
The Regressed Blood Knight’s Strategy - Chapter 72

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[Translator – Helga]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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Chapter 72

The desired construction item has been unlocked.

It was time to pay again.

– Rehinar Territory –
Reputation: 12,000
Administrator: Kane, Acting Head of Rehinar
Population: 1,050,231 (-)
Capital: 0 (Debt Paid off)
Personal Assets: 310 million gold

– [Agriculture (Lv.1) – 46/100]
– [Commerce (Lv.2) – 67/100]
– [Barracks (Lv.2) – 90/100]
– [Security (Lv.2) – 85 (+50)/100]
– [City Gates (Lv.1) – 95/100]
– [Guild (Lv.1) – 44/100]

“There’s no debt, but there’s no income either.”

Even if money comes in, it goes right back out as operating expenses.

Agriculture and commerce needed rapid development.

“Building the Belmore Military Academy will definitely put the capital in the red.”

Even if the Belmore Military Academy is constructed, will it run on its own?

A lot of money will be required to hire instructors, purchase training materials, and cover other operational costs.

It would cost millions of gold per month.

Building it recklessly would be akin to bankruptcy.

“It will take at least three or four months for the surrounding area to see any trickle-down effect, and commerce must be much more developed than it is now.”

Even if a massive educational institution is established, can it benefit if the commercial area is in ruins?

The effect would be minimal.

“The solution is to increase the population. I’ll complete the Belmore Military Academy with 150 million gold and invest the rest in the church and commerce.”

The most effective way to increase the population is to create a space that can raise religious devotion and spread this faith to neighboring territories.

If word spreads that there is a place in Rehinar that can provide mental and physical stability, residents from other territories will move here.

The direction was clear.

It was time to take action.

Kane waved his hand in the air.

Camilla, seeing this, widened her eyes.

“Are you using construction magic right after arriving? Please rest for a bit before you start.”

“There’s too much to do since I returned. Take the slaves and head to the family estate.”

“Yes. Please don’t overdo it.”

Camilla took the carriage and headed to the family estate.

Kane first constructed the Belmore Military Academy.

[1 billion gold has been used.]
[Select the location to build the Belmore Military Academy.]

The Belmore Military Academy was originally located in the demon forest.

In the old Rehinar, it may have been majestic, but now building it in the demon forest would be a loss.

The purpose of constructing the Belmore Military Academy was twofold.

One of them was to see economic effects.

In reality, various commercial areas are activated around schools.

However, building it in the demon forest would greatly restrict people’s movement due to the danger.

Thus, the desired economic effects would not be achieved.

After considering various factors, it seemed best to build it in the vacant lot adjacent to the western commercial district.

[The Belmore Military Academy will be established in the western territory. (Construction period: 3 months)]

[Would you like to complete the construction immediately? (Y/N)]

[Immediate completion cost: 50 million gold]

Kane moved his hand and pressed for immediate completion.

A huge magic circle appeared over the construction site, emitting a brilliant light.

[The Belmore Military Academy has been completed.]


It was as grand as the Royal Military Academy. Kane entered the school with a satisfied expression.

[Belmore Military Academy (Lv.1)]

– Grade: ★☆☆☆☆
– Description: Already a top-tier building!? You know military academies are among the top educational institutions in the Fresia Empire, right? Now you can pick talented nobles like picking dolls from a machine.
– Effects: Recruit 3-star and above instructors, Chivalry +200%, Economic growth +500%

However, the name bothered him.

“Belmore was the name of a school in the demon forest… It’s a bit off. A name is part of the marketing, after all. I should change it.”

[The name has been corrected to Rehinar Military Academy.]

[The Rehinar Military Academy has been registered in the system.]

[The reputation of Rehinar has increased by 10000.]

The Rehinar Military Academy alone had brought positive effects to the territory.

“That’s taken care of. By now, he should be out, right?”

[A new character has been added.]

[3★ Continent History Instructor Elias Seager]

[3★ Special Forces Instructor Nesily Schenberg]




[4★ Joseph Grohl, Son of Viscount Grohl]

“There he is!”

