
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 30 - External Special Student Selection Exam (3)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 30 – External Special Student Selection Exam (3)


Opening the door, Kirrin was so startled that she took a step back and tried to close the door again.

“You asked to come in.”


At the Second Princess’s command, Kirrin was utterly frozen, unable to move a muscle.

The Second Princess was in the middle of dressing by the window—a highly inappropriate time for receiving reports.

However, Kirrin’s hesitation wasn’t solely due to the timing.

The Princess’s bare back was covered in horrific burn scars.

Having lived only in the secluded forest of her clan until the end of the war, Kirrin could barely bring herself to look directly at such a sight.

“I apologize. I thought I had enough time before you arrived.”

“N-no, it’s fine… I’m sorry…”

“It’s alright. Don’t just stand there; come in. Unless my appearance is too hideous for you to bear.”

Backing out now would imply that Kirrin found the Princess’s scars grotesque.

Reluctantly, Kirrin stepped inside, closed the door, and stood awkwardly.

By this time, the Princess had put on her shirt and was slowly buttoning it up as she turned around.

With a scar covering half of the left side of her face, Kirrin’s gaze met the Princess’s, and she instinctively looked down.

This time, it wasn’t because of the scars. The Second Princess, even with her scars, had an elegance and beauty that couldn’t be hidden.

However, Kirrin lacked the courage to meet her gaze directly.

This woman had proven her abilities by crossing countless battle lines and achieving great feats during the Four-Year War.

She was the extreme opposite of Kirrin, who had become headmaster through her father’s connections.

“What is that?”

The Princess, having buttoned her shirt, was now looking at the clipboard in Kirrin’s hands as she donned her medal-adorned uniform.

“This… this is… the current status report…”

“Really? I wasn’t expecting a report. Well, alright.”

The Princess sat down, crossing her legs with a smile.

“Since you’ve prepared it, let’s hear it. Come closer.”

Kirrin hesitantly stepped closer as the Princess beckoned with a finger.

The Princess looked up at Kirrin, who was trembling slightly, and chuckled softly.

“Why are you so nervous?”

“I’m sorry…”


Kirrin, with shaking hands, laid the clipboard on the desk in front of the Princess and began her report.

“I will begin…”

The report outlined the new initiatives Kirrin planned for the academy this year.

It included the selection of external special students to be implemented at the beginning of the year, public competitions and internal evaluations for graduating students, and pre-interviews and presentations for potential employers.

Grandiose plans, but in simple terms, ‘I’m going to work hard, so please see me in a good light.’

The Second Princess, fully aware of Kirrin’s true intentions, simply smiled silently and listened until the report was finished.

The Princess was several years older than Kirrin and held a significantly higher rank. Although she might dislike the political circumstances that led to Kirrin’s appointment as headmaster, she didn’t dislike Kirrin personally.

Hence, the Princess found Kirrin’s earnest attempts to assert herself rather endearing.

“All sounds good. Proceed as you reported.”

The Princess didn’t hesitate to speak once Kirrin finished.

“You truly excel at creating reports. I wish our security office staff were half as proficient.”

“Huh?! Th-thank you… Ow!”

Startled by the unexpected compliment, Kirrin bowed deeply and banged her forehead on the desk.

It was behavior unimaginable for a Dark Elf, but Kirrin was like a reed in a storm in front of the Princess.

“But there is something I’m curious about.”

“Please, go ahead…”

“For some time, despite my orders and warnings, you have neglected the Combat Department courses, focusing only on holding your position.”

The Princess’s direct remark left Kirrin speechless, her mouth opening and closing without sound.

“But now, it seems you are determined to make a fresh start, judging by today’s report. What prompted this sudden change?”

“Ah, that is…”

Kirrin hesitated, unsure of what to say.

She couldn’t mention Dian. She couldn’t say she was taking bold actions because she believed Dian would support and protect her if problems arose.

Seeing Kirrin’s hesitation, the Princess propped her chin on her hand and asked

“Is it because of the new Head Combat Professor?”

“Ehh…?! No, it’s not!”

Kirrin’s eyes widened, and she shook her head vehemently, which made the Princess laugh out loud.

“Let’s say it’s not.”

“It really isn’t, Your Highness…”

“Very well, I understand.”

Watching Kirrin lower her head, the Princess asked.

“By the way, how is Professor Dian doing?”

“The Head Combat Professor is… extremely busy these days. Just yesterday, he captured wild horses from the Brun Plateau.”

Kirrin told the Princess about Dian’s outrageous plan to capture over thirty wild horses.

