
Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound - Chapter 318

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[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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Chapter 318: Surplus Humans (5)

Gu ugh trk krrrrk-

Unpleasant sounds echoed around as if something dried and hard was twisting and turning.

Exactly 24 hours later, the gigantic flesh-eating plant awoke.

[Bloodsoaked Jade Flower]

Danger Level: S

Size: ?

Discovery Location: The deepest part of the extreme hell, grows on the blood swamp.

– Commonly known as ‘Flesh-eating flower’

A mysterious plant floating on the surface of the blood swamp, Even in the blood swamp, where everything sinks because there is no buoyancy, you can somehow see them floating.

Among all demon-like plants native to the blood swamp, it is the strongest and most ferocious, with an insatiable appetite and gluttony that even terrifies other demon-like creatures.

It is said that in the past, a single seed of this plant grew into a single Bloodsoaked Jade Flower, which grew significantly and nearly brought about the destruction of humanity.

Considerable size and weight accompany the Bloodsoaked Jade Flower. To grow to this extent, it would require a minimum of several decades of growth.

[Grk- Grgrgrk- Thud!]

The noise emanating from the Bloodsoaked Jade Flower’s mouth was akin to the sound of rusty clock gears being forced to turn, but much louder and more unpleasant.

Thud! Swish swish!

As the creature rose from its slumber, the surrounding ruins collapsed around it.

The mere shifting of the sprawling vines and roots to the side was enough to cause this.


The Bloodsoaked Jade Flower moved its vines and roots as if hungry, breaking the ground.

But there was nothing around.

Despite intentionally raising the temperature to lure prey from the cold wasteland near it,

It’s traps yielded nothing.


The Bloodsoaked Jade Flower extended its withered roots, feeling around on the ground.

But its prey had already scampered off into the distance.

They would likely be hiding throughout the ruins by now.

[Grk- Grgrgrk-]

The more the Bloodsoaked Jade Flower moved, the hungrier it felt.

It longed to immerse itself in the warm waters of its homeland (Blood swamp), to melt away all its troubles and quench its thirst.

This place was too cold and dry.

And then, just then…


Something touched the dried end of its root.

It wasn’t the cold touch of concrete or steel.

It was warm and soft skin, within which was juicy flesh full of succulence, and within that, savory, crunchy bones.

What is most desirable is the blood that is tightly packed inside. Blood! Oh, the taste of that sweet, refreshing nectar!


After enduring prolonged cold and thirst, the Bloodsoaked Jade Flower found a premium prey that perfectly suited its taste.

A euphoric sensation vastly different from the icy, decaying prey it reluctantly swallowed before.

Excited and ecstatic, the Bloodsoaked Jade Flower tentatively felt the prey with its trembling roots.

A small sphere like thing, undoubtedly a head, with finely detailed features felt by delicate root tips.

And the roots traced down a slender neck connecting to a smooth collarbone, then down to a sleek chest, and along the waist and hip line.

Tracing straight down the legs, now the hands, which seemed considerably rougher and tougher compared to the smooth body.

And past the hands, something long and sturdy… What is this?

Just as the Bloodsoaked Jade Flower tried to discern what it was…


Sensation abruptly ceased.

And a piercing pain surged into the root tip.

[Gkk- Grkgrkgrk!]

The Bloodsoaked Jade Flower finally realized.

Its root tip had been severed by a long, sharp blade.

“If you’re awake, move already,” Vikir muttered dryly.

In front of him, the Bloodsoaked Jade Flower lowered its face-like flower.

Inside the terrifyingly distorted flower’s wrinkles, the gaping mouth was filled with protruding teeths.

Vikir already had some knowledge about this grotesque creature’s appearance.

‘Bloodsoaked Jade Flower of Blood swamp. A plant-like demon that inhabits the depths of the Demon Realm. During the Era of Destruction, when every lake was teeming with these, it was quite a struggle to get water.’

How many comrades and subordinates had lost their lives trying to eradicate this creature?

Therefore, Vikir had a better understanding of the situation.

‘This is an Easy version.’

Those who lived through the Era of Destruction, like Vikir, can easily tell.

The Bloodsoaked Jade Flower is fundamentally an aquatic plant. Without water/blood, it cannot thrive properly.

Only being deep in hell, on a lake filled with blood can nurture this terrifying plant to maturity.

‘…Or at least, it needs a space filled with water.’

When the war began, demons brought the seeds of this plant to the human realm.

Although there were no lakes filled with blood in the human realm, there were plenty of lakes filled with clear, clean water.

The Bloodsoaked Jade Flower of Bloodwater drank from the lake’s water and grew rapidly.

Although smaller and more feeble compared to specimens native to the hellish homeland nourished on blood, they were still sizable and ferocious creatures.

‘But the one before me has been suffering from hunger and thirst for quite some time.’

Compared to other Bloodsoaked Jade Flowers, it appeared small and feeble. It seemed slow and weak from not drinking blood or water for so long.

…Of course, that didn’t mean it was to be underestimated.


