
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 28 - External Special Student Selection Exam (1)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 28 – External Special Student Selection Exam (1)

“Headmaster! Headmaster! There’s a commotion!”

The academy’s administrative director burst into the headmaster’s office with urgency.

“The Head Combat Professor has… huh?”

The desk in the headmaster’s office, piled high with documents, was empty.

Strange. The headmaster, who should be here with a weary head buried in paperwork, was nowhere to be seen. And this urgent report couldn’t wait!

“Has anyone seen the headmaster?”

But the administrative staff all shook their heads, clueless. Could she be out inspecting the classes? It’s lunchtime right now.

Leaving the main building, the administrative director ran towards the lecture halls behind it.

“Have you seen the headmaster?”

Grabbing a passing professor, he inquired, but the professor hadn’t seen her. Strange?!

Even after checking the entire lecture hall, the headmaster was nowhere to be found.

Could she be at the outdoor training grounds of the Combat Department?

“Director? What are you doing here?”

Pondering which of the numerous training grounds to search first, Combat Department Professor Lina passed by, holding a bag of cafe desserts.

“I have urgent news for the headmaster, but I can’t find her.”

“Oh, the headmaster? Check the cafe. She’s there.”

“The cafe? Thank you!”

Rushing past Lina, the administrative director headed quickly to the dessert cafe in the commercial district.

Being lunchtime, the cafe’s entrance was bustling with students.

Amidst the crowd, he spotted Headmaster Kirrin, engrossed in a large strawberry cream cake.

“Headmaster! What are you doing?!”

At his shout, Headmaster Kirrin’s ears perked up like a rabbit’s, and her eyes widened.

“Wha… what?”

“This is no time for leisurely eating cake!”

“Then what should I be doing during lunch?”

“The Head Combat Professor has brought horses!”


Kirrin dropped her fork and sprang up, following the administrative director in a rush.

They headed to the stables adjacent to the academy’s combat riding training grounds.

In front of the stable, horses were emerging in a line from a large dimensional portal.

“Carefully…! Don’t startle them, one at a time this way…”

Under the supervision of Combat Riding Professor Anna, the Combat Department instructors were leading the horses into the stables.

“Headmaster, over here.”

Dian, who had been overseeing everything with folded arms, greeted Kirrin.

“What is all this…?”

“Have you never seen a horse before?”

Despite Dian’s joke, Kirrin wasn’t in the mood to laugh. What she saw before her eyes was unbelievable.

When Dian first raised the issue of needing combat horses, Kirrin suggested getting retired combat horses from the Imperial Army.

Trained retired combat horses would be good for students to learn on, save budget, and require less taming effort.

But Dian argued against it, saying it wasn’t a good idea.

In a fully equipped cavalry unit, perhaps, but field agents face all sorts of situations.

Riding well is important, but so is securing a mount. Hence, teaching everything about horses from stealing to butchering was crucial.

Thus, Dian decided to purchase only a few retired combat horses and fill the rest of the need with wild horses.

Students unfamiliar with riding would start with ponies and retired combat horses, while more advanced students would learn to ride wild horses.

Dian’s claim was that if they could ride wild horses, they could secure any horse anywhere.

He boasted that he would bring quality wild horses within a few days, leaving many questions about how he would do it and tame them.

“Where did you get these…?”

“These are wild horses from the Brun Plateau. Knightley tamed the leader horse.”

“Knightley…? An academy student who hasn’t even graduated yet tamed a wild horse…?”

It was hard to believe, but seeing the horses coming in made it undeniable.

“Is that true, Professor Orendi?”

“Would I lie, Headmaster?”

Orendi exclaimed with excitement.

“Knightley leaped onto the leader horse’s back with a teleportation spell and used a rope to exhaust it!”

“She did that alone…?”

“Professor Dian was riding alongside, encouraging her and catching her a few times when she almost fell.”

“Still, it’s impressive, Student Knightley.”

Kirrin sighed deeply, almost as if she would sink through the ground.

That man put a Duke’s daughter on a wild horse…? If she fell, she’d be severely injured at best!

The Duke came storming into the academy just because she got hit with a wooden sword. If he found out she nearly died…

But Kirrin couldn’t bring herself to reprimand Dian harshly, as she had done at the general combat training ground before.

Dian’s accomplishments had solidified his position within the academy to an unshakeable degree.

To better understand the impressive feats of Dian, who ‘arrived’ with the backing of the imperial recommendation letter, let’s recap his notable achievements so far:

1. Revamped the Combat Department, which Kirrin had neglected, shifting its focus to practical training.
2. Turned the hostile Duke Toulouse into a staunch ally upon their first meeting.
3. Secured a revered Oracle Priestess from the Church in just half a day, a feat previously deemed impossible.
4. Successfully established a commercial district with the enthusiastic support of the Imperial Palace, a project that had been ignored out of fear of disfavor from the Imperial Palace.
5. Acquired thirty well-behaved wild horses without spending a single copper coin.