Joseph Grohl, the heir of the educationally prestigious Grohl family. His mother had once held the position of commander of the Guardian Knights. Though she met a tragic end on a mission, she protected Kane’s mother until the very end.

“Joseph is essential for nurturing capable individuals.”

In his previous life as Ray Hatzfeld, Joseph was an adversary. He was the one who trained the forces of Rehinar, including Sara. While Daniel provided financial support, Joseph was responsible for fostering talent.

“I will keep drawing until I get Joseph.”

With 160 million gold in hand, it was unlikely he wouldn’t get Joseph. Even if this game was known for its terrible luck mechanics.

“I’ll draw now.”

[Purchased 12 Character Fragment Draws (100,000G each).]

The gacha hell was just beginning.

A hundred consecutive draws. Numerous 3-star fragments appeared, but 4-star fragments were rare. Even when they did appear, they were for other characters, not the desired Joseph Grohl. Moreover, this was a character fragment draw, not a guaranteed character draw. Even if Joseph Grohl appeared, ten fragments were needed to create the character.

[3★ Special Forces Instructor Nesily Schenberg +4 fragments]
[3★ Lady Knight of the Water Sword, Sara Rehinar +4 fragments]
[3★ Iron Knight Camilla Einrich +3 fragments]
[4★ Joseph Grohl, Son of Viscount Grohl +1 fragment]

After spending 10 million gold on a hundred consecutive draws, only three Joseph Grohl fragments had appeared. Being a character that starts at 4-star, the draw rate was abysmally low.

“Let’s see who wins this.”

Fortunately, Kane had plenty of money. Though it was disappointing to see 10 million gold vanish, he didn’t bat an eye. He began drawing again, skipping the background and sound effects for character fragments, and went straight to the results.

[4★ Iron Knight Camilla Einrich +1 fragment]

[3★ Continent History Instructor Elias Seager +3 fragments]

[3★ Special Forces Instructor Nesily Schenberg +5 fragments]

[4★ Blood Knight Kane Rehinar +1 fragment]

[4★ Joseph Grohl, Son of Viscount Grohl +2 fragments]

[2★ Iron Knight Camilla Einrich +3 fragments]

After an additional hundred consecutive draws, only two more fragments of Grohl appeared. With fewer than ten fragments collected and 20 million gold already spent, Kane considered just proceeding with the residency quest.

“But I’ve got my pride; let’s give it one last shot.”

Thinking this would be his final attempt, he initiated another round of draws. He drew blindly, ignoring the glowing cards.

And then…

“I did it.”

[4★ Special Forces Instructor Nesily Schenberg +2 fragments]

[4★ Joseph Grohl, Son of Viscount Grohl +5 fragments]

[4★ Continent History Instructor Elias Seager +1 fragment]

Fortunately, luck seemed to be on his side this time. Out of the hundred draws, he received eight 4-star fragments, five of which were for Joseph Grohl.

“It feels like I’ve suffered a huge loss, though….”

Joseph Grohl could be obtained through the residency quest, but that would take too long. To avoid this delay, Kane had opted for the draws, ending up spending 30 million gold in the process.

“At least I got him in the end.”

Kane combined the ten fragments into one character.

[You have recruited Joseph Grohl, Son of Viscount Grohl.]

[Joseph Grohl will come to find you. (Time remaining: 7 days)]

He also combined fragments for other characters.

[You have recruited Special Forces Instructor Nesily Schenberg.]

[You have recruited Continent History Instructor Elias Seager.]




“Now, all that’s left is to build the temple.”

Blata, who had been quietly resting, perked up his ears.

“Temple? What kind of temple? It’s not an Angel Temple, right? If it is, I’ll go away.”

Blata pretended to be angry, but Kane ignored him and navigated to the security section.

– [Security (Lv.2) – 85 (+50)/100]
– 1★ Shrine (Lv.2) [Activate]

Security was closely related to the barracks. The more soldiers there were, the higher the security level. Currently, the presence of the Guardian Knights in the territory helped suppress crime. Of course, Kane’s elimination of all corrupt officials also played a part. Adding a shrine would further enhance this effect. Since the construction costs would skyrocket in the future, it was better to build it now.