Like in the fight shown by the fairy before, it wielded the vines like whips, causing all the buildings within a radius of ten meters to collapse, exhibiting monstrous strength!

Even Vikir wouldn’t be able to avoid fatal injuries if he were to be hit by that attack.

‘It’s weakened outside of water. But still, this is an impossible demon for students to deal with. Which means….’

Vikir’s eyes sparkled.

“They didn’t place it here to be caught or killed!”

With Cerberus, there was a slight chance of students killing it together. But this Bloodsoaked Jade Flower of Bloodwater was different. Even a thousand students gathered together couldn’t hope to take on this trial.

It was deliberately placed to be uncatchable, to create an absolute presence of resistance that no one could overcome. It was designed to sow discord and dissent among students, and ultimately to break down all ethics and laws outside the tower and establish an anarchic state through cannibalism!

…Wooong! Kwa-kwa-kwa-thud!

A strong gust of wind passed over Vikir’s head.

Once again, the Bloodsoaked Jade Flower’s vines whipped around, further decimating the surrounding ruins into chaos.

Destruction so severe it could twist the entire landscape!

“Sigh. I give up. I’ve weakened as much as this flower in this tower,” Vikir raised his hands in surrender.

And then he turned and began to run.

His destination: the promised location where the random boxes for the 68 survivors were placed!

“…I hope no one broke the promise.”

Vikir leaped over the rubble, avoiding the whipping vine lashes.

Eventually, beneath the collapsed fountain, a line of black boxes appeared.

It was a row of 67 random boxes laid out in a row, left behind by survivors including Gordon.

(Excluding Granola’s box)

“It’s fortunate there are no scavengers around.”

If even one was missing, he would have turned back and fled anywhere just to survive another day, even if it meant only 30 or so would die today.

[Grk! Ggyaggyaggyak!]

The enraged Bloodsoaked Jade Flower was extending its roots and moving in this direction, so there wasn’t much time.

Vikir quickly opened all 67 random boxes.

Pffft- With a loud rumble, the random boxes disgorged their items.

Among them, there were nearly 5 Mimics.

“Out of 68 random boxes, only 7 were Mimics, those damn demons still have a twisted sense of humor.”

Vikir swiftly picked up the items.

Most of them were worthless trash, not worth examining: a well-crafted bronze sword, glittering beads, fake potions, shoes with holes in the soles, stinky armor, and so on…

Amidst the useless items, Vikir rummaged through, quickly searching for anything valuable to take with him. As always, the first things he picked up were the red, green, and blue candies.


– LV: 1 (%)

– Titles: ‘Rat Hunter’, ‘Hell’s Dogmaster’

– Stats

– Strength: 230 (+30) = 260

– Agility: 219 (+10) = 229

– Stamina: 244 (+25) = 269

– Physical Resistance: 1

– ?: (Locked)

– ?: (Locked)

By consuming 30 red candies, 10 green candies, and 25 blue candies, Vikir’s strength, agility, and stamina stats increased significantly.

“Definitely feels like my body’s gotten lighter.”

The increase in stats was tremendous.

After collecting all the candies, Vikir also grabbed the remaining miscellaneous items.

“These two might come in handy.”

Among the clutter piled up, only two items received Vikir’s attention:

– [Sunflower Seed Rat’s Tooth Hoe] / Farming Tool / D

A hoe made from the large tooth of a sunflower seed rat. Useful for digging up plant seeds, if nothing else.

[TL/N: The gardening tool.]

– [Water-Resistant Greaseproof Paper Pouch] / Pouch / D

A pouch made from quite durable, water-resistant greaseproof paper. It has the power to repel moisture, making it suitable for storing items.

After collecting these items, Vikir glanced over the remaining pile of miscellaneous junk one last time.

At first glance, there seemed to be nothing else worth taking.

Just as Vikir was about to turn away…


Something seemed off for a moment. It was just a fleeting feeling, but experienced veterans like Vikir knew well that ignoring such instincts in urgent situations could lead to regret later on. He glanced through the miscellaneous items once more.


Amidst the trash heap, something round and shining silver caught his eye. A strange candy. A candy shining in silver.


Vikir’s fingertips trembled for a moment. He had naturally assumed that only red, green, and blue candies would appear, so he had quickly disregarded any items of different colors. He never expected something like this.

Even as the frenzied Bloodsoaked Jade Flower, driven mad by hunger, rampaged behind him, Vikir’s gaze was fixated on this silver candy on his palm.

“…Hahaha, I guess I used my entire luck in the early stages, huh?”

Before regression, the great heroes of the tower reminisced about this silver candy with great regret, longing, and yearning.

Despite being a long time since leaving the Tower, it still captivated the hearts of numerous heroes…

[Strange Candy] / Reflexes / Silver

A candy that increases the Reflexes stat by 1.

It tastes fishy.

– Reflex Nerve +1

Vikir never expected to find this hidden piece in a random box on the third floor of the tower, which was supposed to remain intact even after all of the monsters in the tower’s depths were captured.



[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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