
Revenge of the Iron-Blooded Sword Hound - Chapter 115

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[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]


Chapter 115
Grand Banquet (6)

Seth Le Baskerville.

Seth has been speaking to Vikir with a consistently gentle and kind demeanor.

“How’s it been since you came home after a long time?”

“Are you adjusting well?”

“Do you need any help from me?”

“Aren’t our father and brother a bit cold?

Even so, they seem to treat you very gently.

You’re young and talented.

But to people like me, who lack abilities… Well, they’re like ice sheets.”

“Try some of this.”

“It’s a dish specially crafted by my favorite chef.”

“How does it taste?”

“It’s grilled with cream on top of sturgeon eggs.”

“I’ll come to your room later, so tell me about your experiences.”

“I’m always either in the medical ward or the training hall because of my weak health. Oh, my training hall is very close to the Underdog City where you served as a sub-governor!”

“By the way, thanks to you, Underdog City has become much more peaceful, right?”

“That’s a good thing. Originally, I should have been the sub-governor there.”

“But with my frail health and lack of talent, it was too much of a burden to take on.”

“It would be nice to have a capable younger brother like you helping me with my official duties. Haha-”

Seth keeps talking to Vikir to keep things from getting awkward.

He even asks the servants who bring food about their well-being.

If Vikir were an ordinary hunting dog, he would have been touched by Seth’s kindness and affection.

Vikir used to be like that before his regression.

However, Vikir after his regression is different.

Vikir silently gazes at Seth’s face as he speaks kindly.

Seth has always had a kind personality that is not typical of the Baskerville family, and he took good care of those around him.

This caused him to receive criticism from Hugo and Osiris, and Vikir always lived with a sad expression because of it.

Young Vikir before his regression had a fondness for Seth because of this.


Vikir, now a seasoned veteran who has survived the era of destruction and has become a bloodthirsty hunter, looks at Seth from a slightly different perspective.

‘Seth Le Baskerville’ is suspected to be something other than human.

Vikir recalls the intelligence report sent by CindiWendy last night, though there was no need to recall it.

The pungent smell coming from Seth’s mouth has been overwhelming.

Even Vikir, who has a strong stomach, finds it difficult to conceal his expression.

The stench is so strong, yet people around him can’t smell it.

Vikir can see through the true nature of this stench.

‘It smells like magic.’

This intense odor, a mixture of the smell of incantations being cast and the stench of decaying corpses, can only be smelled by hunters who have survived the era of destruction.

Before his regression, he was numb to this smell, as it was everywhere in the world.

But after regression, in the peaceful world, he could clearly identify it.

A nauseating smell that could make even the monsters hiding in the arteries trapped in Beelzebub beads, fly away.

This was the vicious corpse poison.

‘Why does Seth emit such a foul odor from his body?’

Vikir regains his composure in an instant.

Then, Vikir discreetly tilts his glass.

Hugo and Osiris, as well as Seth, are reflected on the surface of the reddish liquor.

But surprisingly, there are only two figures in the glass.

Hugo and Osiris.

Seth’s figure is not reflected.

‘Look at this.’

Vikir thought cunningly.

A Demon

Beings from the demon realm.

They are generally divided into demons and monsters.

Demons refer to higher-level evil spirits, while monsters refer to creatures, making them somewhat different.

This is similar to the way humans and animals are distinguished.

Regular monsters are reflected in mirrors and water, but…

it’s not the same for demons.

Unless they use special magic to intentionally conceal their appearance, demons don’t reflect in mirrors or water.

In the era of destruction, everyone would have known this (although they would have had to pay a hefty tuition fee), but as of now, no one knows.

Except for Vikir, that is.

“You let your guard down, Seth.”

Vikir thought after emptying his glass.

Seth has become so arrogant that he doesn’t even guard his drink.



[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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Right now, Seth may be wearing the outer shell of the youngest Seth, but his inner self could be a completely different being.

Vikir recalled the testimonies of those around Seth.

“Young Master Seth, right?”

“He is a good person, isn’t he?”

