
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 83 - Academy's Representative Team Complete (4)

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


Chapter 83 - Academy's Representative Team Complete (4)

The first round of evaluations was over.

As expected, Knightley came in first place.

Surprisingly, Hindrasta performed well, securing second place.

Her weak score in the intelligence field was offset by a perfect score in the physical ability test.

Merilda scored high in the theoretical section, but, as expected, her performance in physical evaluations was somewhat lacking.

Still, she wasn’t completely uncoordinated or out of shape, managing to avoid the lowest scores.

Physical abilities can be improved to a basic level, and I already have plans for that, so it won’t be a major obstacle.

With this, I’m confident that the team I envisioned—Knightley, Hindrasta, and Merilda—can effectively handle assassination, infiltration, and intelligence.

Good, it’s coming together.

I immediately called the students together. The location was a cafe in the commercial district.

I ordered a whole whipped cream cake, my favorite, and waited for them to arrive.

Knightley was the first to show up.

She had never been late for a meeting before.


Knightley sneered at the whipped cream cake on the table.

"So, you’ve given up on eating secretly?"

"How did you know I was eating secretly?"

"I know you always tell me to leave first and then take it out from the cupboard."

"Haha, you got me. Have a seat."

Knightley sat down, crossing her legs and folding her arms.

"I heard there’s a new special student? What’s that about?"

"What do you mean? You already know everything."

"A top graduate from a public academy, a deputy village administrator in Tatanok, personally recruited by the headmaster. What kind of weird combination is that?"

"A Duke’s daughter from a powerful imperial family, fleeing an arranged marriage to the Special Mission Academy, acting all arrogant in front of the Head Combat Professor."

Knightley's face turned red at the jab.

"Anyway, what’s the deal with her?"

"She’s a special student, like you said. That’s all there is to it. She’s got the skills, so we brought her in. And she’s older than you."

"Older or not, we’re in the same grade, so what does it matter? So why did you call me here?"

"It’s about the upcoming competition. I’m planning to pre-select the academy’s representative team."

At this, Knightley uncrossed her legs and straightened her posture.

"Representative team?"

"If my prediction is correct, the Imperial Security Office will likely hold the competition for all the academies in the Empire. What do you think that means?"

"Each academy won’t submit all hopefuls; they’ll select representative candidates or teams. So am I going to be part of the representative team?"

Knightley, unable to maintain her usual cold and haughty expression, asked in an excited tone.

I knew it. She pretends to be so mature, but she’s still just a kid.

"Well, that depends on how you perform."

"I’m the top scorer in the internal evaluation for the competition. What more is there to say?"

"It’s not just about you."

Knightley’s expression changed at that.

"Who else is a candidate?"

"Here comes one now."

I pointed to Hindrasta, who was approaching with a scowl.

Knightley’s face instantly twisted in displeasure.

"That pinkhead? She’s a total idiot!"

"She may be rough around the edges, but she’s strong. You’ll work well together."

"I don’t want to do anything with her. She’s reckless and ignorant, like a typical mercenary."

"At least she can communicate in the common language. Hurry up, stop dawdling!"

I shouted, and Hindrasta grumbled but quickened her pace.

"Why did you call me here after work?"

Hindrasta spoke in somewhat awkward formal language. I had drilled into her the importance of using formal speech in front of others.

"Sit down."

"Oh, cake! Ouch!"

She reached out for the cake with a grin, but I slapped her hand, causing Knightley to snicker in disbelief.

"Did you grow up in a jungle with monkeys? Even if you were a mercenary, don’t you know how to use utensils? And how dare you try to eat before the professor?"

But Hindrasta didn’t seem to hear a word Knightley said. Instead, she asked me.

"So why did you call me? Just to eat cake? If so, that’s great."

"Pinkhead. I’m talking to you!"

"Why don’t we eat first? I’ve been craving something sweet."

Ignoring Knightley’s scolding, Hindrasta continued speaking only to me.

Other professors had mentioned that Hindrasta only communicated with other students when necessary, and seeing it in person, it was something else.

As expected of a dragon. She views humans as nothing more than insects, fitting for a race that considers itself supreme.

But considering you’ll be on the same team, that attitude won’t do.

"Hey, Sophia. Why don’t you introduce yourself to Knightley?"

"Who? Knightley?"

Hindrasta blinked in genuine confusion. She didn’t even know her name.

