
Theatrical Regression Life - Chapter 9

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]


Chapter 9

Lee Jaehun, or to be precise, the him from his past life, had a fairly good memory. It wasn’t a talent that he could brag it was more like a necessity that was needed to live in a world where one needed to be quick- witted to survive even when there was no food.

So, even if he wasn’t too interested in someone, he felt a bit uneasy when they met again. Moreover, in this particular case, with the unique talent of his past life, it wasn’t too difficult to recognize who the other person was.

Given that it hadn’t been too long since Lee Jaehun remembered his past life, the range of the activities that he did after regaining them was limited. Thus, figuring out the identity of the man being chased by bizarre plant-like monsters on the other side of the glass was not an overly challenging task.

So, the man being pursued by those monstrous plant forms beyond the glass, was the man Lee Jaehun met last weekend, it was the doctor that he consulted with when he cut his arm.

‘Was it doctor Ha Seong, or something like that.’

Well, honestly speaking, he couldn’t quite remember the name.

‘I wonder if that person was also a character from a novel’

Lee Jaehun pondered as he quickly shook his head.

Based on the descriptions in the novel, if the doctor really was one of the characters, there was a high probability that the brutally murdered body in the flower shop confirmed by the protagonist was indeed that person. Perhaps, if Lee Jaehun didn’t help within a minute, there was a 99% chance he would die.

However, it wasn’t necessarily a must for him to help. Lee Jaehun, who always struggled for a better life, disliked variables, and that man was a perfect variable for him. Given the doctor’s strong professional ethics, there was a fairly high chance that he would remember Lee Jaehun, making the decision even more complicated.

Considering the carefully built-up character development, there was a fear that everything he had worked hard for might fall apart.

Lee Jaehun blinked slowly.

‘What conversation did I have with that doctor?’

Rapidly, pieces of information flashed through his mind.

‘He must have misunderstood something about me.’

Was it a misunderstanding about having an illegal job? But, aside from the obvious injury, Lee Jaehun’s body was clean. Of course, only his arm was exposed, so it wasn’t entirely certain.

No, his injuries were clearly self-inflicted, so the doctor’s misunderstanding was likely not some ridiculous delusion. Then, what misunderstanding? That I’m mentally ill? No, that’s just a basic fact, not something to be misunderstood.

The doctor undoubtedly constructed the misunderstanding based on more systematic information.

Lee Jaehun shifted his thought direction there. Anyway, he doesn’t know about the man’s misunderstanding.

Then he must quickly make decisions based on other information.

For now, from a simple information perspective, having a doctor for future events is undoubtedly an advantage.

Lee Jaehun has just received significant injuries, and there’s a possibility that the wounds could become contaminated and start festering, especially since the weather is warming up. Wounds easily get infected.

He lacks proper medical knowledge. So yes, having a doctor is necessary. Or at least, it would be good.

Soon, the protagonist’s group would approach Lee Jaehun, and if the doctor pretends to know me, the situation could get complicated.

My plans might deviate from the original. The doctor didn’t factor into my calculations.


Will he save him? Or will he leave him to die?

After cramming the long and dense information back into a corner of his mind, Lee Jaehun muttered softly to himself.

What emotions did the other person feel toward me?

Doubts as a doctor facing an unusual situation. Or misunderstandings beyond that. No, erase this. It’s unnecessary. The doctor’s unique sense of duty. Dissatisfaction immediately after confirming traces of self-harm. He is a good person. Erase this too.

And then, pure sympathy for Lee Jaehun.


That doctor won’t harm me.

This, in essence, spoke of an advantage for him.

Lee Jaehun blinked, understanding the situation.

The doctor was on the brink of shattering into pieces from the strange plant’s teeth, and the woman hiding under the operating table was staring at it with a pale face.

It seemed she wasn’t visible behind the glass wall until now.

Perhaps the woman was acquainted with the doctor, as she didn’t rise from her hidden position but desperately called out to him.


Upon hearing that small voice, Lee Jaehun thought,

“If I save the doctor, I might gain her favour as well.”

Convinced by his own decision, he entered the glass wall.

In his hand, there was a pipe stained with the viscous fluid from the spider leg, and it wouldn’t be long before it was smeared with the blood of another monster.

Lifting the pipe high, with his other hand grabbing the back of the doctor’s coat, Lee Jaehun greeted him.

“Nice to meet you, Doctor.”



