
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 76 - New Special Student (6)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 76 – New Special Student (6)

The scenery outside the carriage window changed as they left the capital.

The seemingly endless expanse of the Kalbasar Plains gradually gave way to gentle, lazy hills.

Massive, brilliantly white cumulonimbus clouds, typical of summer, drifted slowly across the bright blue sky.

Kirrin leaned on the window, gazing absentmindedly at the peaceful landscape.

She was on her way to select new special students.

# # # # #

A few days earlier.

Emboldened by Dian’s praise, Kirrin immediately took the next step.

That was to follow Dian’s advice and visit the headmaster of the public academy.

Stepping out of the carriage in front of the academy’s main gate, Kirrin took a moment to look around before heading inside.

Located on the outskirts of the capital, in an area where land was relatively cheap, the public academy resembled an old military outpost.

The large main building and lecture halls stood at the center, with modest structures like a cafeteria, dormitories, and storage buildings clustered around them.

Due to the lack of tuition fees and its operation solely on imperial taxes, it couldn’t be compared to private academies funded by high tuition fees and the donations of affluent parents.

Nevertheless, the academy still functioned as an institution of learning, and graduating from here meant one wouldn’t starve.

In this medieval fantasy world, systematic public education from a young age, as in modern times, did not exist.

Thus, gaining entry into any academy was quite challenging, and the public academy was no exception.

Unlike private academies where money and connections played a significant role, the public academy required pure talent, making it a place where outstanding individuals could be discovered if one looked carefully.

Surely, there were graduates who, due to their background, couldn’t secure good employment.

“Dark Elf…”

As Kirrin walked through the academy, students whispered amongst themselves.

Currently, Kirrin was the only Dark Elf residing in a human city, so she drew attention wherever she went.

Because of this, she rarely left the Special Mission Academy unless absolutely necessary.

Even when invited to the Combat Department gathering last time, she didn’t attend for the same reason.

One could never predict what might happen if a Dark Elf appeared in a tavern full of drunk patrons.

Despite being widely known as the only Dark Elf in civilized society and the Headmaster of the Special Mission Academy, the animosity between the human alliance and the intelligent races that fought against the Demon King’s army ran deep.

“Isn’t that the Dark Elf headmaster from that academy?”

“Looks like it.”

“But why is her skin like that? Is she really a Dark Elf?”

Ignoring the whispers, Kirrin entered the main building.

Knowing the layout, she navigated the corridors and climbed the stairs without hesitation.

The public academy was where she had graduated from, having been forcibly enrolled by her father after the war.

Thus, she reached the headmaster’s office without any trouble.

“Welcome, Kirrin.”

Upon entering, a warm, middle-aged woman greeted her warmly.

“Hello, Headmaster. You look well.”

This woman had been the headmaster since Kirrin was a student, a mentor who had cared for her during her difficult time dealing with racial discrimination.

The two embraced and exchanged pleasantries.

“You look much better than before.”

“I’m managing. How are things with you, Headmaster?”

“The same as always. It is a public academy, after all.”

The headmaster smiled kindly and asked,

“How are things at your Special Mission Academy? Are you still focusing mainly on indoor lectures? I’m sure there will be talk from the Imperial Palace eventually.”

“Not really. We’re now incorporating Combat Department practicals as well. In fact, the emphasis on practicals has increased.”

“Oh, really? Why the sudden change of heart?”

“It wasn’t so much a change of heart as it was the arrival of a new Head Combat Professor.”

“You mean the one who replaced the predecessor that fled in the night?”

“Yes, Headmaster. The new Head Professor was recommended by the Imperial Palace. His name is Dian, and he seems to be a veteran of past war.”

“If he was recommended by the Palace and is a veteran, he must have an impressive background.”

“Actually, I don’t know much about his past. The Palace didn’t provide any details.”

The headmaster nodded understandingly.

“He’s probably from the special forces.”

“I think so too. Anyway, the academy has changed a lot since he arrived.”

Excitedly, Kirrin began recounting Dian’s achievements to the headmaster.

“Honestly, it’s a bit embarrassing. Those are things I should have done myself. I always feel grateful and apologetic towards Dian.”

“Don’t think that way, Kirrin. Everything he did was possible because you allowed it.”


“Of course. If you had intervened, there’s no way he could have done anything, regardless of his position. It’s a matter of structure and legal authority, not capability.”

Kirrin looked at the headmaster, mouth slightly agape, unable to respond.

