
Theatrical Regression Life - Chapter 19

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Chapter 19

Of course, Lee Jaehun had no intention of sitting down and resting, despite the group’s suggestion.

‘What if everyone ends up dead?’

Certainly, there was a way to reset everything, but that was the last resort. Unless the situation became extremely dire, it was necessary to handle things on one’s own.

Having witnessed the convenience of resets and encountered numerous broken individuals, he had developed a judgment that avoiding a reset was preferable.

Thanks to quickly progressing through the tasks unlike before the reset, there probably wouldn’t be an Algal monster very close by.

Jaehun also felt somewhat uneasy about facing the monster again in his current physical state, so he decided to quickly gather firewood while it was still absent.

Moreover, considering the possibility, if, contrary to expectations, an Algal monster appeared nearby while he was collecting firewood, there was no one else besides Jaehun capable of handling it properly.

He vaguely explained the important parts while concealing some details.

“What if there’s a monster nearby? Monkey wrench is with Deputy Jung, and there’s no suitable weapon to use right now.”

“Still, wouldn’t it be better for us to quickly go and come back?”

Nonsense, talking like that without knowing the situation.

He sighed and replied, “I probably already picked up some during our conversation. If Deputy Jung is concerned, we can all go together.”

“All of us together?”

“It’s getting dark, and there’s only one lighter. Maybe it’s safer if we stick together.”

Perhaps his words made sense, as Kwon Yeonhee, expressed agreement with a positive remark.

Team Leader Kang and Intern Noh Yeonseok seemed uneasy at first, but soon they understood the situation and sided with Jaehun, reading the atmosphere.

It was clear who held the authority in this group.

In the end, deciding to quickly gather firewood nearby, the group of six began to move.

“I wish we had something like a newspaper…”

“A newspaper?”

“Or maybe tissues… Anyway, just some dry bits of paper. If it’s damp, it’ll just produce smoke and won’t catch fire easily.”

Above all, if smoke started billowing out like that, there was a chance that surviving individuals somewhere nearby might gather, and Lee Jaehun definitely didn’t want the situation to turn out that way.

Certainly, Jaehun’s actions so far seemed altruistic, sacrificial, and other-centered.

However, all of that was done for the sake of maintaining a positive image. He had brought the doctor and the flower shop owner based on the judgment that it would benefit him in the current circumstances with the siblings.

Unless he was the main character, he didn’t want to increase the group he had to take responsibility for.

Moreover, if things unfolded like the novel from his past life, he remembered that among the people who would come upon seeing such smoke, there was no one he particularly liked.

“No need to unnecessarily stir up trouble.”

At the very least, when it came to matters directly related to himself, Jaehun didn’t want to experience any more frustrating situations.

He picked up a slender, dry twig and said, “Yeah, something like this. This is good.”

“Ah… it’s really dried up, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know why it’s so dried up in this jungle-like park, but anyway, that’s how it is.”

“Yeah, understood.”

Intern Noh Yeonseok nodded and scanned the surrounding ground.

Observing the others in the group making their best efforts to find firewood, it seemed like the situation would be resolved quickly.

At that moment, Lee Jaehun blinked as he noticed the siblings approaching him stealthily.

“Um, can we use something like this box?”

“It doesn’t seem wet. Couldn’t find a newspaper, but…”

Then, he felt a bit flustered.

“…This should do.”

Why are these kids pretending to be friendly with me?

‘Wasn’t it like this before the reset?’

Lee Jaehun looked at the students, hoping his facial muscles moved as naturally as possible.

This sibling pair was inherently cautious.

Being good at reading situations implies considering various possibilities and often signifies scrutinizing the surroundings with suspicion.

Perhaps that’s why they were particularly wary of Lee Jaehun in the previous encounter.

At that time, he closely observed them, thinking, ‘Why did they join this group instead of the protagonist?’ Despite trying to keep it subtle, the siblings seemed to have sensed his scrutiny.

It seemed they felt a slight discomfort, possibly thinking that Lee Jaehun was uneasy about their company.

Of course, Lee Jaehun didn’t think much about it. The level of caution they had was something he could easily dispel if he chose to. However, at that moment, he was too tired to engage in such efforts and left it as it was.

In short, these siblings, with just a few words from Lee Jaehun after the reset, were expressing such warmth…


“You found it well. We can use this to start a fire.”

“Ah… th-thank you.”

“…You don’t have to thank me.”

Why is it turning out like this?

Lee Jaehun struggled to keep his expression from distorting with oddity.

The siblings were too perceptive to openly twist his expression in front of them, and he didn’t want to intentionally undermine the accumulated favorability as if he knew nothing.

Well, to be more precise, he didn’t entirely know anything.

‘The atmosphere from earlier.’

As Lee Jaehun started managing his image, recalling the subtle and uncomfortable reactions the group showed and the way the siblings behaved toward the protagonist in the novel, the answer came easily.

The siblings were preparing to rely on Lee Jaehun.