When I pointed at Knightley, Hindrasta finally turned her gaze toward her.

"So you’re Knightley?"

"You seriously don’t know who I am?"

"I know your face, but not your name. I don’t care."

"How can you not?"

"Why should I? You’re just another academy student."


Knightley turned away, clearly not wanting to continue the conversation.

Meanwhile, Hindrasta licked her lips, eyeing the whipped cream cake.

"Professor, the cake."

"One more person’s coming. We’ll eat once everyone’s here."

"Someone else? Is it one of the seniors?"

Knightley listed the names of a few top-ranking students.

"No, it’s someone entirely new. They’ll be handling intelligence."

"So it’ll be the three of us forming a team? Honestly, I think that’s not bad."

"When did you change your mind? You were talking about competing solo before."

"Well, if it’s her, it’s fine."

Knightley gestured at Hindrasta with her chin.

"I’m sick of those who try to ride my coattails and scheme behind my back. At least with her, I know she can hold her own. She won’t be a burden."

Knightley is surprisingly rational and pragmatic, much like Ismera, accepting things when they make sense. It’s a relief that she’s not opposing the idea of teaming up with Hindrasta.

At that moment, I saw Merilda approaching.

"Hey, Merilda! Over here!"

"Hello, Professor Dian."

Merilda greeted me politely with her hands clasped together.

Then, she turned to Knightley and smiled warmly.

"Hello, Knightley."


Knightley, caught off guard by Merilda suddenly addressing her by name, stared at her in surprise.

"You know me?"

"How could I not know someone so famous at the academy? You’re the daughter of a Duke and the top student. That’s impressive."

"Uh, yeah..."

Knightley’s ears turned red. Merilda’s compliment had clearly taken her by surprise.

Merilda smiled slightly, then turned her attention to Hindrasta.

"Hello, Sophia."


As expected, Hindrasta, true to her proud and aloof dragon nature, didn’t respond to Merilda’s greeting.

"Don’t bother with her. She’s got no manners. You’re wasting your time."

At Knightley's words, Merilda smiled and bent down to meet Hindrasta’s gaze.

"Hello, Sophia? I’m Merilda, the new special student. It’s nice to meet you."

Merilda offered her hand with a cheerful smile.

"Let’s shake hands."


Hindrasta let out a disbelieving chuckle and looked away.

But Merilda simply reached out, grabbed Hindrasta’s hand, and shook it.

"Nice to meet you, Sophia."

"What are you doing?!"

"Isn’t it polite to return a greeting? And since we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, we should get along."

"Why would I be seeing a lot of you?!"

"Because I was also called here by Professor Dian."

At those words, Knightley’s eyes nearly popped out of her head.

"Professor?! You’re not seriously putting her on the team, are you? She’s from a public academy!"

As Knightley reacted in shock, Merilda smiled and said.

"Even at a public academy, I learned everything I needed to, Knightley. You don’t need to worry so much."

"But you didn’t learn how to kill or infiltrate there, did you? You’re not in great shape, either. No matter how much the headmaster recommended you, this is too much..."

"It’s not favoritism. I took the same evaluation as you, which is why Professor Dian called me."

Merilda’s gentle yet firm tone cut off Knightley’s argument.

"Even if I’m not as physically strong as you, I can still play a supporting role."

"So you’re saying you want to handle intelligence? But how will you do that? I got the highest score in the evaluation."

"I heard. You scored 41 points. Unfortunately, I was one point short, so I came in second."


Knightley stammered, momentarily thrown off by the unexpected score difference.

But she quickly recovered.

"Still, I scored higher."

"You’ve had years of training in intelligence, whereas I’m new to it. Considering that, it’s not just a one-point difference."

Merilda’s calm response left Knightley at a loss for words.

It seems Merilda is surprisingly strong-willed.

She managed to assert herself against both Knightley and Hindrasta on their first meeting. Impressive.


"Alright, kids. May I speak now?"

"Yes, Professor."

Merilda sat down demurely.

I looked around at the three students gathered around the table.

A Duke’s daughter who fled an arranged marriage and became the academy’s top student.

A dragon who caused trouble and was exiled for a thousand years.

A seasoned recruit who has been waiting for a hero for ten years.

What a strange combination of stories.

These are the students who will form the representative team for our Imperial Special Mission Academy.



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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