
I Regressed and the Genre Changed - Chapter 44 - Unexpected Behavior

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 44 – Unexpected Behavior

‘If Kyle isn’t Winfred…’

Everything fe,l,t surreal and confusing.

If Kyle isn’t the Duke’s child, then who on earth is Kyle’s biological father?

For what reason was Kyle brought to this cursed mansion?

Why would they bring a child who isn’t even their own and neglect him so mercilessly?

‘Is this bastard really insane?’

A bitter laugh escaped me at the Duke’s audacious attitude.

How can someone be so brazenly confident, knowing they’re the mastermind behind all the chaos and evil?

“…Why did you bring me here?”


“I’m not even your child, so why bring me here?”

Suppressing my rising anger, I speak with a voice that breaks intermittently.

“Didn’t you already hear everything from the Princess?”

Instead of answering, I glare at the Duke.

Although I’ve never heard such a story from Rudyne, I don’t bother correcting his misconception.

From the beginning, the Duke intended to propose a deal to me.

He’s probably under the illusion I returned here in rage after learning the truth.

“It’s nothing much.”

The Duke shrugs nonchalantly.

“I needed a son.”

“A son?”

“Yeah, while I was looking for one, I happened to find you at the imperial palace. Even though you were just a collateral illegitimate child, being of royal blood makes a difference, doesn’t it?”


“They were also busy trying to hide your existence. They were even planning assassinations in secret. So, I brought you here clandestinely. Your age, bloodline, everything was perfect. It was a mutually beneficial deal.”

Royalty, and a collateral illegitimate child.

The Duke recounted shocking details with an indifferent face.

So, that’s how it is.

They brought Kyle as a substitute son for any unforeseen circumstances.

But when the need for Kyle didn’t arise, they extinguished all interest in him and abandoned him.

My mind, which had been simmering, cooled down as if doused with cold water.

Perhaps it’s because anger has paralyzed my rationality, I have become more composed.

“For such a trivial reason.”

I took a step closer to the Duke.

“You ruined my life.”

Veins bulge on my forehead.

A chilly wind brushes against my skin, leaving it cold and tingling.

“Ruined? I don’t understand what you mean.”

The Duke tilted his head as if he didn’t understand.

“I saved you.”


“If I hadn’t brought you, you would have become a cold corpse at the hands of your biological father within a few days. So, I practically saved your life.”

Saved me? Is he genuinely saying this now?

His words reek of deceit, and I can’t comprehend them.

A nauseating odor emanates from every word he speaks.

“Now, tell me. Why did you return here?”

The temperature inside the room seemed to drop rapidly, chilling my skin.

I stare coldly at the Duke.

Despite my openly hostile gaze, the Duke remained unnervingly calm.

I ask quietly.

“Do you know?”

“Know what?”

“Anyone with royal blood cannot be adopted in any way under imperial law.”

The Duke did not respond.

Instead, he fixed me with a sharp look.

“You said you met the Empress.”


“I’m curious. What price did you offer in exchange for her silence?”

As I spoke with a sarcastic tone on purpose, the Duke slowly tilted his head and met my eyes.

“Why am I back here?”

The Duke’s expression becomes strange and complex.

Then, he slowly nods his head.

“Are you curious why I came back here?”
The Duke had a strange and complex expression.

Then he slowly nodded his head.

“To threaten you.”

“That’s not even funny.”

“It shouldn’t be funny. The moment I hold a Sacred Trial, that day will mark the beginning of Winfred’s downfall. Imagine, under the auspices of the Holy See, openly discussing all the details. It would be quite entertaining. In the midst of the Royal Family’s fervor to put a leash on Winfred, your misdeeds being exposed to the world would be quite a sight.”

“You dare …!”

“How will you bear the crime of insulting the Royal Family? Duke Winfred.”

It was so absurd that I just burst out laughing.

Every word I uttered caused ripples.

The Duke gnashed his teeth as if chewing on them.

“I brought in a child who would’ve died at any time and kept him alive, but now that child is upset and threatening me.”

“Feeling unjust? If you feel that way, go ahead and slit my throat right now. It would cause quite a stir in society for a while. A noble who took in a child of royal blood without permission and eventually killed him with his own hands, that would be quite a lesson for everyone.”

The Duke wore a troubled and complex expression.

With a cold smile on my face, I added.

“Oh, one more thing.”


“The blank check you handed over to me. I’ve already handed it over to the imperial family.”

The Duke’s pupils boiled like lava as he looked at me.

I felt a subtle satisfaction in his fervent anger.

“You’re out of your mind.”

“I told you. I came here to threaten you.”

I grinned.

