
The Retired Supporting Character Wants to Live Quietly - Chapter 32 - External Special Student Selection Exam (5)

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[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]


Chapter 32 – External Special Student Selection Exam (5)

Late at night, in the Theoretical Department faculty office.

Professor Ismera, seated at the head, declared a short break.

As the professors stood up, Ismera, left alone, closed her eyes and massaged her temples.

Ismera and the entire Theoretical Department were working overtime to create the special student selection plan.

Since the decision to select special students had been made, a detailed plan was necessary. However, since the academy had no existing plan, they had to start from scratch.

Such a significant project should ideally be handled by the higher-ups, but there were only three people who could be considered higher-ups in the academy.

Headmaster Kirrin, Ismera herself, who was the Head Professor of the Theoretical Department and acting vice-headmaster, and Head Professor of the Combat Department, Dian.

Headmaster Kirrin might be good at writing, but she was otherwise incompetent and would never come up with a plan.

Reports said she returned from her trip today with nothing to show for it.

Dian, the Head Professor of the Combat Department, was even less capable.

Like the rest of the Combat Department, he probably got into the academy by impressing some commander with his sword skills during his time as a special agent or secret operative.

Though he had luckily stumbled upon a few successes, this task was different.

Creating a special student selection plan wasn’t something that could be done haphazardly.

It needed to reflect the qualities our academy desired in students, including detailed scoring rubrics and weightings.

Furthermore, arrangements had to be made for the exam location, logistics, meals, and accommodations if the exam extended beyond a day.

Neither Kirrin nor Dian could handle this.

Ismera saw this project as an excellent opportunity to showcase her abilities to the Palace.

If she led this from planning to execution and final selection, the Palace might consider appointing her as the new headmaster.

Even though she was the daughter of the Dark Elf who saved the Emperor’s life, how long could Kirrin keep her position when there was a highly capable pure-blooded elf like Ismera right below her?

By tomorrow afternoon, the plan would be complete, and Kirrin and Dian would have no choice but to follow her lead.

“This is really delicious.”

At that time, a few professors who had gone outside returned, munching on something. It was jerky.

“Quirana jerky is the best after all.”

Quirana jerky? It must be from that overly optimistic hunter professor from the Combat Department, the one Dian had forced into her pocket once. The thought made Ismera shudder.

Elves primarily eat vegetarian food and are proud of it. Dian’s behavior was incredibly crude and rude to someone like Ismera.

Really, that guy…


Seeing Ismera’s reaction, the professors quickly hid the jerky behind their backs.

“I didn’t say anything. But where did you get that?”

“We ran into some Combat Department professors outside who were returning from their duties. They gave it to us to eat while working overtime.”

“They’ve already left for the day?”

Ismera glanced at the clock and scoffed.

The Combat Department, with its brute strength, couldn’t have already finished their plan.

Dian had asked to see her part once it was done, presumably to reference it.

In that case, it’s clear that they probably got tired of waiting for her side to complete the plan first, and gave up and left.

Ismera, who was already working on the Combat Department’s part, had no intention of showing her plan to Dian.

By tomorrow afternoon, she would see Kirrin and Dian speechless.

Feeling better, Ismera clapped her hands to gather the professors.

“Alright! Let’s get back to work. We need to finish this plan by tomorrow afternoon!”

At her command, the Theoretical Department professors, looking pale and weary, reluctantly returned to their seats.

# # # # # #

“Get some rest and see you tomorrow.”

“Good night, Head Professor.”

“See you tomorrow.”

Parting ways with the professors in the staff area, I walked home alone.

Most of the lights in the dormitories and houses were off, making it quiet.

It was so silent that I almost thought I could hear the waves from the sea on the academy’s southeastern side.

But no matter how good my hearing was, I couldn’t hear waves from that distance.

What I could hear, though, was the sound of footsteps following me.

When I glanced back, I saw Combat Riding Professor Anna hiding behind a wall.

Anna, being single, lived in the dormitory on the other side. Did she have something to say to me?

I waited for a moment, but she didn’t come out. No point in embarrassing her by calling her out.

After walking a bit further, I heard footsteps scurrying away in the opposite direction.

Looking back, I saw Anna disappearing into the darkness.

What is she up to?

Entering my home, I found the living room brightly lit and Olysia dozing on the sofa.

“Olysia, what are you doing up?”

“Oh, you’re back… I was waiting for you.”

Rubbing her eyes, Olysia got up and headed to the kitchen.