When he was young, he was cold and aloof like the other Baskervilles.

but his personality changed a lot after ‘that unfortunate incident.’

He became gentle and affectionate.

Should I say he became mild-mannered?


‘That unfortunate incident’?

Well, it’s something I’ll only tell Young Master Vikir.

“Actually, there was a time when Young Master Seth tried to commit suicide. It was the night he was severely scolded by our master for being talentless, and then.”

“Fortunately, we found him early and were able to save his life.”

But he was greatly shocked, and since then, his personality had completely changed to become kind and affectionate.

Perhaps it was because he felt a great sense of crisis in a life-or-death situation.

Vikir had once caused a small fire in the Baskerville Academy’s library.

When the servants were in a panic, Vikir had covered it up for them, and since then, the servants had mostly been friendly towards him.

Vikir based his deductions on the information he had obtained from the servants.

“The real Seth is probably dead, and… it seems that a demon has taken over his empty shell.”

Suddenly, another thought came to mind.

Generally, for demons, the blood of human children is considered a tonic.

According to CindiWendy’s investigation, the large-scale kidnapping incident in Underdog was not focused solely on kidnappings.

Many orphanages and childcare foundations lost children.

They were adopted through official or unofficial channels and then all disappeared without a trace.

They only existed on paper.

And CindyWendy used money and informants to trace the whereabouts of the missing children.

The last place the children were seen revealing their true selves was the training hall where Seth Le Baskerville was conducting his training.

It’s not far from Underdog City.

“After acquiring one of the childcare foundations and investigating the adoption routes of the children under the pretext of a donation, we found out. I had to investigate this illegally to find out!”

CindiWendy’s eager demeanor was vivid in his mind.

Vikir paid very close attention to this information, as it was the reason he was executed just before his regression.

Demons feed on the blood of young children.

At that time, when Vikir was serving Seth, he was accused of collaborating with demons because bones stained with the blood of children were discovered in the basement near his room.

And then, he was executed.


“Maybe… just maybe, Hugo may not be guilty after all.”

The possibility was low, but it wasn’t nonexistent.

Hugo, who knew nothing, might have executed Vikir based on circumstantial judgment, deceived by the conspiracy of his son, Seth.

Vikir thought cunningly.

“The key is how much Seth’s soul has been eroded.”

If the stench is this strong, it means he’s almost 100% devoured.

Seth probably harbored feelings of resentment, hatred, inferiority, lack of talent, emotional deficiencies, and self-destructive emotions before he died, and this would have opened the door to summon demons into his soul.

Vikir wiped his mouth with a napkin.

Before regression, he had known that the owner he had followed was, in fact, the mastermind behind the brutal murders.

But strangely, he didn’t feel shaken.

Rather, he felt his blood-chilling in his veins.

Seth, who knows nothing about Vikir’s inner turmoil, continued to speak affably.

“Younger brother, which knight order do you like the most?”

“I think the Wolfhounds look the best. Well, I like the Pit Bulls and Mastiffs too. Oh, personally, I really liked the Doberman Knight Order when I was young. Their uniforms are stylish, aren’t they?”

“By the way, now that you’re back home, what are your plans?”

“Are you thinking of enrolling in the academy again?”

“Just like Osiris Hyung did?”

“Or do you plan to continue working as a sub-governor in Underdog? I heard that the citizens you like so much even held protests, demanding your permanent tenure. If I return as a sub-governor in the future, we can work together!”

As Vikir picked up a piece of meat with his fork, Seth continued to talk about various things.

Just as Vikir was about to furrow his brows due to the stench coming from Seth’s mouth.

“Enough,” Osiris interrupted Seth’s words. When Seth closed his mouth, Osiris spoke in a cold tone.

“Dinner isn’t over yet, but you’re quite talkative.”


“Don’t disturb your brother’s meal with trivial chatter. Finish your own meal.”

Upon hearing these words, Seth closed his mouth and lowered his head. Finally, Vikir could free himself from the foul stench emanating from Seth’s mouth.

“It looks different from this perspective,”

Vikir thought as he observed Osiris and Seth’s relationship from a slight distance.

