
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 86 - Bustling Group Training (3)

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[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]


Chapter 86 - Bustling Group Training (3)

When the carriage arrived at the house, Olysia was already waiting for us outside the gate.

"Welcome, representative team members!"

As soon as the carriage door opened, Olysia rushed forward and bowed deeply.

To an outsider, it might have looked like the representative team had already arrived at the athlete’s village.

"Here, let me take your luggage."

Knightley naturally handed over her handbag to Olysia.

It wasn’t a matter of her character, but rather an ingrained habit from being born a noble.

"No, it’s fine. I can carry it myself."

Merilda said politely, smiling as she declined, while Hindrasta simply walked past without a word, clutching a hastily folded gym uniform under her arm.

Wait a minute, why doesn’t she have any other luggage? What’s going on?

We all entered the house together.

The living room sofa and table had been pushed to the side, replaced by thick, comfortable bedding.

Since there weren’t enough rooms, I’d planned for them to share the living room.

After all, the kitchen, bathroom, and toilet are all on the first floor, and my room is on the second, so this arrangement seemed most appropriate.

"It hasn’t changed much since last time."

Knightley remarked, glancing around the living room, prompting Merilda to look at her with a smile.

"You’ve been here before?"

"I slept here."

While it was an unaltered fact, it sounded a bit dangerous, causing Merilda to gaze at Knightley with a curious smile.

"What do you mean by 'slept'?"

"Oh, Lady Knightley stayed here once before."

Olysia interjected, explaining the situation, finally prompting Merilda to look away from Knightley.

"So that’s what happened. I misunderstood it in a different way."

"In what way?"

Knightley asked, but Merilda didn’t answer, instead changing the subject.

"So, we’ll all be staying here until the competition. It feels like we’re on an exciting trip somewhere far away."

"That kind of laid-back thinking is dangerous."

Knightley crossed her arms and said arrogantly.

"We’re not here for a vacation; we’re here for group training to win first place in the competition. Never forget that."

"Of course, Knightley. I was just saying."

Meanwhile, Hindrasta was walking around, peering into different corners of the house with her hands behind her back.

"Hey, why didn’t you bring any luggage?"

"Luggage? What for?"

"You know, like a change of clothes or something."

"I don’t need any. I don’t smell."

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"A polymorphed body doesn’t need that. Mind your own business."

Hindrasta waved her hand dismissively, as if shooing away a fly.

"Really? But when you peed yourself at Linus’s house, it was a whole different story..."


Hindrasta made a strange noise and lunged at me, clamping her hand over my mouth.

"Shut up, you bastard...!"

But when Merilda looked our way, Hindrasta quickly withdrew her hand, hissing a low threat.

"Go get your stuff later, alright?"

"Ugh... I don’t have anything to bring."

"Do you want to keep spouting nonsense?"

"I’m serious, I don’t have any clothes to bring, you jerk...!"

Hindrasta’s eyes began to well up, as if she were about to cry.

"I’m stuck here because of you, and I don’t have a single coin on me... I don’t even have money to buy underwear... I had to throw away the panties I wet that time, and now I don’t have any left...!"


I couldn’t help but glance at Hindrasta’s skirt.

Could she really be going commando right now? From the outside, there was no way to tell.

"Don’t believe me? You don’t?"

In response to my skeptical look, Hindrasta suddenly lifted her skirt.

"Oh, crap."

I quickly turned away, cursing as I caught a glimpse of her bare pink skin between her legs.

Has this crazy dragon lost her mind? Even if it’s a polymorphed body, she’s being way too reckless.

It looks like she really doesn’t have any clothes. For now, she’ll need to borrow some underwear from the others.

Olysia and Merilda’s sizes are probably too small, but maybe Knightley’s would fit.

"You should ask Knightley to lend you some underwear. Stop walking around like that."

"Are you crazy? You want a dragon to ask a human to borrow panties? I might as well bite my tongue and die right here. You ask her!"

"That would be social suicide for me. Forget it. Let’s drop it."

I shook my head and walked away from Hindrasta. I’d have to take her shopping for clothes after today’s training.

"But Professor, I have a question."

Merilda politely raised her hand.

"If the three of us are using the first floor, where will you and Olysia stay?"

"Oh, right. I have a room on the second floor, and Olysia has her own room over there."

I pointed to the door leading to the stairs to the second floor, and Merilda stared at the stairs intently.

"So, you’ll be using the second floor alone?"

"Yes. There are more rooms upstairs, but I thought it would be inappropriate to share the same floor with you all."

"Of course. That’s very considerate of you."

Merilda nodded, but she didn’t take her eyes off the stairs.

