
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 14 - Acting as a Homeroom Professor?

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 14 – Acting as a Homeroom Professor?

Kirrin quietly opened her eyes to a warm sensation.

The first thing she saw was an unfamiliar ceiling and a girl with a blank expression looking down at her. What was this?

“Move your eyes.”

The girl, with hands bathed in a golden glow, was calmly touching Kirrin’s body as she spoke. She was Maya, the Holy Priestess that Head Combat Professor Dian had brought from the Church.

Kirrin stared at the girl for a moment, then suddenly remembered the Holy Priestess Dian had brought to the academy’s infirmary. Right, this girl is the Priestess in our academy infirmary.

So this is the infirmary? Why am I here? I was definitely seeing off Duke Toulouse… and then…

“Move your eyes, please.”

“Ah, yes…”

Kirrin rolled her eyes around, taking in the scenery of the infirmary, struggling to recall her broken memories. But she failed.

“Excuse me, Priestess. Why am I here…?”

“You fainted from extreme stress being relieved all at once. Head Professor Dian brought you here.”

“Professor Dian…? Where is he now…?”

“There are no significant issues with your body. Rest well.”

Before she could finish her sentence, Priestess Maya stood up, having said all she needed. Despite her cute appearance, she had a very blunt personality. She was the complete opposite of me, who always makes the worst decisions despite appearing sharp.

As Maya returned to her desk, the sound of her pen scratching on paper, Kirrin thought about her meeting with the Duke.

Duke Toulouse had stormed into the academy to complain about his daughter Knightley being struck with a wooden sword by Professor Dian. He started yelling at Kirrin the moment he stepped off his carriage.

Even before the carriage was visible, Kirrin was so terrified that she was about to lose consciousness. She feared this incident would snowball into her dismissal.

If she was fired, she would have to return to her father. According to her clan’s rules, she might be punished. And she’d rather jump into a dragon’s maw than return to her father empty-handed!!

“Commander, long time no see!”

At that moment, Dian had stepped in front of Kirrin and greeted the Duke. And then, a miracle happened.

Recognizing Dian, the Duke laughed heartily, embraced him, and the atmosphere in the headmaster’s office became unexpectedly friendly and jovial?

Just when it seemed everything was going to end amicably, the Head Theoretical Professor Ismera suddenly brought up Knightley’s incident.

The Duke, suddenly reminded of his original purpose, turned red and started making a scene again. This is really the end now…

No matter how much of a bigshot Dian was, she couldn’t possibly stand up to the Duke and say, “I hit your daughter” to his face. But he did.

“I did it.”

The second miracle. Dian completely diverted the Duke’s attention from Kirrin to himself and explained the situation.

Listening quietly, the Duke not only accepted it but was pleased, shaking Dian’s hand vigorously and asking him to take care of Knightley in the future.

Even seeing everything with her own eyes, Kirrin couldn’t believe it. Is this… really how it ends…?

Watching the Duke’s carriage leave, as he waved goodbye, still in disbelief, Kirrin finally realized.

It’s over… It’s really over. The Duke didn’t turn the academy upside down, nor did he hold me accountable. He left in high spirits.

I can keep my position as the headmaster and won’t have to return to my father. I’m saved!

And her memory cut off there, so she must have fainted right after that.

Previously, when Dian overhauled the Combat Department’s curriculum, he had boldly declared he’d take responsibility.

He had promised to protect Kirrin if anything happened, and today he truly kept that promise.

Dian… protected me from the Duke’s wrath…


“Please be quiet.”

“Sorry, Priestess…”

Kirrin buried her face in the blanket that had fallen on the floor, trying to stifle her spreading laughter.

Watching this, Priestess Maya calmly wrote in the patient log with precise penmanship.

[Headmaster Kirrin Nemara. After a temporary fainting spell, exhibited unprovoked screaming and laughter. Further psychological evaluation recommended.]

# # # # #



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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Rumors that Duke Toulouse and Head Combat Professor Dian were acquainted and that the Duke was extremely pleased to see him spread like wildfire.

Combat Department professors, who had feared the department’s dissolution, were now in a celebratory mood.

“I never imagined Duke Toulouse was capable of making such an expression.”

“Right? Remember when he caused such a fuss demanding Knightley back? It was intense.”

