
I Regressed and the Genre Changed - Chapter 25 - Luna Winfred (1)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 25 – Luna Winfred (1)

Luna Winfred was born into the expectations of many.

Her parents’ marriage was a calculated union, typical of nobility, aimed solely at strengthening the bonds between their families. Within this facade, there was little room for affection and respect towards each other.

While everyone in the mansion blessed Luna’s birth, her parents exchanged curses behind closed doors.

The conflict arose simply because they had a daughter instead of a son.

Luna grew up under the care of servants for quite some time.

Occasionally, she caught glimpses of her parents’ eyes, which were half-dead.

Their gaze was like that of someone inspecting a defective product, not a child.

Then one day, a second heir arrived at the mansion.

Destined to be a leader of men, a hero to save the Empire from evil, the brightest sun in the northern sky.

With the blessings akin to those from the Imperial Court, a new life was born.

— A perfect son! We sincerely congratulate you on the birth of your heir!

— Haha, it seems prosperity is finally coming to Winfred.

— If it had been another girl after Lady Luna… it’s terrible to even think about.

— Shhh! What if the Young Lady hears you? Lower your voice.

The reactions were completely different from when she was born.

Her parents’ half-dead eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation, and even the visitors, who usually offered formal congratulations, genuinely celebrated the prosperity of the family this time.

Luna spent that night unable to sleep.

Though still a young girl who could barely speak, she was torn apart by the fact that no one expected anything from her.

Luna changed.

She hid herself behind a dazzling smile and a mask, relentlessly pushing herself forward while whipping herself harshly.

She gave her heart to no one and dedicated herself tirelessly to her studies without a day of rest.

It was a time of perseverance that cut deep into her bones.

Every moment was plagued by despair, but Luna persevered.

She was not the only one who changed.

The way her parents looked at her and the influence of her words in the mansion changed.

As time passed, she confidently put her name on the list of potential heirs.

Effort could bring recognition.

Luna fueled her life with burning ambition and desire for recognition.

Then one day, a storm entered the quiet mansion.

— Hello, I’m Kyle.

An untainted transparent smile, and blue eyes that couldn’t leave her.

For Luna, who had lived patiently all her life, it was a refreshing stimulus.

Kyle effortlessly broke through the barriers of her closed heart.

Was it because Luna was still young?

Or was Kyle special?

The affectionate gaze towards her and the innocent smile that bloomed with her words.

All of it felt truly unfamiliar.

From that day on, Luna avoided Kyle.

She made excuses to keep her distance and consistently ignored Kyle’s inquiries about her well-being.

She didn’t lash out at Kyle with venomous words.

This may be because, deep down, she didn’t dislike Kyle’s interest in her that much.

— Are you really memorizing this every day?

— Amazing, I can’t even read properly yet.

— The heir? Of course you can do it! You’ve worked harder than anyone else in this mansion.

No matter how much she pushed him away, Kyle stuck to her like a magnet.

That was when it started.

Days that were as blank as a sheet of paper gradually became tainted by Kyle.

— What present? Did you forget? It’s my sister’s birthday today.

— Your favorite chef’s sandwich. You haven’t eaten anything yet, right?

— It would be nice if my sister became the head of the Winfred family, rather than someone else.

A gentle and warm word, untouched by any pity, melted her frozen heart.

In Kyle’s presence, she unknowingly acted spoiled.

Like any ordinary noble young lady her age.

But Kyle was a bastard.

Merely an unwelcome guest to everyone in the mansion.

Just showing herself with Kyle was enough reason for those who didn’t like her to attack.

— I wish we could keep being together like this.

She had no choice but to admit it.

In this mansion, besides Kyle, there was no one else she could call family.

Suddenly, a tear fell silently.

Ah, I see. You were quite lonely.

So, your emotions are in such disarray because of that.

Luna no longer avoided Kyle.

She didn’t keep her distance, nor did she treat Kyle any differently than usual, without exaggeration.

It was a day when lightning struck through the clouds.

— Kyle Winfred.

— I think it’s about time we start dealing with that fellow.

As Luna walked through the darkened corridor, a noble voice echoed through the slightly open door.

It was a familiar voice.

The Duchess, Luna’s biological mother, and Ian Winfred.

— Are you suggesting we kill him?

— Yes, it seems like the cleanest option, doesn’t it?

— Have you spoken to Father?

— There’s no need to ask. He has no interest in bastards like him. Perhaps he still doesn’t even know that bastard’s name.

— As you wish, Mother.

— Hehe, I’ve already made the preparations long ago. Look forward to tomorrow.

Luna’s eyes widened in astonishment.

The words of killing Kyle scrambled her mind.

It wasn’t a simple joke.

As they said, no one in the mansion would care if a bastard like Kyle died.

Kyle would die.

And there was nothing she could do to stop it.

Because in this mansion, the Duchess’s influence was absolute.

Luna despaired.

Her breath became short, and her arms and legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

She wanted to leave this place immediately.

But if she left now…

Kyle would surely die.

Kyle’s voice flashed white in her mind.

His addictive voice, wanting to be with her.

It resonated in her brain.

