
The Return of the Legendary All-Master - Chapter 74

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[Translator - Kiteretsu]

[Proofreader - Kyros]


Chapter 74


[New World Event Results Announcement!]

-Hello! This is the New World development team.

First of all, we are posting this announcement to share some very exciting news with our users!

We are sharing the results of the Capsule Room Siege Event.


You can check the ranking of users who participated in the event by clicking the link below, but it's a bit of a disappointing result.

[South Korea - Seoul] is the only region that perfectly won the siege.

Thanks to this, the development team will think more deeply about this issue.

We will continue to present various events to our users, so please look forward to them.

-The New World Development Team


The announcement posted on the New World homepage spread worldwide.

'South Korea - Seoul is the only region that perfectly won the siege.'

With that one sentence, the world's attention was focused on South Korea.

And South Korea was turned upside down.

[New World, South Korea - Seoul! Defending the pride of South Korea!]

[South Korea, the only country to win the siege, who is the hero of the victory?]

[Is it true that Ho-Yeong’s very own, the number one ranked martial artist in Korea, Yeo Min-ji, participated?]

All the articles flooding the internet news were related to the siege event.

And World Com, where New World users gathered.

World Com, as always, was ablaze with the firewood of the siege event.

[Did you see the siege event?! South Korea was the only one who won lol]

-I'm looking at the capsule room users in a new light. From the hidden theme to the siege, it's awesome how they keep beating other countries lol.

└If it's like this, they're all the same person, lol.

└Ah, I feel so damn good lol.

└Thumbs up if you thought the capsule room was full of idiots lol.

[Yeo Min-ji was in Seoul lol. No wonder they held out until the end.]

-With Yeo Min-ji, a 4th class unique job, the siege would be breached? Isn't that really nonsense?

└No... In this siege, the wave occurred in the center, not the outskirts.

└I participated in Chungju, and this is true.

└It was really frustrating lol.

└If they had come from the outskirts, they would have blocked everything lol.

[I'm a user who participated in Seoul.]

-For reference, it wasn't Yeo Min-ji who was active in Seoul. It was a common-grade martial artist who formed a party with Yeo Min-ji... and he was only 2nd class.

└What? Don't lie.

└A common-grade martial artist who only reached 2nd job advancement outperformed Yeo Min-ji? You have to lie convincingly lol.

└I'm a user who participated in Seoul, and this is true.

└This guy is commenting on every post.

[But that's really true.]

-Dragonia appeared in the last wave, and it wasn't Yeo Min-ji but a common-grade martial artist who dealt with it alone. But do you know what his weapon was? It was a bow lol.

└Ah, this is so boring.

└Stop it.

└What, a common-grade martial artist defeated Dragonia with a bow? LOL.

└(Author) No, I'm serious! It's driving me crazy!

"Hey! Look at this! There's a lot of talk about you on World Com!"

Ha-jin fussed and handed Jeong-hoon his smartphone.

On the smartphone, news about a common-grade martial artist defeating Dragonia was sporadically popping up.

Of course, no one believed it.

"No one believes it?"

"Huh? Why? That's ridiculous."

"Ridiculous... It's an unbelievable story no matter who sees it."

A common-grade martial artist who had only completed the second job advancement single-handedly defeated Dragonia?

It was hard to believe unless you had witnessed it.

"But why the look on your face?"

"What look?"

"Want to look in a mirror? Your face is completely sour right now."

It was true.

Jeong-hoon's expression was very sour.

The reason wasn't World Com, but the New World announcement.

'These crazy bastards, thinking more deeply?'

The headquarters had set up this event so that no one could clear it.

That's why they set the damage limit to 1% and made the wave occur in the center of the base.

But Seoul, where Jeong-hoon was, succeeded in defending the base.

'They're enjoying this.'

The headquarters announced that they would prepare for the next event.

No matter what, they wouldn't attack Earth if the tasks they prepared were cleared, but if they weren't cleared, they would impose a penalty.

Disgusting bastards.

"Phew, anyway, did you apply for the capsule?"

Jeong-hoon changed the subject, calming down his anger.

Ha-jin tactfully nodded.

"Of course. Fortunately, my dad agreed right away."

Ha-jin's father didn't approve of his son playing games.

That's why he didn't buy him a capsule even though he could afford it.

He didn't stop him from visiting the capsule room, but it meant that if he really wanted to play the game, he should do it with his own strength.

