
I Regressed and the Genre Changed - Chapter 9 - Knighting Ceremony (3)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 9 – Knighting Ceremony (3)

The Knighting Ceremony wrapped up neatly.

It was a bit forced, but it was a level of coercion that was acceptable, and knowing that, the Cathedral side didn’t express any particular dissatisfaction to me.

An incompetent Knight from an undistinguished background, not chosen by anyone.

That’s how they view Diana.

There would be no reason for them to be upset just because I picked her up.


‘It’s quite severe.’

From the bruises all over her body to her generally malnourished appearance, it was evident.

Diana’s appearance in person, not just passing scenes in the game, was more serious than I had known.

I knew the treatment of her in the Knights order wasn’t good, but I didn’t expect it to be this bad.

Well, it doesn’t matter. Things will be quite different from now on.

As I left the Cathedral, I looked around.

Noble factions were already gathering closely, forming friendships, and engaging in conversations with priests.

Of course, I had no intention of joining them.

Even though the Knighting Ceremony was over, my schedule was far from finished.

I slowly scanned Diana’s demeanor with my eyes.

Her armor was noticeably crude, and her worn-out sword didn’t help her case.

Unimpressive, that was my honest assessment.

Diana seemed to read my gaze and lowered her head with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

Seeing her like that, I suddenly became certain.

I needed to get her equipment sorted out immediately.

Luckily, I had enough funds due to selling my turn at the Knighting Ceremony for a hefty price.

“Raise your head.”

Diana cautiously raised her head.

With a bewildered expression, she still seemed unfamiliar with everything that had happened to her.

I thought for a moment.

Should I ask her about herself pretending not to know, or should I just move on for now?

Diana knew nothing about me.

But as she served as my guard, she would naturally learn.

“What’s your name?”

“I’m Diana.”

“Where are you from?”

“…Nowhere. I spent my childhood at the Cathedral.”

Even though I already knew all of this, I nodded as if I didn’t know.

“Do you know who I am?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Kyle. Kyle Winfred.”


At the clear resonance of that name, Diana’s shoulders twitched slightly.

“You won’t be a Knight of Winfred. You’ll be solely my personal Knight.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.”

There was a resolute determination in Diana’s eyes.

Not for her own glory, but solely to become Kyle Winfred’s sword.

Perhaps it was due to a lifetime of having lived as a villain.

Suddenly, an inexplicable doubt crossed my mind.

Was that strong gaze a falsehood to impress me?

“It’s better to give up on the dream of social ascent. I’m not treated well in my family. You won’t receive the treatment of a proper Knight from anywhere.”

“I don’t mind.”

“Really? What if I were the worst villain in the world?”

“That doesn’t matter. My role won’t change.”

Diana quietly looked at me.

There was a disturbing certainty in her gaze.

“I am my master’s sword. I’ll cut if I have to, and I’ll stab if I have to.”

“… ”

“A sword has no ego.”

I couldn’t help but chuckle at Diana’s eerie statement.

To cut if she had to, to stab if she had to.

It wasn’t a romanticized game of Heroes and Knights, but the essence of a very realistic Knight.


Her short silver hair was dazzling in the light.

I turned away with a wry smile.

“I suppose we should get your equipment sorted out first.”

Hiring Diana as my personal Knight was indeed the best choice.


I strolled down the street with Diana.

It’s dangerous to wander the streets alone, they said, and they dared not entrust my safety to the newly hired female Knight today.

Despite the persistent obstruction from the guards of the noble families, we still managed to make our way.

Nevertheless, there was still plenty of time until sunset.

I wanted to head straight to the blacksmith to sort out Diana’s equipment, but I was exhausted from the ceremony earlier.

Even the view of Mount Kumgang is better after a meal.

So, to fill our hungry stomachs first, we entered a restaurant located in the middle of the street.

“Welcome to Crothian.”

The restaurant was named Crothian.

With its medieval European castle-like appearance, adorned with white marble and golden decorations surrounding the entire building.

Crothian is a high-end restaurant most frequented by nearby nobles.

“I’ll guide you to the upstairs.”

The waiter confirmed my identity and quickly led me to the top floor, the highest level of the building.

It seems that the number of floors you can use varies depending on your status.

I glanced at Diana out of the corner of my eye.

Despite her efforts to maintain her composure, her shoulders twitched every time we passed by extravagantly decorated crafts.

It seems she can’t control her shoulders.

Before I knew it, we arrived at the balcony on the top floor.

As we sat at the perfectly set table, Diana stood behind me with a composed posture, as if it were only natural.

It was so natural that I almost didn’t notice.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m on guard duty.”

Guard duty, huh?

Is there anything to guard against other than eating?

“Sit down.”

“Do you mean me?”

