
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 60 - Field Trip to the Battlefield (6)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 60 – Field Trip to the Battlefield (6)

“Wow, this is incredible.”

I couldn’t help but marvel at the sight before me after passing through the dimensional gate.

The gate’s exit was on the flatland below the Ivronic Castle in the Hoshria Canyon.

Now, there was no trace of the past horrors in Hoshria Canyon, allowing me to fully appreciate the stunning scenery.

The steep cliffs on either side rose vertically, with sharp rocks and jagged protrusions.

Small waterfalls created mist that reflected rainbows in the sunlight, cascading down between the cliffs.

Clear streams, fed by these waterfalls, meandered through the canyon, with colorful wildflowers blooming around, gently spreading their fragrance.

These were things I hadn’t been able to see while climbing the cliffs back then.

I could also see things that hadn’t existed at that time.

People crowded everywhere, and vertical elevators ascended the cliffs.

The fierce battles had turned the once-destroyed canyon walls into gentle, moss-covered mounds. In front of these were shops and cafes.

So, it really had become a tourist spot.

Ivronic Castle stood majestically above it all, unchanged from ten years ago.

The fortress walls built to extend the cliffs, the hidden loopholes and traps, and the towers providing a commanding view of the entire canyon—all stood as an impregnable fortress.

But the wyverns that once filled the skies and the blood flowing down the walls and cliffs were now gone.

“Let’s go up, everyone!”

The large elevators, donated by the Dwarves, could carry ten people at a time and five were installed along the cliff.

We had reserved one elevator in advance, so we sent the students up in turns.

“Professor?! Why are we taking the elevator?!”

Suddenly, Knightley pushed through the line of students, running towards me.

“Then what, do you want to climb?”

“It’s a field trip to a battlefield!”

“What are you talking about? Why would we suffer when there’s an easier way?”

“This… this wasn’t supposed to happen…!”

I tilted my head, confused by Knightley’s despair. What on earth is she talking about?

“But, did you hurt your hand?”

I pointed to her bandaged hands, and Knightley, on the verge of tears, shouted.

“I thought we’d have to climb up there!”

She pointed to Linus’s infiltration route I had seen earlier.

“Up there? Are you crazy? How could anyone climb that?”

She’s lost her mind, seriously.

“Enough. Get on the elevator quickly.”

I pushed Knightley into the elevator, and as I got in, it started to rumble and ascend.

“Wait for me!”

At that moment, Kirrin sprinted over and barely made it into the elevator.

“Headmaster, you shouldn’t do such dangerous things. You should set an example for the students.”

“Hehe, sorry. I was just excited because it’s my first time here.”

Kirrin smiled awkwardly, brushing a lock of hair behind her ear.

“But it’s a bit cramped. They should have made it bigger.”

At the same time, she pressed her body closely against mine.

“Sorry… it’s just so tight…”

The feel of her chest against me was unmistakable under her usual white turtleneck.

Ha, this Dark Elf, seriously…

What kind of behavior is this in front of the students?

Thankfully, the students were more interested in the scenery outside the elevator.


They marveled at the view, and Knightley, seemingly forgetting her earlier frustration, gaped at the landscape.

“So cramped… sorry, sorry…”

Meanwhile, Kirrin clung to me even though there was more space available.

“Eh… touched again… just bear with it a little… why is it so cramped here, sorry…”

Kirrin kept apologizing and making excuses while pressing against me.

“Headmaster… please, don’t touch there…”


Feigning innocence, Kirrin quickly withdrew her hand.

Looking at Kirrin’s behavior right now, it was clear that Celine was still Celine. Even after ten years, she hadn’t lost her sharp intuition.

# # # # #



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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The elevator quickly ascended and stopped on a narrow plateau right in front of Ivronic Castle.

This was the area where the Demon King’s army had spread poison gas and laid mines in the past.

Now, it was bustling with tourists, guides, and peddlers.

“We got up here so fast…”

Kirrin, seemingly regretful, smacked her lips after getting off the elevator.

“Special Academy students, this way!”

Orendi used magic to draw the academy’s emblem in the air, gathering the students.

As we moved towards the emblem, Professor Ismera was standing there with a disgusted look, covering her nose and mouth with her hand.

“What’s wrong? I thought you said there wasn’t any poison gas.”

“I’m sorry. The smell is terrible. I just can’t stand it.”

