
I Regressed and the Genre Changed - Chapter 67 - Storm (1)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 67 – Storm (1)

Kyle Winfred.


My little brother.


Luna muttered lowly in her sleep.

Her voice, completely hoarse and cracked from whatever had transpired overnight, seeped out.


She had a nightmare.

A terrible one at that.

She still couldn’t distinguish whether this was a dream or reality.

The fact that Kyle was not beside her, and that she would never see him again, all seemed so unreal.

She couldn’t fathom when Kyle had made the decision to take his own life.

Was it before they returned to the past?

Or perhaps after they had returned?

She had no way of knowing.

Upon reflection, it was strange.

Kyle had returned to the past.

And he retained all the memories of their previous life.


Didn’t you have any lingering attachments?

That’s why you came back to the past, right?

Then why did you choose to end your life?

After fighting so desperately to find a way to live, why?

A faint, sweet voice echoed in the corner of her memory.

— Sister.

Surely, their relationship was improving.

I was truly ready to do anything for your happiness.

Is it really going to end like this?

So futilely?

“It can’t…”

Luna gasped several times, breathlessly.

The scorching heat passing through her throat was dizzying.

Kyle had taken his own life.

That meant Kyle had already been pushed to the edge.

Lost in a daze, Luna thought.

What did Kyle do right after returning to the past?

He officially broke off the engagement with Isabel and immediately left the Winfred estate.

As if trying to sever all ties with the past…

Cold sweat trickled down.

As beads of sweat flowed down her feverishly heated forehead, a slow realization suddenly dawned.

“Because of me…”

Ah, I see.

I cannot be free of responsibility either.

If only I hadn’t clung to Kyle.

If only I hadn’t held back Kyle, who was trying to live a new life.

If only I hadn’t brought Isabel to the coming-of-age ceremony.

No, if only I had killed Isabel without hesitation.

If only I hadn’t ruined Kyle’s life…

If only I had been honest from the start and sincerely apologized…


Yes, this is a nightmare.

Just a bad dream on a summer night.


The carriage jolted violently as it passed over a rough road.

Luna slowly lifted her eyelids.

Through her half-covered vision, she saw the short-haired female knight glaring at her.

“You’re awake.”

The cold voice scattered in her ears.

Then her hazy mind became clear.

“How much longer until we reach our destination?”

“We still have a full day of travel left.”

“…Is it still that far?”

Diana nodded slowly.

Their destination was none other than the Bihakan Territory in the Eastern Continent.

The reason they abruptly left the Winfred estate and headed to the Eastern Continent was simple.

To confirm Kyle’s death firsthand.

And to hold Isabel Yustia accountable as well.

An unvented rage simmered in a corner of her chest.

The fury was so intense that it felt like blood tears might spill out at any moment.

Luna muttered under her breath and turned her head.

She immediately met blue eyes.

Those were the eyes that had been watching her all night.


The gaze Diana fixed on her was filled with indescribable emotions.

Resentment, reproach, and anger.

It was similar to the feelings Luna had toward Isabel.

Luna’s eyes momentarily hardened.

Her fingertips trembled slightly under that intense gaze.

Damn it. Curses rose to the tip of her tongue.

She wanted to scream at her to stop looking at her like that.

It’s already hard enough.

The realization that Kyle was dead felt like molten lava being poured over her body.

Suddenly, a memory from the past flashed before her eyes like a film reel.

— You should have just let me die.

Her throat went dry in an instant.

Luna swallowed the hot lump in her throat.

— A mistake you made at a young age.

— That mistake ruined my life.

Luna exhaled a startled breath.

Her hands, gripping her neck, were burning red.

— So now, live your life.

The heat of the fever throbbed in her eardrums and scrambled her mind.

When she covered her face with her hands chilled by the night air, a frost-like realization settled in her mind.


Who am I to blame?

The one who ruined Kyle’s life, the one who hindered him from starting a new life after returning to the past.

Luna’s lips twisted.

Her mind went blank again under Diana’s piercing gaze.

Luna barely regained her composure by sipping water from a bottle.

But soon, she changed her mind and closed her eyes again.

She couldn’t bear to face that sharp gaze with her sanity intact.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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She was afraid of everything.

Accepting Kyle’s death, admitting that her actions led to his death.

