
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 91 - The Tower of Illusions (1)

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


Chapter 91 - The Tower of Illusions (1)

"It's true. I know Kaiden."

"That’s impossible! I believe almost anything you say, Head Professor, even that wine is made from grapes. But this is completely different!"

"Of course wine is made from grapes. And why would I wake you up in the middle of the night just to lie?"

"Hmph, well, that’s true…"

Orendi scratched his head.

"So, are you really going to see him now? Are you sure it’s okay?"

"It’s fine. With the competition right around the corner, I need to meet with him as soon as possible."

"Well, if that’s the case, let’s go. Who knows, maybe I’ll get lucky and get to have a conversation with the great magic prodigy myself."

Wait, what? Kaiden has this much prestige among mages?

I knew he had talent, but I didn’t realize he was a historical legend and that speaking with him was considered an honor.

"But is Merilda coming too?"

"I was thinking of bringing her along. Is that a problem?"

"Well… considering her current attire, it might be a bit inappropriate."

Merilda was wearing pajamas with only a light cardigan on top. It was definitely not suitable for a visit to the Tower of Illusions, the equivalent of a graduate school for mages.

"Let’s get changed first."

# # # # #

Orendi, Dian, and the others quickly returned to the house via teleportation.

As Merilda rustled around, changing clothes, the noise woke up Knightley.

"Where are you going?"

"Mm, I’m going to the Tower of Illusions with the professor for a bit."

"What? The Tower of Illusions?"

At those words, Knightley sprang out of bed like a coil.

"I’m coming too!"

"You want to come?"

"Would you pass up a chance to visit the Tower of Illusions?"

"Well, no, but you’ll need the professor’s permission…"

"It’s fine, it’s fine. The portal doesn’t have a limit on the number of people."

With that, Knightley quickly threw off her clothes, and the commotion woke up Hindrasta, who rubbed her eyes.

"Is there a war?"

"Merilda and I are going to the Tower of Illusions. You can go back to sleep."

"The Tower of Illusions? What kind of nonsense is that in the middle of the night?"

Merilda explained the situation, and after thinking it over for a moment, Hindrasta got up as well.

"I’m coming too."


"I’ve got business with a mage."

# # # # #

As Orendi and I waited outside, the kids came bustling out.

Even Olysia, looking disheveled, joined them.

"Why are all of you going to the Tower of Illusions at this hour…?"

"There’s something we need to do. But what about you guys?"

"We’re coming along too. Good evening, Professor Orendi."

"Good evening."

Knightley and Hindrasta greeted Orendi with a polite bow.

They’re all coming along?

Well, I guess there’s no harm in it. The Tower of Illusions isn’t an easy place to visit, so this could be a good opportunity to broaden their horizons and give them valuable experience.

"Alright, let’s all go."

"I’ll open the portal now."


As Orendi conjured the dimensional portal, Merilda let out an exclamation of awe. Knightley’s eyes were wide with amazement as well.

Only Hindrasta seemed unimpressed, her expression bored.

"Take care, Olysia."

I waved to Olysia before stepping through the portal.

# # # # #

"Is this the right place?"

As soon as we emerged from the portal, Merilda asked the question.

"What is this place?"

Knightley looked around in confusion.

We were standing at the top of a gentle hill.

Below us stretched a forest that carpeted the land all the way to the horizon.

The sky was filled with a strange mixture of purple and green auroras, twisting and turning, while shooting stars fell constantly.

"Professor, are we in the wrong place?"

Hindrasta asked, to which Orendi scratched his head.

"No, this is right. The coordinates are correct."

"Let’s head down."

With Hindrasta leading the way, we descended the hill.


Suddenly, Merilda let out a sharp breath, trembling.

"What’s wrong?"

"P-Pr-Professor! What in the world are you wearing?!"

Merilda pointed towards the edge of the forest, where darkness hung like a thick curtain, blocking the view ahead. She was breathing heavily, not looking at me, but at the forest.

"I can’t believe it… How could someone as noble as you wear something so…"

Merilda muttered, still staring into the forest as she clutched her chest.

"You must be trying to make up for what happened earlier… Professor, I’m so touched."

Without warning, Merilda started unbuttoning her uniform, one button at a time.

"The ten years I’ve waited... I knew this day would come when I could finally prove that waiting for my beloved warrior was not in vain…"


"I didn’t see anything, Head Professor!"

Just as Merilda was about to rip her shirt open, Knightley and Hindrasta rushed over and stopped her.