"So, what should we do now? We’re not just going to stand around chatting all day, are we?"

Knightley interjected with a somewhat displeased tone.

Knightley is diligent and eager to learn. With the competition looming, every minute counts for her.

"It’s time for training. Everyone, change into your gym clothes. Once you’re ready, call for me."

The team’s training was a joint effort between Ismera and me.

Ismera would take care of the theory, while I’d focus on drilling them in combat.

I headed upstairs after instructing them to change, but soon enough, a loud commotion erupted from downstairs.

"Hey! Why aren’t you wearing anything underneath?! Are you a crazy pervert?!"

"Sophie, do you find pleasure in exposing yourself to others?"

"Shut up, you bitches! Unless you’re going to buy me clothes, mind your own business!"

Hindrasta snapped back at Knightley and Merilda’s reactions with irritation.

"If you’re really desperate, do you want to borrow mine? If you train like that, everything will be visible."

"It’s too small. My butt won’t fit. What’s wrong with your body?"

It seemed she tried on Merilda’s clothes.

"Knightley, would you mind lending her yours?"

"No way! Why should I?! I don’t even want to touch her!"


Merilda’s calm voice was followed by a cold silence.

Perhaps she was displaying her unnerving demeanor, and Knightley, who usually stood her ground, ended up reluctantly offering hers.

"Fine... Here."

Despite her usual strong-willed nature, Knightley handed over her underwear, looking embarrassed.

"It fits perfectly. Good, Sophie. For today, just wear this and let’s buy new clothes later."

"Ugh... This is so gross..."

"That’s an expensive pair of underwear! Something you could never afford, even if you worked yourself to the bone for a year!"

As Hindrasta grumbled, Knightley snapped back sharply.

"Did I ask about the price? I just hate wearing something that’s been on your obnoxious body."

"Spoken like a true dirty, ignorant mercenary."

"Alright, both of you, enough. The professor can hear everything."

"Yes, you’re going to be living together from now on, so why start fighting already?"

Fortunately, with Merilda and Olysia’s mediation, the argument between Knightley and Hindrasta was temporarily put on hold.

Listening to it all, I felt a sudden throb in my temples.

# # # # #

The training began with stretching.

Hindrasta and Knightley were incredibly flexible, their legs stretching and splitting as if they were gymnasts.

But Merilda...


Sitting on the floor, Merilda let out a pained groan as soon as she spread her legs just slightly past 90 degrees.

"She’s as stiff as a board."

Hindrasta chuckled, while Knightley sat in front of her.

"I’ll help you. Give me your hands."

As Merilda extended her hands, Knightley grabbed them and pulled while pushing her knees out with her legs.


Most people would’ve screamed by now, but Merilda gritted her teeth and endured, showing extreme patience.

However, her legs didn’t seem to be stretching any further, so I went behind her and pressed on her back with my knee.

"Just hang in there a bit longer."

"It hurts so much, Professor..."

"It can’t be helped. If you’re this stiff, you’ll get injured easily."

"Ahh…! It hurts... Please be gentle..."

Merilda curled up, letting out a delicate, high-pitched moan.

"Wow, she’s like a dead tree. Professor, press harder."

Knightley said, applying more force, causing Merilda to tremble as she tightly closed her eyes.

"Ahh... Please... It’s too painful... Be gentle..."


"If this keeps up... I’ll break... My body can’t take it...!"

"Would you look at that..."

Hindrasta stared at us, frowning as Merilda continued to moan.

"If anyone heard this, they’d think you’re being forced into something indecent."

"Please… refrain… from using such vulgar language..."

Even in her pain, Merilda managed to reprimand Hindrasta’s outrageous comment.

But, to be honest, I was starting to feel a bit awkward as well.

"Please... I beg you... Please... ahh...!"

Merilda was whimpering in a voice mixed with desperation and discomfort instead of screaming, sweat dripping from her forehead.

This is getting really uncomfortable to listen to.

It seemed Knightley was feeling the same way because, before long, she loosened her grip and awkwardly scooted back, her embarrassment clear.

"P-Professor, let’s call it a day since it’s the first day..."

The normally composed Knightley was stuttering, clearing her throat as she abruptly stood up and moved away.

"Thank you, Professor... I thought I was going to tear apart down there..."

Even then, Merilda bowed her head low, massaging the insides of her thighs, speaking with an unsettling calmness.

"I was worried that it might get completely torn… and never return to its original state."

"Is she out of her mind...?"

Even Hindrasta couldn’t help but shake her head at that.



[Translator - Peptobismol]

[Proofreader - Demon God]

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