“Did you eat? I prepared something just in case.”

The kitchen table had bread and cheese covered with a cloth.

“Thanks, but I already ate. Waver brought some snacks. Remember that jerky?”

“That was delicious. I’m glad you ate.”

Covering the food again, Olysia let out a big yawn.

“Why were you waiting up? You should have gone to bed.”

“How could I sleep comfortably when you’re working so hard?”

Yawning again, Olysia grabbed a dry towel.

“Go wash up and get some sleep. Just because you worked late tonight doesn’t mean you can come in late tomorrow.”

“True. Thanks, Olysia.”

“This is all so you don’t get any funny ideas. You know what I mean, right?”

“Yeah, yeah. Don’t quit the academy.”

“Exactly. You’re the best, Sir Dian. Well, I’ll head to bed now.”



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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After Olysia went to her room, I took a shower and immediately collapsed into bed.

I just hope the Combat Department’s plan, based on the Imperial Military Academy’s plan, meets Kirrin and Ismera’s expectations.

We didn’t copy the military academy’s plan to show up the Theoretical Department or to impress Kirrin.

There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when there’s a perfectly good sample nearby. It’s best to avoid unnecessary effort.

Moreover, the Combat Department professors are more accustomed to swords than pens, so even if we spent days wrestling with the plan, the quality would be mediocre.

It makes more sense to be practical and flexible without causing harm to anyone.

We returned the stolen documents, so the military academy won’t notice, and following their plan doesn’t harm them.

It’s easier for us, Kirrin will be happy, and Ismera won’t have to cover for the Combat Department.

She’ll probably draft the entire plan herself to showcase her abilities, so we’ll just add our part to it.

Everyone benefits, and no one loses.

# # ### # #

The next day, just before lunch.

“Professor Ismera, are you really okay…?”

“I’m fine….”

Kirrin asked worriedly, and Ismera, her eyes bloodshot from fatigue, replied in a strained voice.

They were in the headmaster’s office. Kirrin, Dian, and Ismera had gathered to finalize the plan for the external special student selection.

“Your eyes aren’t emerald anymore but ruby, like the headmaster’s. Shouldn’t you visit the infirmary?”

Dian’s comment made Ismera force a smile and shake her head.

“I can’t afford to show weakness with such an important task ahead.”

“But you look really unwell. You didn’t stay up all night, did you?”

Ismera responded with a weary smile instead of words.

“It seems we should wrap this meeting up quickly and let Professor Ismera rest. Let’s get started.”

Dian said as he placed two copies of the draft plan in front of Ismera and Kirrin.

“Here’s the Combat Department’s section. It might be lacking, but please be kind.”

Ismera scoffed internally.

While the Theoretical Department worked tirelessly through the night, the Combat Department had all gone home early.

The result was obvious without even looking. She planned to humor them and push through with her version.

“Hmm… Professor Ismera….”

As Kirrin scanned the document, she glanced at Ismera with a meaningful look.

“This… looks fine as it is….”

“What do you mean?”

“Take a look. It seems fine to me, but maybe you’ll see it differently.”

Unsure of what Kirrin was getting at, Ismera picked up her copy of the plan.

The title read, “Special Mission Academy External Special Student Selection Plan.”

Hmm… the overview was predictable, so she skipped it… The general plan seemed decent… The Combat Department wasn’t just a bunch of fools after all.

But anyone could draft a general plan. The key was in the details.

It was surely a mess. To the untrained eye, it might look impressive, but to someone with advanced degrees like her…

What… what is this?!

Ismera’s eyes widened as she read the detailed plan.

Seeing her rare expression, Kirrin anxiously asked.

“How is it, Professor Ismera?”

“Oh… um… well…”

The plan was so perfect that Ismera stammered, her eyes darting around.

How did this happen?! Did the Combat Department really create this?!

“It’s really good…. No additional modifications are needed….”

Though filled with envy, Ismera’s strong elven pride prevented her from lying to herself.

Dian’s plan for the Combat Department was flawless, and it could be integrated into the overall plan without any issues.

On the contrary, the plan she had exhausted herself creating felt worthless.

“You did a great job, Dian. Well done.”

“Thank you. How about we celebrate with cake after lunch?”

“Umm… let’s do that…”

Grinding her teeth, Ismera glared at Kirrin and Dian as they chatted cheerfully.

That man… What is up with him?!



[Translator – Peptobismol]

[Proofreader – Demon God]

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