Until now, she had believed that the academy’s normalization was solely due to Dian’s efforts.

As a result, she had felt intense guilt for not fulfilling her role as headmaster properly, despite relying on Dian.

The headmaster was the only one who acknowledged Kirrin’s contribution.

“So don’t be so hard on yourself. Delegating authority to capable subordinates also requires courage and decisiveness.”

“I understand…”

Kirrin barely held back tears, managing a smile.

“So, Kirrin, what brings you here? This isn’t exactly a place for leisure. If you’ve come despite being busy, you must have something to discuss.”

“Actually, I have a favor to ask.”

“Go ahead.”

“Are there any graduates who might be suitable to bring in as special students at our academy?”

Upon hearing Kirrin’s explanation, the headmaster nodded in understanding.

“I see what you mean. You’re looking for outstanding graduates who are considering a change in career or social status.”

After a moment’s thought, the headmaster called someone from the adjacent administrative office.

“Could you bring me the employment status of our graduates from earlier this year?”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Receiving a thick stack of documents, the headmaster smiled and said,

“Since it’s a public academy, many students find it hard to secure good jobs on their own, so the academy tracks their progress and assists with employment.”

She sifted through the documents, selecting a few promising candidates.

“Would you like to take a look?”

Kirrin meticulously reviewed the documents handed to her.

They contained basic personal information, current employment status, and past academic performance.

“What does ‘contract expiration’ mean, Headmaster?”

“They are students who found employment on a contract basis. They’re also worried because if their contracts aren’t renewed, they’ll immediately lose their income.”

“Then I should consider these individuals as well.”

After thoroughly reviewing the documents several times, Kirrin selected one and handed it to the headmaster.

“What about this person?”

“Let me see.”

The headmaster looked at the chosen candidate’s profile and nodded approvingly with a smile.

“You’ve got a good eye. I was actually going to recommend this one myself.”

She explained the candidate’s brief history to Kirrin.

“Seems like a good choice. It wouldn’t hurt to pay a visit.”

“Yes. If we bring this person in as a special student, Dian will be pleased.”

The headmaster watched Kirrin with a warm smile but said nothing.


“Kirrin, you like him, don’t you?”


Startled, Kirrin stood up abruptly, nearly knocking over her chair.

“No! What are you saying!?”

“The selection of special students was a matter between you and the Second Princess. Yet you’re thinking about what Dian would think, not the Princess.”


At a loss for words, Kirrin sat back down, her face flushed.

“Do you like him?”


Hesitant, Kirrin slowly began to speak.

She had never discussed this with anyone before, but she felt she could confide in the headmaster.

After listening to Kirrin’s story, the headmaster spoke.

“What’s most important is your feelings.”


“Your father and the Imperial Palace come after that.”

“But I can’t ignore them…”

“What if you didn’t have to step down as headmaster or if you weren’t the headmaster anymore?”


“In that case, wouldn’t you feel less obligated to like Dian?”


“Do you like Dian for who he is, or because he fits into your plans?”

Kirrin looked away, unable to respond.

As her silence stretched on, the headmaster spoke again.

“You’ve always been unable to express your opinions due to your strict father, always concerned with others’ approval.”

She placed a gentle hand on Kirrin’s knee and continued.

“Since becoming headmaster, you’ve been trapped between the Imperial Palace and your father, unable to act freely. It’s not your fault that you ended up retreating and doing nothing.”

The headmaster soothingly patted Kirrin’s knee.

“Similarly, it’s not because you’re lacking that Dian has revitalized the academy in your place. You were just suppressed.”

“But I’m incompetent…”

“That’s not true, Kirrin. How can our top graduate say such things? You’re the pride of our public academy.”


Kirrin bit her lip and roughly wiped her eyes with her sleeve.

“You regret the past, don’t you? You blame yourself? But it’s okay. Just don’t do it again from now on. You’re already making changes. Dian is helping you.”


“Accept your feelings for Dian, Kirrin. If liking him makes you happy, then embrace that. Don’t hesitate. Don’t worry about your father or the Imperial Palace.”

“Thank you, Headmaster…”

When Kirrin began to cry, the headmaster hugged her with a motherly smile.

# # # # #

If liking Professor Dian makes you happy, then embrace that… Accept your feelings purely… Don’t worry about your father or the Imperial Palace…

“We’ve arrived, Headmaster.”

The coachman’s voice pulled Kirrin from her thoughts back to the present.

The carriage had stopped in a large city nestled in the flat land between the hills.

So this was Tatanok.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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