“That’s not all. Recently, the new commercial district was almost entirely initiated and driven by the Head Combat Professor. Because of this, both students and staff are really fond of him.”

“Including you, I suppose.”

“That’s not the case.”

At Kirrin’s firm denial, the Second Princess smiled gently.

“Very well, Kirrin. I’ve heard your report. Go back and do your best in your duties.”

“Understood, Your Highness. However, I came because you summoned me…”

“My business with you is already concluded.”


“You may leave now.”


Kirrin, still somewhat confused, turned and left the office, as the Princess had ordered her to leave twice.

Watching the closed door, the Princess let out another chuckle.

The real reason she had summoned Kirrin was to observe the changes in her behavior since Dian became a professor.

Had Kirrin shown no improvement, the Princess was prepared to replace her, even if it meant opposing the Emperor, with either Dian or Linus as the new headmaster.

The primary employers of the graduating students from the Special Mission Academy, such as the Security Office and its subordinate organizations led by the Second Princess, required the students to be highly trained even before their additional training. The academy needed to maintain a high standard.

Thus, the Princess had summoned Kirrin. Observing her, the Princess decided to postpone her initial plan. Kirrin was different now, likely due to Dian’s influence.

Nothing else at the academy could have caused such a dramatic change.

After all, Dian was a friend of Sir Linus.

For now, the Princess decided to leave Kirrin alone.

# # # # # #



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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“Yes! Yes! Yes!”

Inside the carriage returning to the academy, Kirrin let out a joyous scream.

Despite her nerves, she had managed to deliver her report well, and for the first time, the Princess had complimented her.

This was all thanks to Dian.

Dian had changed the atmosphere of the academy, given her support and courage, leading to this moment.

Truly, Dian is… ah….

As Kirrin sat there, giggling to herself and cupping her cheeks, the carriage passed through the academy gates and stopped in front of the main building.

“Oh? You’re back already?”

As she opened the carriage door, Dian, who was passing by, stopped and greeted her.


Seeing his face, Kirrin felt a surge of joy and affection, and she impulsively threw herself into his arms.



Despite being a half-elf, Kirrin’s Dark Elf heritage gave her a sharp, swift leap.

“Dian! Thank you so much! You’re all I have!”

“What are you doing?! There are so many people watching!”

As Kirrin buried her face in his chest, Dian, panicking, pushed her away.

Only then did Kirrin realize she had acted impulsively, and that the Combat Department professors were standing behind Dian, witnessing everything.


Embarrassed by the public display, Kirrin stumbled back and bumped into the carriage.

The Combat Department professors looked on, each with their own expressions, but all in silent judgment.

Some were speechless, some didn’t want to comment, and others were just too stunned to speak.

“The Dark Elf headmaster indirectly suggested to the Head Professor that they should breed.”

Breaking through the extremely cold silence, the Orc Professor Brogg opened his mouth.

“Shut up, Brogg.”

Professor Morton said in a low voice, but Brogg seemed ready to retort.

“Haha!! How lovely and harmonious you all seem!”

Then, Survival Professor Weaver laughed loudly, slapping the shoulders of Orendi and Felimia standing beside him.

“How nice it is to see this! Right? Now, let’s be on our way! Hurry up!”

As the professors moved away, Dian scratched his head, looking embarrassed.

“Headmaster, what’s gotten into you? Did the Second Princess scold you so badly you lost your mind?”

“It’s not that! She praised me!”

Excitedly, Kirrin started recounting her meeting with the Princess, moving closer to Dian.

“And then I told her, ‘I will take responsibility and complete these tasks!’ And she said, ‘Kirrin, you’re the best!’ or something like that…”

Lost in her enthusiastic narration, Kirrin realized she was standing on tiptoe, inches from Dian.

“You decided to hold the special student selection exam? That’s great. I was about to suggest that myself.”

Dian smiled and patted Kirrin’s shoulder.

“It seems like you and I are on the same wavelength, headmaster.”

“O-on the same wavelength…? Not yet!”

Kirrin pushed Dian away and, with one leap, jumped up to the second-floor headmaster’s office terrace, quickly escaping inside.

“Really. What’s gotten into her today?”

Dian muttered, watching the terrace where Kirrin had disappeared, then turned and walked towards the distant Combat Department professors.

And from the corner of the main building, Priestess Maya observed everything.

# # # # # #

A few days later.

All across the Empire, announcements were posted for the Special Mission Academy’s special student selection exam.

[Note: See pinned comment for Chapter 30 illustration.]



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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