Even if he didn’t want to understand the situation, basic intuition was still there.

The peculiar softened looks from the group just now perceived him as a ‘kind but not entirely truthful person,’ and the subtle joy shown by the siblings was a happiness derived from someone who would ‘cherish and consider them.’

While Lee Jaehun did intend to receive the group’s favor, it was also a rather burdensome misunderstanding.

Moreover, considering that the other adults didn’t exhibit such reactions, it probably included the condition of being someone ‘worthy of reliance.’

In reality, since Lee Jaehun was the only one currently taking responsibility for the group’s safety, the siblings’ judgment was quite accurate.

Receiving the stiff, dry, torn box and smoothing it out, Lee Jaehun opened his mouth.

“We’re the ones who should be more thankful, actually.”

“Oh, no. You took us in, and…”


There’s no particular reaction to the word ‘we.’

‘No way they couldn’t understand.’

Just a moment ago, Lee Jaehun used the word ‘we’ to differentiate between the group, including himself, and the siblings. In essence, he conveyed that the term ‘we’ didn’t include them.

Whether Lee Jaehun intended it or said it unconsciously, the quick-witted siblings, without a doubt, understood the meaning behind the word ‘we.’

Even though they grasped the significance, their natural response, or lack thereof, indicated that the siblings weren’t particularly bothered by the exclusion implied by that ‘we.’

What concerned them was none other than Lee Jaehun himself.

“…Kids don’t think about that kind of thing.”

Is it really appropriate for it to turn out like this?

As he threw out a carefully crafted remark for image management, the siblings once again sealed their smiles.

“We’ll come by again then. Everyone, take it easy…”

“Take your time.”

“Yes, thank you.”

What exactly are they thanking him for?

The siblings, perhaps ignited by his praise, left to gather firewood in a hurry. Yet, they didn’t stray too far, showing a keen awareness of Lee Jaehun’s movements.

It was evident they were keeping a close eye on him.

‘…Higher affection than expected?’

Lee Jaehun recalled the depiction of the siblings’ family in the novel, covering his mouth with his hand.

Having a keen sense means having honed that sense, and that implies encountering situations where such awareness is frequently required.

While the siblings naturally possessed keen instincts, their environment significantly contributed to their development.

Briefly contemplating this, Lee Jaehun sighed inwardly.

There was no room for regretting such backgrounds at this point, and even if there were, it wasn’t conducive to providing the psychological support they might need.

Instead of dwelling on the siblings, he decided to think about where the seaweed monster might be at this point.

Yes, considering the time roughly…

“…Should we start heading back?”

…The seaweed monster had just encountered Team Leader Kang a little while ago.

‘It must be somewhere nearby.’

Lee Jaehun, leaving the group gathering around him in response to his words, examined the grass growing on the ground, disregarding the current situation.

The seaweed monster, lacking eyes, traverses the ground with numerous tendrils resembling vines.

Its range is considerably broad and intricate, making it nearly impossible for any living creature within that perimeter to escape.

If the scent of blood is detected, the monster immediately seizes and tears apart the creature, leaving no trace of the body.

Perhaps because its goal is blood rather than flesh, if caught, it literally shreds the corpse into pieces.

To maximize the bloodshed, the area of the wound needs to be significant, and the seaweed monster was well aware of this.

If Lee Jaehun hadn’t promptly found the monster upon hearing the scream before the reset, the bodies of Team Leader Kang and Intern Noh Yeonseok would have likely suffered more gruesome fates than one could imagine.

Fortunately, the blood Lee Jaehun shed led the monster, and it quickly shifted its attention to him.

If the protagonist or the flower shop group discovered the corpse later, and if it had been more severely mutilated, they might not have thought twice about pursuing them.

Lee Jaehun remembered the wounds on his forearm that he intentionally inflicted to lure them before the reset.

Back then, he deliberately reopened the wounds to let blood flow, but now they had healed neatly without a trace.

He gazed at the group returning with firewood, holding the gathered materials in his hands.

“Everyone, watch your step. I saw some strange insects when we entered the park.”

“Boss, seriously… I really hate bugs.”

Upon hearing the warning, Employee Kwon let out a cry, claiming she really disliked bugs. In usual circumstances, Lee Jaehun might have gotten irritated by her whining over something minor.

However, her playfully exaggerated crying had subtly lightened the group’s mood, making it hard to get upset.

Instead, Lee Jaehun dragged the pipe along, examining the surroundings.

“Even if you tell her, it’s chaos, Employee Kwon.”

“Sometimes not knowing is better.”

“Not wrong, but…”


He swung the pipe to knock down overgrown vines approaching.

“Still, it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.”


Lee Jaehun, as if exploding, cleared away the dead vines with the pipe and continued leading the group.

The sight of the monster had drained the color from their faces, but the shallow panic quickly subsided as it turned out to be just a small vine.

Of course, Lee Jaehun was not relieved.

“Damn, it’s close.”

He sensed it.

This thing, it’s the seaweed monster’s doing.