With a sound of bursting, another red liquid, different from the spider monster’s, splattered in all directions. Once again, a nauseating smell of blood filled the air.

Only then did the doctor seem to recognize the presence of Lee Jaehun.

“You- aren’t you.. that patient?”

Indeed, the doctor remembered Lee Jaehun as just one of his many patients. Whether it was because the case was so memorable or because of the doctor’s unwavering sense of duty, or perhaps both, it wasn’t a truth that needed to be uncovered.

Lee Jaehun shrugged his shoulders while checking the doctor and the woman under the operating table, who had managed a makeshift treatment. Blood seeped heavily from the bandage on the makeshift shoulder.

“He’s still a patient.”

“Well… it seems that way.”

The doctor’s face nodded in response to his words. Despite having just escaped a near-death experience, the doctor appeared remarkably calm.

Lee Jaehun suddenly thought about how miserable the doctor would die in a few minutes. Instead of doing something foolish like that, he shifted his gaze to the operating table, taking advantage of the moment when the monsters had retreated. Stepping on the crushed monsters with his feet, he continued.

“Wouldn’t the lady over there like to come out?”

“Oh, um…”

“If you don’t plan to stay with these disgusting things, that is.”

“Yes, yes.”

The flower shop’s monsters, seemingly threatened by Lee Jaehun’s demeanour, were momentarily frozen. Confirming this, the woman who had been crouching down made a quick move and emerged from under the operating table.

Although the distance from the entrance was not too close, the space itself was not vast. Thus, it didn’t take her long to run toward the doctor and Lee Jaehun.

The woman, with blood dripping drop by drop from her upper arm, matched the description of the ‘flower shop owner’ among the protagonists that Lee Jaehun remembered.

Guarding against the collapsed monsters, the woman approached hesitantly and expressed her gratitude.

“Thank you…”

And that’s how Lee Jaehun came to appreciate smart people like her.

The tear-streaked face showed visible fear, but her judgement seemed excellent. Despite trembling in fear, she clearly knew how to survive in this dog-eat-dog world.

As expected from the future protagonists’ group. No matter where they go, they were the kind of people who would finish all their tasks before breaking down, or perhaps they would do it while crying.

In any case, in this messed-up world, they seemed to be fitting companions for such an environment.

The doctor, holding the side that was either bitten or grazed, asked the flower shop owner, “Are you okay?”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I was just too scared and hid…”

“It’s okay. Oh, why are you crying like this?”

Silently observing the scene, Lee Jaehun spoke up, “First, please leave.”

With a dry gaze, he looked at the crumpled, flower-shaped monster. Instead of a petal in the centre, it was a monster full of dazzling teeth, making the exterior seem even more repulsive.

In response to his words, the doctor and the woman blinked, and Lee Jaehun added an explanation.

“Apparently, they don’t go outside the flower shop. These guys won’t leave their territory.”

“Oh, I see…”



He suddenly brought down a large flower head, which had approached beneath their feet, with his pipe.

“Let’s go outside the flower shop for now.”

Once again, it was a dry tone.

The broken petals, shattered with great force, seemed delicate and intricate like stained glass, reflecting an unknown meaning.

However, the shattered petals, like sharp blades, seemed to transform into some kind of weapon.

Lee Jaehun, avoiding stepping on them, carefully watched the monsters wandering around them.

The monsters didn’t dare approach thoughtlessly, perhaps considering the broken flower petals as if they were sharp blades, unlike the spider-like creature with ease.

However, just like the glass-like monster, they didn’t know when the monsters would attack. The flower shop entrance wasn’t too far from their current location.

Since the protagonist would soon lead the way, they needed to start moving.

In response to his words, the doctor wiped off cold sweat and nodded.

“Uh… The monsters, their movements are quite sluggish right now.”

“Yes, that’s right.”

“Then shall we move now?”

At that moment, Lee Jaehun realised.

“I was actually planning to go to the hospital. Can I ask for treatment later?”

“…If you save us, then sure.”

The doctor was aware of the other world. The moment Lee Jaehun grasped that, he was convinced of what kind of ‘misunderstanding’ the doctor had towards him.

He thought about the man’s position in the novel, how he appeared, and what role he played.

A satisfied smile formed at the corner of Lee Jaehun’s mouth.

“That’s good.”

Indeed, it was a favourable situation.

* * *

Monsters in the other world varied depending on the characteristics of the region or building. For example, a park filled with plants would have plant-like monsters, and a hospital might have monsters resembling patients or doctors.