She swallowed all those terrible facts with gritted teeth.

And ended with a cracked voice.

“…Wake me when we arrive.”

Luna closed her eyes again.

The sudden arrival of eternal darkness was strangely welcoming.



As the carriage slowed down gradually, it eventually came to a complete stop.

As Diana had mentioned, the carriage arrived at its destination after another full night of travel.

“We have arrived.”

Luna slowly lifted her eyelids.

At that moment, the firmly closed door of the carriage creaked open.

“This way, Miss.”

Taking the hand of the coachman, Luna stepped out of the carriage, and a mansion came into view.

Though shabby in appearance, it was quite sizable.

“…Are you sure this is it?”

“Yes, quite sure.”

Diana nodded with a composed face.

Upon hearing her confident voice, Luna’s heart began to race.

Luna swallowed hard, barely managing to swallow the lump in her throat.

With each step she took, it felt like her breath was being squeezed out of her.

And then, as Luna was taking steps forward, she suddenly stopped in her tracks.


Rows of carriages lined up in front of the entrance to the mansion.

And nearby, about twenty men were lurking around.

Among them, a somewhat familiar face caught Luna’s eye.

“The Pope.”

At that moment, countless eyes turned to Luna all at once.

Observing Luna’s approach, the Pope nodded expressionlessly, as if unsurprised.

“Luna Winfred.”


“I didn’t expect to meet you here again.”

“Did you also know?”

“What do you mean?”

Luna ran her hand roughly across her face.

“Isabel Yustia.”

She asked bluntly.

Her breath grew hot and coarse.

“That crazy bitch kidnapped my brother.”

Dragging her sword along the ground, Luna stepped forward.

The Pope, watching her, narrowed his eyes slightly.

“It’s quite a surprise to hear that the Saintess would kidnap your brother… Intriguing.”

“Then leave. Don’t just stand there babbling.”

The Pope raised the corner of his mouth as if in amazement.

At the same time, his amber eyes sparkled brightly in the sunlight.

“Sorry, but this mansion was officially acquired by the Papal See. So…”

The Pope sighed and lowered his voice.


“It means you are the outsider, not me, Lady Luna.”

A somewhat aggressive tone burst forth from his lips.

A devilish grin spread across Luna’s lips.

“Is that so?”

And she drew her sword.

“Then just stand there quietly.”

A thick murderous intent filled the air.

Luna walked slowly, almost imperceptibly.

And then.

The familiar sound of hooves echoed faintly in the distance.

In an instant, Luna’s head whipped around towards the direction of the sound.


What’s going on?

Did the Papal See send additional knights for support?

Luna turned her head back towards the Pope, but his expression mirrored her own confusion.

It wasn’t the Papal See.

Then who could it be? Who could possibly come to this remote countryside?

Luna’s steps slowed down, very slowly.

And she watched.

Quietly, she watched them all.


A heavy silence hung over them.

In the tranquil stillness, the sound of hooves gradually became clearer.

And then.


Dozens of carriages approached.

At the sight of the grand procession, which Luna had never seen before, she let out a sigh.

Standing still, Luna carefully scrutinized the carriage at the forefront.

And then she realized.

‘That emblem…’

It was unmistakable.

It was the emblem of the Royal Family.


The fiercely charging carriage came to a stop in front of the mansion’s entrance.



Rudine Eckart.

The Imperial Princess took the coachman’s hand and cautiously stepped out of the carriage.

“What’s going on…?”

The Pope muttered blankly, his eyes wide with astonishment.

Watching the situation, Luna chuckled and watched Rudine approach.


Rudine smiled brightly and alternately glanced at Luna and the Pope.

And she snickered.

“Oh my, it seems I’ve arrived at a good time.”

Everyone present looked at Rudine.

And listened.

They just waited quietly for her to continue speaking.

“I assure you, I have no intention of interfering in your quarrel.”

Rudine reassured them with a voice as kind as it was menacing.

“There is only one reason I have come here for.”


Subsequently, from the arriving carriages, armed Imperial Knights began to descend one by one.

One… Ten… A hundred…

What’s going on?

Are they about to start a war?

“Isabel Yustia.”

Rudine’s bright yellow eyes gleamed like ghosts.

“Where is she now?”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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