The decision didn’t take long.

— You’re telling an interesting story.

As Luna opened the door and walked in, the Duchess narrowed her eyes.

— I have a better idea.

Luna didn’t back down.

She hid herself behind a smiling face and closed eyes.

— Would you like to hear it?

She had to save Kyle’s life.

That obsession alone became so hot that it burned Luna’s reason.




[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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From that day on, Luna began tormenting Kyle.

— Sister? Why all of a sudden…

— Shut up!

Luna screamed.

Fear seeped into Kyle’s gaze as he looked at her.

It was agonizing.

— From now on, reduce Kyle’s meals to twice a day.

— What? Twice a day?

— Yes, the same meals as the servants.

She restricted Kyle’s meals as suggested by the Duchess.

Starting from that day, Kyle’s words drastically decreased.

— Send a letter to Lady Chloe.

— …The contents are the same?

— Exactly. Without missing a single word.

Based on the information received from the Duchess, Luna maliciously tarnished Kyle’s reputation.

The name Kyle Winfred soon became synonymous with a bastard in the Empire.

No one in the mansion could be trusted.

After all, every servant here was under the Duchess’s thumb.

Yes, it’s better than dying in vain.

It is truly an inevitable choice to save Kyle.

She endured each day with numerous rationalizations.

But what returned to Luna was nothing but a swamp of despair.

— Ian will receive education to inherit the estate from today.

— Luna Winfred, you’re excluded from being a candidate.

Luna was officially excluded as a successor candidate.

The elders of the family began to doubt Luna’s qualifications, and at the same time, the opinion that Luna should be excluded from candidacy became prevalent.

They presented two reasons.

The inherent flaw of being a woman.

And the inhumane actions Luna had taken against Kyle.

She soon realized.

Ah, it was the Duchess’s doing.

She was momentarily blinded by a scheme that could have been easily seen through if she had just thought about it for a moment.

But even if she had known their intentions beforehand, what would have changed?

In the end, her choice to save Kyle’s life wouldn’t have changed.

Luna bowed her head and laughed, then suddenly screamed.

The actions she took to save Kyle’s life had returned to her as poison.

A lifetime goal shattered in an instant.

Faced with the cruel reality in front of her, Luna began to lose her mind.

— …Are you okay?

Kyle, upon hearing the news, sent me a sympathetic look.

The tangled mess of emotions that had accumulated in the corner of my heart unknowingly turned towards Kyle.

If only you hadn’t pretended to know me on the day we first met.

If only you hadn’t captivated me with all your warm words.

If only you weren’t a bastard.

No, if only you hadn’t set foot in this mansion at all.

Luna spat out curses as if screaming.

At the same time, Kyle’s blue pupils darkened with deep disappointment.

I saved you.

I went through such terrible ordeals just to save you.

It’s okay to vent my anger like this, right?

If you have a conscience, you shouldn’t look at me like that.

Luna poured out her lost anger.

Within her, Kyle Winfred shattered into pieces.

Out of agony, and out of hatred.

The conflicting emotions that had been jumbled up inside her branched out and bore fruit.

On a day when the world turned white.

Kyle fell victim to a severe flu and began to struggle to the point of death.

For the crime of talking back to Luna, all the bedding and nightclothes in his room were confiscated.

At that moment, Luna realized.

That if there was something wrong, it was thoroughly wrong.

The fact that she had almost killed Kyle with her own hands tormented Luna’s sanity.

— Call the physician immediately!

My heart pounded as if it were about to burst through my rib cage.

It hurt every time I took a breath, as if my lungs were being pierced.

— The symptoms are not good.

— How have your meals been lately?

— He’s suffering from severe malnutrition. Self-recovery will be difficult at this rate.

Luna stared at the physician with unfocused eyes.

Then, the tightly sealed lips of the physician parted.

— He needs an Elixir.

— Not just any Elixir, but a specially prepared one from the temple.

Luna didn’t hesitate.

She poured out the money she had saved and, after much inquiry, obtained the Elixir.

She cautiously entered Kyle’s room.

Kyle was breathing heavily, his face flushed.

— So, we have to give him the Elixir Like this?

— Yes, if it’s uncomfortable for the Young Lady, I can…

— No, it’s okay. Leave us for a moment.

In the room, where only the two of them were left.

Luna gently brushed Kyle’s bangs aside.

Kyle looked beautiful as he slept.

A memory flashed through Luna’s mind of the Kyle who wanted to be with her.

I’m sorry.

I wasn’t in my right mind.

A breeze of guilt swept through a corner of Luna’s heart.

Carefully, Luna opened Kyle’s lips and administered the Elixir.

The next day, she received a report from the servant that Kyle had risen from his sickbed.

From that day on, Luna gradually reduced the torment she inflicted on Kyle.

At the same time, she pondered.

What could be a way to safely extract Kyle from this mansion?

The solution was not as far away as she had thought.

— Who is this woman?

— Isabel Eustia. She’s the daughter of Count Justia.

— Hmm, the conditions seem quite acceptable.

A strategic marriage.

Only marriage could be the sole means for Kyle to escape from this mansion.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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