Dian had single-handedly accomplished tasks that would typically require the full effort of the entire academy.

Therefore, Kirrin, as the ‘mere’ headmaster, was in no position to dictate terms to Dian.

Moreover, Kirrin’s personal feelings towards Dian played a significant role.

Since the moment Duke Toulouse left the academy with a hearty laugh, Kirrin had increasingly relied on Dian.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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She believed that the human named Dian could save her, preventing her from being dismissed and sent back to her clan’s forest—a future she dreaded.

This reliance had grown through a series of events, leading Kirrin to contemplate stepping down as headmaster and becoming a subject professor instead.

Such a move would be beneficial for all parties involved: the Imperial Palace would welcome a competent headmaster in Dian, Kirrin would remain at the academy rather than returning to her clan’s forest, thus avoiding disappointing her father, and Dian would ascend to a higher position.

Although she was uncertain how her father would react to her demotion from headmaster to professor, she hoped that explaining the necessity of appointing a highly capable individual like Dian would suffice.

Kirrin had even considered a ‘safety measure’ to ensure this transition.

“Headmaster? Did you just come from eating?”


“What are you walking around with something on your mouth?”

Suddenly, Dian reached out and touched Kirrin’s mouth.

“What’s this, cream?”

It was the cream from the cake Kirrin had been voraciously eating at the dessert cafe.

“Your dark complexion makes the white cream really stand out.”

Dian giggled, licking the cream off his finger.

“Mmm, delicious. This is from the dessert cafe in the commercial district, right? The cake there is really good… Headmaster!”

Kirrin swayed and almost collapsed, but Dian quickly caught her.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s because of you… Oh?!”

In her daze, Kirrin realized she had made a slip and clamped her mouth shut, almost biting her tongue.

“Hmm, Headmaster.”

Dian narrowed his eyes suspiciously and spoke in a meaningful tone.


Kirrin’s heart pounded and her ears twitched, fearing Dian might seize on her mistake.

His breath was close enough to feel, and being found out here, in front of other professors and instructors, would be disastrous.

“How much cake did you eat?”

“Excuse me?”

But what came out of Dian’s mouth was a completely different story.

“What are you talking about…?”

“How much cake did you eat by yourself? You didn’t finish the whole thing, did you?”

“N-no, only about half…”

“That’s the problem.”

Dian smiled and gently tapped Kirrin’s nose with his finger.

“By eating that much sweet stuff at once, your blood sugar spiked, causing you to feel dizzy and sleepy.”

“What’s blood sugar…?”

“It’s like sugar mixed in your blood. Eating a lot of sweets makes its concentration rise temporarily.”

“I don’t quite understand, but I’ll keep that in mind…”

“Now, try to stand up on your own.”

Only then did Kirrin realize she was still leaning against Dian’s arm.

“Head Professor!”

Just then, Professor Lina came running over with a bag full of desserts.

“I brought snacks! Please have some!”

Infiltration Professor Lina, true to her role, sped over at lightning speed, latching onto Dian’s arm and sending Kirrin stumbling to the side.

“Look at this. I got slices of cake, financiers, madeleines, and even coffee…”

“Oh? Snacks!”

Seeing the bag of treats, Professor Orendi rushed over with a delighted expression.

“Professor Anna! Hurry over! Professor Lina brought snacks!”

“Wow, these look delicious. Let’s take a break and enjoy!”

As the scene erupted into a bustling dessert party, Kirrin stood aside, watching Dian enjoy the moment.

Indeed, Dian seemed more fitting for the headmaster’s role. She needed to step down as soon as possible.

But… would the Second Princess accept her proposal to step down gracefully?

Due to her past resentment, wouldn’t the Princess just use the opportunity to discard her immediately…?

Kirrin needed a ‘second safety measure.’

She had been cautious, avoiding risks due to the fear of being dismissed. But now, with Dian backing her, she felt more secure.

Even while she still had the authority of the headmaster, it wasn’t too late to build her achievements.

If she could elevate her value, the Second Princess wouldn’t simply discard her, seeing her as a worthy professor.

Dian had promised to protect her and had kept that promise so far. He would likely continue to be a strong ally as she pursued her goals.

Now was the right time. She couldn’t miss this opportunity.

Alright, Kirrin!!

Trust in Dian and make bold moves!!

[Note: See pinned comment for Chapter 28 Illustration.]



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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