
I Regressed and the Genre Changed - Chapter 68 - Storm (2)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 68 – Storm (2)

The Pope quickly scanned Rudine from head to toe.

That arrogant smile, the eyes, and the tone of voice.

They matched the Princess he knew perfectly in every aspect.

‘Looking for the Saintess?’

The Princess was searching for the Saintess.

That in itself was not so surprising.

The relationship between the Royal Family and the Papal See has been very close over the years.

Moreover, with the current turmoil caused by the black mist, the Saintess’s ability to purify it is formidable.

However, there was a problem.

‘How did the Princess get here…?’

The Pope swallowed hard and carefully observed the knights standing beside him.

The golden eagle cutting through the sun.

It’s an emblem he’s all too familiar with.

After all, it symbolizes the imperial guard, an elite force directly under the royal command, known for their exceptional prowess.

One, two, three…

There were so many that they didn’t all fit into his field of vision.

Even from the carriages that stopped late, knights were still pouring out continuously.

The Pope let out a bitter laugh.

It was all too clear why a woman of the Princess’s stature would come here with an entire legion.

‘It’s like she’s declaring war.’

The rather unexpected royal decree to bring Kyle Winfred to the palace.

He vaguely remembered hearing about it from Duke Winfred.

Could it be that this entire commotion is just to find one illegitimate child?

Just as he was about to swallow a bitter laugh, a woman’s voice came from somewhere.

The Pope slowly turned his head in the direction of the voice.

“Your Highness.”

A sharp chin, reminiscent of a sculpture, came into view.

Black hair softly curling, cruelly twisted lips, and finally, piercing blue eyes met his gaze.

Eyes brimming with a sinister energy, as if ready to slash everything around them.

“Greetings to the Sun of the Empire.”

Luna Winfred opened her lips.

“Lady Luna, it’s been a while.”

“Is that so?”

“Of course. It must be since my coming-of-age ceremony, right?”

A chilling frost seemed to rise from their exchanged glances.

The air froze sharply at the same time.

“Did you say you came to find the Saintess?”

“You heard correctly.”

“If it’s not too much trouble, may I ask the reason?”

Rudine’s blue eyes were remarkably calm.

But at the same time, they were cold.

Like looking at the frozen North Sea.

“A reason…”

Rudine pointed her finger at Luna.

Then, with a sensual smile, she spat out.

“You know, don’t you?”

Amidst her silver hair, her yellow eyes gleamed brilliantly.

“I thought about it all the way here.”

One step, and then another.

Rudine walked steadily towards Luna.

“What should I do?”

The shadow of Rudine slowly creeping forward was overlaid with numerous other shadows.

They were the shadows of the knights surrounding the Princess.

“What should I do with the woman who killed Kyle?”

Luna silently met Rudine’s sharp, glinting gaze.

Eyes sharp enough to cut at a glance and a nervously furrowed brow.

The woman before her was no longer the Princess who always hid behind a mask.

She was now a beast with nothing left to lose.

“I shouldn’t have hesitated.”

Luna swallowed hard.

Her heart pounded loudly in her ears as she met the yellow eyes.

She was afraid.

That was the emotion Luna felt at this moment.

It wasn’t Rudine approaching her that she feared.

It was the words that would follow.

“I should have killed you earlier.”

Rudine, who had arrived right at her feet, spoke smoothly.

Then she smiled, raising the corners of her mouth.

“Isabel, and you too.”

Her lips twisted.

Her suppressed voice carried a note of anger.

“I should have killed all of you a long time ago.”

Luna couldn’t hold back her frown.

She asked with a sigh.

“What do you intend to do?”

“You need to pay the price. Isabel, and you too.”

“How amusing. Are you, Princess, without blame yourself?”

Rudine stared intently at Luna and then smiled brightly.

“No need to worry. I will pay my price too.”

Rudine said nonchalantly.

Luna found her hypocritical attitude laughable.

In the end, they were all the same perpetrators.

The contradiction of measuring each other’s sins while being guilty themselves was disgusting.

But she couldn’t point out that attitude.

No, to be precise, she couldn’t refute her logic.