“Well, who else would be here?”

With a sigh, I commanded, and Diana awkwardly sat down with a creaking noise like a malfunctioning clock.

“…What now?”


The problem was that she sat right next to me.

“Why are you sitting right next to me?”

“It’s easier to deal with any unexpected situations when sitting next to you.”

“It’s uncomfortable, so just go sit over there.”


Flustered, Diana moved to the opposite side, vacillating.

Soon, the food we ordered filled the table.

It was a bit too much for just the two of us, but it’s okay.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Diana is described as a food fighter in the official settings.

“Enjoy your meal.”

I started eating first.

Diana also began eating hesitantly while glancing at me.

Her meal was quite entertaining to watch.

Instead of using a knife, she cut the steak with two forks.

And now, confidently taking a spoonful of freshly made soup, clenching her fists as if the roof of her mouth had been burned.

Honestly, it was hard to hold back my laughter.

Not in a bad way, but in a good way.

“You eat well.”


The clattering sound filled the space.

The dishes on the plates were emptied one by one at a rapid pace.

Indeed, the settings do not lie.

After a while, we finished our meal and left the restaurant.

Our destination was the blacksmith.

Now that our stomachs were filled, it was time to go sort out Diana’s equipment, the original purpose of our stroll.

My heart felt much lighter now.

After all, I had achieved all the objectives I came here for.

Except for one thing.

‘I have to take care of this ring…’

I carefully touched the ring case stored in my pocket.

Keeping it any longer would be a needless nuisance, yet its value was too high to simply throw it away.

What can I do?

The only option is to sell it as soon as possible and turn it into money.

I moved my steps steadily.

Although I could see shops dealing with jewelry and accessories along the way, they were too small to handle a ring of this value.

It would be pointless to enter every shop to get an appraisal.

So, I searched for a suitable shop as much as possible.

And then.


I finally found it.

A jewelry shop boasting overwhelming size.

“Welcome! Feel free to look around. We have many new items that have just arrived.”

Passing through the street performer at the entrance, I entered the shop.

That’s when.

“I welcome the Northern Sun. I am Orkan, the store manager.”

A soft, gentle voice.

Turning my head, a man greeted me with a smiling face.

Northern Sun.

Another name for Winfred.

He seemed to recognize the crest embedded on my chest.

“Do you need any help?”

“I want to sell some jewelry.”

“Oh, in that case, we should appraise it first. May I see the items you want to sell?”

I immediately took out the case from my pocket and handed it to him.

He carefully opened the case and murmured softly.

“It’s a ring.”

“Yeah, I’d like an appraisal.”

“Please come this way for a moment.”

He led us to a reception room.

After sitting down for a moment and briefly looking around the reception room, he began the appraisal in earnest.

A sigh of admiration burst out of his mouth from his lips that were about to say something.

“It’s a Blue Stone. And a highest grade one at that.”

Sunstone, one of the top three most precious gems in this world known for its exorbitant price.

Especially when it’s the highest grade, its price skyrockets to the extreme.

“A ring crafted with a Blue Stone is something I’ve never seen before.”

To embed a top-grade Blue Stone in an engagement ring or something similar, it was unbelievable.

Even though it’s my own body, I couldn’t help but utter an expletive.

“Is it possible to sell it?”

“If you want to sell it…”

He hesitated for a moment before replying.

“…it’s possible. But we may need to hold an auction.”

“An auction?”

“We don’t have enough cash on hand to purchase it immediately. However, there is quite a demand for Blue Stones, especially top-grade ones. If we put it up for auction, we can surely sell it for a suitable price. Although you’ll have to pay a certain commission fee.”

An auction.

It’s quite an attractive option.

I looked at him with a skeptical eye.

“What about the payment?”

“You can collect the payment here anytime. If it’s difficult to visit, we can send someone as a messenger.”

It’s a perfect condition.

There’s no reason to refuse, so I nodded gladly.

“Then, please.”

“We’ll keep the ring here for now.”

“Is there anything else you need?”

“Nothing special. Just a few documents, please.”


After completing the paperwork, we left the shop.

Diana also followed behind me with a blank expression.

I felt relieved at the thought that I had finally gotten rid of that damn ring.

Now, all that’s left is to get Diana’s equipment at the blacksmith’s.

That’s when.



A girl quickly disappeared down an alley with her head down.

A familiar face. Could it be?

I’ve seen that face countless times when visiting Isabel’s mansion.

“Do you know her?”

“…I do.”

Erica, Isabelle’s personal maid.

She ran down the alley as if fleeing.

Her pale expression I glimpsed seemed like a soldier delivering the news of defeat.

And then.

[Scenario Progress: 10%]

“Damn it.”

The system’s unraveling had begun.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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