Orendi squeezed his eyes shut and turned away, while I focused on the forest instead of looking at Merilda.

There was nothing there.

"Wait… what the…?"

Now it was Knightley’s turn to tilt her head in confusion as she glanced towards the forest.

"Professor...? What are you doing there?"

Now it’s Knightley’s turn?

"Why are you standing there naked…? What did you say?"

Knightley’s amber eyes widened.

"You’re saying we’re no longer just professor and student...? You want to give me special personal lessons, something totally different…?"

Knightley hesitated for a moment, then her expression melted into a dreamy smile as she swayed.

"Yes, Professor… That’s what I’ve always wanted. Please teach me... not combat... but... something else…"

"Hindrasta, grab her!"

Hindrasta quickly tackled Knightley and dragged her back as she tried to run into the forest.

"What’s wrong with them? What did they see to lose their minds like this?"

"It’s an illusion spell."

"Illusion spell? I don’t see anything."

"That’s because you’re a dragon and immune to magic. Look at Orendi."

Orendi was flailing wildly, swinging his arms in every direction.

"No, stop! We can’t do this! We’ll get in big trouble!"

I wonder what he’s seeing.

"You mentioned the Tower of Illusions, right? Is the forest covered in illusion magic, and that’s why everyone is enchanted?"

"Possibly. Even this scenery might be an illusion."

"Hooh, this illusion magic is fascinating. But what are they seeing?"

"Probably their deepest desires."


Hindrasta shuddered as she watched Knightley and Merilda, who were still crying out for me, clearly caught up in their fantasies.

"Hey, Dian. Why aren’t you affected?"

"I’m not an ordinary human. Do you think I’d fall for something like this?"

At that moment, someone emerged from the forest. Was it Kaiden?

"Hey, you! Cut the magic— Huh?"

But it wasn’t Kaiden.

It was...

"Professor Ismera?"

It was Professor Ismera, the elf, walking toward me gracefully.

But why wasn’t she wearing any clothes?

Ismera stopped in front of me and spoke.

"Professor Dian."

"What are you doing here? And why are you naked?"

"I was waiting for you."

"Why are you not wearing any clothes?"

"Clothes are just a bothersome barrier between us."

With that, Ismera raised her hand and gently stroked my cheek.

"I’ve always admired you."

"You don’t hate me?"

"That was just an act to hide my true feelings. Outwardly, I would say harsh words to you, but inside, I always wondered how warm it would feel to be in your arms."

Ismera smiled warmly, an expression that could melt anyone’s heart, as she pressed herself against me.

I could feel her soft chest squish against me vividly.

"Professor, let’s become one."

"This is troublesome. There are students and Professor Orendi here."

"It doesn’t matter. Let everyone see. In fact, I’d prefer it. I want to announce to the world that I’ve become yours and that I belong only to you."

"Haha, you crazy bastard."

I laughed softly and flicked her forehead.

"Know your limits."

Ismera looked confused, not understanding my words, so I smiled.

"A pureblood elf wouldn’t say such vulgar things. If you’re going to do something like this, at least do your research properly."

"The dark elf hasn’t even shown up yet."

Now I noticed, behind a tree, a dark-skinned Kirrin was nervously watching me, only her upper body visible.

Seeing that, I chuckled and flicked my thumb and middle finger sharply.

"Enough with the games."

As my fingers snapped, Ismera’s illusion crumbled into a shower of glittering sand.

Though it was only an illusion, I had to admit that the sight of a naked Ismera had been quite something. A shame, really.

"Professor? Where did you go?"

"No! I was so close!!"


The moment the illusion dissipated, Knightley and Merilda screamed in frustration, and Orendi collapsed onto the ground with a panicked shout.

Only Hindrasta stood, arms crossed, looking at the humans with disgust.

"These insane humans… What kind of filthy, disgusting fantasies do you live in every day?"

As the illusion magic was dispelled, the forest quickly receded, and the fantastic auroras in the sky disappeared.

What remained before us was a small, dilapidated cabin.

It was leaning at about a 40-degree angle, its pillars rotting and crumbling.

Half of the roof had caved in, and the structure was so covered in moss and vines that at a glance, it looked like a pile of rocks.

A single person stood in front of it.

He had neatly trimmed black hair and pale skin, with eyes that were almost fox-like in their slits. He was dressed in a black robe.

"It’s been a long time, Dian."

Kaiden greeted me with a smile.



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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