventure."

"No, thank you. You've offered me your invaluable daughter despite my shortcomings, I don't know how to express my gratitude."

"We don't have time, we must leave quickly."

"Yes, go now."

After hurriedly loading the luggage onto the carriage, Selina looked back at Count Arsene and said,

"Father, you must stay alive, you must."

And without waiting for his reply, she boarded the carriage and departed.

Watching Selina leave, Count Arsene felt a pang of sorrow, but now was not the time to dwell on it.

"This is an emergency. Seal the estate starting today and take care of urgent trade matters within the next ten days. Announce that I am ill and unable to move, so Brandon, the temporary Acting Head of the family, will handle everything for the time being."

"Yes, sir."

As Ben moved to carry out the orders, Flora, who had been watching everything from inside the mansion, came running out excitedly.

"Count, did you just say Brandon is the Acting Head of the family?"

"Yes, bring Brandon to my room."

"Then what about Selina...?"

"Brandon will only become the Acting Head if you cooperate with everything I do from now on without a word. Only if you don't mess this up. Understand?"

"Yes, I understand. I won't say a word. Brandon, where are you? Come quickly and help your father!"

Count Arsene sighed as he watched Flora run excitedly towards Brandon's room.

'Please come back safely, Selina.'

* * *

"Your Majesty, are you awake?"

Three hours later, the Emperor opened his eyes.

"Ruth, what happened?"

"It was the dragon's power, Your Majesty. We were helpless against it."

"He dared to use that power against me? Treason! Bring him to me immediately!"

"Please calm yourself and assess the situation rationally, Your Majesty. By comparing my disciple's and Your Majesty's memories, we can better understand the situation leading up to your unconsciousness."

"Alright, tell me what you remember."

Ruth helped the Emperor up as he held his head. He nodded to his disciple, the attendant, who began to speak.

"When we gave the prenuptial agreement to Miss Selina and asked her to sign it, Grand Duke Justia barged in without permission."

"Yes, that's right. He, relying on that damned power, entered the room without permission and saw us. And then..."

The Emperor couldn't continue as he couldn't remember what happened next, so Ruth nodded to his disciple again.

"He put us to sleep."

"Yes, that's it. He put us to sleep."

After listening to the Emperor and the attendant, Ruth slapped his knee and spoke.

"Then... I think we've finally figured out the power of this successor."

"Yes! The ability to put people to sleep! That's it! What a great ability. We won't have to worry about enemies anymore. We can just put them all to sleep."

"It's nothing compared to the power of the previous generation. It's a world of difference from Lady Christa, who could move weapons with telekinesis."

The Emperor nodded and said,"My sister was truly unmatched with her power and incredible physical strength. But this time, it's just the ability to put people to sleep? No wonder he was so desperate to hide it. I didn't know it would be such a trivial ability."

"It's fortunate that it's not a lethal power. We could have been in big trouble."

"That's right. Now that we know it's just a minor ability, we can easily deal with them. Go to the Grand Duke's residence and capture both Justia and the missing Selina. We'll need to capture Count Arsene as well to make Selina obedient."

"Your Majesty, please reconsider that order."

Ruth bowed his head before the Emperor and tried to dissuade him.

"Ruth, what are you saying?"

"Although it's a trivial ability, if it can put everyone to sleep, sending a few soldiers won't be of any use. There are also nobles who believe in the dragon's power and support the Grand Duke's faction. At this time, with the war with Autumn not yet over, we must prevent a civil war from happening at all costs, Your Majesty."

"Yes... that's true. But we can't just let this happen!"

Ruth calmed the Emperor and spoke calmly.

"I have ordered everyone to keep today's events strictly confidential. You must conserve your strength so that you can sweep them away all at once later."

"Then what should we do now?"

"You must prevent him from marrying his fated mate."

"Justia already came and took her away!"

Ruth tried to calm the Emperor, who was fuming with anger.

"Your Majesty, if they don't have a formal wedding, the marriage to his fated mate will be invalid."

At those words, the Emperor slapped his knee.

"That's right! They won't be able to have a proper wedding. I'll never allow it."



[Translator - Kie]

[Proofreader - Starfall]

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Chapter 29: The Grand Duke's Plan (2)
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Chapter 28 : The Grand Duke's Plan (1)
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Chapter 27: The Worst Possible Future
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Chapter 26
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Chapter 25
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Chapter 24
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Chapter 22 - In The Vacant Capital
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Chapter 21 - A Wedding For Two
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Chapter 20 - So, The First Kiss...
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Chapter 19 - That Little Girl From Back In The Day
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Chapter 18 - At The Lakeside
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Chapter 17 - I'll Be Back After Marriage
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Chapter 16 - Selina's Choice
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Chapter 15 - An Unexpected Visit
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Chapter 14 - The Engagement Proposals From The Imperial And The Grand Duke’s Families
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Chapter 13 - The Right Marriage Partner
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Chapter 12 - You have no intention of getting married, do you?
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Chapter 11 - Engagement Contract
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Chapter 10 - Selina's Letter
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