And since Ha-jin had earned the capsule through this event with his own strength, there was no reason to oppose it.

"That's good."

When Jeong-hoon received the capsule as a prize before, Ha-jin's eyes were filled with envy as he looked at it.

That's why he had included Ha-jin in the party for this event.

"It's all thanks to you."

"Just know it."

"...Wow, that's really annoying, but I can't argue with that."

"So when is the capsule arriving?"


"That fast? Mine is arriving tomorrow."

Jeong-hoon called his mother as soon as the event was over.

'Oh my? Did you really get first place?'

'Yes. Now you can play the game whenever you have time.'

'Hehe, thanks to my son, I'll even get to use a capsule.'

His mother was happy, and Jeong-hoon immediately applied to receive the capsule.

That's why the capsule would arrive a day earlier than Ha-jin's.

At the same time.

Ho-Yeong Guild was also in an uproar.

This was because in the siege event, only Seoul, South Korea had succeeded in defending its base, and Yeo Min-Ji was in Seoul.



Guild leader Yeo Sunwoo and team leader Park In-tae rushed into the office simultaneously.

Yeo Min-Ji's face was haggard with exhaustion, as if she had already been harassed by guild members.

"You're here?"

At her weak voice, Yeo Sunwoo coughed awkwardly.

"Ahem, it's okay. I didn't come running here to interrogate you,"

"Then what is it?"

"I'm a little hurt? Anyone would think I only come here when I have business,"

"That's how you usually are."


Unable to argue with the facts, Yeo Sunwoo shut his mouth.

Before entering New World, Yeo Sunwoo used to have many conversations with his daughter, but since establishing the guild, he had been unable to pay attention to his daughter in the midst of the daily fierce competition.

Nevertheless, his daughter was always by his side, supporting him without any complaints.

Perhaps that's why he always felt sorry for his daughter.

'Really, the guild leader shrinks whenever he's in front of the miss.'

Park In-tae, who was watching from the side, saw his chance and immediately jumped in.

"I heard that you participated in the siege event, miss,"

"Yes. And I came back in first place," She replied.

"That's amazing! But World Com said that it wasn't you but another party member who dealt with Dragonia... Is that true?"

Lv.175 Dragonia.

He heard it even used Breath and Annihilation.

That means they brought Dragonia's abilities as they were, just reduced its level.

Yeo Min-Ji nodded obediently.

"Yes. It wasn't me,"

"Oh my..."

He thought it must refer to the martial artist who obtained the hidden class they missed out on before.

There's no other reason she would use a capsule room to participate in the event.

"So I have a favor to ask of you, father,"

Yeo Min-Ji's gaze turned to Yeo Sunwoo.

His face brightened.

"Of course! Just ask anything!"

"I want to make a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yes. So please give me your full support."

After Ha-Jin left, the capsule was fully installed before his mother came home from work.

A capsule of the same grade as Jeong-Hoon's.

When she came home from work, his mother was slightly surprised to see the capsule installed in the bedroom.

"Oh my, it really came?"

"Did you think your son was lying?"

"Not that, but... Seeing it in person, I'm speechless,"

The price of the capsule was a whopping 30 million won.

It wasn't an easy decision to spend 30 million won just to play a game.

However, if it was won as a prize in an event, the story was different.

It was a gift given to her by her son, who used his talent to win first place in the event.

"You don't have to start right away. Start whenever you're comfortable, Mom."

Since the capsule was installed under his mother's name, as long as she registered it, the capsule would become hers.

"Thank you. Then let's have dinner together first."

"Yes! I've already made dinner, just in case."

Earlier, his mother had said she would pick up Budae Jjigae on her way home, so he had only cooked rice.

[TL/N : Budae Jjigae is like a hot pot that is usually served with instant ramen]

The Budae Jjigae was already pre-cooked, so all they had to do was put it in a pot and heat it up.

After dinner and a short rest, his mother slowly activated the capsule.

"I never thought I'd see the day I'd be using a capsule."

Seeing her expression, Jeong-Hoon's face momentarily went blank.

How long had it been since he had seen such an expectant face?

His mother originally had no interest in New World.

Her interest began when Jeong-Hoon won the capsule as a prize in the event.

She was curious since her son, who had only ever studied, was now immersed in a game.

Since then, she had even watched New World League on TV and become deeply immersed in the world of New World.

'I made a mistake.'

He had assumed his mother would dislike games and focused solely on his growth.