If it were the young Vikir before his regression, he might have interpreted the recent situation as Osiris pressuring Seth.

The scene just now would have appeared as the stern eldest trying to assert his dominance over the younger siblings. In fact, the servants around them were sending discreet glances, expressing their disapproval.

Vikir sympathized with Seth, who lowered his head with a gloomy expression.

However, now Vikir could finally see the true nature of Osiris and Seth’s relationship.

Osiris was feeling an indescribable discomfort and distance from Seth. This was why he was trying to separate Seth from the other siblings.

Even his furrowed brows whenever Seth opened his mouth as if he had smelled something foul, was due to this.

In other words, Osiris’s instinct and intuition were unconsciously rejecting Seth’s demonic nature. He disliked it, and this was why he was trying to distance the other siblings from Seth. It wasn’t just because Seth’s breath smelled like something unholy.

Even Hugo shared this sentiment.

“…So, before my regression, I had served under Seth’s command. It’s no wonder I appeared virtuous in comparison,” Vikir thought, watching Osiris.

Despite his cold and aloof demeanor, there was a hint of inexperienced humanity within Osiris. Compared to Hugo, he appeared much more human. Moreover, Osiris was, in his own way, looking out for Vikir, who had just arrived at the grand feast. Although it was in his own manner.

“Vikir, don’t hold the third knife with that hand.”

“Tilt the plate the other way. Don’t make a sound by scraping the dishes.”

“It seems you need to review the dining etiquette of nobles. Folding the napkin doesn’t mean folding it in that direction.”

He gave these reminders with an authoritarian tone, but in reality, he was carefully looking out for his younger brother to prevent him from making mistakes in front of their father or other elders.

He pointed out potential mistakes in advance. Moreover, he only selected the valid points to address, so there was no reason for Vikir to feel discomfort.
If there were any shortcomings, Osiris didn’t say much about the improvements Vikir made, once they were corrected.

Of course, if they had been regular children, they might have found it scary and cowered in fear.

“He seems a bit strict, but… he doesn’t seem like such a bad person after all,” Vikir thought.

It wasn’t the case for Vikir. After hearing the three pieces of advice, he demonstrated excellent dining etiquette, making it unnecessary for Osiris to continue lecturing him.

Finally, Osiris seemed satisfied, with a faint smile appearing on his lips.

“Alright. You seem more like a noble now.”

A hint of warmth became a bit more pronounced.

Eventually, the lengthy dinner came to an end. The grand feast in the Vaskevil family involved a two-hour duration for just the appetizers, with the entire meal taking approximately five hours.

As the dinner concluded, it was nearly midnight. Just as Vikir was about to leave the dining hall, Hugo called him back.

“Wait a moment.”

Hugo summoned Vikir and said, “I have something to discuss with you, my son.”

“Yes, Father,” Vikir replied, standing before Hugo.

Hugo gazed at Vikir for a moment before speaking.

“Not now. It’s late today. Come see me tomorrow morning.”

“Do you have additional plans after midnight, Father?”

“No. I’m doing this just in case you’re tired.”

Vikir was once again surprised. Even though there were no more scheduled events, Hugo was willing to wait until tomorrow morning, concerned that Vikir might be tired.

The same Hugo who, if he had a business, could light up the entire castle at midnight or dawn, summoning all the humans from their slumber. And now he was delaying a conversation because he was concerned about his son’s fatigue?

The servants were already drawing the curtains on the west windows. Tomorrow, the sun might rise from the west, who knew?

Vikir, too, concealed his surprise and replied calmly.


Finally, Hugo left the dining hall, leaving only Vikir and Butler Barrymore.

With a cheerful smile, Barrymore said, “I suppose Lord Hugo is calling you to discuss your enrollment in the academy. Congratulations in advance, my young master.”

“How did you know?”

Vikir asked, and Barrymore replied with an assured tone, “The academy sent a recruitment notice last night.”



[Translator – Clara]

[Proofreader – Lucky]

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Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 72
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 71
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 70
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 69
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 68
Aug 2, 2024
Chapter 67
Aug 2, 2024