Various phenomena experienced in each building also reflected the characteristics of the original space. However, they could only be roughly categorised, as there were no monsters with exactly the same appearance.

The protagonist explained it in the novel, drawing a parallel with how people of the same race could have different appearances.

Thanks to this diversity, the abilities of the monsters varied greatly, posing a challenge for the protagonist and his group.

Even inside the flower shop, which wasn’t explicitly described in the novel, the situation wasn’t much different.


Lee Jaehun brushed off the black charcoal clinging to his ankle, which turned into dust not leaving any traces behind.

Just before completely exiting the flower shop, a vine-like monster wrapped around Lee Jaehun’s ankle.

Initially, he thought he would have to struggle against it and tensed up, but the monster seemed to be burning on its own.

It was truly perplexing for Lee Jaehun, who had intended to try a strength contest instead of shaking it off.

His expression became strange.

“Burning in the theme of plants….”

“It doesn’t seem to be a plant at all.”



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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It was undeniably odd for a monster that outwardly appeared to be a plant to possess a fire-related ability. Moreover, the ability it had just demonstrated was a self-destructive one, yet the monster itself didn’t seem to die.

Thanks to that, Lee Jaehun, the only one among them who had suffered burns, didn’t look too pleased.

“Fortunately… there doesn’t seem to be any problem with the movement.”

Despite him not liking it, Lee Jaehun’s injury wasn’t significant.

In fact, it seemed better than the previous penetrating wound, which had been more serious.

Upon hearing Lee Jaehun’s words, the doctor’s expression faltered slightly.

“…I won’t say anything about it being fortunate, considering your expression, but it would be good to receive proper treatment when you get the chance.”

“I can see that you’re not entirely relieved. But sometimes people misunderstand—being a doctor is a short-lived profession unless you have a long tongue.”

The conversation between the two caused the tearful woman, who had been wiping her tears, to blink and ask,

“…Are you two acquainted?”

It was a valid question.

And Lee Jaehun, who had been curious about the doctor’s true identity, found the woman’s question welcoming.

While he had a general idea of the doctor’s role and how he would appear later, he didn’t know the details.

With that in mind, Lee Jaehun nodded vaguely in response.

“We met only once, as a doctor and patient.”

In reality, their relationship was neither more nor less than that.

They remembered each other because the other had made a significant impression, not because they had any special connection.

And then, as expected, a familiar voice reached them.


It was the protagonist.

Behind him were the other survivors, who seemed genuinely calm.

Whether the flower shop owner and the doctor recognized them as new survivors or not, the gazes directed at them seemed particularly lively.

In response, Lee Jaehun muttered incredulously.

“…Didn’t I tell you to wait?”

“We came because we were worried.”

“Deputy Jung, are you going to keep doing this? Am I a joke to you?”

“I would never.”

Now, there was a complete conviction that ‘Director Lee Jaehun’ was a fully acted role. His demeanour didn’t waver, and it seemed that even the pretence of being a strict manager was no longer there. From his perspective, the situation was such that he couldn’t help but feel strange, both by the change in his behaviour and the change in his appearance.

Perhaps due to the abruptly changed Lee Jaehun, the expressions of the flower shop owner and the doctor became peculiar. After all, with the change in tone and expression, it would be even stranger not to notice the peculiarity.


“Oh, they are the survivors I rescued at the flower shop, she is the owner of the shop while this man here is a doctor.

The expressions of the people standing behind Lee Jaehun brightened at his words. Given the situation, it seemed they thought the more people they could rely on, the better. In a world where monsters roamed, it was only natural to feel glad to see people walking around normally.

The first to speak among the new arrivals was Assistant Manager Kwon.

“It’s really nice to see you! I bought flowers last week. Do you happen to remember?”

“Huh? Oh, um… Are you the one who bought the succulent set?”

“Yes, that’s me! Wow, it’s really nice to see you.”

She kept expressing her joy and, holding Team Leader Kang’s hand, approached the flower shop owner. Perhaps because Assistant Manager Kwon, who was smaller in stature and of the same gender, showed kindness, the tense flower shop owner started to relax.

With the bright demeanour of the women, the expressions of the remaining men also improved a bit. Team Leader Kang and the usual friendly intern, Noh Yeonseok, looked even better. Perhaps they were concerned about her fragile mental state. Of course, to Lee Jaehun, it seemed like planting acorns.