He had planned to transfer some of his increased stats to his mother later, when the game became reality, so that she wouldn't be inconvenienced.

But that wasn't it.

His mother wanted to try the game her son was playing.

"I'm sorry."

His mother tilted her head.

"Huh? What are you sorry for?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Would you like to read this?"

Jeong-Hoon handed her a notebook.

"What's this?"

"It's a brief summary I wrote about everything from choosing a class to the tutorial."

From warrior to gunslinger.

He had written down the pros and cons of each class to help her choose, and the notebook also explained the tutorial process and future growth directions in a way his mother could easily understand.

'It's much easier to understand than World Com's guide.'

After all, his mother probably wouldn't be looking at World Com.

"Thank you. I should read this before I start the game, right?"

"That would be good."

"Okay. If I'm going to start, I might as well start properly."

She sat down in the living room and started studying the notebook.

* * *

The next day.

His mother even took a day off from work and entered the capsule.

[Jeong-Hoon, if you have time, could we talk for a moment?]

Jeong-Hoon received the text message and went to a nearby cafe.

He sat down and sipped his Americano, and soon after, Yeo Min-Ji entered the cafe.

"I'm sorry. Did you wait long?"

"No, I just got here too."

Jeong-Hoon's coffee cup was already half empty.

Yeo Min-Ji smiled at his consideration and returned with the same drink.

"I hope I didn't interrupt your game."

"It's okay. The event is over, so I was going to take a few days off anyway."

"That's good."

After that, they had a brief conversation.

The reactions of the guilds, including Ho-Yeong, after the siege event ended.

Jeong-Hoon listened with great interest.

'Oh, so they're desperate to find me?'

The guilds weren't fools either.

Recently, a martial artist had won first place in several events, and the first hidden class had even appeared.

It was unlikely that there were multiple people who could push the underperforming martial artist class to its limits, so they assumed it was all the same person.

So Yeo Min-Ji's position became very difficult.

This was because she was the one who had partied with the martial artist in the siege event.

"So you want to make a deal?"

"Yes. If you accept me as your disciple, Ho-Yeong Guild will act as your shield. Also, I will make sure that your play is not affected in any way by guild matters."

"Joining a guild? That doesn't really appeal to me."

"One more! We will scout one more person you want from Ho-Yeong! I promise you the best treatment in my name."


Jeong-Hoon became a little interested.

He had originally intended to reject all love calls from guilds, but now his thoughts had changed a little.

'Since my mother has started too, having Ho-Yeong's backing would make things easier for her.'

It wasn't just about money.

He needed backing for safe growth.

Currently, Jeong-Hoon was growing rapidly, but he had no backing.

Also, he could avoid annoying things like love calls.

"If that happens, Ho-Yeong will get a lot of flak... Are you okay with that?"

Ho-Yeong wasn't just any guild.

It was one of the big names in Korea.

To join such a guild, one had to go through tests and fierce competition.

If he were to join so easily, there would be a flood of criticism from many people.

"That's why I asked you to join. People are very excited about your performance. If we say we attached conditions for the scouting, they'll have no choice but to accept it."

"There will be many who won't accept it. It's still a parachute, after all."

"If they complain, just tell them to get talent. The guild leader has even given his permission, so what can they say?"

She had already gotten Yeo Sunwoo's permission.

Yeo Sunwoo, who had been expected to step up to see the martial artist who defeated Dragonia, surprisingly left everything to her.

"Also, you can leave the guild whenever you want. Even after you leave, if you need help, Ho-Yeong will help you as much as we can."

Jeong-Hoon was slightly moved by the generous offer.

"The conditions are good."

"Yes. It's more important to me than anything else."

It could be selfish.

It was no different from selling out Ho-Yeong for her own problems, without considering Ho-Yeong's position at all.

However, she wanted to rise, even if it meant being seen that way.

Even among the rankers, she was subtly looked down upon for being a martial artist.

She wanted to make up for her weaknesses and flatten the noses of those who had looked down on her.

At Yeo Min-Ji's determined expression, Jeong-Hoon nodded.

"Alright. If you let me and one other person join, I'll teach you the know-how of martial arts."

"Thank you!"

Yeo Min-Ji's eyes sparkled.

This was it!

She had seen with her own eyes that Jeong-Hoon didn't fight solely with Underworld King's Fist Technique.

She was convinced that Jeong-Hoon would be her best teacher.



[Translator - Kiteretsu]

[Proofreader - Kyros]

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