“…Earlier, didn’t the students pick up a box? Let’s use that to start a fire.”

“It’s Dayoung.”

“Yeah, Dayoung.”

Between starting a fire and managing his image, it was all quite overwhelming.

Once again, he thought about how difficult it was to survive in this situation, and with a tick, he lit the lighter.

The luxury lighter, purchased for a collection with personal motives, made even a simple act like lighting a fire a bit troublesome. If there hadn’t been a piece of the box for the fire and only his collector’s item lighter, frustration might have reached his head.

Luckily, the fire caught quicker than expected.

Due to the hasty nature, the makeshift campfire was rather shabby, but it provided a steady source of light that wouldn’t easily extinguish. As visibility gradually worsened, the appearance of the fire brought a sigh of relief not only to Lee Jaehun but also to the rest of the group.

It seemed like the siblings, particularly the younger brother, Park Dahoon, with his efficient lung capacity, played a significant role. Despite the presumed heat, their efforts to keep the embers alive were remarkably controlled.

Detective Kang, in his characteristic soft-spoken manner, expressed gratitude, “Thanks, it must have been tough.”

“Oh, no…,” responded Dahoon.

“Breathing in a lot at once can be tiring. If you’re not feeling well, let us know,” added Team Leader Kang.



This guy really picks and chooses who he acknowledges.

While Lee Jaehun noticed a subtle difference in how Team Leader Kang treated Dahoon and himself, he decided to ignore this aspect for now. There was no room for exhaustion in his plans.

“More importantly…”

Lee Jaehun furrowed his brow, gauging the time.


“Director, you’re not really feeling unwell somewhere, right? Of course, you might be in pain…”

“What are you talking about?”

“But since earlier…”

“No, I’m not in pain, I’m fine.”

He sighed, pressing on his temple.

‘By now, the seaweed monster should have attacked…. Why hasn’t it come?’

Fortunately, based on the experience from before the regression, they had managed to start a fire and secure their surroundings. However, the seaweed monster should have definitely approached by now.

But seeing just a couple of vines forming a simple trap, he couldn’t easily let his guard down.

Why? How? Lee Jaehun knew their behavioral patterns very well.

At most, picking up a few firewood nearby and moving together wouldn’t have made much of a difference to the sluggish seaweed monster.

Lee Jaehun, momentarily furrowing his brow while staring at the flames, suddenly realized something when he sensed an approaching presence.



…The protagonist’s group, who had gone to collect firewood.

“Uh, you’re here?”

He had no way of knowing what those guys had done.

For a moment, Lee Jaehun’s expression twisted slightly, but Deputy Jung Inho seemed to ignore it. He chuckled awkwardly and set down the firewood in his arms.

He looked at us with his dark eyes.

“We got a little lost on the way. We’re sorry for being late.”

“…It’s fine. We already lit the fire anyway.”


The protagonist seemed quite satisfied with his words.

“You’ve lit the fire.”


Damn it.

‘Why do I feel so dirty?’

Feeling dirty was nothing new for him, but this time, the trajectory was different.

Lee Jaehun paused for a moment but soon looked at the siblings, who were observing the protagonist and the three members of the group with puzzled expressions.

Although he had been watching them from a distance, without a proper face-to-face encounter, he couldn’t be sure who they were. Pointing at the two students in black uniforms, he spoke.

“Oh, these are the students you met when you went. They are siblings. And those people are originally our group. The ones who went to pick up firewood.”

Lee Jaehun stopped talking for a moment, tired. With a brief explanation like this, perhaps the friendly Kwon Yeonhee or the protagonist, pretending to be sincere, would fill in unnecessary details. However, unexpectedly, the protagonist’s greeting was quite simple.

“I see, I’m Jung Inho. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m Park Dayoung.”

“I’m Park Dahoon.”


And this time, Lee Jaehun was puzzled. Why are these kids acting so strangely?

‘Well, of course, it’s not that extreme, but this…’

It was almost the reaction he used to get from Lee Jaehun before the regression.

Curious, he looked at the protagonist, who was setting up a new bonfire with the help of diligent-looking Ha Sungyoon, the doctor, and dripping the siblings with a gaze.

Precisely, it was the look of disapproval that he used to get from the protagonist when he played the role of the annoying old boss. It was clear that…


It was the look that comes out when you don’t like someone.


For a moment, Lee Jaehun’s pupils shook slightly. Although it wasn’t as explicit as the gaze he had sent to me before, if you were as perceptive as the siblings or me, you could catch at least a minimum level of disapproval.

It meant that the siblings’ unfavorable response to Jung Inho’s greeting wasn’t just a random occurrence. In the midst of Lee Jaehun’s perplexity, Jung Inho, who was putting firewood into the bonfire that was now blazing, smiled as usual.

It was an overwhelmingly warm smile.

“Oh, we gathered quite a bit. Should I add more to this fire too?”

“…Sure, go ahead.”

What’s wrong with you? Why are you acting like that again?

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[Translator – Jjescus]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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