– 1★ Shrine (Lv.2) [Activate]
– 2★ Grand Shrine (Lv.0) [Not Built]
– 3★ Angel Temple (Lv.0) [Not Built]
– 3★ Demon Temple (Lv.0) [Not Built]

“Thanks to you, I can build a 3-star temple without upgrading to a Grand Shrine first. Why would I betray you?”

“Right? So hurry up and build the Demon Temple.”

Blata extended a paw into the air as if seeing a hologram.

“Can you… see this?”

“You mean the blue screen?”


“I’ve been able to see it since I was born.”

Blata tilted his head, looking puzzled.

“This is supposed to be visible only to me.”

“Hehe. I’m a guardian spirit of the demons. There’s nothing I don’t know.”

“That’s surprising.”

“So, hurry up and select the Demon Temple. Hehe.”

“I was planning to do that anyway, even without your nagging.”

[35 million gold has been used.]

Kane left the shrine in its central location within the territory, as it was the best spot.

[The Shrine (Lv.2) will be upgraded to Demon Temple (Lv.1). (Construction time: 15 days)]

[Would you like to complete the Demon Temple (Lv.1) immediately? (Y/N)]

[Immediate completion cost: 17.5 million gold]

“Immediate completion.”

[17.5 million gold has been used.]

[The Demon Temple (Lv.1) has been completed.]

[Please select a deity to worship.]

A selection screen appeared.

– [Blata (Blood)]
– [Amon (Wind)]
– [Bergo (Fire)]
– [Byle (Wood)]
– [Leibi (Water)]

There were five options. Except for Blata at the top, Kane had seen all of them in his previous life. Blata urged him.

“There’s nothing to think about. Pick the top one.”

“Why are you even here?”

“Me? I’m the greatest guardian spirit of the demon realm.”

“A mutt?”

“Nooo. I’m a guardian spirit.”

Blata bit Kane’s arm, but it didn’t hurt at all.

“I’ve tried Bergo before, and I know the powers of the others, so that leaves only you.”

“There’s no need to hesitate.”

“Ah, really? Rehinar is associated with water. Should I choose Leibi?”

“Why would you choose that one!”

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll pick the top one. Oops! My hand is slipping!”


After teasing Blata for a while, Kane finally selected the top option.

[You have chosen the Blood Demon Temple Blata.]

[Yoshua Brandt has been appointed the new high priest.]

[Adjusting Yoshua Brandt’s rank to match his position.]

[Due to character limitations, Yoshua Brandt can only be adjusted to 4-star rank.]

[Yoshua Brandt pledges loyalty to Blata.]

[Yoshua Brandt eagerly awaits your visit to the temple.]

Messages continued to appear. Simultaneously, Blata’s eyes turned blood-red, and his power increased.

“Heh. Heh!”

He kept laughing, seemingly aware of his newfound strength.

“Kane, let’s go see the high priest.”

“I was planning to visit the blacksmith first, but it seems we need to go to the temple.”

Though it disrupted his plans, he had no choice. With Yoshua wanting a visit, Kane headed to the location of the temple.

* * *

“My, my wish has come true.”

Healer Priest Yoshua’s eyes trembled.

The temple had changed. It retained its sanctity, but the atmosphere was entirely different. The moment he stepped inside!


A beam of light descended upon him. Not the golden light of before, but a red beam. He shivered.

The gray robe worn by lower healer priests vanished. It was replaced by a white robe adorned with a red tiger. Yoshua’s eyes sparkled with brilliance.

“A revelation has been bestowed upon me from the heavens. A command to serve Blata. This power is a blessing granted only to those who serve Blata.”

His staff struck the floor.

The surroundings were engulfed in red light.

Not just a temple anymore, but a temple now turned into a cult. The worshippers inside were bewildered as the red light touched them.


Those who were gravely ill began to weep. Their ailments vanished in an instant. Unconsciously, the worshippers bowed to Yoshua.

“Worship. Blata has awakened to save you all.”

“Oh, Blata.”

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

Yoshua addressed the worshippers.

“Go. Spread the word to the world. Tell them that the one who will save you has descended.”



[Translator – Helga]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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