“What kind of person is our Head Professor to be so close with the Duke?”

Combat Riding Professor Anna, listening from the corner, cautiously voiced her speculation.

“Could he be… a secret prince?”


The absurd guess drew all the professors’ attention to Anna.

“Well… there have always been those rumors, you know. He was such a troublemaker that they hid him as a commoner to save the Royal Family’s reputation…”

“Hmm, it’s not entirely baseless.”

Magic Response Professor Orendy stroked his chin and nodded.

“Although our Head Professor isn’t a complete delinquent, he’s not exactly diligent either. He has a completely different vibe compared to the Second Princess or other members of the Royal Family.”

“That’s nonsense.”

Comprehensive Combat Professor Morton dismissed Orendy’s opinion in a single stroke.

“The Royal Family have always had silver hair. But the Head Professor has brown hair.”

“Well, changing hair color with magic is not a big deal. What do you think, Professor Waver?”

“I agree with you, Orendy. Given the situation, maybe we should align ourselves with the Head Professor?”

The ever-optimistic Waver, and Orendy laughed, and the other professors joined in, telling them to stop with the nonsense.

Only Psychological Warfare Professor Felimia adjusted her glasses in silence.

Meanwhile, over in the Theoretical Department, the atmosphere was somber, as if they had just been told their entire budget was cut.

In fact, the Theoretical Department professors didn’t particularly care whether Dian was friendly with the Duke. Their gloomy expressions were due to the presence of Ismera sitting at the head of the table.

Throughout the morning meeting, Ismera had not uttered a single word, maintaining her stony silence even as the meeting concluded. The professors, sensing her mood, didn’t dare to leave.

Dian had suddenly appeared as the Head Combat Professor, seemingly out of nowhere. His past shrouded in mystery, outwardly he seemed like nothing more than a leisurely man strolling around the academy.

Yet, in less than a month, he had persuaded Headmaster Kirrin to overhaul the Combat Department curriculum and even dared to strike Duke Toulouse’s daughter Knightley with a wooden sword.

As if that wasn’t enough, he managed to embrace the enraged Duke and send him off in high spirits.

Clearly, he was someone extraordinary. But—Grrrind!

The sound of grinding made the professors flinch and glance at Ismera.

Just a little more… and I could have replaced that incompetent Dark Elf as headmaster…

When news broke that the continent’s hero Linus had been designated as the next headmaster, Ismera had nearly given up on everything.

But then, another person, not Linus, arrived. And he wasn’t even a headmaster, just a professor. Ismera had placed high hopes on him…

Kirrin, undeservingly given privileges solely because she was part of the clan that prevented the assassination of the Emperor.

And she even betrayed her own during the assassination attempt. She wasn’t even present; her father did everything.

I lost my forest to the Demon King’s army and barely survived, clawing my way up for ten years to reach this position. And yet you…


Ismera, not even wearing her usual serene and kind mask, continuously ground her teeth, a cold shadow cast over her face.

# # # # #

Rumors about her father eventually reached Knightley’s ears.

“Lady Knightley, what’s the relationship between the Head Combat Professor and your father?”

“Do you think Professor Dian might be a noble too? Your father is such a significant figure. If he knows someone like that…”

“I don’t know. Stop asking.”

Knightley coldly answered her followers with a disdainful look.

“And why are you so curious? Planning to align yourselves with the professor?”

“No, it’s just… we’re curious…”

Without listening to the end, Knightley turned and walked down the hallway.

The ones who were the happiest when I got beaten by the Head Combat Professor are now trying to dig up information on him through me, hoping for some gain.

They’re fellow nobles, but I find them so disgusting and hypocritical.

In any case… due to this incident, has my father given up on trying to get me to drop out of the academy and agree to the arranged marriage? That would be great.

In a way, it seems like Professor Dian, whom I barely know, has protected me. I really like that professor.

Talented, well-connected, and even good-looking. I want to get closer to Professor Dian. Is there a way…?

After standing still for a moment in thought, Knightley had an idea and began walking toward the main building where the headmaster’s office was located.

# # # # #

As the academy buzzed with the news of the Duke’s visit.

I was summoned to the headmaster’s office and was suddenly told something shocking.

“Are you asking me to personally teach student Knightley?”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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