After all, she too came here to hold Isabel accountable.

Someone needed to be blamed, or she wouldn’t be able to endure it with a sane mind.



Rudine glared at her, then eventually turned her head away indifferently.

She then resumed her steps toward the mansion.

Luna stared blankly at Rudine’s back.

At that moment, a man’s voice rumbled heavily.

“This is troublesome.”

The Pope, who had been observing them without moving, murmured coolly.

“Did you say you were going to kill the Saintess just now?”

He glared sharply at her.

It was a look as if he were gazing at a street thug.

“I’m sorry, but I cannot allow that.”


“Turning the entire Papal See against you is not something His Majesty would readily accept; this is simply your unilateral decision, isn’t it?”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Rudine stared at the Pope with a disinterested face.

Then she shot a sharp look at him.

“So, you’re going to stand in my way?”

The Pope sighed and rubbed his eyes.

“I have no intention of fighting with you, Your Highness.”

“Really? That’s quite unfortunate.”

Rudine let out a mocking laugh.

And at that moment,

“But I do.”

Three faintly glinting blades surged towards the Pope’s throat all at once.

At that moment, the Pope raised his right arm.


Blades rained down from all sides, scraping against the yellow haze surrounding the Pope’s arm, producing a horrendous noise.

The clashing blades couldn’t cut through the Pope’s arm and slid off diagonally.

This emitted a sharp flash and intense sparks.

Without a moment to breathe, the knights wielding the swords immediately launched their next strikes.

Gleaming blades struck once, twice, three times…

Kill-intent-filled strikes rained down endlessly on the Pope like a torrential downpour.

Swish, swish, swish—

In the blink of an eye, the Pope bit his lower lip as he faced dozens of sword strikes.

As the three blades slashed through the air simultaneously and touched the Pope’s arm,


With an ear-piercing roar, a massive burst of divine power erupted from around the Pope.

The immense impact caused the attacking knights to step back.

“What is this…!”

The Pope, who was also pushed back, widened his eyes and glared at Rudine.

“Are you really declaring war now?!”

“If you refuse to step aside.”

“As long as you are targeting the Saintess, I cannot step aside.”

“Ha… You make no sense.”

No more words were needed.

The parties involved, sharply opposed, began to ready themselves.

The holy knights surrounding the Pope drew upon their divine power to the limit.


Their thighs, prepared to launch at any moment, bulged clearly.


Rudine clicked her tongue in irritation, as if she was tired of this.

And then, one side with divine power and the other with magical power, they both kicked off the ground and threw themselves forward.


Compressed magical energy from the swung sword surged like a wave, engulfing the Pope.

At that moment, intense light shot out along with a massive tremor.

Light beams scattered randomly, creating sparks as they collided violently.

Ear-piercing roars, heavy explosive sounds filling the air, clashing swords and divine power.

Luna’s mouth dropped open at the unbelievable sight.

“…This is ridiculous.”

A confrontation between the Royal Family and the Papal See.

No, this was more than just a confrontation; it was a war.

No matter how formidable the Papal See’s power, it couldn’t surpass the Royal Family’s military might.

The same was true now.

The divine power they wielded was inherently more suited to healing than to attack.

Luna had no intention of getting caught up in the fight or taking anyone’s side.

She was here to find Kyle, after all.

Luna sighed and turned her head.

She wanted to check Diana’s expression, who had been silent all this while.



Diana was gone.

Diana, who had clearly disembarked from the carriage with her, had vanished without a trace.

“What the…”

A sigh escaped through her tightly pressed lips.

The situation had unfolded in the blink of an eye.

Luna stood still, blinking dumbly.

Diana was gone.

So, where did she go?

Diana is Kyle’s knight.

More steadfast and loyal than anyone else.

Which means…

“Could it be?”

A bright blue aura, like a mirage, filled Luna’s eyes.

Soon, scattered remnants of magical power randomly scattered on the ground were revealed.

It wasn’t hard to find the remnants presumed to be Diana’s.


Without even breathing, she pursued them.

And then.

“Wait a minute.”

The long trail of remnants led inside the mansion.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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