As I cracked a joke, Ismera forced a smile, answering in a nasal voice.

So, in simpler terms, she finds the smell of people repugnant. Typical of a pureblood elf.

“Greetings! Welcome, graduating class of the Special Academy!”

As all the students and professors gathered, a guide from the castle management waved a flag to lead us.

We crossed the flatland and entered the castle while the guide explained the historical significance of the site to the students.

In the north of the Empire, the Hoshria Mountains stretch along the border.

This extreme terrain forms a natural barrier, traditionally protecting the Empire.

It was more than sufficient to keep out the belligerent minor kingdoms and tribal alliances that refused to join the Empire.

No large-scale army capable of threatening the Empire could cross it.

Moreover, the deep valleys were teeming with monsters and criminals who had fled justice, making crossing the Hoshria Mountains an insane risk.

The only passage through the mountains is the Hoshria Canyon, where Ivronic Castle is located.

The wildly jagged mountains are miraculously cut to form a narrow passage, about a hundred meters wide.

This passage is the only safe way to cross the Hoshria Mountains, making it a critical strategic point for the Empire.

Therefore, the Empire undertook an insane construction project here: building the Ivronic Castle.

Not only did they block the nearly vertical cliffs with a 20-meter-high wall, but they also built a fortress midway up the cliff to oversee and defend everything.

Despite numerous interruptions from northern enemies and onsite accidents, the Empire completed Ivronic Castle in fifty years.

For centuries, it served as a steadfast shield for the Empire.

“But that glory turned into a mere historical tale about ten years ago when the Demon King’s army emerged.”

The castle had no means to counter the unprecedented threat of wyvern riders.

Ivronic Castle, seized by the Demon King’s army, turned into a fortress that surrounded and blocked the Empire’s rear.

The Empire tried to reclaim the castle, but it was nearly impregnable due to its location.

Moreover, the Demon King’s army’s poison gas and mines caused immense casualties, leading to prolonged bloody sieges.

Finally, the Emperor sent the continent’s hero, Linus, to end the hellish battle in this narrow canyon.

“At that time, Sir Linus realized he couldn’t break through the poison gas and minefields head-on and devised a bold and creative infiltration plan.”

The guide pointed to the bottom of the cliff with his flag.

“That’s where Sir Linus climbed the cliff alone and opened the impregnable gates of Ivronic Castle.”

I noticed yellow markers on the cliff, indicating the exact route Linus and I climbed.

Wow, I can’t believe they marked the path we climbed. Now that I see it, it’s really high. What a crazy thing we did.


At that moment, Felimia, who was standing next to me, suddenly covered her mouth and bent over as if about to vomit.

“Are you okay? Do you have a fear of heights?”

“N-No… Ugh!”

“Go see Priestess Maya over there.”

Felimia couldn’t even respond and staggered towards the Priestess at the back.

“Professor Felimia doesn’t seem well. She’s been like this since the pub incident.”

Lina looked worriedly at Felimia retreating.

“She brought this on herself.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“Never mind.”

What I had shown Felimia were my memories of the battle to reclaim Ivronic Castle.

She probably hasn’t been able to eat properly since then.

I walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down at the route Linus and I had climbed.

There was nothing left now, but back then, the cliff was slick with blood and bodies.

I could still hear the screams of the soldiers who flew through the air.

# # # # #

Linus and I arrived at the Hoshria Canyon, assigned to reclaim Ivronic Castle.

Wyverns flew densely under the low, dark clouds.

It was a measure by the Demon King’s army to prevent infiltration via a dimensional gate above Ivronic Castle.

Hence, the human alliance was desperately trying to enter the castle from below the canyon.

“Are they really fighting with just their bodies? Without catapults or anything?”

No sooner had I spoken than catapults launched rocks towards the castle.

The rapidly rising rocks crashed into the walls and burst like tomatoes.

‘Why are they bursting instead of breaking? Were these new explosive projectiles?’

“What… what is that?!”

Linus, who had better eyesight than me, saw it first and was horrified.

“Stop at once!!”

Linus yelled and started running towards the battlefield.

“Wait up!”

As we ran, the catapults launched another volley at the castle.


Only then did I see what it was.

Bound demon soldiers screamed as they flew and crashed into the castle and cliffs.

Responding in kind, something arced over the wall towards us.

A human soldier landed and exploded right beside me.



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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