And once again, I posed a familiar question to him.

“Do you want to face ruin?”

The Duke let out a hollow laugh.

A sense of desolation emanated from his face.

“If you don’t want to face ruin, then listen carefully.”


“While I’m here, vacate this mansion. Just being in the same space as you irritates me enough.”

I proposed that he leave the mansion.

Though I wanted to demand the Holy Blood right away, I knew there was no chance the Duke would accept such a frivolous demand.

‘Rather than handing over the Holy Blood, he might choose to kill me instead.’

It could also unnecessarily raise suspicions.

So, as an alternative, I proposed that he vacate the mansion for a while as a condition.

It would make it easier for me to steal the Holy Blood.

“Don’t worry. I won’t stay here for long.”

The Duke’s face twisted like dough.

After a moment, he squeezed out his words.

“…I’ll leave in a week.”




[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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A day passed.

I sat on the sofa, lost in thought, chewing on a cookie.

The sudden revelation of my birth secret.

I still found it hard to accept the truth revealed out of nowhere.

A collateral descendant of the Royal Family, and especially an illegitimate child.

It’s embarrassing to even call myself a royal, but I’m still part of the Royal Family.

‘What a soap opera.’

I couldn’t even force a bitter laugh anymore.

The more I thought about it, the more agitated I became.

‘Let’s stop worrying. Once I get the Holy Blood, I’ll leave anyway.’

Yeah, the only thing I need to care about is the Holy Blood.

Soon, I’ll leave this world, so Winfred, the Royal Family, none of it matters.


I suddenly felt concerned about Diana, who would be left alone in this world.

‘I should make sure she’s well taken care of financially.’

The true value of the Orestone will soon be revealed.

Once that happens, its value will skyrocket instantly.

At that time, I plan to sell all the Orestone I have.

Just considering the sales proceeds, I could live a wealthy life forever.

But there are too many distractions swirling in my mind.

The most important thing right now is to obtain the Holy Blood.

‘I absolutely need the Relic.’

Even if I succeed in neutralizing the system, without the Relic, everything will be useless.

So, when the time comes, I’ll ruthlessly abduct Rudine and steal the Relic.

I meticulously planned my escape.

It was a flawless strategy considering all possible variables.

Several hours later, in the evening.

Knock knock—

A regular knocking sound echoed.

As I opened the door, Luna stood before me with an innocent demeanor, and our eyes met.

When I narrowed my eyes, Luna smiled innocently and said.

“Do you have a moment, Kyle?”

I slowly scanned Luna.

She is clearly Luna, no different from usual…

‘Why is she dressed like that…?’

Instead of responding, I lowered my gaze.

It wasn’t the dull-colored dress that Luna usually wore, which covered her entire body…

‘…A negligee?’

The soft white fabric draped gently over her body.

The fabric was so thin that Luna’s upper body was faintly visible through the curved gaps.

Luna took a step closer.

At that moment, her smooth thighs, partially revealed by the fabric, were half exposed.

“…What are you doing?”

I couldn’t help but avert my gaze.

Seeing me take a step back, Luna let out a sensual laugh.

“Kyle, what’s wrong?”

Luna slowly entered the room, then plopped down on the sofa near the door.

At that moment, the fabric covering her body floated up and her smooth skin glimmered in the light.

Then, she closed her eyes and smiled.

“Come over here.”

Is she out of her mind?

Instead of answering, I pointed at the door and spoke in a low voice.

“Get out right now.”

“Could you stop being so cold to me? I came to ask you about the Holy Blood.”

“What? The Holy Blood?”

“Yeah. Do you have any plans in mind? Can we sit down and talk for a bit?”

I was speechless.

Come to think of it, I hadn’t discussed with Luna yet about how and when to crack the safe.

I clenched my fists tightly as I sat down beside Luna.

Despite coming at her request, I couldn’t shake off the tension.



A suffocating silence enveloped us.

The sound of our heartbeats faintly echoed in my ears.


Luna’s gentle voice dispersed into my ears.

It was unusually sweet, unlike her usual tone.

“Stop pretending and just tell me what you want.”

As I retorted in a chilly voice, silence filled the room.

Then, Luna’s face came closer to mine.

Her hand reached out towards my face.

Simultaneously, a soft sensation brushed against my cheek as her thumb passed over it.

The cookie crumbs near my lips were picked up by Luna’s thumb.



Luna grinned and brought her thumb to her own lips.

And with a gentle voice, she whispered.

“You taste good.”

I was stunned, my hands trembling.

I couldn’t help but curse vehemently.

“What the hell are you doing right now?”

[TL/N: If she isn’t like this i don’t want her 💀]



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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