
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 77 - New Special Student (7)

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


Chapter 77 - New Special Student (7)

After the academy leadership meeting, I separately convened the Combat Department.

This was to inform them about the upcoming competition and prepare accordingly.

“The Imperial Security Office is hosting a competition? And it’s going to be based on active agent evaluations?”

Naturally, the professors were astonished.

The Security Office had never disclosed such evaluations to outsiders before.

Although the difficulty and other factors would be adjusted for the academy students, the basis would still be the confidential evaluations for active agents.

For the professors, this was a surprising development, especially since Headmaster Kirrin had personally secured this from the Second Princess.

“Headmaster Kirrin is really something.”

“Indeed. To face the Second Princess without flinching…”

“She’s a completely different person now.”

“It’s all thanks to our Head Professor...”

At this last comment from Lina, the professors turned to look at her.

Their gazes seemed to ask what she was talking about. However, Lina continued to look at me with shining eyes, unbothered.

“Isn’t it true? Before Head Professor arrived, Headmaster Kirrin wasn’t willing to do anything. All the external activities, including practical exercises and battlefield tours, started after he arrived.”

“Hmm, that’s true.”

The professors nodded in agreement, as Lina's statement wasn't incorrect.

“Alright. Let’s begin. The competition is expected to take place in about two months. That gives us a time frame of one to one and a half months, or at most, two months.”

Here’s my plan for preparing for the competition:

First, the entire graduating class will be evaluated without exception, with detailed scoring for each category.

The categories are mainly three: infiltration, assassination, and intelligence.

A typical special forces unit operates with these three functions, although the composition varies slightly with the number of personnel.

After these evaluations, the students who score well in each category will form teams and undergo training, which is the second phase.

This way, we can be prepared to compete whether the competition is among various academies or just our own.

Moreover, this thorough evaluation will help identify the graduating class’s weaknesses, allowing us to focus on improving those areas in the second semester.

This competition serves as a great opportunity to evaluate the overall performance, assess the graduating class, and revamp the curriculum all at once.

“But don’t we need the evaluation forms from the Security Office to start preparing?”

“Waiting for that would be too tight. We’ll create our own preliminary evaluation forms and prepare the students. Once the official forms arrive, we can incorporate any additional elements.”

The Security Office won’t impose unreasonable standards on academy students. They will likely create conditions similar to typical special forces missions.

Given that, our Combat Department professors should be able to predict the necessary conditions.

“The Head Professor is absolutely right. But as someone who knows nothing about special forces, I can’t quite grasp it.”

“Don’t worry too much. Lina and I will draft the preliminary evaluation forms. The rest of you can prepare the training grounds and materials accordingly.”

With Lina’s field experience from special forces, the two of us should easily create the preliminary forms.

Although Kirrin is the assassination and abduction professor , she has no real combat experience and wouldn’t be of much help.

“Sounds great!”

Lina jumped with joy at my words, her enthusiasm palpable.

There’s one issue, though. For the intelligence category, we’ll need Professor Ismera’s cooperation.

The Theoretical Department has courses on code-breaking and signal detection for intelligence gathering.

Hopefully, that elf doesn’t start foaming at the mouth like a Chihuahua again.

# # # # #

“You’re here to see the Head Professor?”

The administrative assistant in the Theoretical Department looked slightly troubled.

“Is there a problem?”

“Not exactly...”

Hesitating, the assistant asked me to wait before running inside.

“You may go in now.”

Shortly after, the assistant returned and ushered me in.

“Professor Ismera.”

A voice from inside invited me in after I knocked on the office door.

Opening the door, I was taken aback.

Professor Ismera was sitting at the desk, but her eyes were bloodshot, and her face looked gaunt and unwell.

“Are you alright? Are you feeling sick?”

“What’s your business here?”

Her voice was colder than ever, short and curt.

“It’s about the competition. We need the Theoretical Department’s cooperation.”

Without an invitation to sit, I explained the situation while standing.

Professor Ismera offered no opinions, merely turning her gaze to the window.

“We’ll discuss internally and support you.”

“Thank you. Please provide an answer by the day after tomorrow. If support isn’t possible, we need to make alternative plans.”

That was it. Ismera didn’t seem to want to talk further.