Having sensed the returning positive atmosphere, he sighed while supporting himself with the pipe.

Anyway, if anyone could improve the mood, it wasn’t a bad thing. Mental strength was important, after all.

“Assistant Manager Kwon’s simplicity comes in handy at times like this.”

Lee Jaehun blinked his eyes slowly.


Two people who were supposed to die were now alive, and the flower shop owner, who would only become communicative in the latter part of the park episode, had already brightened up.

In the novel, the shop owner was plagued by tremendous trauma. Secluding herself in a corner, she would stare into the space without engaging in conversations with others. She was easily startled by the rustling of trees and grass.

Perhaps for these reasons, and as a natural course of events, she joined the protagonist’s group the latest. It might be because the doctor, who seems to have some acquaintance, died at the hands of the flower monsters right in front of them.

Later on, she revealed her inner thoughts, saying, “It seemed like the flowers I grew killed that guest.”

However, there were no immediate casualties. The current mental strength of the group far exceeded that of the novel, and encountering new survivors seemed to uplift the atmosphere.

And Lee Jaehun pondered, ‘Is the issue the food supply?’

The protagonist’s supply from the emergency room was limited, and the rest needed to be self-sufficient.

Moreover, to survive against the monsters, basic physical fitness was essential, and for that everyone needed to eat.

Lee Jaehun, with the skills from his previous life, could somewhat compensate for this need.

But once things started to stabilise, human beings tended to spread negativity, leading to potential division within the group.

And division in the OtherWorld meant everyone would end up dead.

Therefore, he couldn’t outright kill those he had already saved.

‘I might need to manipulate the monsters to kill them.’

Thinking like this, Lee Jaehun leaned on his pipe and strengthened his body.

If the issue was food supply, he had no intention of killing them for that reason either. If managed properly, his colleagues from this world could be a significant advantage, and surviving alone in this place was nearly impossible.

But if they caused division without understanding the main issues, it would be more efficient to kill one person than to let the group fall apart.

Having a large group had its advantages and disadvantages. If teamwork was strong, tasks could be distributed efficiently for smooth progress. However, without good teamwork, each person becomes a burden instead of a companion, a stress burden.

Of course, Lee Jaehun had to be careful not to let the perceptive protagonist catch on, especially someone like Deputy Jung, who was as sharp as a hawk.

With this in mind, Lee Jaehun glanced at the protagonist. He wanted to confirm how the protagonist perceived the atmosphere.


“…What is it?”

The protagonist was looking at his leg.

To be precise, both the doctor and the protagonist were observing the wounds on his leg. The fact that both the piercing injury and the burn happened on the same leg made it quite convenient for observation.

What’s going on? Are they checking the functionality? Lee Jaehun looked at the two newcomers with a puzzled expression.

“If you have something to say, say it straight.”

“Do you have any intention of getting treatment right now?”

“I decline.”

The doctor’s immediate response to Lee Jaehun’s suggestion prompted him to point his finger at the sky.

“As it’s getting dark, shouldn’t we find a place to rest first?”

In this otherworldly realm, instead of a sunset, the sky was filled with a dense grey hue as darkness approached.

Upon seeing the ominous colour, the doctor fell silent, and the protagonist continued speaking.

“The ankle is rotting.”

“Why use such a harsh word… it’s not rotting; it’s burned.”

The doctor laughed and interjected, “The skin did indeed rot.”

“Whose side are you on right now?”

“There’s no side when it comes to stating facts.”

Lee Jaehun furrowed his brow at the smooth response. He had thought this before, but dealing with these people was truly awkward and tricky. Especially the protagonist, who was on a repulsive level.

Rubbing his stiff shoulders, he answered, “Let’s just find a place to rest.”

“I’m still alive and kicking. Don’t just stare at me like that; I can still do my job.”

“I was just watching because I was concerned…”

“It was a funny joke.”

Worried, huh?

Lee Jaehun found it genuinely amusing and let out a low laugh.

The relationship between the old-fashioned manager and Deputy Jung Inho was far from perfect.

At this point, expecting some humane concern was a bit too much.

Of course, by saying that, the protagonist did seem to have some intention to treat him a bit better. However, who knows when their relationship might sour again.

The protagonist’s expression tightened slightly, but Lee Jaehun just shrugged his shoulders.

“Well then, shall we move on for now?”



[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s Disciple]

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