“I’ll be off then. Take care.”

With no response, I gave a slight bow and left the office.

# # # # #

“Hyaang, I’m so happy.”

Lina looked around the Head Professor’s office with a dreamy expression.

“Just thinking about working late with the Head Professor makes me excited.”

Lina had a backpack almost as big as herself.

“Did you move in?”

“More or less. I need to be well-prepared to stay here and work.”

“What do you mean? You’ll be done by pulling an all-nighter.”

“Will it really be that quick? But this is important work.”

“Importance doesn’t necessarily correlate with the time and effort spent.”

“Oh, I see...”

Disappointment was evident on Lina’s face, but she suddenly brightened up.

“But I can still take a nap if I get tired!”

“Alright, alright. Unpack your things over there and let’s get started.”

“Haa, Head Professor, I’m so excited I could burst...”

Like a puppy wagging its tail, Lina looked up at me with sparkling eyes. I pushed her forehead with my finger.

“Let’s get to work.”

“Yes, Head Professor!”

At that moment, a Theoretical Department professor walked in.

“Good evening, Head Combat Professor.”


I wasn’t sure if they would come, but it seemed Professor Ismera sent them after all.

Despite her difficult personality, she was a rational woman.

“Huh? What’s going on?”

Seeing Lina’s confusion, I explained the situation.

We decided to get support from the Theoretical Department for the intelligence category.

“So… we’re working with three people?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

A shadow quickly fell over Lina’s face.

# # # # #



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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When Professor Dian chose her, Lina was overjoyed.

Already smitten with him due to a series of events, the chance to work late together in his office was an unexpected opportunity.

Rushing to the dormitory, Lina began packing her things.

Snacks for when she gets hungry, reference books, teaching materials, and a sleeping bag since they would likely be working through the night.

And just in case something special happened, she even packed her most cherished and risqué underwear.

Who knew? Better to be prepared.

But when she arrived, Dian said they could finish in one night. That wasn’t what she expected…

But that’s okay. They won’t be working all the time, right?

There would be breaks for naps, washing up, and who knows what else could happen!

However, it was all just a fantasy.

“Good evening, Head Combat Professor.”

“Ah, welcome.”

Lina, humming happily while unpacking, saw a Theoretical Department professor walk in.

It turned out they were there to help with the intelligence category.

“So… we’re working with three people?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

This is terrible… my plans, my underwear…

And to make matters worse, Dian works incredibly fast.

Unfurling several sheets of blank paper, Dian began writing evaluation elements without hesitation.

He distributed them to Lina and the intelligence professor, instructing them to review and revise.

As Lina and the intelligence professor checked the infiltration and intelligence elements, Dian reviewed them again.

After several rounds of review and revision, they were done.

Honestly, everything Dian initially scribbled included almost everything necessary, so there wasn’t much to add or remove.

“Lina. Go get the administrative director.”

When the administrative director arrived, Dian asked if the academy had the resources to evaluate all the listed elements.

The director reviewed the list and confirmed that most could be done, with any gaps to be filled by cooperating with other academies or nearby units.

“Good. The preliminary draft is complete!”

Dian then called a meeting with the Combat Department professors to review the draft.

“This looks good.”

“Excellent work! Nothing is missing!”

“I agree. We should send this to the Security Office as a reference.”

“With everyone’s approval, the draft is finalized!”

With the professors' positive feedback, Dian took the draft to the headmaster’s office.

“Hey, assistant! Tell Professor Ismera to come to the headmaster’s office regarding the competition’s preliminary evaluation draft!”

“Yes, Head Professor!”

Looking out the window, the sun was just beginning to set, around the usual quitting time.

What’s this…? I was so excited, but it was just a normal day’s work…?

Ugh, my underwear!

Still… Professor Dian is amazing…

How can he finish everything so neatly before the day ends…?

I really like him…

“Snap out of it, Lina. You’re drooling.”

When Felimia shook her shoulder, Lina hurriedly wiped her mouth with her sleeve.

She was indeed drooling, lost in thought.

“What were you thinking about to look so silly?”

“I was just disappointed I couldn’t show Professor Dian...”

“Show him what? What is it?”

“It’s nothing...”



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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